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Magnetic Noob

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This is a private Once Upon A Time RP between me and xxshatteredsymphonyxx
Lurkers are welcome whee

Magnetic Noob

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tweney-four:: Alice Kingsley:: teacher
caring ::imaginative :: loyal
Ashely Price

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twenty-one :: Peter Pan :: Jack of All Trades
outgoing :: spontaneous :: carefree
Daniel Sanchez
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twenty :: wendy darling :: editor
creative :: realistic :: mature
ALLISON harrington

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twenty-six :: the mad hatter :: stock broker
distant :: grumpy :: intelligent
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                                                        It was a bland day; it was mid-September and the leaves had yet to begin to change. Jefferson was perched up against the window, watching the grey clouds roll over the sky as small droplets of water decided to hit the window with an unmelodious noise. Such a strange noise that he wasn’t even sure if he had heard it rather than imagined it, but he knew that wasn’t true. The male never imagined anything; imagination was something that was a myth to the world about him. Imagination was just reality, but in a different dimension, much like his home. He had often thought about this that was all he really did these days; Story Brooke was stuck in a never ending cycle. Nothing could change until the prophecy was fulfilled and the curse was lifted. However long that would take, Jefferson was unaware. He had all the answers to the past, but none to the future in front of him.

                                                        His eyes shifted as he saw a young girl pass the street. Her name was once Paige, she was his daughter from another life, one where everything seemed perfect compared to the droopy reality that they were in currently now she resided by the name of Grace. He looked at her with gloomy eyes and turned away from the window. She was with her new family, the one that could provide for her when he had failed to. The male put on his shoes and headed out of the house, locking up quietly and walking daintily towards his jaguar. He had all these things that meant nothing to him. He had spent so much time in his past life to be able to have wonderful things that it seemed pointless in this life. He hadn’t really worked that hard, it was a gift, from the Evil Queen, or well current mayor.

                                                        It sometimes made him question if he would prefer to be in Wonderland, at least then he could see his Alice. He had never told Paige before, but her mother was Alice, the white queen of Wonderland. It was a complicated tale that he wasn’t quite sure how to explain it. Way before the evil queen had trapped him in exchange for her father he had been a resident of Wonderland, a mystical place where there was evil and trickery. Alice had been a young girl of only sixteen, she was human and from the mundane world (the one they currently lived in). She had found a way into it, much like how Peter had stolen Wendy originally from the mundane place. (He had often thought perhaps this was why the two were the only ones who could leave town. They didn’t do it often, but they could.) Alice had fought the Red Queen (The Queen of Hearts mother) and was given the thrown by the White Queen, the last sister queen to the regime. Alice had taken the seat with pride and as every story had it, they fell in love. They had been living in Wonderland in peace.

                                                        Sooner than later the Queen of Hearts became power hungry and challenged a war. It tore wonderland a part and due to it the kingdom fell and Alice had made the Hatter leave with their daughter. He rarely saw her after that, only sometimes could she manage to meet with him, but she had to continuously jump from world to world in order to not get captured by the evil queen and her dreadful cards. He missed her soulfully, and when she had gotten dragged into the mundane world with all of her memories gone he wondered if it was for the best. He watched her from a far just like he did Grace. They were the only two people he had ever cared for, and yet they were unattainable. He occasionally had run into Alice, perhaps going to the grocery store or something trivial and she would be polite and chat. He would just stare and listen to her, hearing her voice made him miss her more and more but he couldn’t help it. He would go to the store a million times in order to just possibly hear her speak, have a conversation that would mean nothing if it meant he could be around her. Much like today.

                                                        It was that time of month when things were on sale and the woman would be receiving her first paycheck, naturally she would go to get groceries and he would get the chance to see her. Not a lot of other people in the town paid any attention to him, he was an outcast. Much like Mr. Gold, people feared him due to his power and authority over the town; he was a bank broker and knew more about money then all of the others (just like most things). As he walked around the busying aisles he picked up on some idle chat going on between the town’s folk. His eyes not finding what he was searching for.

