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A 1x1 roleplay between Fatallity and Elymnesis.

OOC Thread


1. A Fly In the Aether
¢нαρтєя 1: α fℓу ιи тнє αєтнєя

▇▇▇▇▇A soupy fog spilled over the aether wood. Ghost lights flickered here and there, and the sound of spirit frogs echoed in the murky darkness. Moss covered everything--the fallen branches, the tangled clumps of roots, and every rock and tree trunk in sight. There was a deep cool, and profound darkness, like it was a late hour of the night. It was not a late hour of the night. There was no night here--only shadows and shades that came when they pleased. And the shadow spirits chose to be in this very wood at this very moment. They clung to the ribs of trees and the underside of roots, and to the rugged faces of rocks, making them look sharper than they actually were.

▇▇▇▇▇Above, in the tangled branches of an aether tree, two impossibly fat monsters sat lazily. They were about the size of a very large dog, or perhaps a small walrus, for all the blubber they seemed to be composed of. Their build was frog like, and slick with slime. Black, close-set eyes peered at the world from blobish, grey heads. They didn’t seem to have any distinguishable necks, except, perhaps, that implied by a roll of fat that might have been where their shoulders were. Then again, it might simply been a roll of fat.

▇▇▇▇▇“Tungsten,” croaked one, in a deep, blobby voice.
▇▇▇▇▇“Aaaah?” replied Tungsten, apparently waking from sleep.
▇▇▇▇▇“Do you feel, it? That is to say… er, does something smell odd to you?” said the other.
▇▇▇▇▇Tungsten sniffed deeply and with effort.
▇▇▇▇▇“Oh,” he said suddenly with delight. “You’re right, Tantalum. It smells like... erm, that… um. That other one. The slippery one.”
▇▇▇▇▇Tungsten slowly pulled back his fat, ashen lips to reveal a plethora of impossibly long sharp teeth.
▇▇▇▇▇“Hmm.” replied Tantalum in confirmation. “Perhaps this one will be slower,” he said hopefully.
▇▇▇▇▇Tungsten roused himself and leapt to the ground in a puff of mist, which wasn’t simply water vapor. The whole world could be like that, sometimes. Thin, expanded, transparent, and dissolvable. His brother appeared beside him with a similar disturbance of the fog.
▇▇▇▇▇“That would be lovely,” replied Tungsten, “I do love a good soul. They’re so delicious.”

Dapper Exhibitionist

tab Darkness. Was he dead? He could not remember being in any situation that would cause him to die... But then who would even remember that? He could feel something scratching against his face, and the smell of dirt... was that dirt? He pushed himself off the ground and coughed, taking in a deep breath. He realized he had not been breathing for a while. His eyes shot open, taking in a little too much light causing him to squint. Drawing his eyebrows together, he turned this way and that. So bright. He coughed a few more times before pulling himself to his feet, staggering slightly. Maybe he did die? This place reminded him of some kind of fantasy game with just a little too much bloom effect.

tab Fantasy game?

tab Something near by caught his attention, causing him to turn towards it.It seemed like he was in a forest. He was surrounded by trees, or something that looked like trees. Bringing a hand to his face and rubbing at it, he noticed some kind of mist nearby. He took a few steps towards it until he noticed what formed within it. Making a face, he ducked behind a tree, trying to hide from whatever it was.

tab “That would be lovely,” he could hear the thing talk, “I do love a good soul. They’re so delicious.” He froze. A good soul? Was that him? He peered around whatever he was hiding behind and shrunk back.

tab Where the heck was he?
▇▇▇▇▇Both demon frogs fell silent as something--or someone-- disturbed the mist. They looked in the direction of the disturbance. They exchanged a meaningful glance.
▇▇▇▇▇“Tantalum,” said the one.
▇▇▇▇▇“Yeeessss~” said Tantalum.
▇▇▇▇▇Tantalum sucked in a breath, pulling all of the fat in, revealing powerful limbs. He smiled wickedly, and jumped. A trail of mist followed him upward, impossibly high into the air. He disappeared into the shadow, and there was a quiet moment. Tungsten sat patiently, ignoring his brother’s bravado. Then, something crashed into the roots and rocks behind the man in a shower of leaves.
▇▇▇▇▇“Boo,” said the monster.

