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Who would win in a one on one?

Link 0.60015669887699 60.0% [ 6894 ]
Sora 0.39984330112301 40.0% [ 4593 ]
Total Votes:[ 11487 ]

sora doesnt stand a chance against link.

not if you round up!
Lord of the pumpkins
Lord of the pumpkins

Come to the dark side....

@Kohake- technically perception is all that truly matters in this day and age, If I compliment someone at work its up to how they percieve it as to whether it would be sexual harrassment or a compliment *something such as, I love your shirt *insert female name here* could be percieved to be a crack at whats beneath the shirt, get my drift*

also intention means nothing, heres a rather extreme example for you, lets say I shot a guy dead, but my intention was to shoot at his feet and intentionally miss, does that mean that my shooting him dead unitentially isnt my fault, no it doesnt, thus even if your statements are not meant to be offensive you shouldt post potentially offensive statements.

as for your previous posts you did commit ad hominen when you stated that maybe Im not paying enough attention, but you arnt either.

see you first admitted that you might not be paying enough attention which potentially proves his statement of "your not paying enough attention" and then follow that up by instantly accusing him of it, thus commiting ad hominem.

We have hoodies!!!!!!
hey guys wasup! im back, after a 2 year break, to make some statements. first, i like your perceptiveness, but im gonna have to say "if we go around watching what we say all the time, we won't get much said."
next, i'd like to remind you that pointing a gun at somebody with any intention to shoot is assault, but accidental killing of no intentions at all is called "Manslaughter". nice try, but i encourage you to delve deeper in your self to find a better analogy.
third, a forum is a place for discussion, not harrasment. if someone is at fault, you are supposed to steer them in the right direction, not harrang them for being wrong.
fourth: bump, rofl.

fifth: there is a consequence for every action you ever make. some consequences are good, some are bad. some affect you now, some later. and for the religious, some get you wound up suffering in hell for all of eternity. so always try to consider your affects of your decisions. if you disagree on something, you can either slander them, or debate with them. slandering is wrong though, and in gaia, it will get you reported with trolling accounts. so try to induce your perception in an assertive way, not an aggressive way.

finally: democracy means not only do we have to put up with people who share different opinions, but also the people who are ignorant to the right choices. in a perfect world, we would all have that one gun from hitchikers guide to the galaxy, the one that makes people see things from your point of view. but we don't. so instead, we have to try to see things from other peoples perspectives. granted, most of the time this will fail, but nothing ventured nothing gained.

and remember, the only purpose of a topic like this is to induce critical thinking and provide fun. don't be afraid to go out on a limb, and remember that not everyone is out to get you.


Come to the dark side....

on the note of manslaughter, manslaughter is still a criminal charge for MURDER, it is just a lesser charge. and my example *as I stated was rather extreme* is still correct, it was showing that intent *(or lack there of)* does not always mean not at fault.

on your third note- all I have done is debate, and offer objective arguments, when asked my opinion I gave it, I am not harrassing anyone, not untill they tell me to not respond.

fourth- why did you bump this thread why god why.

fifth- technically you dont burn in hell for all eternity, hell is where you stay till you have Reformed *it is the ultimate prison* but regardless that is all a matter of personal beliefs.

finally- when did democracy come into this, hell we arnt even a democracy, were a republic with democratic ideals *talking about the US*. also if nothing is gained with nothing being ventured then why venture especially if you know that you are gonna gain nothing.

and remember the purpose of a topic like this is to have people objectivly debate about what character could beat donw what other character. and anyone on the opposite side is out ot get you XP.

XD but welcome back to the thread XP.

We have hoodies!!!!!!

I understand that you are talking about U.S, wich I assume is were you live. But seing as how were not all from U.S I think what mathers is what is allowed on in internet. I would say were a weird kind of democracy sice the internet is pritty much uncontrolable but there are people who come together and form opinions. If three quarters of hte people at internet thinks it's wrong to flame people then the a big part of the last quarter will probably aviod flaiming people aswell.

gaia is a democracy. also, i bumped this forum because, well i felt like it.
the statement on hell is a personal belief. what i was getting at is you should think of how your message would be received: if it slanders or debates.

i don't get the whole response to my nothing ventured nothing gained thing. i was saying you should venture, and well, if you aren'tgoing to gain at least it'll keep you busy.

the statement about manslaughter was to be crippled with the statement about assault, don't forget that one.

and the statement for harrasment wasn't directed at you, it was directed at everyone, im sorry if you recieved it that way.

finally: thanks, its good to be back.