                                                        x Clothes
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                                                      xxxx Allison let out a loud yawn as she read the papers that Sydney had given her. The male continuously insisted on giving the brunet an over load of work. She hadn’t minded it too much at the beginning, but then he just kept piling more and more. She wouldn’t have been surprised if he was just being lazy and making her do all the work; he was always too busy sucking up to Regina to be doing anything even close to work. The young woman ran a hand threw her hair. She wasn’t quite sure how this happened, going to college for writing hadn’t been her smartest idea and somehow it had landed her a job in her own town as the assistant editor of ‘The Daily Mirror’. Everyone in the town would purchase the paper, everyone would read all of the boring and not important news that would go on in their small town. “I expect all those articles to be ready to print by five.” Sydney had said, and yet here she was, still editing and it was six thirty. He hadn’t even showed up to make sure she started the papers; not that it would matter they would print off enough copies even if she hadn’t gotten them on until midnight.

                                                      Allison had never liked news much; something about it just seemed too boring. Perhaps it was the constant facts that came across the wrong way to her, or maybe it was just that it wasn’t pirates like she wanted it to be. Either way, it wasn’t what made her happy, not even a little bit. But did that matter? No. She had bills to pay and mouths to feed. The brunette didn’t necessarily have to feed the young kids that called themselves ‘the lost boys’, but she couldn’t help it. They were a group of kids that had been abandoned by their parents and left to fend for themselves. Naturally Allison couldn’t let them live like that. So she fed them, every night and then she would tell them stories that she would write and they would laugh and Allison would remember why she had wanted to go into writing in the first place; she wanted to be a children’s book author. The nuns in the town housed them, so at least Allison didn’t have to worry about that, but it still seemed a bit strange that they couldn’t get fed. Maybe they just wanted a reason to have “Mother Allison” feed them. Either way she knew they would be awaiting for her at her small apartment.

                                                      After several minutes after seven she had finished up, put all the papers on the press and headed out. She was sure Sydney would call her eventually and complain about something or other, but she didn’t bother to worry herself with that. That was a tomorrow issue, not one for today. As she walked towards her home she wondered if Daniel would be there. Often he would come in after work and bug her with tedious things, she was sure he would never admit it, but Allison was almost certain he just liked to hear her stories. The two of them had gone to high school together, him being a year above him and yet somehow she was always the ‘older’ one out of the two. Allison had been the one who made him study and worry about school even when he didn’t want to.

                                                      The girl opened the door to her apartment and walked in and was immediantly swarmed by several kids. They were all of different ages, the youngest being six and demanding that the older kids bring him with. She smiled brightly at them, they were such a strange bunch of individuals and she would never understand how someone would just leave them as if they didn’t matter. They were all precious. “What are we having to eat?” was asked in a variety of ways by the different voices. She couldn’t help but admit to herself that she enjoyed this; this feeling needed. ”Calm down children, food will be here in a few minutes.” she said with a small smile. She wasn’t going to be able to cook dinner in time for them to be home so on her way home from work she had ordered them Pizza. The kids all cheered for joy but were quickly dismayed as she told them that they had to go wash up.

                                                      There was a small knock on the door and Allison opened it carefully. “Hello?” she asked and saw a small figure looking up at her. “Oh Henry, how are you? Would you like to come in?” the boy nodded and walked in, “Is everything alright?” she asked and the boy simply smiled, “Yeah. I don’t mean to intrude, but can I eat here tonight Miss Harrington?” the Mayor’s son asked. She couldn’t help but be surprised; it was such an odd request. But she nodded in reply, The boy nodded and set down his stuff, including a rather large hard back book. He then headed towards the bathroom where the rest of the children were making a fuss. She looked over at the book that Henry had brought and wondered what it could be.


Magnetic Noob

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♂Control your life through insanity.♂

Daniel “Peter Pan” Sanchez

                                          Unlike Allison, Daniel wasn't too busy with work at all. It had been a couple of days, and he was still waiting to hear where they would end up needing him to go to help out. Granted he had the right kind of skills to land any job in Storybrooke if he really wanted to, but there just wasn't anyone that seemed too keen on giving him a permanent spot just yet. With the odd jobs that he did here and there, he had plenty of money put away so he wouldn't be kicked out of his apartment, but he knew that if he wanted to end up staying there or moving, then he would need to try and buckle down and see if anyone would happen to give him a job he might actually be able to keep. He knew that it was the right thing to do, but at the same time, he was a little too fidgety to be kept in one place for too long. 'Probably the main reason that I can't hold down a solid job...but it'll work itself out in the end.' he thought with a light smile as he turned his head towards the nearest clock, wondering when Allison might be getting off work.

