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Eloquent Lunatic

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Gnasher was off the chair fast. Probably faster then any normal man could do. He would attempt to snatch the wizard by the cuff of his garb, dragging him up and close so the stench of his runes fell over the magi, trembled into his spine and soul. His speed was matched by his strength it would seem, a grip of iron literally crushed together to form what was Gnasher's right hand.

If he failed to grab the wizard, however, he would say these next words in a low, cold voice either way.

"I 'magine you play yer' smartass wit on cunts and low breeds an' they laugh n' clap n' suck yer stick aye?"

The grip would release and Gnasher would find his seat again, placating yet another bottle.

"I'm sure yer mum learned you that s**t eatin' mouth. Only a woman would be so daft as to put ah whistle ona' fraggin' 'zard."

"Go on then. Show me magic. What'ya got whelp. Ain't no fire in you. Ain't no smoke in yer a** to light a ********' spell, a spell er' spark er' s**t!" He laughed and pointed, eyes flying wide to reveal that they were emerald green..

So much for slipping in unnoticed.

"Gauze?" Yes. Wait. No. He'd sooner die of his injuries than publicly reveal them. The scratches and bruises were myriad, but only skin deep. The less superficial wounds were hidden and would stay that way. "Naw. Just some-- ohgodwhatisthat."

Apparently the bat youkai didn't take kindly to being investigated. Not by what looked like a cross between a goblin, a bird and an emaciated feline. Wings beat the air (and likely the monster's face) as he scooted back on his a**, legs spread wide atop the pillow to keep from toppling over. One claw bit into the fabric while the other pointed at the curious creature.

"What? Get yer own pillow; this one's mine." Food. That guy had said something about food.

His stomach gurgled just in time to underscore Karasu's more delicate complaint.

"Er." Claw continued to jab the monster in the snout. "Ah, yeah. Sashimi. Or whatever ya got, I don't care at this point."

Also, a fight was brewing. This was obviously far more interesting than food. Kuronue seemed to forget the monster altogether, leaning to see around it to perhaps catch a glimpse of what would surely end in carnage.

Fashionable Lunatic

"Wake me up or expect to spend many hours in the burning cell of my mind. I take us other places because you dislike the cell. The longer I'm out of it while sleeping. They will find me" She held on to his hand as tight as she could "We will try to fix you without the badness I do"

Anxious Ladykiller

Nadine had high hopes for this bar. She'd meant to have stopped wandering hours ago, but it seemed like it had become impossible to find a place where anyone would actually want to drink. The first had been filled with wolves, another had actually been on fire, even more seemed to be entirely empty but for a lone person sleeping in the rafters. The last bar had given her some hope, but as she'd been about to open the door, a man had been thrown out the front window. Someone leaving had suggested this place as a last-ditch effort, and while Nadine did not normally loiter in trees, she was willing to make exceptions.

That made her no more cautious as she threw open the door – well, the tree – with an optimistic grin on her face, thick-rimmed glasses perched on a nose that could graciously be called 'aquiline'. She was relieved as she descended to find no corpses or explosions; just the usual mishmash of who-knows-whats, sitting in the basement of a tree. And did this one actually have a bartender? She pulled the hood of her sweaterdress down from her bouncy black curls and stuck her hands in her pockets in a gesture almost self-conscious. There was a lot of sober loitering going on here, and it was hard not to wonder if they knew something she didn't.

And of course someone started picking a fight right then and there. And with the bartender, no less! The one man she wanted to see. Now how would she get her cheap beer? Today was not a good day to get wasted in public.

Otherworldly Garbage

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Russel, promptly picking himself up from the semi-bloody bar floor, biting his thumb before kicking a bar stool out the way.
"Yeah, chap, you tend to pick up a silver tongue when you're accustomed to handling s**t, from both your fellow-mortals and netherwordly arses. Hm, some of the latter asked the same and received more than they asked for, not knowing how potent and formidable the black magic that proceeded Alyster Crowley, et al is, when used by someone with enough experience. You'll get your wish, rest assured, soon as I deal with important matters, such as a little minor detail called responsibility. Hard to believe, I know, but there are other patrons here besides you."

And with that, he strutted away, in now-blood stained jeans, turning to face the two newcomers as he stood from behind the bar. "Evening. Care for any beverages or food?" he asked the other patrons

Turning to the man who had taken an interest in Tryan, he shrugged, responding, "hm, I don't know if we've sashimi, but I'll find the closest thing we have." He thus rummaged through the fridge, hoping to give off an air of indifference to the arse in front of him. Damnit, if Rune were here, or if Seishi were, she would do the same, no? Responsibility was responsibility.

