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Remy is back again....

Please don't kill me. D: 0.13836948391922 13.8% [ 185 ]
I'll be nice, I promise. 0.23186237845924 23.2% [ 310 ]
I'm back for now, we're all good right? 0.14210919970082 14.2% [ 190 ]
Wait... What are you doing with that knife? 0.48765893792072 48.8% [ 652 ]
Total Votes:[ 1337 ]

Ruthless Autobiographer

9,225 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Conventioneer 300
  • Grunny Rainbow 100
Bad Quality Serena
I am getting so ******** sick of this friend of mine.

So I just recently got into a fight about her calling me a boy, and I told her she needs to put the ******** effort in and call me a girl. And now, even though she tries sometimes, she barely does it.

Now, some of the kids at school call me a boy sometimes, and I don't care, but I specifically told all of my friends to call me a girl and they all complied except for her. And on Friday, she just ******** ruined it.

We're in the food court at the mall, and this girl passes by and says hi to her. (Amanda's her name, by the way.) I said hello and the girl said I met her in the past. So I apologized for not remembering her, and she was about to leave when Amanda points her stupid finger at me and says (quite loud) ''He has a p***s!''.
What the ******** ******** is wrong with her? You don't ******** do that to someone!
I am this close to just dumping her a**. Every one of my friends absolutely hates her, and I'm just about tired of it. She's rude, immature, and she's ******** mean as hell. She's got a problem with just about all of my friends and I'm just sitting in the middle trying to keep it all together. And now I've just about had it with her. She's becoming a real c**t.

Good news is, I have my first Gender Therapy session on Thursday.
That is so wrong, there aren't even words for how wrong it is.

I suggest you do dump her a**, followed by the rest of her. However, I am *cough* meaner than most when it comes to these things. She doesn't sound like a friend to me.

Witty Lunatic

6,350 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Mark Twain 100
  • Flatterer 200
Bad Quality Serena
I am getting so ******** sick of this friend of mine.

So I just recently got into a fight about her calling me a boy, and I told her she needs to put the ******** effort in and call me a girl. And now, even though she tries sometimes, she barely does it.

Now, some of the kids at school call me a boy sometimes, and I don't care, but I specifically told all of my friends to call me a girl and they all complied except for her. And on Friday, she just ******** ruined it.

We're in the food court at the mall, and this girl passes by and says hi to her. (Amanda's her name, by the way.) I said hello and the girl said I met her in the past. So I apologized for not remembering her, and she was about to leave when Amanda points her stupid finger at me and says (quite loud) ''He has a p***s!''.
What the ******** ******** is wrong with her? You don't ******** do that to someone!
I am this close to just dumping her a**. Every one of my friends absolutely hates her, and I'm just about tired of it. She's rude, immature, and she's ******** mean as hell. She's got a problem with just about all of my friends and I'm just sitting in the middle trying to keep it all together. And now I've just about had it with her. She's becoming a real c**t.

Good news is, I have my first Gender Therapy session on Thursday.

Hell, I commend you for being so patient with her thus far. If someone did that to me, I can tell you that their nose would never look the same again.
Flickering Hope

No one deserves to be treated like this. You shouldn't have to put up with any of this. I think you should leave this friend. It doesn't seem like she cares about you or how you feel at all. If she can't accept the fact that you're a girl and has the need to point out that you were born a boy and insists that you are a boy then she has no right to be your friend.

That's great news about having your first Gender Therapy session. How did you find a gender therapist? I have yet to see a gender therapist and I don't really know how to go about finding one.

The funny thing is, she acts like she gives a s**t. She accepts me and knows I'm a girl, but she pulls stunts like this all the time. Like it's funny.

Back before I started identifying as female (I dressed like one though), I used to joke about it like that. If someone was talking to me, I would joke and be like ''Oh yeah, I'm really a boy'' and crap like that. But last year after I told them all to call me a girl, that stopped because I finally accepted the fact that I'm not just a boy in girl clothing. I'm a freaking girl. But it's like she can't get past it! Like she thinks it's the same as it used to be and it isn't!

I'm the only reason we haven't told her to back off. I'm too nice and I hate confrontation. But now, I really don't care. It's over. I'm telling her and all my lunch friends that she's not allowed to hang out with us and that's it. I'm not going to keep pretending it's okay and act like her friend when it isn't and I'm not.

As for therapy, I actually had my mother do all the work. She called my insurance people, and they gave her a few therapists. She met with one last week, and she said I would like her so that's where I'm going for now.

