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Remy is back again....

Please don't kill me. D: 0.13836948391922 13.8% [ 185 ]
I'll be nice, I promise. 0.23186237845924 23.2% [ 310 ]
I'm back for now, we're all good right? 0.14210919970082 14.2% [ 190 ]
Wait... What are you doing with that knife? 0.48765893792072 48.8% [ 652 ]
Total Votes:[ 1337 ]

Dangerous Lover

T has made me WAAAAAAAY horny all the ******** time. Annoying, especially since I'm single at the moment. I don't know if it'd be any better if I did have anyone though since I have no real way of having completely comfortable sex. Also, the thought of people seeing me naked makes me cringe.
DUDE. I know how you feel. Even at over a year on T I have a pretty active (and extremely annoying) sex drive. But I'm comfortable enough about my body now that if I were in a relationship, I wouldn't be nervous to let them see me naked. I've had two sexual partners (although, according to both of them, we never had sex. They still called themselves virgins after we broke up.) and I've got shirtless in front of friends before, so it's something I've gotten over. But I used to be super nervous about anyone seeing me naked, so I understand.

Hallowed Wench

I got bored and decided to do some CDing...


Yankee (although I wasn't wearing the undershirt, suspenders, and belt)

I've been asked why I don't join an infantry unit for reenacting so I could go out on the field, but something about having to be a guy seems like it would be chafing. As women are allowed in some units as soldiers but they must take on a male persona and that just seems like a bad idea for my psyche.

On the other hand I wear male civilian clothing during the day, but its obvious I'm a woman in them because of how I look. At night I switch to a dress though.

And apparently I'm in a rabbley mood tonight.

Dapper Phantom


The longest we went was like 8 months, due to the long distance. Unless you count internet "sex". Then yeah, the longest was like... a month? It was like a period when I was upset with him and also very busy.

I've always been a pretty horny person... testosterone just turned me from horny into an addict. In the sense that I would have to excuse myself to go jack off at times. >.<; Testosterone has that effect on a lot of trans men early on.

The longest I've gone without some form of intercourse since I was 22 is only 2 months. (27 now)

My HRT regimen reduced how often I get horny after I stopped using Depo Provera, but when I am horny its much stronger than it used to be. Its much harder for me to be satisfied than it used to be. Can't just jerk it and be done anymore. I need penetration, rough handling, and a few other things to make me fully satisfied.
Oh well if we want to have that contest I went 2 years without sex after I broke up with my ex, lol.

Sounds like lady sex drive, lol.

Dapper Phantom

OH. So I got food poisoning this morning because I suck at cooking eggs. I've been violently ill off and on all day. Felt like sharing how stupid I am, lol. I'm usually a better cook than that but this was the first time I've ever fried eggs in my life, lol. "Real men can't cook"? /lame stereotype. It's bullshit anyway 'cos I love baking and make awesome desserts.

Real men can't cook? What so we're supposed to have Mommy cook for us? The people who say that are retarded. I happen to love cooking and I don't think that makes me any less of a man. neutral ******** anyone who tells you you're not a man for learning how to ******** cook better than a ten year old. I can't really wrap my head around the fact that, that is a stereotype. Typical ******** stupid s**t. Oh, your a man? Whelp you better be some helpless man-child when it comes to household things like cooking and cleaning or you're not really a man. It's stupid.
You took that way too seriously. I was saying it in jest.

By the way, I DO cook better than a 10 year old, I just had been without sleep for almost 24hours. I accidentally under cooked it. That is all.

I'm not "typical", I'm not "******** stupid," and I'm not a "man-child". I'm actually generally very good in the kitchen. Trans people need to learn to take jokes better. It was really me joking about joking about sexist stereotypes. I said it mockingly, hence the quotes and "/lame stereotype" tag. I tried to make sure that was pretty damn clear, especially with that last "It's bullshit anyway".

No, no, that wasn't directed at you per se. :/ Should have been more clear. I knew you were joking. It just infuriates me that, that is really a way people think because you're not the first and certainly not the last person I have heard say it. And, I'm not doubting your cooking skills, I just see a lot of people be amazed when someone knows how to follow a recipe that isn't on the side of a Hamburger Helper box.
Yeah but that's people male and female. Nowadays a lot of girls don't know how to cook because it was deemed "sexist" to teach kids life skills in school, which is really freaking stupid.