Dapper Exhibitionist

tab He leaned up against the tree and held his breath. Maybe they were not talking about him? They had not even seen him... Right? He relaxed a bit and slowly let out the breath he was holding in, only to let out a scream before making any sense of words.

tab "What the -" he scrambled backwards, clawing at the tree with one hand for balance, and the other swinging it wildly at the creature in front of him, hopefully hitting it away. "Get! Away!" He scrambled around the tree, trying to put it between him and... whatever that thing was.
▇▇▇▇▇The forest seem to crawl when the man screamed. It grew slightly deeper and darker. Tantalum stoically regarded the man’s fearful waving, an inch in front of his nose, before breaking into a deep chuckle.
▇▇▇▇▇“Look Tungsten, I’ve scared it,” said Tantalum cheerfully.
▇▇▇▇▇Tungsten, meanwhile, looked around nervously.
▇▇▇▇▇“Tantalum. It hasn’t been here five minutes and it’s already calling the spirits. Make it quick, won’t you.” said the worried frog.
▇▇▇▇▇Tantalum smiled widely and began to stalk forward menacingly.
▇▇▇▇▇“You should run,” he whispered charitably.

Dapper Exhibitionist

tab For a moment, he was frozen. He could feel his heart beating, the sound climbing into his ears, thumping faster and faster. His eyes darted about, and fell on the second creature not too far off from the first. He blinked, confused for a moment. Did it just get darker?

tab “You should run,” the words echoed in his mind for a moment, as he turned from the creatures. Good, his legs were working... right? He stumbled at bit before finding his footing among the leaves and branches that were seeming to claw at his legs, and he ran.

tab He was a runner right? He could pace himself properly, trying to escape from these creatures... right? He shook his head, forcing himself to remember to breathe. He always felt he could run faster if he did not have to breathe... or was it breathe faster to run faster?

tab "Stop thinking! Just run!" he shook his head and continued, sliding on some leaves here and there, using branches and tree trunks to help him turn this way and that. Where could he go? Where could he hide?

tab Could he hide?

tab Panic was not something that paired well with running. He eventually had to stop and bring a hand to his side. There was a pinching pain climbing in his gut, and he could run no longer. Did he lose them? Probably not. He took another moment to catch his breath before taking off to force himself to run once more.
▇▇▇▇▇“Tantalum...” said Tungsten disapprovingly, but he smiled all the same in spite of himself. He did love a good chase. After giving him a fair head start, the two leapt after the man at a disturbing pace, easily covering meters in a bound.
▇▇▇▇▇Before the trio, a thousand different spirits fled the din. Bugs, snails, squirrels, deer, and hundreds of others that didn’t look like any earthly animal flew out of the encroaching shadow, which was quickly followed by a man in panic and two demon frogs. The darker things which lived beneath the roots peered after them with shining eyes as they ran. Even some of the brighter spirits seemed to fade, their color draining, and their teeth becoming frightening white shards in a broken smile.
▇▇▇▇▇“Tantalum, catch his heel,” said Tungsten, “I’ll eat his heart.”
▇▇▇▇▇“Whaaaa?! I wanted the heart!” cried Tantalum.
▇▇▇▇▇“You can have the memories, I thought you liked those best,” replied Tungsten indignantly.
▇▇▇▇▇“No, last time you ate the memories and the heart, and all I was left with were the ambitions. And that one aspired to be a tuba player. A tuba player, Tungsten!” cried Tantalum. “Suppose this one wants to be a dentist! I want the heart this time!”

Dapper Exhibitionist

He ran as much as he could, hoping that he could lose these creatures in the wood, but every time he turned to look behind him, they seemed to be getting closer. More panic filled his chest, and his lungs burned with the air that he was so desperately trying to gasp at. He could tell he was slowing down, that his steps were becoming more and more clumsy.

"No, no, no, no" he cursed mentally, trying to push himself to keep running, but his body just gave in. The man in the strange wood collapsed against a tree, gasping for breath.

This was it. He was going to die... Again? He was still rightfully confused about this place. It was not home, it was not his concept of afterlife... or was it? Perhaps he had done too many terrible things in his life that made him come here? Punishment? To be hunted and killed by these creatures? He could not remember...

