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Jenpai's Wife

Celeste looked absolutely excited to see her brother. She hadn’t seen him in days and the Dragons were growing more and more by the hour. She wanted to share them with him, and share her “happy” news. She didn’t know how he would react. Celeste reached out her arms happily to embrace him closely. The smile on her face was instantly wiped clean when she saw the troubled look on his.
“Is there something the matter?” She asked him, as she moved him to sit down. She sat beside him and wrinkled her nose down at the ginger tea in disgust. She handed it to Drakys slowly and laid her head on his shoulder. Her eyes peered up at him innocently.
“The priestess lady says it is supposed to help with morning sickness...” She stated slowly then pulled back some, “You are to be an uncle. You best hurry up and find a bride yourself.” She teased, waiting to see how well he would take the news. Celeste herself still had not come to term s with the fact. She hoped that Drakys’ would be as happy as Varus. After all, she would want her twin and life long companion to be happy. But the frown on Drakys’ face seemed to only deepen. She pulled back slightly with alarm and returned the expression.
“What?” She asked the suddenly, growing a bit frustrated with his recent attitude and seemingly annoying resistance to everything.  

Hygienic Genius

Drakys was surprised to see Celeste so excited and happy. She pulled him into a tight embrace and had her own news to share before Drakys could even get his out. He froze when she told him and found no humor in her joke. He was not glad to be an uncle and if should ever take a wife he would want it to be her. But it was evident that that was never going to happen. Now all he saw was what he had imagined when he was with Vasari; Celeste moaning out from underneath him with her hair a mess and her eyes half open. He realized that he would never be able to see her like that but it was what Varus got to see every night. It made Drakys jealous and angry.

He pushed Celeste off of his shoulder and stood up, fuming as he paced around the room. What was he going to say? He couldn’t tell her the truth now. She would never pick him over Varus now that she was pregnant with the man’s child. Yet the rage was building up inside his stomach and he had to find an excuse to let it out. “Well i'm glad that you two are so happy” He said sarcastically. “Everything is the matter, Celeste. What the ******** do I have to be happy about? You took the title, the kingdom, and the dragons. Now I guess I’m just a pawn in your army huh? Stuck fighting in a war that I couldn’t give two shits about!”

Jenpai's Wife

Celeste was pushed and she looked deeply cut by the action as her brother stood up and began yelling. She sat quietly, with her eyes cast to the floor. She felt.tears welling within them and blinked them back quickly. "I thought you would have been happy with the news." She whispered as she quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. There were not many people who could make her feel this way. Her twin brother was an exception.He always had a way of bringing out emotions from her. She felt Ill but it was not morning sickness any longer. It was a deep ache of emotional pain.

"Drakys, please. You know that's not true. You are my brother, and I love you. I-" Celeste was cut off by a knock at the door. She quieted down, but her chin was shaking from.keeping her sobs in check. She stood up and walked to the door, cracking it slightly. There was a girl there, holding some more awful tea. She took the cup quietly and thanked the girl. However the girl still lingered." I am sorry. It is not a good time. Could you please return in an hour and we can speak of whatever it is you would like to discuss?" Celeste apologized again politely and gently shut the door.

Her footsteps were hesitant as she neared her twin and touched his arm. "You still can have a dragon, and the tie and land. It is only temporary. Please, stop." She murmured because she did not know if the girl was still there. "What would you have me do? Marry the king, suffer for the rest of my life? I can't do that."

Hygienic Genius

Drakys was in a rage. He didn’t get like this a lot, but when he did he was inconsolable. All he could see was red and all he could think about was the woman he loves giving birth to another man’s child. His breathing was heavy and his hands were balled into fists. He just had so much rage inside of him that he had to release it somehow. What finally pushed him over the edge was the fact that she told him that she loved him but only to have it be preceded by ‘you are my brother’. He forcefully took her by the arms when she touched him. “I would rather die first than see you have that baby” He said as he threw her back, with a bit more force than he had intended and sent her crashing back into a table.

Jenpai's Wife

Celeste caught herself against the table. Items were knocked off and crashed to the floor but she seemed to ignore that for now. She couldn't believed he had pushed her in such a manner. Her eyes glanced from the table to Drakys then back to the table as if she was trying to figure out exactly what had just happened. She stiffened her jaw then as she grew angry alongside the sadness.
"Leave." She said in a eerily soft voice. "Don't speak, gather your things and leave. You are banished from my sight. You are no longer welcome in my camps, or in dragonbourne." She spoke. Then she breezed past him quickly. There was nothing more to be said about the.situation. Celeste felt a piece of her heart breaking but Drakys had threatened her and her child. She would not stand for it

Hygienic Genius

Varus had been speaking with Lord Elmar for the better half of the day. He had gone to him to arrange for Donny to meet his daughter but soon learned that it was against their religion for couples to meet before their wedding day. During his talks with the man, Varus learned many interesting customs of the storm god worshippers. Finally he was headed back to the room to share the news with Celeste when he heard a loud crashing sound. He then saw Drakys walk out with a particularly hateful look for Varus as they passed each other in the hallway. He ran to the room to find out what happened. He saw the contents of the table spilled on the floor and Celeste standing there crying as if something terrible had just happened.