Dapper Phantom

I got bored and decided to do some CDing...


Yankee (although I wasn't wearing the undershirt, suspenders, and belt)

I've been asked why I don't join an infantry unit for reenacting so I could go out on the field, but something about having to be a guy seems like it would be chafing. As women are allowed in some units as soldiers but they must take on a male persona and that just seems like a bad idea for my psyche.

On the other hand I wear male civilian clothing during the day, but its obvious I'm a woman in them because of how I look. At night I switch to a dress though.

And apparently I'm in a rabbley mood tonight.
...Those clothes are bad a**.
I have one grey confederate hat (totally fake) and one real confederate cavalry sword in decent shape. I've worn it to the Renaissance Faire a few times and only reallllly smart people can spot it and say, "That's not period!" Don't ask me why it's all confederate... because as far as I know my family doesn't have that history. I have no idea where the genuine sword came from. >.>

Hallowed Wench

I got bored and decided to do some CDing...


Yankee (although I wasn't wearing the undershirt, suspenders, and belt)

I've been asked why I don't join an infantry unit for reenacting so I could go out on the field, but something about having to be a guy seems like it would be chafing. As women are allowed in some units as soldiers but they must take on a male persona and that just seems like a bad idea for my psyche.

On the other hand I wear male civilian clothing during the day, but its obvious I'm a woman in them because of how I look. At night I switch to a dress though.

And apparently I'm in a rabbley mood tonight.
...Those clothes are bad a**.
I have one grey confederate hat (totally fake) and one real confederate cavalry sword in decent shape. I've worn it to the Renaissance Faire a few times and only reallllly smart people can spot it and say, "That's not period!" Don't ask me why it's all confederate... because as far as I know my family doesn't have that history. I have no idea where the genuine sword came from. >.>

Most of the gear that I have access to is Confederate since my girlfriend is primarily a Confederate reenactor, although she has been buying Union gear since she wants to do some events that the group we usually camp with doesn't go to, as part of the Irish Brigade.

Other than my male civ clothes, I have a dress with all the layers other than a petticoat and corset (which is being made atm). I find it interesting that when I wear a hoop skirt my demeanor changes, from being less assertive to more subdued.

None of what we have is original gear, all reproduction. Original gear tends to be something you make into a wall hanger or conversation piece not something that you want to use... Although a few of the cannons in our unit are originals from that era.

Its weird going to reenactments since only my gf and one other person knows I'm trans when I go, compared to when I'm with my gaming friends who all know what I am since most have known me for a decade or so. So different to have a woman telling me what I have to look forward to when menopause hits me, or other conversational topics that women don't talk to guys about.

The other weird thing is my gf goes as a guy(because the unit we fall in with doesn't allow women on the field), despite being MtF, which plays hell with pronouns for me. I don't like calling my gf by her birth name since it is the same as my brother's and that gives me a weird feeling.

Damnest thing of all is that I've been hit on at reenactments more than any other place... unless I'm so damn dense that I don't realize someone is flirting with me. I assume it has to do with the same thing that happens in gaming groups when women come around that are interested in gaming. Like increases in attractiveness to a person because of shared interest in a field that isn't mainstream.

Dapper Phantom

I got bored and decided to do some CDing...


Yankee (although I wasn't wearing the undershirt, suspenders, and belt)

I've been asked why I don't join an infantry unit for reenacting so I could go out on the field, but something about having to be a guy seems like it would be chafing. As women are allowed in some units as soldiers but they must take on a male persona and that just seems like a bad idea for my psyche.

On the other hand I wear male civilian clothing during the day, but its obvious I'm a woman in them because of how I look. At night I switch to a dress though.

And apparently I'm in a rabbley mood tonight.
...Those clothes are bad a**.
I have one grey confederate hat (totally fake) and one real confederate cavalry sword in decent shape. I've worn it to the Renaissance Faire a few times and only reallllly smart people can spot it and say, "That's not period!" Don't ask me why it's all confederate... because as far as I know my family doesn't have that history. I have no idea where the genuine sword came from. >.>

Most of the gear that I have access to is Confederate since my girlfriend is primarily a Confederate reenactor, although she has been buying Union gear since she wants to do some events that the group we usually camp with doesn't go to, as part of the Irish Brigade.

