Icy Millionaire

Bathed in Brena

I was told it was not random. I was told the secondary stat goes off of your specialization. But this isn't about those stats like critical strike and haste. Its adding tons of spiriting and gimping those other stats by not adding them to make room for the spirit.

Tale of two heroines:

A lot of my druid's gear is actually still from when I raided - need Burdens to do effective upgrades on her. Of the pieces that I've gotten off the Isle, they've been split pretty evenly between spirit and not, as resto.. The trinket... I'll describe after.

As for my priest, it's all over the place with haste and mastery dominating. I almost never change her from disc because it's nifty in both soloing and groups ( emotion_bigheart Atonement.)

My hybrid classes cant seem to roll the proper gear for that place. Like I was saying, I dont want to pop a curio rare trinket on my shadow priest, expecting the intellect trinket and end up with the healing one, or vice versa on my healer, I am too scared to pop a curio because I think it will be wrong on my hybrids.

With the druid, I intentionally went moonkin before opening the trinket, because I wanted the DPS-soloing boost.

The curio is absolutely predictable:
-If you are a tank spec, you get Niuzao.
-If you are a melee spec, you get Xuen.
-If you are a caster spec, you get Yu'lon.
-If you are a healer spec, you get Chi-ji.

Like my druid is one of my mains, that is who I raid heal with. So I went and two maned a 21mil life boss with my husband (he was on a dk of course they are hacks) and I had NO mana regeneration with this new druid gear. Back when I did deathwing my mana regenerated like crazy, I never ran out, now with this no spirit gear, I am getting no regeneration. Like I dont want to waste waste 50k coins to upgrade a piece on my druid and it rolls with out spirit. I tried healing with out the spirit gear and it does not work.

In my experience, it's random. Keep cracking those armour tokens. 3nodding

Yeah the wrists, back and waist I rolled have no spirit. They even have boomkin stats,