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Klaus sat down and started to eat the meal. "Surprisingly its better than I thought it would be," he said to her with a chuckle, poking fun at her cooking skills, or a bit lack thereof. He did however finish the meal out of respect for her and he cleaned out his plate. "What do you think yourself?" he said , wondering what she thought of the taste of her own cooking. He would teach her on cooking himself if he had to.

Yomi giggled as she flapped her tiny wings. "Seems she wants to fly already," Raiken said as he patted her head, giving a little ouch sound as her wings scraped against his arm. Her feathers were certainly unique with more to its blackness. Yomi then made grabby motions at Nakori's hair and Raiken chuckled. "Seems shewants mommy more," he sia dto her.

Shinji pouted as he wanted it to be his turn now but Miya seemed to like Nao's attention more. "Hey no fair. Give her to me," he said, feeling jealous as he looked like he was going to go after her to get Miya, a dangerous gesture that could hurt the baby.
Akira smiled and ate with him. "Well truthfully I dont ever really cook. Ive always just bought my food already made.. So this is different.. But I'll get better dont worry!" She said and smiled. "I have to just in case who knows in a year or two I may be your wife. " She said wit ha wink and sipped her drink. Such a short time his wife and child are murdered and akari suddenly speaking about them marrying already.

Nakori chuckled and gently took her. "Yeah watch her feathers darling.. I wish there was a way to make them less scratchy. " She said and shrugged. "No pulling on mommies hair. " She said and held her but tried to keep her hair out of reach.

Akiza chuckled and patted both their heads. "You have to be super duper careful around tiny babies like Miya. They are very fragile and cry easily so you must be super nice and good around her. " She said hopefully to stop any little childish fight over the baby.
Klaus certainly missed a breathe there as she said she planned on marrying him within a year or two. That was fast of her to suggest that so suddenly. Klaus certainly didn't know how to feel about that. Sure he had feelings for akira too, but not as strongly as he had invested in Akiza. "ummm maybe," he siad, not sure about that sort of future. He cleaned up the table and set them in the sink. He then looked at her. "Lets go outside and enjoy the night for a bit," he said as he reached out to hold her hand.

Raiken smiled as he looked at Yomi who didn't seem to listen to Nakori and made to take a grab at her hair again. "What a naughty girl. We should give her feathers some pruning. Take a few off," he siad to her.

Shinji looked up. "But she's an angel. She's a toughie," he said as he passed the baby back to Akiza once he got it back from Nao. No doubt he is going to ask his mother on Miya. He then playfully tackled Nao onto the cloudy ground and laughed. "See? We're small but tough too," he said to her
Akira smiled not even noticing not even caring what she said. She was already ready to make him start a whole new relationship. "Oh okay. Yeah tonight's beautiful." She said and quickly grasped his hand and followed him outside.

Nakori chuckled then gasped playfully. "Do you hear that Yomi?! Daddy is going to take some of your feathers!" She said she softly tugged on one then chuckled. "Go ATTACK daddy!" She said and put her on him gently but tried to make sure her wings didn't touch him.

Akiza chuckled. "Well she's a super small baby." She said and watched Nao and Shinji wrestle. "You two should go back to your mum before she gets worried." She said as she got up and went to a bench to Breast feed Miya. Her head was spinning around all this new stuff. She looked toward the gates in the distance while frowning. She had such a lonely feeling inside and she was so sure she was so happy on earth. She wished she had more time there. She didn't remember who she was married to but yet still felt she missed him. Now Miya would never have a normal child hood and would never have a daddy.
Klaus held her hand and once outside, he held her around her waist and flew up to the house roof with her. "Its been awhile since I brought you to a high point, hasn't it?" he said to her. He sat down and looked at the city they are overlooking the place. He looked at her and can see some beauty in her face and he blushed a little.

Raiken gave a happy growl and picked up Yomi. He went along with Nakori and prevented Yomi from scratching him while she was making grabby at him as well. "Now now, no grabbing daddy either," he said to her as he patted her head and then set her down on the bed which she enjoyed rolling around on the soft thick sheets.

Shinji quickly took to the air and laughed at Nao. "Last one there is a devil," he said as he flew back to Hanako. He cheated a bit as he took off first and started to fly fast. THeir speed, despite either winner, would send them crashing into Hanako
Akira nodded and sat beside him and leaned against him. "Yeah its sure been a while hasnt it... Havent done it since you chose her over me. " She said with a sigh. "Do you think Ill ever know or get to have the love you two had? "

Nakori shuckled and laid back down beside him. "She has too much energy for her own good. " She said and kissed his cheek. "I love you Raiken so very much." She said smiling.

Akiza looked out over the gates with Miya on her hip while tears were in her eyes. "I dont even remember your face but I feel so alone.. Im sorry if I made you sad. " She said quietly as she thought of whomever was her husband. She knew she was one to have kid in wedlock and she knew she wouldnt have a kid with someone unless completely utterly in love with this person but here she is dead. And she felt like it was her fault he was probably sad and alone. Though of course she did not know that truth of the matter and that he was already sleeping around not but like a week after her death.