Did you PM me a few weeks ago? I'm sorry I didn't reply. sweatdrop


That is so wrong, there aren't even words for how wrong it is.

I suggest you do dump her a**, followed by the rest of her. However, I am *cough* meaner than most when it comes to these things. She doesn't sound like a friend to me.

She really isn't a friend. I'm just so over her and how mean she is to all of us.

Gallifreyan Poet

Hell, I commend you for being so patient with her thus far. If someone did that to me, I can tell you that their nose would never look the same again.

rofl I wish I was as assertive.

Girl-Crazy Werewolf


Ooh, LHD. From what I've been told, those should be fun.

How long have you been in?
I was on the essex, just did the hullswap to BHR. It's pretty rad, I'd say. xd
Anyway, It'll be 3 years this June.

Rad, indeed.

what day? It'll be four years for me on june 8th.

Does anyone who works with you know you are trans? I just transferred so I have no one to even really hang out with. sweatdrop
Either June 9th or 12th. I'm not absolutely certain.
I just put my PTS in. Blehh. gonk

Also, not many people know I'm "trans", but a lot of them know I am going to (or at least wanting to) get a sex change. My closest friends know what trans means, or at least think they know. Everyone else I don't even bother explaining. I just say I'm getting a sex change when I get out.

I don't go around telling everyone that. But from my demeanor and how I look and stuff, I'd honestly be surprised if everyone didn't know already.

Well, yeah, I didn't expect you to go around telling. Just wondering, because only my wife and one friend know.

PTS sucks. It took them six months to approve mine. I got stuck on a carrier, but the detailer kept me in the state I wanted to be in, so it's not too bad.
Once again, I am sort of depressed. My mind has forgotten the concept of being transgendered, however my needs never change. In the internet I am identified to everyone as male, and that's when I feel like myself. But in realife it's just another person. Today's mother's day, I'm suppose to dress up as the "girl" I supposedly am, and it puts me in a bit depression because I wouldn't have to go through any of this if I was a boy. I would greet myself to my mothers friends as a boy, I mean just thinking about it puts me slightly depressed. Wonder when my time will come to finally come out of the closet...

Sometimes, everything just seems unbelievable. My strong desires to be a boy...the fact that I was born a girl, too. My feelings grow stronger and natural as time slowly goes by..

Hallowed Wench

Here is me in my corset, if you still wanted to see.


Probably needed to adjust the lacing but I just wanted to get a picture before I packed it away for a couple months.

Dangerous Lover

So, my friend told me something upsetting and pretty unbelievable last night.

We have an LGBT center in our area and me and all my friends go to a youth group there. a little while ago, one of my friends went to go find the guy who runs the center to ask if it was possible to do a bake sale fundraiser for my chest surgery ( I was scared I wasn't going to have enough money, but it turned out fine). Instead of finding the guy in charge he found a transwomen who helps out at the center. My friend explained who he was looking for and why. In response, the woman said something along the lines of "Oh Miles? She hasn't had surgery yet, blah blah blah." Well, my friend is not afraid to tell people off and he got all up in her face about it.
But seriously? Using female pronouns for me? Especially another transperson? Apparently just because I haven't had surgery yet I don't deserve male pronouns. And using female pronouns for me makes you look like a ******** idiot. I have a goddamn beard.
So, I applied my last pack of androgel this morning, and put in a prescription refill to my local rite aid to pick up tomorrow morning.
I just got a text saying they're out of it and will order more. I called to see how long that will take, and the online hours were wrong for that store, pharmacy already closed.
I am legit freaking out because I suddenly don't know how long it'll be until I can take my next dose. confused

Lonely Shapeshifter

9,150 Points
  • Clambake 200
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Survivor 150
Here is me in my corset, if you still wanted to see.


Probably needed to adjust the lacing but I just wanted to get a picture before I packed it away for a couple months.

You're so beautiful. redface

Witty Lunatic

6,350 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Mark Twain 100
  • Flatterer 200
So, my friend told me something upsetting and pretty unbelievable last night.

We have an LGBT center in our area and me and all my friends go to a youth group there. a little while ago, one of my friends went to go find the guy who runs the center to ask if it was possible to do a bake sale fundraiser for my chest surgery ( I was scared I wasn't going to have enough money, but it turned out fine). Instead of finding the guy in charge he found a transwomen who helps out at the center. My friend explained who he was looking for and why. In response, the woman said something along the lines of "Oh Miles? She hasn't had surgery yet, blah blah blah." Well, my friend is not afraid to tell people off and he got all up in her face about it.
But seriously? Using female pronouns for me? Especially another transperson? Apparently just because I haven't had surgery yet I don't deserve male pronouns. And using female pronouns for me makes you look like a ******** idiot. I have a goddamn beard.

