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Shameless Lunatic

Cyber-Mech Grim

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"You should calm down and just sit a moment, you'll just make things worse by panicking." Moon turned her head having thought she heard the Blue Bird’s voice given it’s tone. But instead she found Siri who was thankfully unharmed. She was taken aback but sighed in relief.

Moon thought herself confused. She new her brother pushed them over the edge, but that wasn’t at all possible. She must have somehow pulled him in, and in her madness, warped her perception of the event. “ Calm DOWN!? How about you work on having a stronger grip!? Come on! Given my weight, even your brother is…. “ She paused. “ … was...“ Moon stopped herself by lowering her head and cleared her throat. With this moment of pause, the demoness had finally realized how light headed she felt, caused by her never ending starvation and the teleportation trick she pulled earlier.

“ Well like I said... It was a pleasure seeing you again. Thank you for the save, and sorry for almost pulling you to our deaths. I’m sure with all your magic…” She waved her hands around to make fun of it. “ You can find your way back home, yes? “ She kept her eyes off him, while she started her walk back to the mountain.

(( edited ))

Revered Bear

Spyke appeared on a weird planet he was certain he'd never visited before. It was like the place was being invaded with how much destruction was all over the place. Spyke had no trouble following the carnage wrought by a bestial creature that literally had torn what looked like demons to shreds almost all the way to its destination. Spyke had to dispatch of a few creatures that thought it a good idea to attack him as well. They didn't stand a chance poor things but it made Ruin happy. Spyke reached the remnants of another portal and jumped through.

Revered Bear

Cryovix found himself in the same kneeling position he'd been in before but now he was in some strange city. It looked like a war had been waged here and he was witnessing the aftermath...all except the huge building directly before him. The very bottom of it looked and felt like Cryo's old home. The rest of it was very different but it exuded the same feeling as the familiar portion. Rising to his feet Cryo tilted his head back for a view of the top of this massive building. Cryo vaguely registered some yelling coming from down the street. He cast a look over his shoulder towards the disturbance and found a mob of humans coming his way. Cryo looked up at the building confused. "You want me to protect you from them? Is that why you called?" Silence answered him so Cryo turned to face the humans.

They approached all well armed for humans and looking very serious. Cryo expected a fight was going to happen until an old man called a halt to the entire group. He stepped forward from the middle of the mob with a confused expression on his face.

"Richter? No...he was much larger than you but you're the spitting image of him. Who are you?" The old man sounded genuinely confused.

"Richter? My sons name is Richter. Very large boy seven and a half feet tall or so. Travels around with a young blonde woman named Kristen." Cryo didn't put too much emotion into things....he just didn't feel like any was warranted.

The old man lit of and became very animated. "YES! That is them! You're his father? That explains the resemblance. What happened to them? They left on a journey of sorts and no one has heard or seen them since."

"Short answer is they're time traveling and they're well. I saw them...well I guess time is relative in this conversation. According to my time I saw them recently and they were doing just fine." That drew a variety of looks from the mob but no one commented on it.

The old man accepted that answer without question. "Thank you. What are you doing out here? Its dangerous you know?"

As if the old man's question were a pass phrase the door to the Bloodlust swung open slowly, ominously. Several of the humans stepped back in fear while several others leveled weapons and readied for a battle. "I was called here by the thing inside of this building." The mob muttered. Cryo sighed and shook his head. "I recommend you get your people out of this part of town. I don't know what is going to happen but its probably not in your best interest if something does." The old man nodded and once again without question go runners out to call the humans away and had his group retreating in quick order. He nodded to Cryo encouragingly and left. Cryovix took one last look at the buildings exterior and then strode through the open door. It obviously shut behind him.

Shameless Lunatic

Her head throbbing, Kuja growled intensely at the voice screaming in her head. “ STOP YOUR BICKERING! ALWAYS…. YOU ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY, WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHUT THE ******** UP FOR ONCE!.” Wasn’t till after she yelled that she noticed her surroundings had changed. Her furious temper took a short pause, while wrapping her head around being back in this place. How long has it been? Must be well over 100 plus years? Most of the glass from the greenhouse walls were cracked as the red flowers had grown rampant. Tears fell down her cheeks. The last time she was here…. Was the last moment of freedom with the man she loved. The man she thought loved her back. Her rage boiled back up inside. “ Why? Why bring me back here…. “ She wiped the tears from her face. A bottle appeared on the table at her side. Kuja stared at it “...no.” Grabbing it, she threw it across the room, smashing a window, causing a chain reaction to bring ALL the glass to rain down on her. Kuja screamed, She couldn't take this. This place represented everything she tried to have. A home, with Friends, a chance at a REAL life, free from an abusive relationship. Freedom. Love. The kind not filled with hatred, resentment and fear.