Nao gasped and chased after him and soon passed him as usual since it was her gift. Both girls yelped as they slammed into Hanako and hanako fell over. "What in the world is wrong with you two I swear! You are gonna hurt someone or break something sillies. " She said as she smiled and stood up slowly.
Klaus looked at her. "I'm sure you can. Hope is always there. Just believe in it," he siad to her. As he looked into her eyes, he can feel some of the love he had for her before flowing back. It was always there but when he settled with Akiza, he put it behind him, but now she was here and he didn't want to live alone when his chance of love was cut too short.

Raiken smiled as he kissed her and embraced her. Yomi crawled over and snuggled against Nakori's backside, seemingly content with sleeping right behind her. "CAreful dear, no rolling backwards," he said to her.

Micheal came fluttering down and seeing Akiza with Miya. "Hello Akiza. I'm glad you're awake. I'm Micheal, husband to Hanako. I'm sure you two have spoken," he said to her as he spread out his magnificent wings. It was far bigger than Hanako's with strength and radiance from it. "Something troubling you?" he said to her.

Shinji shook himself off and stood up, looking innocent. "But mom, we're toughies. We can do anything," he said to her, not looking sorry and thinking it was all fun. He then hugged Hanako as a form of an apology to her.
Akira smiled at him before leaning over and gently kissed his cheek before booking and arm with his and snuggling to his side. "I'm finally getting to be happy again." She whispered as she closed her eyes.

Nakori raised an eyebrow and looked over her shoulder and giggled. "I wouldn't dare move an inch she looks so peaceful there." She said happily snuggling to the two.

Akiza smiled at him softly. "Woah your wings are amazing. Yes I've met miss Hanako! She is my nurse. She is a lovely woman... Oh.." She said and looked off to the side with a sigh. "I know myself enough to know I would never let myself have a child out of wedlock.. So I know I was married.. So I left him.. I died and left him all alone.. I hope he doesn't hate me for it. I don't remember how I died and no one is allowed to tell me even if they know... I don't know his face or name but I feel so lonely..:" she said and hugged onto Miya a little tighter.

Hanako chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Oh you little brat." She said playfully and hugged him back before begining to tickle him. NAO gasped and started tickling him too with mommy.
Klaus held her gently, feeling her warmth and breathing against his own body and hands. When after awhile had gone by, he stood up with her and then held her in a princess carry. "Lets go to bed now. Its been a tough day," he said to her. It was still hard to live through the memory of the loss as he flew down and walked her into the bedroom, laying her down in bed.

Raiken hugged on to Nakori and snuggled into her chest. Yomi yawned again and then rolled over to the other way, sitting up and clapping her hands. "Uh oh. Seems she wants mommy's attention again," he said to her as Yomi wanted to go to bed but patted against Nakori's wings.

Micheal knew who she was talking about but kept himself from telling her. It was normal for such a transition, remembering of their past lives and loved ones. "I'm sorry. Its something that always happens when you are reborn as an angel. You have a purely good soul that you can become an angel. Some end up as sprites, no bodies but still alive and happy in their own ways too," he sia dto her and he held his hand out to lead her aorund. He looekd down at Miya and can see some of Klaus in her. "A wonderful child you have. Innnocent and strong," he siad to her.

Shinji laughed as he was tickled to death by his family. "Nooo, please stop," he cried out happily and soon laid down on the cloud ground, panting for breathe but was looking happy.
Akira smiled as she was picked up and carried down and inside. She smiled and undressed some before climbing into bed and yawned while stretching as she pretended to be tired again. She must forever continue to act human so he wouldnt think anything was up. "Goodnight Klaus... I still very much love you.. " She whispered and smiled.

Nakori chuckled and shook her head gently. "This little brat cant make up her mind i swear. " She said and pulled her up and snuggled the child to her chest between the two adults. "There do you like this better sweetie? " She said and gave Yomis forehead a kiss.

Akiza sighed and bounced Miya gently. "Yeah miya is so innocent and strong.. But shell never get to know who her daddy is will she? Nor will i?.. Its so sadening. I may not remember him in the slightest but I find myself looking at Miya trying to take away the things that are mine in my head to try and see what features she possibly has from her daddy... I bet he was handsome... Im sure I loved him very much. I hope he knows I did even if I cant remember his name.. " She said and sighed. She just had a strange emptiness and loneliness inside.

Nao laughed and plopped on top of him gently. "Oh big brother you look so silly squealing for merceh!" She said in her cute tone and hugged her big brother best friend. Hanako smiled and ruffled both their heads. "You two are such cuties. Momma loves you sooooooooooo much!"
Klaus looked at her and hugged her against him. He didn't know how he can go saying he loves Akira. "Good night Akira," he sai dto her. He wasn't at that level yet to even consider saying he loves her. His grip around her loosened a bit more and giving her a chance to slip out from his hold.