Eloquent Lunatic

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Gnasher made a very rude gesture with his hand rapidly and laughed, continuing to drink from the various bottles until at least three of them were empty. From a pocketed belt satchel the Wastie pulled out three pure gold teeth, each one tinkling to the bottom of their respected bottles.

It wasn't like Russel was getting hassled for nothing. Gold teeth had to be worth Gnasher's bullshit..


"Yeah come back n' just hit me wit' it any old time..."

Timid Genius

Misty Naomi Onitsuka

Κάνετε κάθε πράξη της ζωής σας σαν ήταν τελευταία σας.


Through the deep, dark woods padded a rather large fox. This wasn't your average fox. It was larger than an average wolf, solid black in color except for the types of its ears and tail which were a deep indigo color. Around it's ankle were shackles with broken chains which clinked against the other chains and its claws as it drifted through the forest. The creature paused, lifting its nose to sniff the air. People. And close at that. The creature grinned, drifting in the direction of of the smell. It didn't take it long. It soon spotted a rather large tree which was larger than the others. Odd. Could this be it. Growling quietly, the fox began to transform, bones cracking as the shortened and began to form a more human looking form. With a few final, painful sounding pops and cracks, a woman stood in the creatures place with fox ears and a tail the same color that the fox's had been before. With a shiver and a stretch, the woman stepped forward, opening the door before descending the stairs into what seemed to be a bar. Her outfit seemed to aide her in blending in with the shadows of the room as she observed from the entryway. Her vibrant indigo hair which rested in a simple braid over one of her shoulders and her glowing silver eyes were the only things that gave her presence away. With a light smile, she stepped further into the room, her dress showing off her fit body and natural curves as she crossed towards the bar.


Fox Demon Form

Do every act of your life as if it were your last.
Tryan squawked indignantly and shuffled back away from the frightened stranger, then was distracted by the sudden appearance of.... flowers? He was so confused! And then there were the two-leggers by the bar, and they were fighting, and that wasn't supposed to happen, and he didn't know a single person in this place! This was just not going well, this was turning into an awful night! He needed a drink, like right now! He suddenly turned and bolted for the bar. The mage was seeming like the safest person all of a sudden, so he didn't mind too much being in the same space... although he still gave the man quite a wide berth. He went straight to his favorite cupboard, nosed the door open and slipped inside. How he managed to fit inside was a mystery, but he did it. Much clinking of bottles and other such noises later, the creature backed out of the cupboard with a six pack of whatever beer was closest. He dragged it with him farther behind the bar and then stopped to systematically break them open and lap up the spilled alcohol from the floor. Apparently he didn't notice the broken glass.

Sam looked a little grieved to hear her news, "Why have you done this? It is better to be safe than comfortable." Sam would require her help to wake up at this point, being as tired as he was, but with it, he woke quickly. "Rani, wake up," he called her, glad that his anger seemed to have disappeared while asleep. "I like doing without the badness," he told her, continuing their conversation here in the waking world. "But if we cannot find one, I want to try again the first way."

Otherworldly Garbage

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The makeshift bartender sliced thin slivers of cod and salmon, the only fish he found at the back of the refrigerator, on a cylindrical, white plate, accented by a stripe at the side. Setting it in front of Kuronue, silently chuckling at his earlier scuffle with Tryan, he nodded, adding a quick, "here you are, enjoy," before setting himself back behind the bar. From thence, he took the entire space of the cutting board, slicing up all manner of cheese, salami, tomatoes, and whatever else he figured would make an appropriate snack, setting it at the edge of the bar table on a gargantuan oval platter. "Attention, patrons, here's some food, if you're peckish. If you feel like anything else, be it drinks or some other cuisine, feel free to ask," he announced from behind the bar. As he spoke, his eyes couldn't help but settle momentarily on the foxy female new arrival. Attractive as she was, the thought of Lotus hissed out any sense of lust that might have been burning. 's**t! This,' he thought, 'is going to be one hell of a busy night!' "I'll get to fulfilling that little promise later. As you can see, the bar and inne is getting a bit busy, at the moment," he added as a second thought, turning his attention towards that first patron. Meanwhile, he gasped, watching the strange mammal lap up the liqueur off the floor. He thought to quickly set a bowl down and pour it all in there for him. Indeed, he did so without a thought, making certain to give Tryan as much distance as possible in the process.

