Ok listen up people
My name is Alex and I'm studying for my major in nutrition, I'm also and Ameteaur bodybuilder. Now you wanna lose weight? Feel better? Look good? That's all fine and dandy but until you have the willpower to stick to the healthy lifestyle and not just a quick " Six pack Shortcut" you will be in an endless cycle of gaining and losing weight.
Here are a couple of great pointers.
Ok so you have a TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) Which is basically how many calories you burn in a 24 hour period. Now you burn calories by doing basically anything, even sleeping, playing video games or even chewing your food. with this tool http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/ you can find out how many calories you burn in one day. now for healthy weight loss you are gonna want to be at a 400 calorie deficit for whatever amount of calories the tool calculates you burn. YOU ARE NOT A PROFESSIONAL BODYBUILDER. DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF OR EAT AT LESS THAN A 400 CALORIE DEFICIT.
Now there is no real way to lose a extravagant amount of weight in a short period of time like these supplement companies advertise on television and the internet. Your body simply does not work like that without some form of help (Steroids, DNP, etc) but there is a hardcore method called ketosis that will help if you have the willpower to do it.
Now the best advice given to me is that abs are 40% working out and 60% nutrition. You can work out like a beast but if you eat shitty you won't see any results.
Let me know if I should post anymore threads and please ask away.
Also for those of you who doubted the authenticity of my gains.
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