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Beloved Gawker

I don't wanna go home on Monday emo heart

Hopefully I'll be able to grab that student work visa soon and I won't have to go home for a very long time 4laugh

Diamond Regular


Hahaha. We're going to go see a movie today; then go to a nice dinner.

7,650 Points
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Sophisticated Simplicity
Oh my goodness. <3

Christmas was a good one for me. (:
Boyfriend kept this huge present he was working on a mystery for like, a whole month. And then, because I couldn't wait any longer to see it and he had just finished, I asked for it on Christmas Eve.

He went on teamviewer so he could control my mouse and what-not, told me to look away from the screen... He downloaded some things here and there (I think? I'm not sure, I wasn't looking!), then let me open it. It was an unpublished website, all for me. I bawled like a baby with the most ridiculous smile on my face. I must have thanked him 1,000+ times. <3

Good luck to everyone here. I hope the holidays are going well for you. If not, hang in there. Remember that it's worth it. <3

Ooo, what's the finished website about?

Sorry for the late reply. ):

There was a home page with a small message that was nicely designed. (A pretty blue color, snow, things like that.) In the middle it said, "Merry Christmas, Nicole." Just a very cute little welcome to what he had done. The rest had various different things. He says he can't sing, but I personally love the way he sounds when he does, and he knows that. So one page was him explaining the work he did on some songs he covered. Some had the background music, and some were just his voice singing the song. I loved all of them, backing instruments or not! There were also pictures of him compiled in another tab/section, some "cards" that I clicked and could open/turn around to see cute messages on, and a place with old Christmas stories typed up with an option of clicking on an audio tape to hear him reading them to me.

There was a bit more, but those were the basics. (:

-Yasha Alchemist's Husbando

Hopeless Trash

Eyes open wide
feel your heart and it's glowing
I'm welcome home, sweet home

I've not been on Gaia in forever. sweatdrop And I've not been super active on Facebook, either.

Just thought I'd drop in. I see a lot of new faces here - which always makes me happy to see that others have decided to take the chance of making it work with someone who isn't at the most convenient distance from them. Sometimes the person you're most suited for happens to live far away.

Anyhow.. I've been pretty busy as of late. With work and other things. But on the bright side, I've saved up enough to buy my tickets for my next trip to the US - Xiro and I just need to settle on dates. I'd prefer flying over during one of his six-day periods off work. So I'm waiting for him to get his schedule for May..
I'm incredibly excited to get to spend three months with him. It just already feels like forever since our last meeting, and May seems so far away. Hopefully work will make time pass faster. Also we both wish I could just stay with him for good. :c Stupid immigration.

He's been incredibly sweet to me lately. Almost uncharacteristically so. About a week ago, I even managed to get him to say he loves me, even if a little indirectly. And then there's the constant "hey. HEY. You're cute." and just the other day, while I was watching him play Dead Space 2 on Skype, he goes "did you hear me?" (his mic was being annoyingly quiet) and when I said I didn't.. he says "I said you're ******** adorable." I love how even when he's affectionate, he's a bit of a jerk. But that's just him, hehe.

Right now, he's gone for about four days - he's visiting his friends and family in upstate New York. I already miss him a ton. I feel kind of silly for that.

Uh.. guess I should stop myself before I ramble even more.

I wish everybody a happy new year and the best of luck with their relationships. (Especially Zowie, you're long overdue for something good to happen!)

I take your hand
now you'll never be lonely
not when I'm home, sweet home

Greedy Cat


Sorry for the late reply. ):

There was a home page with a small message that was nicely designed. (A pretty blue color, snow, things like that.) In the middle it said, "Merry Christmas, Nicole." Just a very cute little welcome to what he had done. The rest had various different things. He says he can't sing, but I personally love the way he sounds when he does, and he knows that. So one page was him explaining the work he did on some songs he covered. Some had the background music, and some were just his voice singing the song. I loved all of them, backing instruments or not! There were also pictures of him compiled in another tab/section, some "cards" that I clicked and could open/turn around to see cute messages on, and a place with old Christmas stories typed up with an option of clicking on an audio tape to hear him reading them to me.

There was a bit more, but those were the basics. (:

Aw, sounds nice! Is he going to keep it up long term?

Feral Kitten

3 months with my boy yesterday smile it was also my b-day, so he bought me a hello kitty purse and a pretty sterling silver ring
@purple shika-chan > Congrats.

Our 3 months anniversary was on December 24th, he forgot. (I kind of let him get away with it since he was at his family celebrating Christmas that day but he still forgot. Oh well at least I had a Merry Christmas text.)

1st of January was our 100 day aniversary (He is korean, to koreans 100,200,300 days are a big thing instead of months. Keeping this in mind as well it was also why I didn't mention him forgetting the 24th thinking aw he'll probably say/do something nice on the 1st of Januari) aaaaaaaaaaandhe bet you saw it coming, he forgot as well.