Fashionable Lunatic

She put her gloved hand on his cheek and kissed the gloved hand since really she couldn't kiss him normally without becoming near comatose. "I do it because your happiness means alot. I know the room with fire distresses you. I will get us a bottle of whiskey. Then we will talk more." She rose carefully and re-affixed her veil that had begun to slip." I will not be long"

Dapper Hunter

What a terribly polite and bloody service provider. As Kuronue shooed the (possibly alcoholic) birdmancatbeast behind him, Karasu sized up the man and gave a short, distracted nod. Was everyone so small here? And back home he was considered a fairly average height. But then many things back home were as tall as buildings. "Yes. Thank you." He suspected his pet bat could be fed most anything, and he, as a raven, was not particularly picky with what he ate.

Carrion was as tasty as gourmet steak. The man was quick to get to work and Karasu debated stealing a sliver of fish. Taking his mask off in such a crowded area, however, might prove a bad choice.

And so he didn't.

Violets turned to take note of what he assumed was a kitsune. Interesting. Then turned to watch Kuronue's reaction-- if he noticed over the food served. Was this a common species here? Surely a certain youko would be jealous to see so many. Being a rare flower, after all.

Such an active place. Only one seemed to be remotely 'normal'-- a woman who'd come in looking misplaced and curiously human. He eyed her sidelong, examining that face as she lowered her hood. Was she even pretty?

Anxious Ladykiller

It probably wasn't polite to go pestering a man that bloodied, but Nadine wasn't about to lose her window between mad things happening. She strolled up to the bar – as from the the mohawked fellow as she could manage – resting her elbows on the countertop and her chin in her hands. “What is the cheapest drunkmaking liquid you have available?” she asked after the longhaired gentleman, giving her best let's be buddies grin. She'd discovered it was easier to get away with being a cheapskate when one at least tried to be charming about it. As an afterthought, she fluttered her thick eyelashes in the most absurd manner possible.

She spied the strange thing – fellow? – drinking beer off the floor, and her grin grew wider, overlarge mouth practically splitting her face. “You got the right idea,” she called out at it, not at all sarcastic. If she weren't still sober, she'd be joining it – and even now, the idea had a certain appeal.

Timid Genius

Misty Naomi Onitsuka

Κάνετε κάθε πράξη της ζωής σας σαν ήταν τελευταία σας.


As Misty crossed the room, her heels clicked on the stone floor, making her ears twitch slightly. She let her silver gaze drift around once more, noting quite a few people in the place. She was rather surprised by this, but she didn't let that show on her features. Reaching one of the few empty bar stools, Misty sank onto it, crossing on leg over the other as she leaned on the bar top. Just as she did this, she spotted a rather peculiar looking creature lapping up what appeared to be beer. Arching an eyebrow, Misty smiled lightly to the creature. "Well aren't you just a cute little thing." Misty said softly, in a light tone. She was about to order a drink when the bartender turned away looking to another patron. "Mmm. I'll have to order my drink in a moment..." She said softly, more to herself than to anyone in particular. Instead, she let her gaze drift back to the creature behind the bar. She had never seen anything like him before.


Fox Demon Form

Do every act of your life as if it were your last.

Eloquent Lunatic

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Gnasher grumbled at the bird-beast. He then hissed at it. "What the Gods kind of dog is this?" He wanted to kick it, but thought better of it. He really wasn't being himself lately..

What was eating at the Wastie to put him on such edge? Was something after him?

"Problems.." His eyes fell on the mousy looking girl. "Get shitty."
He raised a bottle up and drank it down, the world spinning so fast it made him breath out, breath in. A cold man shivered in his heart, a man that had found the winter chill biting, so breaking that it raised his muscles to stand on edge and fear falling back, fear the new cold that could bite more still. "I don't know you maim." He looked at the girl with a confused array of facial expressions.

He looked away and grew silent.


Kuronue snickered as birdmancatbeast flit off in fear. Because it was in fear, after all; what else would it be? He was an imposing youkai, after all, all six-foot-six of him covered in scratches battlescars and perfectly useless wingspan extended to top that at eight. "Yeah, that's right. Run away and drink...booze. Off the floor." Victorious smirk had been replaced by a frown; what the hell was wrong with that creature?

But then food came and nothing mattered. He peeled a handful of fish off the plate without saying thank you, stuffed it in his mouth and leaned back to survey the busy little bar. Karasu was pointedly ignored.

The girl with seizure-lashes, however, was not.

"Hey," he called through a mouthful of cod, "the hell's wrong with yer eyes, huh?" He'd never seen a human afflicted with such a condition. It was rather-- well. Creepy to watch.

The foxgirl was also ignored, but mostly because she was here for what most foxes haunted tree-basements for and because her kind was so common in this world. Kuronue was too used to them to be anymore reminded of a certain youko than he had been the first time he'd witnessed one of the beasts.

If the raven wanted any of that fish, he'd have to work quickly. It was already half gone.

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