                                          Daniel would have usually just gone to Allison's work to bother her if he ever happened to get too bored, but due to Sydney's little rant about him bugging his top worker the last time he was there, he thought it was best to bother her after all her wok was done. Not that Daniel was scared of Sydney or anything, but he didn't want to go and cost his best friend her job. Upon seeing that it was closer to 5, he figured there would be no harm in going by and seeing if Allison was nearly done. He wasn't exactly sure how obvious he was being, but he did like to hang around her apartment more than his own. Not only did he like hearing her stories that she'd come up with for the 'lost boys', but he did enjoy spending time around her. The two of them were good friends from high school after all, and even though she did nag him about half the time when it came to that, he still saw Allison as one of his best friends.

                                          After leaving his house, Daniel's main intention was to go and harass Allison a little bit at her work, but he figured that he might as well surprise her and go to her apartment instead. After all, she was usually off around this time, so he figured that would be the best place to look for her. Upon arriving at her apartment though, instead of being greeted by her, he was attacked by a bunch of little kids instead. ”I'm guessing Allison isn't here yet huh? Well I guess you'll have to do.” he said with a light smile as he was finally let to his feet. After brushing himself off, the kids practically dragged him inside before the door was closed behind him.

                                          While they all waited for Allison to arrive, Daniel tried his hand at telling a few stories of his own. Unfortunately, he wasn't as good as Allison. ”I think you should save the stories for when Miss Allsion gets here.” one of the kids commented, only to have Daniel give a light chuckle as he nodded in agreement. ”Yeah, you have a point there.” he said, but it didn't stop him from trying to think up a good one while they were waiting. Not too far along into the planning process did he watch as the kids suddenly charged for the font door. A light smile came to his face as he knew that could only mean one thing; Allison was finally done with work.

                                          Daniel kind of hung out towards the back, waiting for the opportune time to make his presence known. He knew that Allison wouldn't be pissed about him being there, but he did kind of want to try and scare her. Such attempts were ruined by the lost boys ratting him out as they were making their way towards the bathroom to clean up. ”Not cool guys.” he said to the kids before glancing over at Allison with a light smile. ”Well they kind of ruined the part where I was suppose to try and scare you so...surprise!” he said, taking a moment to glance over Allison's shoulder at Henry before looking back towards Allison. He didn't know what the surprise visit from the Mayor's kid was all about, but he wasn't about to start complaining as he kept his gaze on Allison.

                                          OOC: Alright I apologize ahead of time, but I am not the best at putting outfits together xD
                                          I just picture Peter Pan wearing something like this.


                                          ♂Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.♂

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Magnetic Noob

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✄Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.✄

Ashley "Alice Kingsley" Price

                                          The day was kind of dreary, but that didn't seem to bother Ashley at all. She was probably keeping herself busy enough not to notice. Like Mary Margaret, she was a school teacher, so she was getting a few things done before she headed out to the store. She did need to get a few groceries, but there was also work that needed to be done as well. She was usually so orderly when it came to thine work that needed her attention, but for some reason or another, she found herself a bit...distracted. She just couldn't figure out what it was that might be causing her to be so distracted in the first place.

                                          'It could be those dreams that I've been having recently.' she thought to herself as she was leaning on her elbows against the table in front of her. She hadn't told anyone except for Allison, but she had been having dream of this very strange place. The odd thing about all of it was that this place she was dreaming about seemed very familiar to her. She still couldn't understand how a talking rabbit or a cat that could vanish would seem familiar to anyone, but it did. These little details weren't the ones that seemed to stand out the most to her though. There was always one crucial detail in her dreams that she couldn't seem to pinpoint, and it was this said detail that she was currently trying to puzzle through at that exact moment.

                                          In the dreams, there would always be these voices that seemed to be calling out to her. She could never really make out who it was that was calling to her, but she felt this compelling need to be with those people. 'Why is it that I can't make out who they are?' she thought to herself before shaking her head and returning to her work. Once she had finished up, she made sure to put it in its proper place before leaving her apartment. She knew that he was running a bit late, but there was always one thing she could count on come shopping day. She didn't know whether or not she'd actually end up seeing him there, but there was always one person she managed to bump into on that particular day; Jefferson.

                                          He was a bank broker, and much like Mr. Gold or Regina, people either tried to avoid him or seemed to be scared of him. Ashley didn't really feel the need to try to avoid him, nor did she in any way find him the least bit intimidating. Oddly enough, she found that it was kind of nice to speak with him when she could. Those times were rare, but she did find it kind of nice. She did wonder why she didn't see him around town more often, but never really thought to ask him that certain question. She thought it would be too nosy, and not wanting to possibly scare him off, she probably wouldn't intent to ask him that question very soon either.