No way would I put up with that from another transperson. They obviously know better. I would just start using male pronouns for them in return. This is literally the only situation where I would condone treating another transperson that way, but it's fair. When in Rome, do as the Romans do: "Oh, I'm sorry. I just can't refer to you as a woman, I mean, you don't even have a uterus. Is that a problem? How could it possibly not matter, I mean, if my chest matters so much to you?" God, nothing gets to me like a hypocrite. /vengeful


Well, yeah, I didn't expect you to go around telling. Just wondering, because only my wife and one friend know.

PTS sucks. It took them six months to approve mine. I got stuck on a carrier, but the detailer kept me in the state I wanted to be in, so it's not too bad.

I dislike it greatly so far. I only want one rate -- HT (I'm trying to crossrate from AT). When I put in my PTS, it wasn't available. So I know my PTS is going to be denied.

I don't know when/if HT will ever become available. And if it never is, then I'm either going to go IA or just extend here. I'm not sure which yet. And then get out. I am done. I'm done waiting to transition, and I'm done dealing with AT s**t.

I'll probably end up going to some trade school civilian-side for HT-related s**t after my surgery. Either that or something to get me set up for entrepreneurship. I haven't really decided yet. I'm just trying to get past the whole transition hump first before I bother with a career.

Girl-Crazy Werewolf

Well, yeah, I didn't expect you to go around telling. Just wondering, because only my wife and one friend know.

PTS sucks. It took them six months to approve mine. I got stuck on a carrier, but the detailer kept me in the state I wanted to be in, so it's not too bad.

I dislike it greatly so far. I only want one rate -- HT (I'm trying to crossrate from AT). When I put in my PTS, it wasn't available. So I know my PTS is going to be denied.

I don't know when/if HT will ever become available. And if it never is, then I'm either going to go IA or just extend here. I'm not sure which yet. And then get out. I am done. I'm done waiting to transition, and I'm done dealing with AT s**t.

I'll probably end up going to some trade school civilian-side for HT-related s**t after my surgery. Either that or something to get me set up for entrepreneurship. I haven't really decided yet. I'm just trying to get past the whole transition hump first before I bother with a career.

I wouldn't get too negative about it not being available. You've got at least 6 months from the time you put it in (at least that's what I was told).

Most of the people I know who went IA loved it. Couldn't wait to go back. Then of course there's one or two who hate it, so I guess it's case by case.

Yeah, it would probably be best to do transition first. A lot of annoying bullshit can come from doing that, say, in the middle of your current career. It's not totally lost though. I think it was down in Florida that they a senator get a sex change a while back. Even among all the controversy the senator stayed a senator.
Bad Quality Serena
I am getting so ******** sick of this friend of mine.

So I just recently got into a fight about her calling me a boy, and I told her she needs to put the ******** effort in and call me a girl. And now, even though she tries sometimes, she barely does it.

Now, some of the kids at school call me a boy sometimes, and I don't care, but I specifically told all of my friends to call me a girl and they all complied except for her. And on Friday, she just ******** ruined it.

We're in the food court at the mall, and this girl passes by and says hi to her. (Amanda's her name, by the way.) I said hello and the girl said I met her in the past. So I apologized for not remembering her, and she was about to leave when Amanda points her stupid finger at me and says (quite loud) ''He has a p***s!''.
What the ******** ******** is wrong with her? You don't ******** do that to someone!
I am this close to just dumping her a**. Every one of my friends absolutely hates her, and I'm just about tired of it. She's rude, immature, and she's ******** mean as hell. She's got a problem with just about all of my friends and I'm just sitting in the middle trying to keep it all together. And now I've just about had it with her. She's becoming a real c**t.

Good news is, I have my first Gender Therapy session on Thursday.

Dafaq is up with this world? Also enjoy your Gender therapy session. I have a therapist,but shes not even a gender therapist. Moms to lazy to get out into the city and find me some real help,I'll do it my damn self. >.< Back to you,as I said before enjoy the Gender Therapy Session.

Liberal Receiver

Here is me in my corset, if you still wanted to see.


Probably needed to adjust the lacing but I just wanted to get a picture before I packed it away for a couple months.


6,450 Points
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  • Money Never Sleeps 200
Another question post

Does it cost anything to get top surgery revision if you need it?
Does it cost less if you don't want your nipples put back on? (random I know)

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