Welcome to Gaia! ::


I would like you to be part of this, Cloudo. So if not this 'scene' maybe a time skip? I'm happy to work with whatever you guys like.

Cthulhu Wish's Husband

[ If all else fails, we can time skip and Melech can come back on his own or something. ]

Demonic Waffles

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Trinity held her stance, her hand did not waver from the offer she had before him. She looked like a doll with no emotion as she presented her offering.

“Jealousy is something I don’t have, Melech. You’ll come to find that very quickly. She’s dressed in expensive clothes, tight ones, and you are holding her as if you would a lover. That can be rough, or pleasant, I presume. Your relationship looks rough, observations, really.”

Her hand started to bend and she held the soul as if it were a pet, it didn’t leave, only glowed with anxiousness. Like all souls, it probably wondered where it was going next. In Gaia, there were many heavens, hells, and limbos.

Unlike the others Trinity seemed innocent to most, she seemed air headed and childish, but that was a front. Dreamer and Aythra were direct; Trinity didn’t need someone to tell her how to calculate.

“Unlike you, Melech, I don’t make deals with people. At least not on my end.” A smile appeared on her face finally. He knew what she meant, she made a deal so she could get her life, but she wasn’t one to set up deals. “I figure, you gave me a body, at some point it was going to come with a price tag. At some point you were going to come for me, for this exact reason. You deal with souls, this is easy to recognize when you were so geared to make a deal with us. “ Trinity went back to her more emotionless state, “I realized something else, to be a lord, to build an empire, you must be a business man as well. That’s how my old kingdom was taught to run things. You can’t run things without having subjects to work such tasks. If you simply killed everyone you came across and took their souls, you would be making a profit of only 10 shards per person.”

Trinity put the soul in her other hand, “However, if you create souls by taking some of the shards and giving them what they want, they will have to do twice the work. Instead of 10 shards, you would receive full souls. That also means when you are injured, they can get you what you need. If you create soldiers, you have an empire. I believe you feel that Aythra, Dreamer, and I, will be assets. If you didn’t feel this way, then you would have killed us by now. You knew that eventually I’d have to do my job of collecting souls. I expand your area of gathering them, I do the work, and in return I get my body.”

Trinity looked down at the red soul, “For me, that’s a fair deal, you never really specified what you would take. I assume anything will work, but only because I haven’t figured out that part of you yet.” Her brows began to make a frown for her, “This man deserves anything he gets. I may be just, kind, trampled over at times.” Her blue eyes lingered over to him, “But if this is my work, then I have to do as I’m told, right?”

Dreamer’s mouth hung open, was she right about any of this? Did Melech keep them to bring him more souls to collect? It was a smart move, Dreamer was the assassin, Aythra was the demon, and Trinity, was probably worse then both of them as far as her acting.

“Like I said, you can take it. I am not over stepping my boundaries by simply stating my observations. You can tell me I’m an idiot, or tell me I’m wrong. You haven’t corrected me thus far. “ She shrugged, “But there is no deal, we already made one.” She lifted her hand back out to him, “Do you want it, or not?”

Dreamer wasn’t into details like Trinity was, which was probably why she didn’t catch it as fast. Melech gave her the upgrade to go plow over some souls for him. She recalled his face after she started to try and waitress them again. Instead of going out to kill, she was staying around to do nothing. Now she felt dumb, she closed her eyes for a moment and started to smirk. “So, that’s it. I’m sure Aythra already knows this too. You know you could have just told me I was forever your b***h, Melech.” She opened her eyes, “Though I don’t understand the Kalare losing her memories bit, I’ll let you do whatever you want to Trin.” She held her hands up, thinking maybe he needed to retort her first before getting to Dreamer.

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Malevolent Muse

She had noted his pain. Part of her regretted it.

A very small part of her.

The rest of her enjoyed knowing that he was having difficulty maintaining composure. He deserved it if he wanted to hold her hostage like this. Kalare had long grown tired of the situation. Or, perhaps, she was just tired. She hadn't planned to be here for long.

She had just wanted to stop by for a drink. And she didn't even get that.

