Spoopy Kitten

Has anyone else been in the same boat as me?
Definately. My mom helped me with all of my mental disorders from a young age. But i had a physical disorder too that were brushed off as 'growing pains'. At age 14 i needed a 12 level spinal fusion for my 'growing pains' which was really scoliosis

If so, what have you done about it?
My mom helped me, we got me on an IEP thing for school, ect. I also took it into my own hands to try and learn things on my own so kids wouldnt notice at school. As for my back, we tried a brace but it was way too late and started to damage nerves. So i had to jump into the surgery

Are you still struggling?

Is it bad for me to hate my parents for treating me like this...?
Yes and no. Disorders cant always be found at a young age. Usually, they can be pushed off as phases or just normal things kids go through