Come to the dark side....

gaia is not a form of goverment, nor is it a "community" of which can be govern'd, not only that it doesnt fit into the definition of demcracy

*from dictionary.com- government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.*

as we do not elect officials, nor do we make all the big choices, thus gaia is not a democracy.

ah I just want this thread to stay dead XD thats why I asked why you bumped it.

on the hell statement response, Okay so your saying the same thing as me, perception is everything.

the response to the nothing ventured nothing gained statement was basically that if you know your not gonna gain nothing from attempting something, then why attempt, good example, you know you dont have the intelligence to get into harvard law, would you still attempt it.

doesnt matter, you kill someone you will 9 out of 10 times get a manslaughter charge *even if it was not your intent* my statements whole point ont his has been that lack of intent does not mean Not at fault, Im sure it wasnt the Us's intent to make hiroshima and nagisawa a radioactive area that would cause many more deaths as the years went on, yet it happened, and thus the US are technically to blaim for it.

No problem, good to see at least a decent debater XP

We have hoodies!!!!!!
Lord of the pumpkins
Lord of the pumpkins
Lord of the pumpkins

Come to the dark side....

@Kohake- technically perception is all that truly matters in this day and age, If I compliment someone at work its up to how they percieve it as to whether it would be sexual harrassment or a compliment *something such as, I love your shirt *insert female name here* could be percieved to be a crack at whats beneath the shirt, get my drift*

also intention means nothing, heres a rather extreme example for you, lets say I shot a guy dead, but my intention was to shoot at his feet and intentionally miss, does that mean that my shooting him dead unitentially isnt my fault, no it doesnt, thus even if your statements are not meant to be offensive you shouldt post potentially offensive statements.

as for your previous posts you did commit ad hominen when you stated that maybe Im not paying enough attention, but you arnt either.

see you first admitted that you might not be paying enough attention which potentially proves his statement of "your not paying enough attention" and then follow that up by instantly accusing him of it, thus commiting ad hominem.

We have hoodies!!!!!!
hey guys wasup! im back, after a 2 year break, to make some statements. first, i like your perceptiveness, but im gonna have to say "if we go around watching what we say all the time, we won't get much said."
next, i'd like to remind you that pointing a gun at somebody with any intention to shoot is assault, but accidental killing of no intentions at all is called "Manslaughter". nice try, but i encourage you to delve deeper in your self to find a better analogy.
third, a forum is a place for discussion, not harrasment. if someone is at fault, you are supposed to steer them in the right direction, not harrang them for being wrong.
fourth: bump, rofl.

fifth: there is a consequence for every action you ever make. some consequences are good, some are bad. some affect you now, some later. and for the religious, some get you wound up suffering in hell for all of eternity. so always try to consider your affects of your decisions. if you disagree on something, you can either slander them, or debate with them. slandering is wrong though, and in gaia, it will get you reported with trolling accounts. so try to induce your perception in an assertive way, not an aggressive way.

finally: democracy means not only do we have to put up with people who share different opinions, but also the people who are ignorant to the right choices. in a perfect world, we would all have that one gun from hitchikers guide to the galaxy, the one that makes people see things from your point of view. but we don't. so instead, we have to try to see things from other peoples perspectives. granted, most of the time this will fail, but nothing ventured nothing gained.

and remember, the only purpose of a topic like this is to induce critical thinking and provide fun. don't be afraid to go out on a limb, and remember that not everyone is out to get you.


Come to the dark side....

on the note of manslaughter, manslaughter is still a criminal charge for MURDER, it is just a lesser charge. and my example *as I stated was rather extreme* is still correct, it was showing that intent *(or lack there of)* does not always mean not at fault.

on your third note- all I have done is debate, and offer objective arguments, when asked my opinion I gave it, I am not harrassing anyone, not untill they tell me to not respond.

fourth- why did you bump this thread why god why.

fifth- technically you dont burn in hell for all eternity, hell is where you stay till you have Reformed *it is the ultimate prison* but regardless that is all a matter of personal beliefs.

finally- when did democracy come into this, hell we arnt even a democracy, were a republic with democratic ideals *talking about the US*. also if nothing is gained with nothing being ventured then why venture especially if you know that you are gonna gain nothing.

and remember the purpose of a topic like this is to have people objectivly debate about what character could beat donw what other character. and anyone on the opposite side is out ot get you XP.