Kalare gave a notable inhale when she felt Melech's magic reignite around her; the tightening of his hold had forewarned her, and she had gotten used to the pressure waves by now to not be phased by it. His breath of miasma next to her ear sent a tingle up her spine. Her fingers curled against his arm at the sensation. But despite the warmth of that miasma she had grown fond of, it couldn't overwhelm the taste of his pain and fatigue, tempered only slightly by a delightfully dark suspicion. She gave a mild noise of discomfort, glancing to the side, as she seemed to shy away from him by just a few inches.

The tightening of his tail against her waist had surprised her enough to make her pause - but not enough for her to lose composure about it. To some degree, she had anticipated it.

But she had not anticipated just how tightly he was willing to hold on. Kalare's lips twisted into a frown. He was rather insistent on not letting her go. His utterance under muttered breath for her to be patient irritated her, but she complied. With a small huff of annoyance, she settled back against him, sulking slightly.

Well, at least it wasn't a ******** bubble.

Fine. Guess she could wait this one out.

Her eyes scanned the environment around her dismissively, a gentle but permanent pout on her lips. She had more or less tuned Melech and Trinity's conversation out; she had no interest in these matters. It was more than obvious her sole focus was to leave, and apparently she had to wait for Melech's permission to do even that.

Eloquent Demigod


(( ...Ahhhh. x____X; I'm sorry.

Vacation's never really vacation. xD; The work never ends until school's officially over. ))
[[[ It's fine. I can obtain more guns... it just sucked. xD

Yeah, that is true. >___< School has always been tedious like that - - though that just gives people more reasons to procrastinate. :B ]]]

Cthulhu Wish's Husband

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"...The hell..?"

Melech's hands shifted in their position upon Kalare's stomach as Trinity began to quite literally, ramble at him. His brow slowly arched and he tilted his head, glancing at Kalare in mild confusion. Glancing down at Kalare's dress when the blonde began to observe aloud what she saw before her, he blinked. While Kalare's dress did seem on the expensive side, it didn't look tight at all. Maybe it was the way he was holding her. Lifting his gaze to Trinity once more, his look of confusion only seemed to grow when she mentioned that he was building an empire. An empire? This...was news to him. Although, he could see how she could make such an assumption, kinda. What on earth had brought this on? Melech noted not to mention jealousy around Trinity again, in fear of risking another episode of what could only be described as verbal diarrhea.

"Kill it now!"

Parting his lips to respond, he was forced to pause as she continued talking.
"Make it stop!"

His eyes actually widened and he risked a glance toward Dreamer, giving her look that almost asked 'is this actually happening?' As she began to dissolve into an attempt at the mechanics of soul shards and the business around them, Melech had to tune her out as a loud, high pitched noise began to resonate through his head. His eyes slid shut and his head leaned back. One arm rose from Kalare, and he pinched the bridge of his nose between his index finger and thumb. When Trinity then mentioned that he hadn't corrected her so far, he cleared his throat, quite loudly as he lifted his hand from his face in visible frustration.

"Because I haven't been able to get a word in edge wise. Christ woman, you can talk."
"Oh thank ********]

His tone carried a low growl that sounded not unlike annoyance. It could very well be pain as well. Shifting his weight beneath Kalare, he lowered his hand from the air and slid it through his hair, only to clench it into a tight fist behind his head. Drawing a a deep breath, he tried to compose himself. It seemed as if Melech's mood had finally grown sour.

"Look, Captain Obvious. I have no clue what you are on about, but 'there is no catch' would have sufficed. Simple and much easier on ones sanity."

With that, the hand behind his head extended forward and he flicked his wrist. With a sudden flicker from Trinity's grasp, the soul expanded briefly, before imploding into nothing. For a brief moment, Melech's tattoos pulsed with the same red energy that the soul had been illuminated with.

And then Dreamer spoke.

With an annoyed sigh, his head snapped to the side and those glowing eyes narrowed dangerously at Dreamer the moment her voice hit the air, but he let her speak. Kalare's memories? His brow arched once more. His forehead was going to be sore at this rate, from the amount of movement his brows were doing. His head snapped back around and his gaze fell upon Kalare once again as she sat there, trying to tune out the world around her.