Other than my male civ clothes, I have a dress with all the layers other than a petticoat and corset (which is being made atm). I find it interesting that when I wear a hoop skirt my demeanor changes, from being less assertive to more subdued.

None of what we have is original gear, all reproduction. Original gear tends to be something you make into a wall hanger or conversation piece not something that you want to use... Although a few of the cannons in our unit are originals from that era.

Its weird going to reenactments since only my gf and one other person knows I'm trans when I go, compared to when I'm with my gaming friends who all know what I am since most have known me for a decade or so. So different to have a woman telling me what I have to look forward to when menopause hits me, or other conversational topics that women don't talk to guys about.

The other weird thing is my gf goes as a guy(because the unit we fall in with doesn't allow women on the field), despite being MtF, which plays hell with pronouns for me. I don't like calling my gf by her birth name since it is the same as my brother's and that gives me a weird feeling.

Damnest thing of all is that I've been hit on at reenactments more than any other place... unless I'm so damn dense that I don't realize someone is flirting with me. I assume it has to do with the same thing that happens in gaming groups when women come around that are interested in gaming. Like increases in attractiveness to a person because of shared interest in a field that isn't mainstream.
Yeah, I actually might be a bit foolish for having worn the sword on a few occasions. It's already got some damage to it, though. I can't tell if it was in battle or if the damage is just from someone whacking something with it.

This makes me think about how things will be different at the Ren Faire when I go in 2013. I've been getting SOOO many messages from people telling me I'm attractive/cute/hot etc. and I'm getting it in person too. I've never had someone hit on me at Faire so it will certainly be interesting. And I will be back on T then too so I think I'll probably be more attractive because I'll look more my age.
OH. So I got food poisoning this morning because I suck at cooking eggs. I've been violently ill off and on all day. Felt like sharing how stupid I am, lol. I'm usually a better cook than that but this was the first time I've ever fried eggs in my life, lol. "Real men can't cook"? /lame stereotype. It's bullshit anyway 'cos I love baking and make awesome desserts.

Real men can't cook? What so we're supposed to have Mommy cook for us? The people who say that are retarded. I happen to love cooking and I don't think that makes me any less of a man. neutral ******** anyone who tells you you're not a man for learning how to ******** cook better than a ten year old. I can't really wrap my head around the fact that, that is a stereotype. Typical ******** stupid s**t. Oh, your a man? Whelp you better be some helpless man-child when it comes to household things like cooking and cleaning or you're not really a man. It's stupid.
You took that way too seriously. I was saying it in jest.

By the way, I DO cook better than a 10 year old, I just had been without sleep for almost 24hours. I accidentally under cooked it. That is all.

I'm not "typical", I'm not "******** stupid," and I'm not a "man-child". I'm actually generally very good in the kitchen. Trans people need to learn to take jokes better. It was really me joking about joking about sexist stereotypes. I said it mockingly, hence the quotes and "/lame stereotype" tag. I tried to make sure that was pretty damn clear, especially with that last "It's bullshit anyway".

No, no, that wasn't directed at you per se. :/ Should have been more clear. I knew you were joking. It just infuriates me that, that is really a way people think because you're not the first and certainly not the last person I have heard say it. And, I'm not doubting your cooking skills, I just see a lot of people be amazed when someone knows how to follow a recipe that isn't on the side of a Hamburger Helper box.
Yeah but that's people male and female. Nowadays a lot of girls don't know how to cook because it was deemed "sexist" to teach kids life skills in school, which is really freaking stupid.

Lol. My dad rages about that. He's a chef, and thinks home economics should be a compulsory subject. For ALL kids. Not just the girls. When my brother said that cooking was for 'dumb chicks' dad smacked him over the head with a wooden spoon and went on a massive rant about how "real men" don't rely on anyone for anything, and cooking is an essential life skill, and (at this point we were all crossed between laughing and gagging) "an essential love skill. You have never been with a woman until you have eaten a dessert you cooked off her tits."