                                          When she arrived at the store, she didn't manage to spot him right away. She started to think that maybe he had already came and gone. While gathering the things that she needed though, she did manage to bump into him and gave him a light smile. ”Oh hey. I thought you might have come and gone already.” she said to him, not even stopping to think that the only reason he ever came there was to see her. No matter, either way she thought it was nice to see him there.


                                          ✄Dreams are necessary to life.✄

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                                                      xxxx Allison turned her gaze away from the book that was calling out her name and looked up at the oldest male in the room; Daniel. It wasn’t odd seeing him in her apartment or anything but it was still something she wasn’t quite sure how she felt about it. Her eyebrow arched a bit as she looked at him, her firm by her sides. “You? You were going to scare me?” she said with a rather quizzical tone and then just shook her head and smiled. ”You’re not very scary Daniel.” she said lightly, turning towards the kitchen to grab plates in order to set the table. The young woman had been lucky to find such a large table at such a cheap price; she could have just made them sit at the floor but she felt that there was something sacred about sitting at a table with your family. It meant a lot to her and she wasn’t quite sure why. The silver ware had been a different matter entirely; costing her a bit of an arm and a leg though she was glad that she didn’t have to use it on nights like tonight. She was rather tired and didn’t want to have to worry about such tedious things like washing the dishes. No, tonight was a night where paper plates and towels would be used.

                                                      As the table was sent Allison heard at knock at the door, she hoped more than anything it would be the Pizza guy, finally arriving. As she gracefully walked to the door her eye caught on the book, she would have to surely ask Henry about it later. She wanted to be able to glance at its pages. She opened the door and smiled, ”How are you?” she asked as the man smiled at her, ”I’m good Miss Allison how are you?” he asked as he walked in and set the pizza on the table. They had small idle chat about the pizza and the cost of it and exchanged the money for the product. He was a good looking man, about the age of nineteen. He was tall and bright, she knew he had been in a freshman in high school when she was Senior and a lot had changed. He was taller now, and despite his pizza attire he looked rather dapper. His hair was dark and nicely trimmed; he took good care of himself. His eyes light in color, cheerful even, but she could tell that they were mature. He was an interesting person and she couldn’t help but smile. As he was about to leave he looked back her, ”You’re looking good Allison.” and she waved him off, a smile on her face and blush to her cheeks, her hands fidgeting a bit with her hair. She enjoyed getting compliments once and awhile, it made her feel important. Of course she knew it meant near to nothing, it was just a compliment and therefore just an opinion, but it still felt nice to receive them once in awhile.

                                                      One of the younger boys let out a groan as he and the rest of the kid’s piled into their seats. ”Stop flirting and let’s eat.” She closed the door and turned back to him, a faint blush on her cheeks, “I was not blushing Thomas.” She said simply and then walked back to the table and began to distribute the pizza among the children, who tore into the food like they were starving, even though she knew that they were all well fed. “Henry about your book, its quiet lovely.” She said as they were at the table, ”You could take a look at if you’d like. In fact you could borrow it as long as I could have it back.” he said with a smile. The child was quite different than most, he was the mayor’s son yet he was still simply stunning, very nice and didn’t portray that he was better than any of the children at her home even though he had a mother. She appreciated him for that. “I would love to.” She said and once the kids had finished eating, something that only took them about ten minutes or so, they went to wash up. She cleared the table, “You’re rather quiet Daniel.” She said simply, it wasn’t really that he was quiet; he was just not talking as much as he would normally would and it made Allison wonder if she had done something. ”Is everything alright?”

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                                                        Jefferson didn’t have a hard time speaking; he wasn’t exactly bad with words. In fact he had always been quite wonderful at speaking, or at least he used to be. Before he was put in the current world, before he was isolated from everyone that he loved yet surrounded by them. It was such an awkward state to be in, to know everything about someone and yet you couldn’t let them know without being deemed crazy because, what an odd thing to say someone, “Hey you used to be Cinderella and we used to be best friends.” The idea was ludacris and no intelligent adult would believe such a thing. Of course he had never actually been best friends with Cinderella, in fact he had never even met her, just heard a lot of stories that revolved around her within the land. The male was filled with deep frustration; he wasn’t quite sure what he could do to resolve his problems at hand. There wasn’t anything really he could do; and he hated Regina for it. Sure, she didn’t know that she had done such an awful thing to him, but he couldn’t help but dislike her anyway, especially wen she smiled at him like she did in fact know what was going on.

