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Down the long, winding road, hundreds of inciting smells entered Bryce's nostrils. The sky scattered endless snowflakes that delicately danced about the air around him. One sniff brought him the scent of the flowers buried in the fresh snow. Another brought the aroma of the village and the gentle souls that inhabited it.

Around him, was so much good. So much beauty and life. A soft gust sent his jet black hair fluttering behind him. He narrowed his yellow eyes at the sleepy village down the road, and traced his pointed teeth with the tip of his tongue. "Tch." Below him, sat an entire kingdom of life that stretched for as far as the eye could see. And out of all of the land of Terre, he was the only sliver of darkness that dared to tread its ground.

Here, he was an outcast. But nowhere as much as he was back home. With a soft hiss, he curled his tail, and lept forward. Before he hit the ground, he disappeared into his own shadow, nothing more than a gray spot in the snow.

Though there was no one around to see, the shadow began moving swiftly down the path, picking up speed until it was no longer detectable by the typical human eye. Bryce knew where he was headed. After the smell of sweet souls. He never dishonored the land by riding the shadows. Only to hunt would he use his gifts.

Within seconds, he had reached the other end of the vast kingdom. A large, decadent palace was the landmark of Terre. It was where the king of this kind land dwelled. Though it was somewhat nervy to approach the king's palace in broad daylight, it wasn't the royalty that Bryce was looking for. The smell of his prey filled his head, and the closer he got, the more crazed and ravenous he felt he was becoming. Like a shark when given the scent of blood, he too, gained an unstoppable determination when he caught an inviting whiff of a pure soul to feed on.

Around the back, he caught the sound of running water. Though the weather was just below freezing, a fountain trickled, and around it, danced his lunch.

A trio of fairies played in fountain, splashing, and dancing circles around each other. Each of the three laughed and giggled, and the sound was enough to make his mouth water.

Once he was within proper range, he slowly emerged from the dark spot in the snow, careful to be dead silent for his prey. Tail whipping side to side, he hissed and bared his teeth before snatching one from the air. Small screams came from the delicate creatures, but Bryce only needed one to be satisfied. It wasn't the flesh of the creature that he lived on, it was the goodness of the soul, and a being as pure as a fairy served as a plenty filling meal.

The other two scattered frantically, but the unlucky one was still thrashing between his clenched teeth. "Tell, and you die." He snarled at the survivors as they flew for their lives. Blood ran down his chin, and the fairy cried in agony. With a clawed hand, he crammed the poor thing into his mouth until nothing but little wings were poking out between his lips. Once she was well in, he crunched down on her delicate body, and ended her life.

Savagely chewing, he swallowed once he had the chance, and wiped the blood off his chin, onto his arm. He smacked his lips and looked down into the water of the fountain. With the gentle magic that the fairies provided gone, the water instantly began to freeze over. Bryce blinked yellow eyes down at his reflection. There was a small trace of smeared blood still adorning his cheek, but he was at no fashion show, so he disregarded it.

He gave a soft hiss of surprise when a sound grabbed his attention. He ducked behind the fountain, and slowly peeked out around the side, hoping that he hadn't been caught.
Kytes peered through the frost-covered window in his bedroom. If there was any time of the year he disliked, winter would be it. He slid his feet into his shoes and walked out of the room. He came into a throne room which was quite large, where in the center of the ceiling was a giant golden chandelier with innumerable candles lit. Kytes was on the second floor of the room, looking down on the bottom floor. He put his hand on the golden-laced marble railing and went down the carpeted stairs. Voices were filling the room with politics, predictions of weather, and other chatting he could care less about.

Once on the ground floor, he immediately verged right, into a doorway that led to the dining room. He does this routine everyday in an attempt to avoid being noticed. The room was vacant, but the smells of breakfast being prepared in the kitchen wafted in. Kytes ignored the lovely and hunger-inducing scent, grabbed his leather vest off the coat rack, and pushed through the next set of doors to venture outside into the winter day.

The cold air flew into his nostrils, and Kytes stepped through the small layer of snow. He was in the fairy garden, where he tended the plants and talked with the fairies most of his days. Kytes was admired for being able to keep plants lively and healthy even during the winter. But the fairies usually helped with that, too. Kytes wandered further into the garden, but stopped once he heard a very faint sound of screaming. From his years spent tending this garden, he knew that was likely to be a fairy in trouble.

Kytes began to run toward the sound his pointed ears picked up. He started to shiver, and his nose was beginning to numb. He passed the last Terre-berry bush, and came to a halt as he noticed two fairies fluttering their wings violently away from the direction of the fountain. Kytes cautiously stepped forward, and noticed the fountain had froze over, but as he took another step, he slipped on the ice beneath his feet, and grabbed on the bush next to him to keep himself from falling on his face, but caused the leaves of the bush to rustle loudly.