Kujas cries turned to laughter. This was only ever a pipe dream. Her friends left and or died LONG ago. The man she thought loved her was just another man obsessed with owning her. With his traitorous eyes still haunting her, she clung to the scar on her chest….. Freedom? Love? She wouldn't know what to even do with it. She should had died when she nearly did.. At least she wouldn't have known the loss of a child.

Covered in glass, kuja brushed back the ashy purple hair away from her face. Her expression hollowed.

The elevator opened with a ding. The arrow pointing down. “ fine... “ She muttered softly, before walking inside. Glass cracking beneath her feet. “ At least clean yourself up. You look like a wreck.” Her back leaning up against the elevator wall, she closed her eyes. Everything that haunted her flashed before her till she opened them once more. Feeling an aura she hadn't felt in centuries close by. “ ...Cryo? The elevator doors opened revealing the man before her.

" Get out... " She demanded in a low growl. What was he doing here? This was HER home. Everyone abandoned it LONG ago, and she didn't need any more reminders of the past.

(( ignore khaoz's post ))

Revered Bear

Cryo's face remained empty and haggard. "Really? This is what I was brought here for?" Cryo let out a huge sigh and completely ignored Kuja's demand that he leave. Instead he went to he bar and grabbed...something? Cryo didn't even look at what he was drinking, for all he knew it was paint thinner but he didn't really care. Cherry flavoring? Really!? Cryo was pretty tired of the bad luck and the endless years of trying to find a way out of his situation.

Despite the fact that Cryo would rather just curl up in a gutter somewhere and die, since it was the BL that had brought him, out of a weird sense of loyalty or maybe obligation to the BL he actually attempted to try helping Kuja. Although it was pretty clear having do so irritated him. "So Kuja...Illyria?...whichever you are today, whats got your panties in a bunch this time?"

Shameless Lunatic

The fact he wouldn't leave boiled her blood. Even though KNOWING him, leaving would be the last thing he’d do, it still irker her to no end. Holding back, her nails pierced the palms of her hands, she grip so tight. She didn’t really understand why she was so angry to see him. Perhaps because he was one of the 1st she had met in this world. He was the face of joy, kindness, and loyalty. The thought of his laugh and smile would bring her to tears if she wasn’t so angry. How she missed him and their time together before having lost all her memory. All these mixed emotions weighed on her soul.. He was just a big reminder of even more things she had lost over the years.

"So Kuja...Illyria?...whichever you are today, whats got your panties in a bunch this time?"

The question cut deep. Who was she now? She was Kuja, but also Illyria, but not quite either. This question only furthered her frustration. She hated names. To this day, they seemed pointless. Even more so when she lost her memory. People kept on calling her a word she didn’t understand. Only to change it when they came to realize she wasn’t who THEY remembered. Now what? Would she have to get a NEW name?

“What does it matter? I am me, whoever that may be to you is inconsequential. I’m not one or the other. But what IS bothering me is seeing your ugly mug in my home. You reek of human emotion, it’s like awful in my mouth. I want you out. “ Kuja demanded once more before shoving Cryo back a step.

Revered Bear

Cryo was taken aback by her words. His ugly mug in her home?! That was wrong on so many levels and the ire it drew from him was a bit more intense than normal due to his recent ordeals. If it had just been the verbal slight Cryo might have controlled himself but the shove followed by the demand that he leave sent him over the edge. Once the shock of being shoved passed he felt the anger, tension and adrenaline flowing through his system.

"I stink of human emotion? Me? I returned from erasing myself from existence, which I was told was supposed to be permanent by the way, alongside my brother so we could eradicate the blight that has been hunting us for thousands of years and so my family could have a peaceful life only to find I failed in my mission miserably, all my known friends are either gone or alter egos, my wife is now married to my son who has apparently become an approximation of me and you tell me I smell of human emotion?" With each word Cryo's intensity grew until he stepped forward so he was mere inches from Kuja fire in his eyes.