                                                        As Alice walked towards him he felt his body tense. It was odd seeing her, every moment flashed in his mind of them. Every word, every touch, every smile; all the things that had kept him going for so many years that he could only dream about; when he saw her it was like a brick wall had just hit him, full force. It was such an odd thing; he had once been a confident man, a charmer and a jack of all trades. Every woman had loved him; but in this world he was much more sullen, glummer and afraid to speak (of course women of the current world enjoyed that, though he wasn’t sure why). It made him feel pale in comparison to her, who had brought life all around her with every step. He never believed her when she spoke of a world without magic because everything she did was filled with it. The young girl who had stumbled across him with wide and curious eyes; he would never forget that. It had been such a thrill of adventure, everything they had managed to accomplish with each other. Sure the March Hare and Cheshire Cat had been involved, but it was mostly him and her; it would always be him and her. No matter what happened he would never see anyone quite the way he saw her.

                                                        After she spoke to him it took him several minutes to register what she was saying. He was too busy observing the way she spoke, the way her eyes shone in the store light and her mouth quirked at the end. He felt himself get lost, wondering if he could just stay in his memories forever. She was a lot happier now than she had been when the kingdom fell, but she was different. This was the world she came from; the cruelty of it could never corrupt her because she had already been so strong to deal with it before. He admired her for that, for everything. He blinked, his thoughts slowing down no longer going on a tangent for about a mile a minute. ”No, in fact I just got here.” he glanced over at the aisle they were in and grabbed a box of cereal. He had to seem like he was a little bit normal, and he was quite fond of cereal anyway. ”So how have you been?” he asked smoothly, his voice casual and even.

                                                        (I’m terrible Dx ugh.)

                                                        x Clothes

Magnetic Noob

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♂Control your life through insanity.♂

Daniel “Peter Pan” Sanchez

                                          Daniel couldn't help but agree with Allison. ”Alright you got me there, but you were surprised right?” he asked her with a light smile. With how much he came over to the house though, he was sure that she probably wasn't that surprised at all. What he was surprised about was Henry being there. The only kids that usually came over to Allison's house were the lost boys. No matter, the more people over at the house, the merrier!

                                          He barely even paid attention to the door as he was helping to set the table. After it had been set though, he found his gaze wandering over to the same book that had caught Allison's attention earlier. He didn't know what it was, bu there was something about the book that suddenly called to him as well. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but he knew that it was something. He thought about peaking inside the book to see what kind of stories might be in it, but he would wait for that after dinner. It was Henry's book after all, and he didn't want to upset the kid by looking at it if he didn't want to lend it to anyone else.

                                          Daniel barely paid attention to the idle chat going on between Allison and the pizza boy, but it wasn't until his last comment that he found himself immediately looking straight over towards the both of them. He couldn't help but glare at the back of the boys head as he left the house. Daniel had no idea why, but he found himself very irritated at what he had said to her. Could he be...jealous? 'No of course not. Allison and me are best friends.' he thought to himself, now trying to push such nagging thoughts to the back of his mind.

                                          All throughout dinner, Daniel was unusually quiet. It wasn't until the others had left the table that he glanced over at Allison and gave her a light smile. ”Umm...yeah, I'm alright.” he said with a nod, rubbing the back of his neck in thought. ”Your birthday is coming up in a few days isn't it? Did you have anything planned for it?” he asked as he leaned back in the chair he was sitting in. He of course had something planned for her birthday, but that little surprise was between him and the lost boys.


                                          ♂Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.♂

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Magnetic Noob

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✄Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.✄

Ashley "Alice Kingsley" Price

                                          Alice noticed the slight pause that Jefferson had taken before he answered her. She was always a little surprised how he managed to be at the store right at the same time she was, but she wasn't about to question it in any way. She was just happy to see him there. She had placed something in her cart before glancing back over towards Jefferson. She did have some questions for him as well, but the last thing she wanted to do was to come off as being nosy. So she would just resort to the usual questions that you would normally ask someone when you happened to see them.

                                          ”I've been really busy for the most part, but other then that I've been good.” she said with a nod. ”School has been the thing that has been keeping me moving the most part. I've also been trying to figure out what to get Allison for he birthday that is coming up in a couple of days.” she said as she walked with him, going to the next aisle she would need to be in. The whole time she had known Allison, her friend would tell her not to worry about getting he a present. Being her friend though, she would always try to get her a little something that she knew would make her smile. While the present she could get for him wasn't that big or extravagant, she figured that something was better than nothing.

