The time is 6 hundred hours.
The day is dawning yet no light seeps in thru the walls that block us from outside.
When will my prince charming come and break down these walls?
What will I say when he gets here?
Thank you?
Where were you?
Why did you forsake me for so long?
Will his bravery kill me in the process?
I feel so attached to these wretched walls that seal me from outside.
Will I perish along with them?
Or will his sweet embrace save me from the hell hole I’m living in?
What if he’s not my idea of the true prince charming?
Where’s his dark hair.
Where’s his blue eyes.
Why isn’t he what I wanted????
Please come and rescue me prince charming.
I need my answers questioned, or maybe I just need to wake up and realize that life isn’t always a fairy tale.

Done by Robyn Addinall
November 24, 2004