He continued to pant and lean against the tree. His legs weakened beneath him and he slowly slid down the trunk, resting at its base.

"Come on..." he breathed out, holding up a hand to stop the creatures from coming any closer. Maybe that could stay off his death for a while. Lemme... Lemme just catch my breath and we can go again, aye?"
▇▇▇▇▇High in the trees above, a figure rested on a sloping branch, looking at the world from upside-down. It was human, probably, and female. She was wearing a slant-eyed mask over her eyes. Long, straight brown hair spilled over the branches and leaves like a muddy river. Her garments seemed to be mostly fur and decoratively strewn feathers tied with beads. A red robe was somewhere beneath this whole ensemble. She sighed. In the distance, something caught her inverted attention. There was a commotion as thousands of spirits fled, and then a chill as the shade spirits umbrellaed the area. The forest went pitch dark, and the tree groaned and lurched as it was forced to become larger and more menacing. The girl hastily flipped over on the narrow branch, careful to keep her balance. There were two frogs running her way, chasing some indescribable creature on two legs. It was curious, to say the least, but it would also be dangerous if she didn’t put an end to it.
▇▇▇▇▇The man came to rest below the tree, begging for a moment’s rest. It struck her as funny. The tree lurched again, and the branches were becoming sharp. The leaves fell off in a rain as the trunk blackened. It was time.
▇▇▇▇▇The demon frogs paid no heed to the man’s petition, but lunged at him with predatory zeal. Tantalum got there first, and with a strong leap he flew--right into the man’s chest. He disappeared with a rush of aether mist, like a slap on a chalked drum. The effect on the man would not be pleasant.
▇▇▇▇▇A flash of red, white and brown descended suddenly as though from the sky. Immediately, the ground around the figure burst into vivid green and flared into ethereal white flame. She stood, swept a hand in front of her, the flame and the color encircled the entire base of the tree. Tungsten ground to a halt, his front end stopping faster than his more massive back end. He cried out as it briefly brushed the fire.
▇▇▇▇▇“Tantalum!” he cried, “It’s no good! It’s the--the--um--the slippery one!!!”
▇▇▇▇▇A voice echoed out of the mans chest, slightly muffled as though inside a sack.
▇▇▇▇▇“Nice try, Tungsten,” said Tantalum tauntingly, “I got here first, fair and square.”
▇▇▇▇▇The figure rushed the man. She hit his chest with an open hand, and he momentarily burst into color before starting to fade again. Then, she reached into his chest. She caught hold of something, and then, with difficulty, began to pull it out. As the color drained again, the man became more solid. Frantically, she yanked her hand as trying to pull it out of the mud. Finally, it came free. She fell over backwards, holding a grey toad the size of a fist. Nimbly, she rolled, appeared back on her feet again, and then launched the toad with a well aimed throw. A trail of of aether mist like a contrail followed the amphibious projectile to where he hit his brother’s face, very hard, with a wet slap. The two seemed to think it best to leave very quickly.
▇▇▇▇▇“I told you the slippery one was here,” groaned Tungsten, “But could you listen!? No!”
▇▇▇▇▇The woman pushed back her shoulders and stood tall, proudly contemplating her victory. Suddenly, she turned to look at the man, her chocolatey hair floating to follow the motion. Everything about her seemed to billow as though she was under water.
▇▇▇▇▇“Stop that,” she commanded.

Dapper Exhibitionist

His eyes widened in terror,bringing his arms up to shield himself from the creature, but it just phased right though him. He would have thought, with the way it happened there would have been less pain, but no. He let out another scream, this time in pain. He panicked and tried to reach after the creature, patting down his chest. He continued to grope at his chest, holding it in pain, groaning.

When the woman lunged towards him as well, he tried to back away, but the tree stopped him. Her hand pressed against his chest, and reached inside of him. His face changed from pain to shock.

"Wh-what!?" he stared down at the wave of colour and the fact there was her arm sticking into his chest. He was frozen in place. He was not sure what to do. Then she started to pull. He lurched forward with her movement for a moment, only to realize what she was doing. He reached up and tried to help pull her arm from his chest.