He went to her and pulled her into his arms and let her know that whatever had happened it was over now. He brought her over to the couch, avoiding all the broken glass on the ground and wiped away her tears. “You’re not hurt are you? What happened?” He asked urgently, fearing for the safety of his unborn child.

Jenpai's Wife

Celeste watched Drakys storm from the room blankly, followed by Varus entering the bedroom. What could she really say? That her brother had shoved her, that she had banished him? She didn’t say anything, rather she shook her head slowly. She didn’t want to explain. But she sat down none the less and glanced at the broken glass and items thrown about. “He’s angry, and we fought. He pushed me and I banished him. “ She said quietly, rubbing her hands on her legs slightly as a nervous tick. She tipped her head back slightly and took in a deep breath to calm herself. She stood up and paced the room slightly. She hadn’t wanted any of this to happen. She never thought it would happen either. Drakys was always so calm and collected that it was strange to see him in a rage. He was always so protective of her, that when he had shoved her she had not been expecting it. Then she remembered something. She had shooed that poor girl off in the heat of the moment.

She looked for a local guard outside the door and requested he find the girl and ask her to come back to speak with Celeste. Then she turned to Varus and rubbed her arm in comfort. “The meeting?” She asked quietly as she took a seat beside him. It seemed like she was trying her best to take her mind off of the previous occurrences, but she couldn’t do that when there was glass and other things along the floor. She crouched down and began to clean the mess they had made. Her eyes were beginning to water again so she simply sat back on her knees and sighed. “What did he say?” She asked, rubbing at her eyes furiously.

Finally she just broke down once again in tears. Her hand covered her face to hide it slightly. Weakness was not an emotion the Twins had been taught to show, ever. And so she was embarrassed. “Where are my Dragons? Where is Jarvanti? I want them here.” She said, standing up in almost a panic. A wave of dizziness passed about her. The stress was not good for her condition

Hygienic Genius

Varus was surprised to hear that Drakys had tried to hurt Celeste. Sure, the man had attacked Varus before, even tried to kill him, but he never tried to hurt Celeste. Even during their fight outside of Candor Drakys had held back. So what was so different now? Varus sighed when he saw her on the floor trying to pick up the glass. She shouldn’t be worrying about that now or trying to pick them up with her bare hands. He helped her up and brought her over to the couch again. He turned to the guard and commanded a few things to be done. “Get someone to come and clean up the mess, bring the dragons and phoenix here, and make sure that Drakys does not come anywhere near the camps.”

He then sat with her on the couch and held her close to his chest. He knew that she didn’t like to show weakness, but he wanted to let her know that it was okay to cry once in a while. “You’ve been hurt so you just let it out okay?” He said as he kissed her on the forehead and stroked her hair. They sat for a while then Varus remembered that she had asked him about what happened with Elmar. “Lord Elmar said that meeting the bride before the wedding day is against the ways of the Storm Gods. They put so much faith in their deity to choose the right match that they believe all marriages will work out beautifully even if they don’t meet beforehand.” He said then realized that bad news were probably not what Celeste wanted to hear right now. There were some news that came out of Varus’s talk with Elmar though. He had offered to make their men new armor and wanted to know what colors and sigil to use. “Oh! Elmar also mentioned that they have started to work on the banners and shields. He wants to know whether we will be using the Wylde dragon or the Laster phoenix.”

Jenpai's Wife

Celeste had calmed down but she was by no means happy. She held Uther in her arms while volos curled up and fell asleep behind her. She smiled and pulled Jarvanti beside her as well, setting the bird on her leg. It was comforting to have them there. She still was worried about Drakys though. Her eyes followed Varus but then she shrugged. "Egan? It means fire in ancient valerian." Celeste suggested then stood with the little black Dragon in her arms. She moved to stand in front of Varus. "You are excited about the child?" She wondered, looking to her currently flat belly.

"Where is that girl?" She wondered as she once again opened the door to ask the guard if he had made a request yet. Celeste needed constant distraction at the moment. She didn't want to think about the fight.

Hygienic Genius

The next morning Armelle woke up at the crack of sawn. She was excited to begin her first lesson and to see Don again. She snuck out of the castle before even the work hands had begun their duties for the day. She had even snuck into the armory to borrow one of the training swords. With the equipment in hand Armelle made for the river. She reached the meeting place soon enough and saw that Don was not there yet. She sat by the river and watched the limetoads jump around the stream and smiled, thinking about their adventure the previous day.