+ two hours ago after waiting for him all day I texted him I was going to bed and that I left a e-mail for him. I had send him one big a** mail in the form of a 'love letter' stating the things that anger me, sadden me, about my fears, regret and love about him never the less. A technique discribed by John Gray in his world famous relationship problem book `Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus´ (seriously I just finished this book and tested one other thing from it already which totally work so LDR or not I really advise you all to read this book it's great for the biggest part) I hope it really works as well as it does in the book because if it keeps going on like this idk if I can coop with it which saddens me because I love him with all my soul and heart.

Sorry I just needed to rant of my frustrations.

Greedy Cat

@purple shika-chan > Congrats.

Our 3 months anniversary was on December 24th, he forgot. (I kind of let him get away with it since he was at his family celebrating Christmas that day but he still forgot. Oh well at least I had a Merry Christmas text.)

1st of January was our 100 day aniversary (He is korean, to koreans 100,200,300 days are a big thing instead of months. Keeping this in mind as well it was also why I didn't mention him forgetting the 24th thinking aw he'll probably say/do something nice on the 1st of Januari) aaaaaaaaaaandhe bet you saw it coming, he forgot as well.

+ two hours ago after waiting for him all day I texted him I was going to bed and that I left a e-mail for him. I had send him one big a** mail in the form of a 'love letter' stating the things that anger me, sadden me, about my fears, regret and love about him never the less. A technique discribed by John Gray in his world famous relationship problem book `Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus´ (seriously I just finished this book and tested one other thing from it already which totally work so LDR or not I really advise you all to read this book it's great for the biggest part) I hope it really works as well as it does in the book because if it keeps going on like this idk if I can coop with it which saddens me because I love him with all my soul and heart.

Sorry I just needed to rant of my frustrations.

Hmm, just a thought, but I take it you did not mention it to him in hopes of him remembering and bringing it up first, well, could he also be waiting for you to do the same?

Beloved Gawker

I don't wanna leave tomorrow crying heart

I've had too much fun with him this visit! I hope I can pop back for our anniversary (Valentine's). Sometime super-soon, anyway. I'm impatient already. sweatdrop
personally, I think LDRs are mad lame.

if you love someone, and you really want to be together, move heaven and earth to be with them.

otherwise, just be friends.
Sophisticated Simplicity
@purple shika-chan > Congrats.

Our 3 months anniversary was on December 24th, he forgot. (I kind of let him get away with it since he was at his family celebrating Christmas that day but he still forgot. Oh well at least I had a Merry Christmas text.)

1st of January was our 100 day aniversary (He is korean, to koreans 100,200,300 days are a big thing instead of months. Keeping this in mind as well it was also why I didn't mention him forgetting the 24th thinking aw he'll probably say/do something nice on the 1st of Januari) aaaaaaaaaaandhe bet you saw it coming, he forgot as well.

+ two hours ago after waiting for him all day I texted him I was going to bed and that I left a e-mail for him. I had send him one big a** mail in the form of a 'love letter' stating the things that anger me, sadden me, about my fears, regret and love about him never the less. A technique discribed by John Gray in his world famous relationship problem book `Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus´ (seriously I just finished this book and tested one other thing from it already which totally work so LDR or not I really advise you all to read this book it's great for the biggest part) I hope it really works as well as it does in the book because if it keeps going on like this idk if I can coop with it which saddens me because I love him with all my soul and heart.

Sorry I just needed to rant of my frustrations.

Hmm, just a thought, but I take it you did not mention it to him in hopes of him remembering and bringing it up first, well, could he also be waiting for you to do the same?

I don't think so I am pretty sure he forgot ( I know him well enough for that by now)
I wrote this but didn't send this to him though, this is just me writing off my feelings:

September the 24th, we became a couple.

October 24th / first month anniversary – one day after you left Amsterdam. I joked beforehand about how it was sad we just missed our first month anniversary with ONE day. You forgot but I didn’t really care since I just had a nice weekend with you, your long trip back didn’t go as planned so you got home really late at night AND had to work that day so I knew you were mentally dead. I still mentioned a “Happy anniversary, woot!” that day.

November 24th / second month anniversary – This was one day after I arrived in Oslo. I had planned an over the top romantic dinner. Before going to Oslo I even spend a lot of time making decorations such as little red hearts, a small card that stated I loved you in Norwegian, a handmade menu card, bought red candles, bought red wine, bought all the ingredients and prepared a homemade traditional dinner for us. If I would not have done or said anything you would have forgotten about it because all I got from you in return was a "Happy anniversary to you too honey"

December 24th / third month anniversary – Usually a big thing for couples in the west but I decided to not to say anything this time because I wanted to see if you would remember yourself thinking if you paid attention to how much effort I had placed in the last thing I did on the 24th you would know I value it a lot. You forgot. Then again, it was the day of Christmas eve and I knew you were busy. Plus because I recently told you I had been reading about the Korean 100/200/300 days tradition rather than months and you even asked when our ‘100th day anniversary was going to be to which I replied it was the 1st of January. Keeping both these things in mind I forgave you forgetting it again and thought you might just mention it on the 1st if January.