                                          ”So what about you?” she asked, glancing over at him as the both of them walked to the next aisle. ”It seems the only place we ever bump into each other is here, so I take it you've been pretty busy yourself.” she added with a light smile. She did wonder why she hadn't run into him anywhere else, but she figured the reason behind that was because he was quite busy with his work. To be honest, she would like the chance to see him around more. The conversations between the both of them didn't last for very long, but even so. She did seem a little happier after getting the chance to speak with him.

                                          While Alice was waiting for Jefferson's answer, there was another question that sprang to mind. ”I umm...there is something I'm curious about. Maybe if you aren't too busy this weekend, maybe the two of us could meet up and do something.” she suggested as she glanced over at him. ”I know it might be really last minute to ask, but it would give us some more time to talk other than here. If your busy though, I totally understand and we could try to shoot for some other time.” she said, that smile still on her face. She just thought it would be nice for the two of them to possibly hang out somewhere other than a busy grocery store.


                                          ✄Dreams are necessary to life.✄

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                                                      xxxxAllison smiled as she rolled her eyes at Daniel.“But of course I was surprised.” She said with an under tone of sarcasm. He must have known that she wasn’t even a bit surprised, why would she be? He was always around the house, always bugging her. It wasn’t a big secret that he would be at her house, attempting to surprise her day after day. But she would still find it in her heart to humor him; she cared about him after all, and if she had to prove it through small acts like this, then she didn’t mind it too much.

                                                      As Daniel spoke up after dinner Allison was fully focused on him, even though the children were piling up on the couch to hear her story for the night so that they could all head home. ]’They can wait a few more minutes.’ she thought selfishly as she looked at Daniel. He said he was alright, but there was an air about him that made her wonder if he was lying. It wasn’t like he had to tell her the truth; she just would have preferred it to sitting and wondering what was really going on. ”Daniel, I know that something is on your mind.” she said rather kindly. She didn’t want to press it too hard but she didn’t want to admit defeat. She knew there was something a lot more in his head then just alright. They had been friends for a while and she was not a stupid woman by any means.

                                                      Then he caught her off guard with an odd question about her birthday. She frowned a bit as the question got shoved aside and she simply shrugged. ”Well it’s just a birthday, another year of getting older.” she said with a calm tone of voice. She had never cared much for birthdays after she had turned seventeen. She had spent most of her life wanting more than anything to hurry and grow up, and now she was and all she wanted was it to slow down. She always had to be the mature one in situations because no one else would be and sometimes she wondered if that made her miss out on some of life’s greatest experiences, though she would never mums these thoughts aloud. She shrugged her shoulders, ”I probably will just go see my parents for lunch and then go to work. It’s not like I have anything else to do.” she said simply.

                                                      She knew that he probably had reasoning for asking such a question. He probably wanted to do something with her on her birthday or had some secret plan; it was Daniel, he wasn’t exactly stubble about these kinds of things, and neither were the children. They were quite terrible at keeping secrets. Before anything more could be said one of the children interrupted their talking, ”Story now please.” he begged and soon after there were several little voices asking for her to tell them stories, some giving her ideas and others yelling for them to shut up so she could speak.

                                                      She got up from where she was seated and moved towards the couch where they had left room for her and Daniel to sit. They all crowed around her as she began to tell a story about a pirate that she had been dreaming of recently. She wasn’t quite sure why she had such odd dreams, especially since it had felt like a strange sense of de ja vu. She told them about the old pirate named Captin Hook, he was cruel and odd, but he was misunderstood. On some level she had felt sorry for him, all he had ever wanted was his mother’s approval and to fall in love, but a young boy had caused him mischief. She could never remember his name and so she just gave them a false identity. She told him about his adventures in Neverland. Henry looked especially interested in her story, as if she had said something that sparked a connection.

                                                      Once the story was finished for the night they begged her to continue and she simply smiled and told them maybe tomorrow. They groaned as they all got up and retrieved their jackets and coats, every one of them getting bundled up to head home. She waved them all good bye until Henry was the only one left, ”Good night Henry, I hope you enjoyed the story.” she said with a small smile. Henry looked up at her, a grin on his face as he handed her the story book, ”I think you should look at this, there’s a story that is quite similar to yours.” and with that he gave her a light hug and headed out the door. She closed the door with a quizzical look on her face and then went back to the couch with the book in her hand. ’I wonder what he meant.’ she thought with a small sigh, she would never understand the quirkiness and bliss of children.