"Someones up to something~"

The devil seemed to hesitate. Maybe he was trying to regain his composure, maybe the entire situation had finally hit him. His focus remained upon Kalare, his eyes shifting this way and that, examining what ever part of her head was facing him, be it her hair,or her face. He seemed to be thinking. After a moment of silence that drew on a little longer, he straightened and it looked as if he had regained his composure. Clearing his throat once more, he turned his head back to Dreamer and arched a brow.

"I...haven't done anything to her memories."

He blinked, glancing back to Kalare for a moment before looking, again, back to Dreamer.

"How do you even know Kalare? As far as I know, this is her first time meeting you."

Blinking, his eyes suddenly widened and he sighed loudly, raising his hand to strike his palm against his forehead.

"Crap. I know why..."
"Do you now?"

Turning his attention back to Kalare, he slid his hand up from his forehead and through his hair once more.

"When I was implanting Dreamer's memories into her new body, some of mine must have slipped in. Tinkering with the mind is very...complicated."

Lifting his gaze to Trinity, he looked at her a moment before looking back to Dreamer.

"It probably happened to all three of you."

Demonic Waffles

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She seemed unamused with his sarcasm, at least he didn't try to give her the third degree. Melech seemed to like to hear only himself, no matter, she did her job. Trinity put the pouch away. To some it would seem very ordinary, or out, considering she just held a soul in a pouch. Looks can be deceiving. As soon as he and Dreamer began talking about something else, she tuned out completely. Trinity didn't care about her memories, as far as she was concerned, she knew what she wanted to know.

"I have to get back to the hospital. I'll bring what I can by." With that she bowed out into a white cloud of smoke.

Dreamer watched her leave for a second, and then turned back to Melech to let him finish his observations. Why did he seem so concerned? He hadn't before? In fact any question she asked was passed by with pessimistic and droll answers. Why did he look so amused with this one? He was even talking to her more then she had expected. It was bad that he knew all of her memories. Then again, Dreamer looked to the door, if Aythra knew her memories, then Trinity did too.

Her eyes finally landed on Kalare, she had to know her.

When he spoke about her memories being melded with his, she couldn't wrap her head around it. Why would Melech fight Seph? What she knew of Seph, was that he was her husband at one point, they had a child, and that he was completely mad and tried to kill them both multiple times. There would be enough reason to go find him to end him. The other memory of her..

Dreamer sank into a red, though she was frowning at Kalare.

There was a place, one that Dreamer held close to her, it seemed as though she had been there many times to heal herself. It was a large tree that hung over a hot spring, it was surrounded by large boulders and hanging lanterns.

From her memory of what they did, it was there.

Dreamer's head snapped to Melech, "I don't believe that. How would you know Seph, and how would you know where I go to heal myself?"

Dreamer looked down at her hands, "She's to familiar, every part of me says I know her. I've known her."

Her hands gripped, "You believe him?" Maybe it was a sudden question, her eyes lingered to Kalare, "Do you really believe that?"

She probably did, she acted like Dreamer was a stranger, of course she was going to give her the answer she thought. 'I don't know you! I just came in here to get a drink! You started yelling at me! You're ******** crazy!'

Dreamer curled her lower lip in and started to bite it a little, shaking her head. She was trying to make sense of what was her reality, and what he was saying about it being his. This was a tactic, it had to be, he was ******** with her head because he had power over her. He couldn't have everything, Dreamer looked at Kalare, waiting for her answer.

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Malevolent Muse


(( ...Ahhhh. x____X; I'm sorry.

Vacation's never really vacation. xD; The work never ends until school's officially over. ))
[[[ It's fine. I can obtain more guns... it just sucked. xD

Yeah, that is true. >___< School has always been tedious like that - - though that just gives people more reasons to procrastinate. :B ]]]

(( Haha, I can imagine. >w<

I suppose. <3 ))

Malevolent Muse

Kalare wouldn't meet his gaze when he tried to look at her immediately after Dreamer spoke. Kalare kept her eyes trained successfully in a general direction away from both him and Dreamer; it still seemed as if she were ignoring the situation.

She wanted to go home. She had already expressed that to him.