January 1st / 100 day anniversary – Not a text, not an e-mail, you didn’t even came online. You forgot. I on the other hand had not forgotten. I spend 2 hours looking hot for you. I waited. I was going to do a special thing on the webcam since I was not able to do it in person.

I know he went out partying on new years eve/night but what ever...I know he loves me and that men in general have issues with this kind of s**t but still...

Greedy Cat

Artemis Cain
personally, I think LDRs are mad lame.

if you love someone, and you really want to be together, move heaven and earth to be with them.

otherwise, just be friends.

People get in long distance relationships BECAUSE they love eachother and want to be together so much. It the ultimate goal of every long distance couple to be together, but just because they aren't together yet doesn't mean they aren't trying. It's not as easy as you seem to think. People have jobs and school, and different financial situations. Also, immigration takes on average 2-3 years for those with SO's in another country. It takes TIME for it to happen, and a heck lot of effort. It is far wiser to take the time to prepare for the move to ensure that it will be a permanent one instead of rushing it without any planning and risk the possibility of having to move back when things fall through.
Sophisticated Simplicity
Artemis Cain
personally, I think LDRs are mad lame.

if you love someone, and you really want to be together, move heaven and earth to be with them.

otherwise, just be friends.

People get in long distance relationships BECAUSE they love eachother and want to be together so much. It the ultimate goal of every long distance couple to be together, but just because they aren't together yet doesn't mean they aren't trying. It's not as easy as you seem to think. People have jobs and school, and different financial situations. Also, immigration takes on average 2-3 years for those with SO's in another country. It takes TIME for it to happen, and a heck lot of effort. It is far wiser to take the time to prepare for the move to ensure that it will be a permanent one instead of rushing it without any planning and risk the possibility of having to move back when things fall through.

The girl I almost married lives halfway across the country. now. if she ever earnestly asks me to come home,

I'll be there. its simple. why make it complicated. if you're gonna work out reasons why you can't be together, you'll find em.

besides come hell or high water rushing in guns blazing, is always more exciting.

besides whose gonna have the better story,

I asked your father to come home, and he was in a different country at the time, but he walked, ran borrowed, stole, cheated, hitchhiked, flew swam, all those millions of miles to get to me.

(even if it doesn't work out, this is an hell of an experience.)

or I wanted to be with your father, and after 3-4 years of waiting his papers finally got through and thats that.

LAME. in perpsective, my grandfather lived a bout an hours drive, from my grandma, he didn't have a car, but he damnwell walked those miles in the snow sleet hail, wind and storm to court her.

and when he married her, she was pregnant, they didn't have a house.

so he did what most real men did, AND ******** BUILT HER A HOUSE.

damn you kids today, got no passion. the world used to be an adventure. now we got you guys and its all, oh hoh uhhh, welp, its out our hands. excuses excuses.

but maybe I'm just old fashioned.

Greedy Cat

I don't think so I am pretty sure he forgot ( I know him well enough for that by now)
I wrote this but didn't send this to him though, this is just me writing off my feelings:

September the 24th, we became a couple.

October 24th / first month anniversary – one day after you left Amsterdam. I joked beforehand about how it was sad we just missed our first month anniversary with ONE day. You forgot but I didn’t really care since I just had a nice weekend with you, your long trip back didn’t go as planned so you got home really late at night AND had to work that day so I knew you were mentally dead. I still mentioned a “Happy anniversary, woot!” that day.

November 24th / second month anniversary – This was one day after I arrived in Oslo. I had planned an over the top romantic dinner. Before going to Oslo I even spend a lot of time making decorations such as little red hearts, a small card that stated I loved you in Norwegian, a handmade menu card, bought red candles, bought red wine, bought all the ingredients and prepared a homemade traditional dinner for us. If I would not have done or said anything you would have forgotten about it because all I got from you in return was a "Happy anniversary to you too honey"

December 24th / third month anniversary – Usually a big thing for couples in the west but I decided to not to say anything this time because I wanted to see if you would remember yourself thinking if you paid attention to how much effort I had placed in the last thing I did on the 24th you would know I value it a lot. You forgot. Then again, it was the day of Christmas eve and I knew you were busy. Plus because I recently told you I had been reading about the Korean 100/200/300 days tradition rather than months and you even asked when our ‘100th day anniversary was going to be to which I replied it was the 1st of January. Keeping both these things in mind I forgave you forgetting it again and thought you might just mention it on the 1st if January.

January 1st / 100 day anniversary – Not a text, not an e-mail, you didn’t even came online. You forgot. I on the other hand had not forgotten. I spend 2 hours looking hot for you. I waited. I was going to do a special thing on the webcam since I was not able to do it in person.

I know he went out partying on new years eve/night but what ever...I know he loves me and that men in general have issues with this kind of s**t but still...

If you know he's bad with dates, or aren't big on anniversaries, maybe ask him to write it down to make a reminder on his phone or something so he will for sure remember, and talk to him about it and let him know how important anniversaries are to you and find out what his expectations are, I'm sure you can work something out with him that'll make both of you happy. smile

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