Dapper Phantom

Biblical Unicorn
Lol. My dad rages about that. He's a chef, and thinks home economics should be a compulsory subject. For ALL kids. Not just the girls. When my brother said that cooking was for 'dumb chicks' dad smacked him over the head with a wooden spoon and went on a massive rant about how "real men" don't rely on anyone for anything, and cooking is an essential life skill, and (at this point we were all crossed between laughing and gagging) "an essential love skill. You have never been with a woman until you have eaten a dessert you cooked off her tits."
...But saying "real men" don't rely on anyone is just as sexist as saying only girls cook, lol...

But yeah my BF is an awesome cook. He makes it from scratch sometimes and it's amazing.


Biblical Unicorn
Lol. My dad rages about that. He's a chef, and thinks home economics should be a compulsory subject. For ALL kids. Not just the girls. When my brother said that cooking was for 'dumb chicks' dad smacked him over the head with a wooden spoon and went on a massive rant about how "real men" don't rely on anyone for anything, and cooking is an essential life skill, and (at this point we were all crossed between laughing and gagging) "an essential love skill. You have never been with a woman until you have eaten a dessert you cooked off her tits."
Having grown up in a household were only women were in the kitchen, I don't get where this stereotype comes from, either. All the great men I've met knew how to cook. And they could cook 1000x better than my mom could ever hope (sorry, mom).

When I was a kid I refused to learn how to cook because I "wasn't a woman". Then when I was nearing my last year in high school I realized how stupid I was. I had never so much as made myself a sandwich until I was 18. I tried to take home ec, but by that time my school had cancelled it due to lack of interest.

I wish Home ec would go back to being required. EVERYone, regardless of gender, needs to learn how to cook, sew, balance their budget, etc. Parents just don't teach it to their kids anymore.
But I can see why the US wouldn't want home ec taught in public schools, seeing as if you can repair your own crap and cook your own foods you wouldn't be a better consumer and they couldn't pump all your money out from under you.

Slight followup, now I can make some stuff. I can follow directions easily enough, anyway. The only thing I really perfected were eggs (sort of interesting since apparently eggs are hard to master). I can make a mean omelette.
Biblical Unicorn
Lol. My dad rages about that. He's a chef, and thinks home economics should be a compulsory subject. For ALL kids. Not just the girls. When my brother said that cooking was for 'dumb chicks' dad smacked him over the head with a wooden spoon and went on a massive rant about how "real men" don't rely on anyone for anything, and cooking is an essential life skill, and (at this point we were all crossed between laughing and gagging) "an essential love skill. You have never been with a woman until you have eaten a dessert you cooked off her tits."
...But saying "real men" don't rely on anyone is just as sexist as saying only girls cook, lol...

But yeah my BF is an awesome cook. He makes it from scratch sometimes and it's amazing.

Well yeah. My dad is in his 80s. He's not a paragon of anti-discrimination. razz Although for the record, when my sister tried to say that making her learn to cook was sexist he smacked her with the spoon too, and told her that adults don't rely on others to do their work, children and invalids do.

When we were little he dressed my sisters in pinafores because "that's how girls are supposed to look" until my mom told him he was an idiot. For a while I refused to wear anything that my sister wasn't wearing so we looked like Phil and Lil from the Rugrats - both in little pinafore dresses, except my shoes were always green and her shoes were always blue.

Slight followup, now I can make some stuff. I can follow directions easily enough, anyway. The only thing I really perfected were eggs (sort of interesting since apparently eggs are hard to master). I can make a mean omelette.

...Eggs are hard to master? O.o

First things I ever learnt to cook: hard boiled egg, soft boiled egg, fried egg (sunny side up, easy over, and hard), scrambled eggs, poached egg and omelette.

Pro tip: separate the eggs to make an omelette, and beat the egg whites into soft peaks. If you leave the yolk out it's really healthy. If you like it yolky, mix the yolk with some milk, and fold it into the egg whites with everything else. They become REALLY fluffy and light when they're beaten to soft peaks.