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                                                        Jefferson looked at Alice with curiosity, he was just interested in everything she had to say and he knew it must have been obvious. She probably thought he was some creep that wanted to well, shack up, though that was not his intentions in anyway, he still felt like he came off as some creepy human being. Like he was one of those obsessive freaks that would steal someone and tie them up all because he thought it would be fun and games, though he would never do such a thing despite being the Mad Hatter. The only times he had ever been ‘mad’ were when he was lost or desperate, like when he had first lost Alice or his daughter. He slapped himself back into reality as she spoke up about Allison’s birthday.
                                                        It wasn’t odd to Jefferson that Alice and Wendy- or now known as Allison- had become friends. They had been that way in the past too. Wendy living in Neverland often found herself with Peter going to different worlds and that was when they had met. Alice had known immediately that Wendy was from the mundane world and they had an instant connection. The only queer thing was that they had somehow kept that connection coming back to the mundane world; he wasn’t quite sure. No one had been able to keep their connection unless Regina wanted it, and Regina hated the friendship that the two human girls had shared. Yet it had happened nonetheless.

                                                        He kept his pace even with hers, a shopping basket tucked under his arm as he picked out random foods to put in it. He wasn’t quite sure if he even needed to buy more things to eat. He rarely ate as is and wasn’t sure if the food would go to waste. He wondered momentarily if he should give her advice on what to get her or if that would be too awkward considering he didn’t know Allison, well, in Allison and everyone else’s mind that was anyway. But he decided he could put some input anyway, ”Maybe instead of buying her something, you could make her something.” he said casually. It wasn’t a bad idea, handmade gifts were always sentimental.

                                                        Jefferson stopped momentarily as the girl asked how he had been, he wasn’t expecting it. Well he was, he had to have been, it was a normal thing to ask another human being. Yet it seemed rather strange to him, perhaps due to his lack of human interaction. He began to walk with her again and simply said, ”Well, I’ve been alright.” he said casually as he picked up some apples, checking them for quality. He shrugged at her question, ”I’ve got a lot of free time actually. All I really do is make hats.” he murmured at the apple, putting them into a plastic bag and setting them in his basket quietly. Jefferson glanced at her, his eyes keeping on her face, ”I’m not really a social butter fly, I just stay at home.”

                                                        After a very short silence Alice asked a rather peculiar question that Jefferson had not been expecting at all; it wasn’t a normal things people that talked casually at a grocery store asked. It was something that usually would be contemplated as a suggestion of a date. He felt himself swallow hard as he looked at her, her smile perfect on her face. Damn it, he couldn’t tell her no. Even though he knew he should, he couldn’t. Instead he looked away from her and eyed anything that was far away from her face as he answered. ”Yeah we could do that.” is all he had to offer her as a response. He didn’t want to say much more out of fear it might not be what she wanted to hear.

                                                        x Clothes

Magnetic Noob

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♂Control your life through insanity.♂

Daniel “Peter Pan” Sanchez

                                          Daniel was more than aware that he couldn't hide anything from Allison, but it didn't mean that he wasn't going to try. He answered with a simple shrug as he folded his arms behind his head. ”There is, but its nothing for you to worry about.” he replied with his usual smile. He knew he could have just told her he was a little jealous of this pizza boy, but that would risk messing things up with the friendship the two of them had. He had no idea why these feelings were there in the first place, but he did have every intention of trying to figure that out. He knew that he liked Allison, but could it be that he was just being thick headed in admitting what he truly felt about her?

                                          He was glad at the sudden change of subject before he got too swept up and actually blurted out to her what he was thinking right then and there. He knew that he shouldn't have been surprised by her answer about her birthday though. Out of the two of them, Allison had always been the grown up, even when they were going through high school. ”Birthdays are more than just that. Gives you a reason to party, invite over a couple of friends, and to just plain old have fun!” he said with a grin. He knew that there were other reasons that a person could end up throwing a party, but for one reason or another, he wanted to make sure that Allison's birthday turned out special this year.

                                          Daniel found himself getting distracted once again, but this time it involved something that he looked forward to almost every time he dropped by to visit her. He of course sat down next to Allison as she started telling her story to the kids. He didn't know why, but he felt the strangest feeling as if he actually knew this Captain Hook that Allison was telling her story about. He knew that kind of thing was ridiculous though, so he pushed the thought from his head as she continued with the story. It seemed to end as quickly as it began though as Allison's little tale drew to a close. 'That Captain Hook sounds like a complete idiot.' he thought to himself as he got up, following suit of the little kids as he got ready to head out of the house.