XD but welcome back to the thread XP.

We have hoodies!!!!!!

I understand that you are talking about U.S, wich I assume is were you live. But seing as how were not all from U.S I think what mathers is what is allowed on in internet. I would say were a weird kind of democracy sice the internet is pritty much uncontrolable but there are people who come together and form opinions. If three quarters of hte people at internet thinks it's wrong to flame people then the a big part of the last quarter will probably aviod flaiming people aswell.

gaia is a democracy. also, i bumped this forum because, well i felt like it.
the statement on hell is a personal belief. what i was getting at is you should think of how your message would be received: if it slanders or debates.

i don't get the whole response to my nothing ventured nothing gained thing. i was saying you should venture, and well, if you aren'tgoing to gain at least it'll keep you busy.

the statement about manslaughter was to be crippled with the statement about assault, don't forget that one.

and the statement for harrasment wasn't directed at you, it was directed at everyone, im sorry if you recieved it that way.

finally: thanks, its good to be back.

Come to the dark side....

gaia is not a form of goverment, nor is it a "community" of which can be govern'd, not only that it doesnt fit into the definition of demcracy

*from dictionary.com- government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.*

as we do not elect officials, nor do we make all the big choices, thus gaia is not a democracy.

ah I just want this thread to stay dead XD thats why I asked why you bumped it.

on the hell statement response, Okay so your saying the same thing as me, perception is everything.

the response to the nothing ventured nothing gained statement was basically that if you know your not gonna gain nothing from attempting something, then why attempt, good example, you know you dont have the intelligence to get into harvard law, would you still attempt it.

doesnt matter, you kill someone you will 9 out of 10 times get a manslaughter charge *even if it was not your intent* my statements whole point ont his has been that lack of intent does not mean Not at fault, Im sure it wasnt the Us's intent to make hiroshima and nagisawa a radioactive area that would cause many more deaths as the years went on, yet it happened, and thus the US are technically to blaim for it.

No problem, good to see at least a decent debater XP

We have hoodies!!!!!!

i must not be making myself very clear because you don't seem to get what i'm trying to say.

IF it was a government, it would be a democracy, because thats the type it has the most in common with. for example, when a change or a problem occurs, its handled the same way, or when there is a violation, etc.

while gaia obviously isn't governed because its not a country, its a website, the principal for the rules, rulers and etc. have more in common with a democracy than any other type of government, no matter how you define something, it doesn't compare to straight examples, such as the democracy's we've had in the real world. the diference is that it's not as warm in gaia as it is in greece.

can we get back to talking about link and sora and not politics? i was just trying to add a friendly reminder - if i wanted to debate this, i'd start my own topic.
Lord of the pumpkins
Lord of the pumpkins

Come to the dark side....

on the note of manslaughter, manslaughter is still a criminal charge for MURDER, it is just a lesser charge. and my example *as I stated was rather extreme* is still correct, it was showing that intent *(or lack there of)* does not always mean not at fault.

on your third note- all I have done is debate, and offer objective arguments, when asked my opinion I gave it, I am not harrassing anyone, not untill they tell me to not respond.

fourth- why did you bump this thread why god why.

fifth- technically you dont burn in hell for all eternity, hell is where you stay till you have Reformed *it is the ultimate prison* but regardless that is all a matter of personal beliefs.

finally- when did democracy come into this, hell we arnt even a democracy, were a republic with democratic ideals *talking about the US*. also if nothing is gained with nothing being ventured then why venture especially if you know that you are gonna gain nothing.

and remember the purpose of a topic like this is to have people objectivly debate about what character could beat donw what other character. and anyone on the opposite side is out ot get you XP.

XD but welcome back to the thread XP.

We have hoodies!!!!!!