Jenpai's Wife

The following morning Donny awoke with a start. The Sun was rising, and he cussed to himself. s**t he was going to be late! Elle would hate him forever. He jumped from his bed and threw clothing on, and tried to put his boots on as he ran out of the door. Unlike Armelle he did not have to make excuses. He simply ran towards the river whilst shoving his shirt into his pants. He must have looked mighty silly. From afar he waved. When he arrived he hunched over catching his breath, "sorry I'm-" he took a swing of water from his sack, "I woke up late." He finally got out as he flopped down beside her.

After a second or two he glanced in her direction and smiled, propping himself up. "What do you got there?" He asked, mentioning to the sword she had stolen.

Hygienic Genius

Armelle waited at the river for quite a while. What had started out as excitement quickly turned into doubt. Maybe he wasn’t coming at all. He had gotten what he wanted out of the deal, what was to keep him from helping her? Armelle sighed and was just about to head back when she heard someone yelling and running over. Her face lit up when she saw that it was Donny. She hadn’t been abandoned after all. He said that he was late because he overslept and she believed him because he had the look to suit it. “You could have at least brushed your hair” Armelle giggled as she looked at his wild appearance. She got up from her seat in the grass and picked up the training sword. “Well I brought this so we can practice with it. Isn’t that what people do? Unless of course you would like to start with something else…” She said as she swung the sword though the air a few times. However her stance was completely wrong and she was clueless as to how to even hold the thing.

Jenpai's Wife

Donny chuckled as he watched the girl stand up and swing the sword aimlessly. It was incredibly cute, and it warmed his heart to watch her so earnestly try. He stood up with a nod. "Brush my hair? I dare not provoke your anger any further with an extended lateness." He took the training sword in one hand, and hers in the other. "You hold it like this." He instructed as he placed the training sword in her hand and folded her fingers over it correctly. He then took a step back to examine her stance. "Widen your legs a bit further apart and bend your knees slightly." He explained that if she stood without a low center of gravity a single blow would be able to knock her over.

"And then there are the basics. You can slash, pierce,parry." With her hand in his, and he behind her, he showed her the flow of movement

Jenpai's Wife

That night Celeste had tossed and turned, memories plagued her to tears and the dreams, so vivid of another time seemed so close. She woke up in cold sweats and to the sound of her own cries and whimpering. Finally when she was too tired to stay awake any longer she drifted back into that dangerous slumber.

Dream sequence
It had been months prior. Her father had just announced their trip to Kings lawn reason being unknown but heavily hinted towards finding Celeste a husband. She was at a suitable age now, and she was beautiful with a large and expensive dowery to match. There was nobody she could not have, but she behaved as if she did not want any of them. That night, the girl could not sleep. She could hardly put her mind to rest. She was as troubled as the storm brewing outside of her window. Thunder cracked wildly and rumbled over the land of dragonbourne. She had been laying in bed for hours, and sleep still did not come.

So, she lit a candle and wandered down the hall to a room she was very familiar with. She gingerly opened the door without knocking because, what had Drakys to hide from her? There was very little. She stepped into the room, and he too was awake. She was shivering beneath her night clothing as she stood by his bedside. "I am sorry, I couldn't sleep. Can I sit with you for awhile?" She asked the blonde man. Though they were the same age, Drakys was clearly already a man as she clearly was a woman. Sometimes she wished she could be like him.

Celeste looked troubled as she crawled.beneath the covers and laid her head upon a pillow. She watched Drakys for a long minute then. "Father intends to find me a husband." She said softly.

Hygienic Genius

Drakys couldn’t sleep either. They were to set out for Kings Lawn in the morning. He wasn’t exactly excited about the trip. Bad things always happened in the capital. It wasn’t bad enough that almost every noble house would be there but the rumor was that Dyaus was trying to match Celeste up with the prince. Drakys cared deeply for sister, perhaps a bit more than a brother should. They had always been close but Drakys wanted to be closer still. He had loved her his entire life but was always afraid to show it because of ridicule. She was his sister. A man was not supposed to love his sister.

As he laid in bed thinking he heard the door creek open. A candle lit up the night as Celeste entered the room. He smiled when he saw her walk over and moved aside in the bed so she would have room to lay down. Neither of them could sleep and some company would do well to pass the time. His skin brushed up against hers under the covers. He felt how cold she was and desperately wanted to pull her close to him and keep her warm but that would be inappropriate. He settled with just taking her hand and playing with her fingers as they just laid quietly for a moment. “I know. I don’t want you to go” He finally spoke. He tried to imagine what his life would be like without her. He was supposed to stay in Dragonbourne and become lord after his father while Celeste gets married and shipped off to another kingdom. He felt like it would be a dark and miserable place without her even if he was lord of the castle. Home just wouldn’t feel like home without his other half. “I want you to stay here with me forever” He said solemnly and truly wished for it with all his heart.

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