Wheezing Teenager

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Feel free to request for Biology/science explanations! Like what is a calorie? Why is eating sugary foods bad for your weight? Why does sugar turn to fat etc.!

If you do not understand any of the points, I can explain it in a simple scientific manner. My explanation will be backed up by textbooks, websites, books etc. I will give sources if requested!

1 .Chew slower and savor the taste.

2. Drinks lots of water, most times you're just thristy! Do not drink sugary drinks, sugar will become fat if it does not get used up! (Simple biology, i can explain further if you are interested ) Opt for tea if you're bored of water, or try soup for dinner/lunch. No canned soup since there's tons of sugar/salt in it. Salt does not make you fat, but will not be good for your cholesterol levels.

3. DO NOT SKIP MEALS. This will make it worse for you. You will actually gain weight.

4. Don't got overboard on snacks, but opt for health ones that will help you achieve the 5 food groups.

5. Sleep at the same time every day and make sure you do it earlier rather than later.

6. Treat yourself! Trying to get skinny does not mean you cant have anything delicious. Yet a tthe same time delicious foods can be healthy too

Look for good alternatives! For example pizza, opt for Italian ones! Much,much healthier.

7. EXERCISE! Keep at it long enough and you might get hooked, as exercising will release dopamine. The same chemical that make people feel good about themselves, like when you eat something really good. Drugs will also take advantage of it releasing large amounts!

Things to note are, you don't have to do it for a long time! 10-30 minutes each day is good. Consider what exercises you are doing, focus on ones that will help you cut down on fat and places to cut down on fat.

8. Read packages labels for things that are bad for you, and there is no such thing as 0 or negative cals! Everything you eat will give something! If the pkg says 0 cals, it's using a loophole!
I can further explain this if you are confused by this concept!


The best thing is to make food yourself! It will taste better than more restaurants (unless it's high class/michelin starred) and especially that processed stuff. You will be able to make whatever you want and control/know what is in it!

It will also make you think twice about things like fried foods! It takes a lot of work to make it unlike how instant it is at fast food restaurants!

Lastly think happy thoughts, it will get you through!