Once everything was no longer inside him, he brought a hand back to his chest to make sure he was now solid again. He sighed in relief, but he could still fee that phantom pain in his chest.

"A-are you going to try and eat me too?" He looked up from the pain and blinked. His jaw went slack and his eyes widened. Whatever fear he had, it was suddenly gone. "A-euh.... what?"

She could note that his black hair was messed up from the running with strands long enough to get in his eyes. He blinked a few times, and reached up to brush his hair back which showed off his even darker coloured eyes. His skin was decently tanned and he looked decently fit as well, but he sure was not long-distanced runner. He blinked again, staring at the mask on the woman's face... or at least he thought it to be a woman.
▇▇▇▇▇“Stop it,” she repeated again.
▇▇▇▇▇It was firm, but not entirely unfriendly. She took a few steps towards him. Around her, the aether seemed to stabilize. It was less misty, less blurry. Without looking, she reached out to the side and closed her hand. The white fire immediately dispersed, and where it had been, the foliage looked vibrant and green. She looked around at the canopy with concern.
▇▇▇▇▇“You’re calling the shadows. You’re going to distort everything. So, please stop.” she said.
▇▇▇▇▇She squatted down a few steps in front of him and put her hands on her knees. She raised her chin and bared her teeth widely, revealing straight, white teeth and pink gums. They were exactly human with nothing out of the ordinary, except, perhaps, by way of their perfection. She covered them again.
▇▇▇▇▇“I can’t eat you with these,” she said, “I don’t eat, anyways.”
▇▇▇▇▇She made a clamping sound as she chomped thoughtfully.
▇▇▇▇▇“So, what are you? A river? A lake?” she asked, “You might be an imaginary friend. We get those here sometimes.”
▇▇▇▇▇She squinted, her eyes nearly disappearing into black lines under the shadow of her mask. For some reason, it was hard to see his face. But spirits could be like that sometimes.

Dapper Exhibitionist

"Stop... Stop what?" he looked confused at the area around him. "I... I don't" He watched her move and noticed the difference in colours around them. "How.... what?" he looked around him and reached to touch an area that had colour. He recoiled back when it seemed to darken at his touch.

"How am I doing that?" he looked back up to her, "How do I stop?" he sat there, defeated. The world around him was trying to eat him or turn evil.

"I am..." he paused a moment, "Human." he brought a hand up to his face and scratched at his chin. "Pretty sure... Where am I? What is this place?"
▇▇▇▇▇The girl hesitated. Her mouth opened slightly. It was hard to read her expression beneath her mask. She reached up and pulled on the fur hood attached to her mask, and the whole thing slid off, revealing soft, deep brown eyes. It was hard to determine her age. A moment ago, she might have been somewhere in her twenties, but now she looked about 17. Her face was filled with awe.
▇▇▇▇▇“You’re a human,” she said with disbelief. “Of course… in that case, you stop by… well… Actually, I’ve never thought about it much, really. You just do. I think of fire, and there is fire. I think of light and there is light. Maybe you’re thinking of darkness. Maybe… you’re just afraid.”
▇▇▇▇▇She scooted closer to him and took his shadowed hand.
▇▇▇▇▇“It’s ok. You’re safe now,” she said, smiling. “My name is Luca, and this place… I call it Mul. I don’t know if it has a name, really. But that’s what I call it. What’s your name?”

Dapper Exhibitionist

For a moment, he just stared up at her. Human. Probably. There was a little relief in his features as she spoke.

"A-aye..." He spoke, uncertain, and was still a little afraid of this place... Well, perhaps more than just a little, and it was showing. He recoiled back a bit as she scooted closer to him, but seemed to relax when she took his hand. "Are you human?"

He was still confused. He had never heard of a place called Mul, or even a place that was even remotely described as this. Or did he? He could not seem to remember.

"Mul..." He looked around. His breath had been slowly returning to him, and it looked like he was calming down. "Stop, by doing?" He nodded, thinking he understood. "Just... Not be afraid..." Sounded easy enough, but it always easier said than done. Finally he took in a deep breath, to calm his nerves as much as he could. The was a visible change in the environment around him, slowly reverting back to its original state.

"I'm.." It took a moment for him to think about it, "Owen" He shook her hand that was holding his.

"Are we dead?"

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