                                          ”As much as I would love to stay and bother you some more, I need to get going too.” Daniel said as he pulled on his own jacket before glancing over towards Allison. ”I might be able to come and pester you tomorrow, but we'll have to wait and see if the codfish has managed to find me a job.” he joke with a light smirk before making his way over towards the door. He said his goodbyes to Allison before he closed the door, heading off in the direction of home. He had no idea why he had given that nickname to the person that was in charge of his jobs, but for some odd reason, it seemed very fitting. His last name was Fisher after all, so it would only make sense that his nickname would have something involving some kind of fish.


                                          It didn't take long for Daniel to reach home, and sure enough, he hadn't gotten any missed calls or messages from the codfish. It didn't take him long for him to get ready for bed and to fall asleep, and once he did, he was no longer Daniel Sanchez. In the dreams that he had, he was known by another name; Peter Pan. He was flying through the air, calling to the other lost boys before he landed on the ground. What he found the lost boys gathered around though wasn't a very pleasant sight at all. This particular memory was when Tinkerbell had tricked the others into thinking that Wendy was some kind of bird and egged them into shooting her out of the sky.

                                          ”What have you done?” he said as he knelt down next to Wendy, hoping that she was alright. He had a sneaking suspicion he knew who might be behind this, but he didn't think that Tink would go as far as to try and get someone killed! ”We're sorry Peter! We didn't mean to hurt her.” the lost boys tried to tell him, and he glanced over in their direction. He was irritated of course, but he had to make sure that Wendy was okay first. He was sure that she was, but it seemed that whoever happened to shoot her had gotten her pretty good.


                                          ♂Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.♂

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Magnetic Noob

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✄Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.✄

Ashley "Alice Kingsley" Price

                                          Ashley didn't think that Jefferson was creepy in the slightest. That was the furthest thing from her mind as the two of them would talk to each other in the grocery store. The only people that she could really deem as being creepy would happen to be Regina or Mr. Gold. She didn't know what it was about the major, but there was something about her that seemed to scare her just a little bit. While she hadn't met Mr. Gold personally or see him around town that much, the things that she heard about the man were enough to keep her from visiting him anytime soon. Not that she was scared of actually bumping into him or anything, but still.

                                          As the two of them were talking, Jefferson mentioned getting Allison a homemade gift instead of buying her something. ”I think I might do just that.” she said with a smile. She was fairly good when it came to things like that, and she was sure that she'd be able to put something together that Allison would end up liking. Not to mention it might save her on her bills that were soon coming up. She knew that it was almost that time where she might be seeing Mr. Gold, but it seemed to her as if the rent was getting more and more expensive. She wasn't about to say anything about it though, but if it got too outrageous, then she would for sure bring it up.

                                          Ashley turned her gaze away from what she was gathering up and looked over to Jefferson as their conversation carried on. She remembered him saying something about him making hats, but she had yet to see any of these hats in question. ”Maybe you should leave the house more often. It would give us the chance to talk to each other more, and maybe I'd be able to see these hats that you make.” she said with a light smile. Only if he was up for it of course. She wouldn't want to completely scare him off or anything.

                                          Alice couldn't stop the smile that came to her face when Jefferson agreed to the two of them getting together. ”Well thats great.” she said as she quickly noticed the way that he was trying to avoid her gaze at that point. She took it as him being slightly shy about what she was asking, what with him saying he wasn't that much of a social person after all. After the two of them got to the checkout, she made plans for him to come over to her apartment for some dinner the next night. After all was said and done, she said goodbye to him as the two of them went their separate ways. She was very excited about the dinner plans, and she was going to make sure that they turned out very well.


                                          Just as Daniel went and fell into a strange dreamland, Ashley was quick to follow suit. Only she ended up in a land that she referred to as Wonderland. She also went by a different name, and that happened to be Alice Kingsley. It was these kinds of dreams that she enjoyed the most. The kingdoms hadn't quite come to peace quite yet, but at the same time, she was still there all the same. She just happened to be making plans on overthrowing the Red Queen.

                                          At that particular moment in her dream, she had managed to find her way to Wonderland once again. She was trying to see out one person, but she didn't seem to have much luck in finding him. She knew that he would turn up sooner or later though. At least she knew that she would run into him once she made her way out of Wonderland anyway. That was where she always seemed to find him the best, so after a little time, she went to check things out in finding him. It would take some time, but she would find him.


                                          ✄Dreams are necessary to life.✄

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