Besides, his silence - his purposeful pause - unnerved her. She wasn't going to deal with it.

But when he started to speak, Kalare's gaze seemed to sharpen slightly, her lips pursed in the mildest manner, and her fingers curled uncomfortably with a small amount of tension against his arm. She seemed to take pause.

Uh. What?

The moment was transient, discreet, subtle; Kalare resumed her previous listless expression almost instantly. She wouldn't meet Dreamer's gaze about the subject either, even though she felt Dreamer's eyes on her. Obviously, Kalare wasn't paying attention to the conversation at hand. Perhaps.

When Dreamer seemed to suddenly turn the focus on her, Kalare couldn't help but intuitively shirk away, her back pressing into Melech. Was she really supposed to answer that? With what?

Kalare didn't know Dreamer. Was she supposed to explain how?

For a moment, Kalare seemed to genuinely hesitate. Her eyes flitted to the side for a moment. "Um." They darted to Dreamer only momentarily. "I..." She gave an innocent shrug. Well, this was more than a little awkward. "I don't know." Kalare's gaze averted to the side once more. "I guess it's...possible?" The statement sounded unconvincing, as if she were confused. Her gaze lowered to the arm that was holding her, her fingers dancing across it in distraction. Melech would be familiar with this tactic.

Kalare was legitimately uncomfortable.

This was a lot of responsibility to put on someone who didn't know what was going on.

After a somewhat brief silence, Kalare spoke again in order to push the focus of the topic away from herself. "Memories tend to rewrite themselves." Her voice was quiet, as if unsure about following Melech's logic. "It's so they can integrate with past memories, perceptions, and understandings. The mind likes to give up reality in order to stay internally consistent."

The story made sense.

Kalare couldn't say whether it was true or not.

But the story was there.

Kalare turned her head in order to face Melech again, her lips in a slight frown. "Can we go home now?" The childish act from earlier had been dropped. Now, it sounded a little more earnest, a little more frankly insistent. Kalare was too proud to plead.

But Kalare was also getting extraordinarily uncomfortable about the situation. And she wanted to go home.

Demonic Waffles


I would like you to be part of this, Cloudo. So if not this 'scene' maybe a time skip? I'm happy to work with whatever you guys like.

((Whatever you're up to, you stop that. *Smacks wrists.* XD

In other news: WE HAVE LOST CLOUD!!

Devils Assistant

T_________T Guild Wars has his soul, R.I.P.

Also: Adorky: I am a bad person.

I have you and one other I need to post to.

I've also been in HoH's guild, seeing what trouble I can get into.))

Demonic Waffles

((Nevermind, left HoH.

Just the latest place of people who think they have an edge over you and decide to ignore you. *Shrug* I'm not overly great at trying to push my way into new groups. My character isn't the nosy type. Even OOC it seems a little intimidating when I have no idea what people are talking about and a Hi is the hardest thing for people.

Erhg..*Frustrated* Maybe next time I'll just have me, Cloud, Gray, and Shadow enter. Heh, might make for an amazing team, actually. >_<'))

Everyday Garbage

[( Don't expect to mesh well unless you're brash and cocky. And have the fighting skill to back it up. And have justifiable reasons for how and why your powers do what they do. "Lol I'm a vampire" really doesn't cut it with those people. )]

Demonic Waffles

(( You know if the place called for cocky and possibly getting into fights then I would have been fine. I have skill to back it up, so does the person that invited me in and knows that. I appreciate it. But I'm not going to start having my character but into conversations. Then I become the annoying one. =_=' Thanks for the input though. I do approciate your pop in ideas. I'll figure out if I want to try again. I'm just not the best at meeting people.))

Everyday Garbage

[( I'm infinitely familiar with the place because Cloud has nagged me to join a team quite a few times. S'not my thing, really. But I do know enough of the people to get along fairly well. )]
[( Just uh... avoid the winners of previous years. They cling to the coattails of old victory like it's a security blanket. )]

Demonic Waffles

(( Damio, you on a team would be ******** scary. I was in a tournament once, decided I wasn't gonna do it again. It was in a group much like them so I never really got along. I'd be more inclined to be outspoken if I knew what the hell was going on. Xp))

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