I understand that you are talking about U.S, wich I assume is were you live. But seing as how were not all from U.S I think what mathers is what is allowed on in internet. I would say were a weird kind of democracy sice the internet is pritty much uncontrolable but there are people who come together and form opinions. If three quarters of hte people at internet thinks it's wrong to flame people then the a big part of the last quarter will probably aviod flaiming people aswell.

gaia is a democracy. also, i bumped this forum because, well i felt like it.
the statement on hell is a personal belief. what i was getting at is you should think of how your message would be received: if it slanders or debates.

i don't get the whole response to my nothing ventured nothing gained thing. i was saying you should venture, and well, if you aren'tgoing to gain at least it'll keep you busy.

the statement about manslaughter was to be crippled with the statement about assault, don't forget that one.

and the statement for harrasment wasn't directed at you, it was directed at everyone, im sorry if you recieved it that way.

finally: thanks, its good to be back.

Come to the dark side....

gaia is not a form of goverment, nor is it a "community" of which can be govern'd, not only that it doesnt fit into the definition of demcracy

*from dictionary.com- government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.*

as we do not elect officials, nor do we make all the big choices, thus gaia is not a democracy.

ah I just want this thread to stay dead XD thats why I asked why you bumped it.

on the hell statement response, Okay so your saying the same thing as me, perception is everything.

the response to the nothing ventured nothing gained statement was basically that if you know your not gonna gain nothing from attempting something, then why attempt, good example, you know you dont have the intelligence to get into harvard law, would you still attempt it.

doesnt matter, you kill someone you will 9 out of 10 times get a manslaughter charge *even if it was not your intent* my statements whole point ont his has been that lack of intent does not mean Not at fault, Im sure it wasnt the Us's intent to make hiroshima and nagisawa a radioactive area that would cause many more deaths as the years went on, yet it happened, and thus the US are technically to blaim for it.

No problem, good to see at least a decent debater XP

We have hoodies!!!!!!

i must not be making myself very clear because you don't seem to get what i'm trying to say.

IF it was a government, it would be a democracy, because thats the type it has the most in common with. for example, when a change or a problem occurs, its handled the same way, or when there is a violation, etc.

while gaia obviously isn't governed because its not a country, its a website, the principal for the rules, rulers and etc. have more in common with a democracy than any other type of government, no matter how you define something, it doesn't compare to straight examples, such as the democracy's we've had in the real world. the diference is that it's not as warm in gaia as it is in greece.

can we get back to talking about link and sora and not politics? i was just trying to add a friendly reminder - if i wanted to debate this, i'd start my own topic.

Come to the dark side....

while I disagree with your reasoning *such as since we the users of Gaia can not just openly vote and decide to remove a feature from the site, or add a rule, and generally the only ones who are incharge of a group of people who run the area *by the way gaia if it was a goverrnment body has more in common with capitalism then it does democracy*, but I agree the topic at hand is sora and link, not politics, with that said, I am hoping that this thread can finally just die and we can just let it go XP.

We have hoodies!!!!!!

Malevolent Phantom

No, this thread will never die! It may fall into recessions at times, but I can't let it die! Not now, not ever!
My 2 favorite games..

6,450 Points
  • Friendly 100
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  • Invisibility 100
While Link SHOULD win, Sora would probably win by "using the power of his heart" or some other crap like that stare
While Link SHOULD win, Sora would probably win by "using the power of his heart" or some other crap like that stare

True that
While Link SHOULD win, Sora would probably win by "using the power of his heart" or some other crap like that stare

True that

Deus Ex Machina (ie: timely interventions, random acts, luck etc) doesn't come into play in a debate.
Link's got a lot more adventures under his belt.
Sora's better fighting mid air.... hmmm
Link's got a lot more adventures under his belt.
Sora's better fighting mid air.... hmmm

Come to the dark side....

actually no individual link has more then 2 games of adventures under there belt, so sora would have more *since he has CoM, and KH1 and 2*

We have hoodies!!!!!!
Lord of the pumpkins
Lord of the pumpkins
Lord of the pumpkins

Come to the dark side....

on the note of manslaughter, manslaughter is still a criminal charge for MURDER, it is just a lesser charge. and my example *as I stated was rather extreme* is still correct, it was showing that intent *(or lack there of)* does not always mean not at fault.

