I love gaia fishing , a lot, i could play it all day , still sadly , i alredy lost almost 3 to 4 full buckets of perfect catch, zero garbage and mostly big fishes. Most of those buckets were missing like 2 to 3 fishes to be finished.

My game disconnects a lot, and i admit it , i got an awful internet connection. I just wish someday the problems with lost fishes would be solved or something. I dont consider saving fishes cheating, i do almost 2 to 3 full buckets on an hour or even less, no trash and mostly medium - big fishes, even in durem and i loose everything just because it sends me an disconnection error.

Anyway , end of my rant , i feel a lil sad that i enjoy the game so much , and im not getting benefits to what i catch, but is my fault for having sucky internet i guess.