The low snared city's model his empty yes in why the team tries to make sense of what the just saw we saw some fascinating profile so Ideally don't know how to identify them something might have been tree branches someone might have been serpentine I may notice that when the these large objects which are clearly not debris in the water but obviously an enormous some kind and there’s no fish around which is interesting something that just went on and on and on for several p but it was they were very difficult to be fine it's hard to tell what it was it tells me that there are quite a few mysteries on this river to me explored further we were unable to get any video this time we do need to spend more time here alone on the minimum okay let's bring in anger the team had backed the Canute they'll be preparing for nighttime observation in a place locals called the Forbidden Zone the natives age bobbin to go there because it's a location where they encountered the meanwhile Gillian members on a number of occasions would be monster quest is at the heart of Africa searching for the last living dinosaur the territorial amphibious creature lives on.
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