"Can you even feel anything other than rage and hate?! All these years and a new persona later and the only difference from before is that now instead of being angry half the time you're in a rage all the time! You and I joined this place the same day Kuja. You beat me in here by a few minutes at most so if you have a right to be here I do too! If you honestly think you're going to throw me out on the pretense that I don't belong here then y you've got another thing coming!" After the last Cryo shoved Kuja fairly hard sending her back several feet. His anger was flaring still. "Is this why I was called here?! Has the Bloodlust finally grown sick of your caustic rage and called me to drive you out? Why was I called Kuja? What have you done?"

Shameless Lunatic

Cryo shoved Kuja fairly hard sending her back several feet, causing her to hit the wall. With her eyes piercing threw the hair that fell over her face, she growled. “ Pfff…. After all these years I still don't know what and or why she wants anything. But yes… I’m angry…Ofcourse I’m angry… unlike you, I didn’t have a happy family, or a happy life to defend. I was in a s**t relationship, on a s**t planet, and every time I tried to run away to have a glimpse of happiness, I was dragged back to the hell that was my life. Most of the time wasn’t even allowed to hold onto the few memories that made life worth living. So what is it? Are you mad that you were erased, or that you weren't, Not entirely? Because as it stands, You’re family and past may have been shuffled about, but they still live, Don’t they? Pff.. even if they didn’t remember you, isn’t seeing them happy good enough for you? HUH? I loved once. I DID. I loved with ALL my heart, and it was ME that cause the love of my live to lose every drop of goodness that was in him. When insanity took him over, all that was left was ugliness. I WISH, I could have been simply deleted. Instead I had to suffer and watch my love tear me apart over and over again in new and inventive ways just to see how far he could go before I couldn't put myself back together again. Everyday…. Do you know what it’s like to have your children see that? To have them be raised in that? NO... I have met your child. He’s a GOOD man, like his father…... While my child is DEAD….. He didn’t die a good man. He died Mad like HIS father, and nearly took his sister, MY daughter down with him.” Tears ran down kuja’s cheeks, but with all this rage she appeared before Cryo, kicked him back while holding onto his robotic arm, ripping it off in the process. Holding the arm up, over her head, she meant to hit him with it, but the arm then turned to attack her.

Revered Bear

Cryo listened to Kuja's words and even though there was a certain amount of empathy within him his heart was too dead at the moment to react before Cryo's arm did. It twisted around in her hand till it broke her grip on it and then grabbed onto her throat trying to throttle her. Meanwhile Cryo got back to his feet growling. "I erased myself to protect my family from a monster that has been hunting me for as long as I can remember and all it did was take me out of the picture. The creature still hunts them and they are doomed to lives of suffering and misery as a result! Do not make light of my situation!"

Cryo grabbed a table and swung it like a bat breaking it against Kuja as he stalked forward. Holding the shattered remnants still in one hand he stomped his foot on the ground and sent out a wave of ice that froze everything it touched in place in an attempt to immobilize Kuja. The pain of the insults and the kick were starting to blind him to his purpose and his vision started to tinge with red. Was she an enemy to kill or something else? Even as he thought this a voice inside was telling him he needed to stop but why should he? Hadn't she insulted him first? Hadn't she gotten physical first? Was he not in the right to defend himself?
Kuja watched the ice coming toward her and stomped her foot sending flames toward the ice as she jumped into the air, kicking off the rafters and charging at the wolf man engulfed in flames. "You're starting to fight reasonably hard for someone with so many reasons to be depressed! Maybe you have a reason to live after all." Spinning, she shot past him, tearing into his chest with her claws bringing a large chunk of flesh with her as she landed. "However, you'll have to try much harder than that you whimpering dog! You could always-- NO! I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! IF HE THINKS HE REALLY HAS IT THAT BAD THEN LET HIM DIE WITH US!" It was at this moment that the entirety of the bloodlust caught flame. "I am beyond done with this life! Come at me!"

Revered Bear

Cryovix howled as Kuja ripped into him. The pain pushing down what little reasoning power was left to Cryo's addled mind. His body repaired itself at breakneck speed while the bitter cold of the darkness filled him within. His arm reattached itself to his shoulder while a frigid wasteland so dark and so cold crashed against Cryo's frame. He turned to face Kuja causing and icy wind to put the fire out around him in the bar. Despite the blaze snow began to fall when Cryo finally managed to meet Kuja's eyes.

"If you want to die so badly then come and find your peace." Cryo whispered into the cold his breath puffing out in small white clouds.