on your third note- all I have done is debate, and offer objective arguments, when asked my opinion I gave it, I am not harrassing anyone, not untill they tell me to not respond.

fourth- why did you bump this thread why god why.

fifth- technically you dont burn in hell for all eternity, hell is where you stay till you have Reformed *it is the ultimate prison* but regardless that is all a matter of personal beliefs.

finally- when did democracy come into this, hell we arnt even a democracy, were a republic with democratic ideals *talking about the US*. also if nothing is gained with nothing being ventured then why venture especially if you know that you are gonna gain nothing.

and remember the purpose of a topic like this is to have people objectivly debate about what character could beat donw what other character. and anyone on the opposite side is out ot get you XP.

XD but welcome back to the thread XP.

We have hoodies!!!!!!

I understand that you are talking about U.S, wich I assume is were you live. But seing as how were not all from U.S I think what mathers is what is allowed on in internet. I would say were a weird kind of democracy sice the internet is pritty much uncontrolable but there are people who come together and form opinions. If three quarters of hte people at internet thinks it's wrong to flame people then the a big part of the last quarter will probably aviod flaiming people aswell.

gaia is a democracy. also, i bumped this forum because, well i felt like it.
the statement on hell is a personal belief. what i was getting at is you should think of how your message would be received: if it slanders or debates.

i don't get the whole response to my nothing ventured nothing gained thing. i was saying you should venture, and well, if you aren'tgoing to gain at least it'll keep you busy.

the statement about manslaughter was to be crippled with the statement about assault, don't forget that one.

and the statement for harrasment wasn't directed at you, it was directed at everyone, im sorry if you recieved it that way.

finally: thanks, its good to be back.

Come to the dark side....

gaia is not a form of goverment, nor is it a "community" of which can be govern'd, not only that it doesnt fit into the definition of demcracy

*from dictionary.com- government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.*

as we do not elect officials, nor do we make all the big choices, thus gaia is not a democracy.

ah I just want this thread to stay dead XD thats why I asked why you bumped it.

on the hell statement response, Okay so your saying the same thing as me, perception is everything.

the response to the nothing ventured nothing gained statement was basically that if you know your not gonna gain nothing from attempting something, then why attempt, good example, you know you dont have the intelligence to get into harvard law, would you still attempt it.

doesnt matter, you kill someone you will 9 out of 10 times get a manslaughter charge *even if it was not your intent* my statements whole point ont his has been that lack of intent does not mean Not at fault, Im sure it wasnt the Us's intent to make hiroshima and nagisawa a radioactive area that would cause many more deaths as the years went on, yet it happened, and thus the US are technically to blaim for it.

No problem, good to see at least a decent debater XP

We have hoodies!!!!!!

i must not be making myself very clear because you don't seem to get what i'm trying to say.

IF it was a government, it would be a democracy, because thats the type it has the most in common with. for example, when a change or a problem occurs, its handled the same way, or when there is a violation, etc.

while gaia obviously isn't governed because its not a country, its a website, the principal for the rules, rulers and etc. have more in common with a democracy than any other type of government, no matter how you define something, it doesn't compare to straight examples, such as the democracy's we've had in the real world. the diference is that it's not as warm in gaia as it is in greece.

can we get back to talking about link and sora and not politics? i was just trying to add a friendly reminder - if i wanted to debate this, i'd start my own topic.

Come to the dark side....

while I disagree with your reasoning *such as since we the users of Gaia can not just openly vote and decide to remove a feature from the site, or add a rule, and generally the only ones who are incharge of a group of people who run the area *by the way gaia if it was a goverrnment body has more in common with capitalism then it does democracy*, but I agree the topic at hand is sora and link, not politics, with that said, I am hoping that this thread can finally just die and we can just let it go XP.

We have hoodies!!!!!!

Where does all this crap come into play for a "Who would win" debate? Last time I checked, this was a debate about who would win in a fight between Link and Sora...Not a debate class...

Familiar Conversationalist

Where does all this crap come into play for a "Who would win" debate? Last time I checked, this was a debate about who would win in a fight between Link and Sora...Not a debate class...
Just as an aside: Link versus Sora is a hypothetical debate about who has the most potential to win.

So, some basic heckling debate rules could probably apply.

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