Yomi giggled as she was put between the two adults. As usual of her playful brats, Yomi turned to Nakori and hugged on to one of her boobs. "Well she is your kid. Always going for the boobs," he said to her with a chuckle as he stroked Yomi's black feathers carefully, feeling they were quite abit stiff than feathery.

Micheal smiled as he led her around the heavenly area. "I can tell you he loves you and he is handsome. Other than that, it is time to let go of your old life and start living your newly earned life in heaven here. " he said to her as he turned and showed her a small but comfortable home being prepared. "This home will be yours but it won't be ready until tomorrow," he said ot her, letting her take a look inside. It was like a subconsious dream home for her.

Shinji smiled as he was ruffled and he panted for breathe. "Mommy? Will you be having another baby with daddy? You're always playing with him so much," he sai dto her as he hugged on to his sister to be really close with her
Akira pouted cutely when he didnt say it back. "Goodnight to you too Klaus. " She said and rubbed his back. She pretended to sleep. He may be angle but hes still half human and needs sleep more often than Nakori while Akira needed none at all any more. She slowly pulled away and got redressed and left the home. She went toward the demon district and turned back to her fully black metalic demon form walking her curvy a** through as she checked out the place.

Nakori went wide eyed then chuckled and pet her head gently. "Yeah this family is filled with a bunch of boobs. " She said and stuck her tongue out playfully meaning in a rude manner not the actual boob appendage. "Now rest Raiken... You need to keep resting.. " She said just so worried about him.

Akiza followed him and sighed. "I dont want to start a new life.. I want my old one where I was happy and didnt feel empty.. I dont want Miya to grow up without a father.. " She said and slowly looked up at the house. Her eyes went wide. "W-woah!... That mine? But its so big for just me and Miya!" She said but so amazed.

Hanako went wide eyed and blushed deeply. "I-I dont know silly! T-thats gods decision when we will have another baby. Everything is in gods will. " She said blushing so red as she rubbed the back of her neck gently. "I want a little sister!" Nao chimed in as if she was just ordering a new baby.
Some demons saw Akira walk through the demon district and a few didn't know any better as they approached her. "Hey babe. Want to hang with us?" they said as they had some liquor bottles in their hands. They were certainly seeing her as a new girl in town. THey weren't taking her too seriously.

Yomi was happy as she hugged on to them. She then pointed at Raiken, still wanting to play with her father while RAiken went to sleep quite easily. She didn't seem to want to stop playing around and was certainly being a handful for Nakori to handle.

Micheal smield at her. "Its a home that you yourself envisioned in your subconscious. ITs what you always wanted," he siad to her. He still opened the door for her to take astep inside, seeing some magical sprites in their spirit forms forming her home as he showed her a bit. "Beautiful isn't it?" he siad to her. He understood it is going to take a long while for her to adjust to this new life, to forget the old life.

Shinji poked his sister and ran to the other side of Hanako. "No way. Gimma a brother. We need to gang up on Nao," he sia dot her and stuck his tongue out at her
Akira raised an eyebrow and then rolled her eyes. Some demons did know of her and stayed back or walked off. "Oh no I wouldnt hang out with you poor fellows. But I will take these. " She said and took their liquor. "Oh this ones nice. It will be delicious once im home. "

Nakori rolled her eyes and gently played with her feathers instead of Raiken. "Daddys got to rest.. So maybe he can stay strong enough that you get old enough to at least remember his face... " She whispered and held her tightly while petting her wings.

Akiza followed him with such wide eyes. "Wow.. Its absolutly stunning! ... I cant believe it is all mine... " She said just so stuned and in shock that she was just being given her dream house. "So what happens to people like me?.. Do they ever find their old loved ones?.. or start completely new here? " She asked curiously.

Hanako laughed at the two while blushing. "Nu uh! Id still be faster than both of you!" She said and clung to momma so tightly. "You two calm your butts. Who knows when momma will have a baby nedxt time! its all up to god darlings. So just be patient and the time will come when its right. " Hanako said.
THe demons certainly didn't take it kindly that she ignored or rejected their gestures and one of them made to grab at her and attempted to hit her hard with a hard slap. Surely that should teach her a lesson, or so they thought.

Yomi didn't understand as she sat there, looking up at her while her wings twitched happily from being touched. She finally gave a yawn as it felt really soothing and she leaned in to Nakori, sleeping in her arms and against her belly.

Micheal smield at her. "Its a new life for you. You do not need to concern yourself with your previous life. That is mortal, now you are an immortal being who has earned the lord's glory and blessings," he said to her. He then stood at the doorway. "Come now. Your home will be properly ready tomorrow. Perhaps you would like a bit more rest until then?" he said to her. He didn't seem concerned with her desire to really look for her previous life.

Shinji pouted at that, wanting one right now. "Fine, then Nao will give us a baby brother right now," he said to her. Like human bodies, Nao was pretty much wishful thinking at the moment, just following with his child instincts after witnessing what their mother can do

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