Kytes let out a sigh of relief as he got himself back into standing position. As Kytes continued to step toward the fountain, he picked up a faint smell…the smell of blood. No one of the Elf kingdom would dare harm a fairy, especially not one of the castles’. Kytes gulped. Someone is here Now, he was not only shivering from the cold, but from fear.

“W-who’s there?!” Kytes naively shouted. If someone was to kill a fairy, the person could be likely to kill him, too.
OoC: I kinda godmodded this on purpose. If you don't like it, you can feel free to tell me to change it. ^^;


IC: Bryce flattened his wings to his back, and dug his hands in the snow, trying to be as invisible as possible without the aid of the shadows. This did him no good, as the sound of footsteps crunching in the snow was drawing nearer.

“W-who’s there?!”
Came a nervous call. The voice was young and soft, and even from a distance, Bryce could smell that this was a gentle soul. Certainly nothing to hide from.

Arching his back for a second, Byce finally pushed off of the ground, and stood. He slowly stepped from behind the frozen fountain, his tail whipping behind him. Before him, stood...

....an elf...?

Ever so slightly, Bryce curled his upper lip, and cocked his head. He wasn't sure whether this boy was royalty or just a servant. He found it a little hard to believe that the vast land of Terre was ruled by elves...

Without warning, he beat his wings, and graced the boy with a wicked snarl. "Nevermind who I am." He glanced around to ensure that there were no witnesses. If he let this kid run free, there would surely be repercussions...

He gave the boy a long, hard stare. What was he going to do with him? Something inside him... A strange feeling... Told him not to slay the elf.

There had to be some other way to keep him quiet. Threatening worked with the fairies, but this guy came from the palace. As sure as his hair was black, the elf would rat. He slowly approached the boy, until he within conversational range, and narrowed his eyes.

In a soft, raspy whisper, he bid him his belated warning.

".....You should've turned back."

With no forewarn, he stretched his wings, and aggressively swooped off the ground. He snatched the elf by the collar, and faltered a bit with the addition of weight. "Urrgh..!" Bryce growled in frustration, and beat his wings with all his might until they were both airborne.

...what am I doing...?
He thought as they soared through the freezing sky. He had no game plan, whatsoever, and he was only making matters worse by dragging this boy from his castle.

Just the thought of all of Terre after him for his crime was more than enough to make the typical demon lose his cool.

But this was Bryce. If he wasn't going to kill the elf, he'd just have to stash him somewhere until this all blew over.

He let out a triumphant screech, with hopes of instilling fear in the heart of his victim, as they soared. The snow made visibility somewhat harsh, but he knew the perfect place to take the elf.

After a few moments, he found what he was looking for. A large, dark cave in the side of a jagged mountain. He hovered in front of the target cave for a minute before the threw the elf inside, and landed behind him. Folding his wings, he again, began to approach the boy, bearing his fangs. "I... didn't want to do this... But you know, I can't afford to have witnesses when I feed.."
Suddenly, from the shadow of the fountain, a tall figure stood. As it came from behind the fountain, Kytes immediately knew what killed the fairy- a demon.

Kytes couldn’t move…or speak. The demon’s yellow eyes scanned him, and flapped his large wings. “Nevermind who I am.” The demon stepped closer to him. Kytes desperately wanted to turn around a make an attempt to run…but something…forced him to stand his ground. Fear probably?

The demon’s eyes were glaring back into his, piercing his thoughts. “…..You should’ve turned back.” His voice was as soft and harsh as the shivering breeze.

The demon instantly stretched out his wings, revealing their tattered structure, they were more menacing, as well as the drying fairy blood on his face. The next thing Kytes knew…he was being carried by the collar, in the air.

…he…he’s probably taking me away to kill me so no one will notice…

Kytes was shivering. Is this the end for him? Kytes didn’t want to struggle, though….he could easily save himself by getting the trees below to catch him from the fall…but…something was halting him. He tried to look up at his kidnapper, but immediately cringed as he screeched.

The sound of the demon seemed to echo through his head. The demon carried Kytes further, into territory he was unfamiliar with, as any kidnapper would. There was a cave on a mountain side, which the demon tossed Kytes into.

Kytes let out a small yelp as he landed on the freezing cave floor. He immediately got up, to see the demon approach him again, showing his fangs. "I... didn't want to do this... But you know, I can't afford to have witnesses when I feed.."

