Lupa Fangs Makucha
Andy French
Lupa Fangs Makucha
Andy French
Lupa Fangs Makucha
And because I am skinny I am supposed to be able to look at these models and feel better about myself when being skinny shamed? What a load of crack s**t.

Oh for Gods sake, now we have "Skinny Shamed" too?

As if "This is thin privledge" wasn't stupid enough.

I swear, The Middle Class White Girl Oppression Olympics (Brought to you by tumblr) are getting sillier by the day.

Hey it hurts too. Just because it's not on the level of oppression that fat shaming is doesn't mean that it can't have mental or physical health consequences. I guess skinny people are supposed to get over it because it's not thaaaat bad. That is like saying that someone with who has muscular dystrophy shouldn't complain because somewhere in the world someone has it worse off then they do. Lets seriously completely try to invalidate people's feelings. I mean that doesn't hurt them at all right. You wouldn't like it if it was done to you.

Fat shaming, if it is the way it is painted by sites such as This Is Thin Privileged (And it'swonderful statements like "Thin privileged is having dogs play with you." and the brilliant "Thin privileged is woodwind instruments.",) is equally as ridiculous.

No. You aren't supposed to get over it because it's not thaaaat bad. Your supposed to get over it because it's a ******** microscopic issue. Some idiot social justice warrior on the internet said "REAL WOMINZ HAS CURVES!" Oh Lord, I can only imagine how much that hurt inside.

See, you fail to understand that I'm not saying "Lolz. Get over it skinny bitches" I'm saying all this Tumblr SJW Horseshit is just that. Horseshit.

It's gone from real issues (Homophobia, Racism etc.) to some sort of stupid "Who is the most discriminated against" Olympics between a bunch of middle to upper middle class white youths.

This isn't just some tumblr bullshit. :I

Oh but it is.

Are there instances of bullying?


But it's reached a point that it, on the weight issue in particular, is comparable to throwing 1984 around in conversation. It's become so diluted that the idea is a joke.

When you have stupid ******** s**t like "Thin privilege is having dogs play with you. My friends dogs refused to play with me because I am fat. Those dogs are discriminating against me." it cheapens the issue.

Likewise, when you have hordes of idiots throwing "WELL I GET SKINNY SHAMED SO YOU SHUT UP YOUR FACE!" out at discussions about media doctoring pictures of women to make them look thinner, it cheapens the issue.

So continuing with the parallel...

Does 1984 contain a frightening future, and a warning that we should stand watch against tyranny?


But when hordes of idiots throw out "OMG JUST LIKE 1984!" every time the Government raises taxes, the warning is cheapened.

It's reached the point where half the discussions don't even seem to be about improving society. It's more a matter of "I AM LESS PRIVILEGED AND MORE OPPRESSED THAN YOU! NYAH NYAH!"