Cryo drew forth his two pistols and cocked them. Everything went still, serene and beautiful for a brief moment as he stood still impassive. The snow played against the fire melting in fantastic shapes and the light of the fire made the snowflakes glow in dazzling ways...but only for a moment. Cryo raised his gun and fired at Kuja but instead of a bullet ejecting from the gun all the snowflakes in the air launched at her at the speed of a bullet. The empty casing had only just ejected from the gun as the second gun came up and fired at Kuja. The shadows cast by the fire coalesced into several spears that pierced through the fire trying to reach her. Cryo didn't idly wait for his bullets to hit their mark or not though. He slammed his foot into the ground again this time causing the nails in the floorboards to fire up into the air at the same velocity as a bullet also. Cryo didn't excuse himself either. He started running toward Kuja with holes gaping all over his body from his own attacks but Cryo paid them no mind as the holes healed and sealed swiftly. As Cryo moved his body started to crackle with energy and when he got within 15 feet of Kuja he raised his leg and thrust it forward in a powerful straight kick towards her abdomen. The remainder of the distance was covered in an instant as the power of the kick was amplified by bolt of electricity that carried Cryo towards Kuja with explosive power that ripped the floor apart and sent shattered floorboard shrapnel outward in a wave.
The flame engulfing her body flared bright and expanded, melting the snowflake shots as it repelled just enough of the shadows so she wouldn't be completely skewered. The nails came to make their mark however as she lunged at Cryo. Her legs took quite a bit of damage as she wrapped her arms around him using his body to shield herself from the rest of the nails. Grunting as they hit the ground not realizing the effect the bloodlust was having on her flames, she growled and reared back to strike another blow. Within that moment she realized that his clothes had been completely scorched away showing that the bloodlust had been healing them both the entire time and she gave way to laughter and instead of striking she placed her forehead on his, her hair draping and creating a tent of sorts hiding both their faces. "What kind of pair are we... " It was at this moment she noticed that it was skin she was feeling directly against her legs. It would seem her flames had actually burned what little clothes she wore as well. Taking a moment to look into his eyes, she smiled ravenously and kissed her old friend sending him into the throws of ecstasy as she fed slowly, teasingly. He would begin to feel amazing, intoxicated almost. And then, there was the moment as they were in the light of the dancing flames and snowfall.....

Revered Bear

The storm within had grown in power to the point Cryo's frame was shaking with the strength of it. The air around him shimmered with power, the light of the fire as it flickered off the snowflakes created a will-o-wisp effect around him due to the distortion of the energy trying to force its way out of him. Cryo was prepared to level everything around him....and Kuja was laughing? Not a laugh suited for combat though, no, it was a laugh filled with mirth? She leaned her head against his as the confusion set in.

"Pair? What do yo..."

Kuja kissed him then and Cryo's mind swiftly was overcome with a new fire. The energy that had been building to destroy and all the rage that drove it suddenly were redirected to a new target. The pain and turmoil all washed away in the torrent of ecstasy and desire and Cryo with his mind already losing to his primal rage was just swept along. Cryo returned the kiss with a nearly feral passion. Without thinking he walked over to the door to mortal hell and forced the doors open with Kuja still clinging to his chest. Once the door was open Cryo walked in carrying Kuja and there in one of the darkest corners of the Bloodlust surrounded by ice and fire with blood raining down from above he finally laid her down and lost control.
As the blood rain died down, Kuja woke up with a sense of dread as she felt an arm around her. What's this? Oh no... It's an arm! The woman's eyes went wide with panic. Cryovix... "s**t s**t s**t!" She mouthed as she picked his heavy arm up off of her gingerly and removed herself from his side. She then laid his arm back down carefully trying not to wake him up. Before walking away she looked him up and down again. s**t! "Did I just do that?" She asked silently as she stifled a chuckle. She then walked back into the bar and reached behind the counter, feeling around for a pack of her smokes. "You're very tricky, you know that?" As if the bar were laughing at her, a fresh set of clothes appeared on the bartop as she came up, pulling a cig out of the pack and lighting it. The demoness sighed with a chuckle trying to stifle full on laughter so as not to wake the wolf. "Now what..." she wondered. She still felt terrible, but somehow her focus was now directed towards Kali. Yes, she had been a shitty mother, but there was still time to do better. Another drag from the smoke as she leaned back against the counter ignoring the clothes and looking over to Cryo with a grin. Perhaps now she could even let herself care about the others again...

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