Kytes was baffled. The demon sounded…like he was somewhat worried. His eyes were staring directly into his. “Wha…what are you going to do…?” Kytes felt a little less scared now, which was even stranger. At first, he thought the demon was going to kill him…but now he wasn’t so sure. Kytes knew he wasn’t going to be released, though. No demon would let a witness or prey escape until they got what they wanted.

“W-w-what do you want? I-I…” Kytes’ lips were trembling. The cold was starting to make it a little difficult to speak. Kytes stepped back, and looked at the ground to avoid the demon’s soul-piercing eyes.

"I won't tell anyone about this! I'll b-b-be quiet.. Kytes wasn't sure...if he wanted to leave, however...
The rock was cold beneath his clawed toes, but cold was something that Bryce was used to. He curled his tail at his victim, and began to pace back and forth in troubled thought.

Okay, okay. Everything's cool. Stay... calm, Bryce. If you have to, you'll just kill 'im.
His eyes flashed in the boy's direction. Yeah. Kill him. That sounds like a good plan. Inside, he was begging himself to be rational. All he had to do was claw the boy's heart out. It was that simple. Bryce gritted his teeth at the boy. Something about the sad look he was given made it impossible for him to listen to reason.

He knew that everything here was his own fault, but he still couldn't shake the bitter feeling that today's events instilled in him. He blamed the elf for this.

“W-w-what do you want? I-I…”
The annoying kid snapped him out of his thoughts. "--I want you to shut up." Bryce bluntly cut him off, still pacing the cave.

“Wha…what are you going to do…?” The elf persisted. "I'm wondering that, myself." He snapped in response.

"I won't tell anyone about this! I'll b-b-be quiet.." At this, Bryce sneered.

"That's what they all say." He spun around abruptly, facing the exit of the cave, watching the snow fall. He glanced over his shoulder at the stupid elf, and gave him a glare. "Who are you...? Royalty? A peasant, maybe..?"
Kytes actually had to take a few seconds to remember what his status even was.

“I-I’m Prince Kyotowanamo….if you don’t release me…then the entire kingdom will search for me…” Kytes felt a bit more brave knowing that he was royalty in the situation…but did it even matter to the demon? Why else would he ask? …would he spare him knowing that he was a prince…?

Kytes was nervous as much as scared. Anything could happen, seeing that the demon hasn’t yet decided what to do with him. Kytes looked up at the demon, and gulped as he shivered. He decided to keep his mouth shut as the demon had ordered.

All this for a fairy to feed on...?
“I-I’m Prince Kyotowanamo….if you don’t release me…then the entire kingdom will search for me…”


"Ah, is that so...? Well, that certainly makes things more interesting..." Bryce softly mused, his tail dancing back and forth, mocking the prince behind him. The thought of all of Terre after his head was kinda thrilling in it's own right.

"Weelll, Prince ********, today's your lucky day..."
He approached the boy, with a crooked grin.
"Why's that? Because I'm going to let you live."

What started with a quick lunch, was rapidly doubling in size and drama. Wicked thoughts spawned themselves, as Bryce analyzed the situation, until...

I've got it...!

"If the whole kingdom will be missing their prince... Then I'm sure they'd be willing to pay a hefty ransom." He whispered in a cruel, raspy voice.
"Ah, is that so...? Well, that certainly makes things more interesting..." Kytes was growing more nervous, watching the demon's tail move about, and stepped back a bit.

"Weelll, Prince ********, today's your lucky day..." Kytes looked up at the demon, hoping that he meant that he would be spared, rather be his next meal.

"Why's that? Because I'm going to let you live." Unfortunately, Kytes wasn't as relieved about the statement as he thought.

"If the whole kingdom will be missing their prince... Then I'm sure they'd be willing to pay a hefty ransom." Kytes gulped yet again. He wasn't sure how long it would take before anyone noticed he was missing. Breakfast would be served by now.....perhaps they will look for him once they notice he isn't there? Being the only son of his father, Kytes knew they would pay any price the demon desired...what could he do...? He could lie, and say that there were other heirs to the throne, but then the demon would surely kill him.

Kytes looked out of the demon's eyes, and thought about the situation.
I've been kidnapped by a demon, and now he's going to want a ransom for my return to the kingdom. But....that means he won't kill me. I've got to do something....but...what?

...Kytes somehow formed an idea.

"Y..you're k-kind for a demon." Kytes paused, still shivering, and put on a nervous smirk. "S-smart, t-too...any old demon would have slaughtered me on the s-spot...but you decided to use me to get a kingdom to do what you want.. Kytes put his arms around himself, to warm up. "and h-here I was taught demons lack mentality...boy is our kingdom in for it. He looked away, hiding a half-smile, hoping the demon wouldn't suspect his plan...

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