Dapper Phantom

Biblical Unicorn
Biblical Unicorn
Lol. My dad rages about that. He's a chef, and thinks home economics should be a compulsory subject. For ALL kids. Not just the girls. When my brother said that cooking was for 'dumb chicks' dad smacked him over the head with a wooden spoon and went on a massive rant about how "real men" don't rely on anyone for anything, and cooking is an essential life skill, and (at this point we were all crossed between laughing and gagging) "an essential love skill. You have never been with a woman until you have eaten a dessert you cooked off her tits."
...But saying "real men" don't rely on anyone is just as sexist as saying only girls cook, lol...

But yeah my BF is an awesome cook. He makes it from scratch sometimes and it's amazing.

Well yeah. My dad is in his 80s. He's not a paragon of anti-discrimination. razz Although for the record, when my sister tried to say that making her learn to cook was sexist he smacked her with the spoon too, and told her that adults don't rely on others to do their work, children and invalids do.

When we were little he dressed my sisters in pinafores because "that's how girls are supposed to look" until my mom told him he was an idiot. For a while I refused to wear anything that my sister wasn't wearing so we looked like Phil and Lil from the Rugrats - both in little pinafore dresses, except my shoes were always green and her shoes were always blue.
...Does that mean he had you in his 60's? Or am I underestimating your age by a lot? >.>

On the subject of eggs, they are not hard to cook, I was just being stupid.
Biblical Unicorn
Biblical Unicorn
Lol. My dad rages about that. He's a chef, and thinks home economics should be a compulsory subject. For ALL kids. Not just the girls. When my brother said that cooking was for 'dumb chicks' dad smacked him over the head with a wooden spoon and went on a massive rant about how "real men" don't rely on anyone for anything, and cooking is an essential life skill, and (at this point we were all crossed between laughing and gagging) "an essential love skill. You have never been with a woman until you have eaten a dessert you cooked off her tits."
...But saying "real men" don't rely on anyone is just as sexist as saying only girls cook, lol...

But yeah my BF is an awesome cook. He makes it from scratch sometimes and it's amazing.

Well yeah. My dad is in his 80s. He's not a paragon of anti-discrimination. razz Although for the record, when my sister tried to say that making her learn to cook was sexist he smacked her with the spoon too, and told her that adults don't rely on others to do their work, children and invalids do.

When we were little he dressed my sisters in pinafores because "that's how girls are supposed to look" until my mom told him he was an idiot. For a while I refused to wear anything that my sister wasn't wearing so we looked like Phil and Lil from the Rugrats - both in little pinafore dresses, except my shoes were always green and her shoes were always blue.
...Does that mean he had you in his 60's? Or am I underestimating your age by a lot? >.>

On the subject of eggs, they are not hard to cook, I was just being stupid.

My dad was 65 when I was born. My mom was 33. Yes...my dad is old.

Dapper Phantom

Biblical Unicorn
Biblical Unicorn
Biblical Unicorn
Lol. My dad rages about that. He's a chef, and thinks home economics should be a compulsory subject. For ALL kids. Not just the girls. When my brother said that cooking was for 'dumb chicks' dad smacked him over the head with a wooden spoon and went on a massive rant about how "real men" don't rely on anyone for anything, and cooking is an essential life skill, and (at this point we were all crossed between laughing and gagging) "an essential love skill. You have never been with a woman until you have eaten a dessert you cooked off her tits."
...But saying "real men" don't rely on anyone is just as sexist as saying only girls cook, lol...

But yeah my BF is an awesome cook. He makes it from scratch sometimes and it's amazing.

Well yeah. My dad is in his 80s. He's not a paragon of anti-discrimination. razz Although for the record, when my sister tried to say that making her learn to cook was sexist he smacked her with the spoon too, and told her that adults don't rely on others to do their work, children and invalids do.

When we were little he dressed my sisters in pinafores because "that's how girls are supposed to look" until my mom told him he was an idiot. For a while I refused to wear anything that my sister wasn't wearing so we looked like Phil and Lil from the Rugrats - both in little pinafore dresses, except my shoes were always green and her shoes were always blue.
...Does that mean he had you in his 60's? Or am I underestimating your age by a lot? >.>

On the subject of eggs, they are not hard to cook, I was just being stupid.

My dad was 65 when I was born. My mom was 33. Yes...my dad is old.
O.O Wowwwww. That's so interesting!

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