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Marianna couldn't help but smile at Kai as he wiped her tears and lifted her head, "That's ze zing zo Kai, they aren't bad memories. Quite ze opposite I must say." She said with a sigh as she bit the inside of her lip. "Zo zometimes I wish zey wouldn't haunt me." She said brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes and offering another small smile.

((Unfortunately, it's after 11 here and I've got to get up for work. But it was good to RP with you again. I should be back tomorrow to continue. =) Thanks! ))

Enduring Hunter

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"If you run, I will chase you. If you cry I will give to you a handkerchief. If you pain, I'll pain more."
-Kaiser Cie DeViliere, Generation XI

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"Only time will aide you on whether they continue to haunt or not." Kaiser nods, folding his arms as his sat next to her. He yawned slightly as her smiled back at Anna with the same kindness. "Let's shift this paradigm, yes?" He said. "So what have you been up to these past few days?"

(Alright missy! Sleep well! and be safe tmw)

"As long as you understand that my heart sings the sweet jubilee of your name.."

Clean Member

"A bit,I haven't properly scanned you but I have your image in my head and can probably emulate it,including your transformed state. The configuration of my weaponry would have to shift though." He was in his own little world untill her lips met his when he closed his eyes and leaned into it. "MM...What was I saying?"

"New people?" He said and flitted a wing,a small black dot floating out of it and into the main room where it hovered around before slipping back in and settling into the skin on his wing. The micro camera then relayed the images to him and he quirked an eyebrow. "It's only Aria..." He decided now would be time for another surprise and reached out with his hair and wrapped the long mane around her waist. "We can't spend the whole day together if I go out there,can I?" He grinned and tickled her belly with the scraggly hair.

((sorry...apparently not thinking clearly. Edited.))

Dapper Darling

"Soldiers have rarely won wars. They more often mop up after the barrage of epidemics.

Vibryo Duponte

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Only Aria? She could have sworn a new scent had walked its way into the place. Maybe the person had left already. Ah well. Maybe Aria passed them on her way in, she thought as she finished with the toast and placed the pieces on the plate with the rest of the food. She grabbed up the plate with both hands and turned to him; smiling as she started to say something though was cut short. She felt something wrap around her waist and then tickle her. She had to make sure not drop the plate in the process of laughing. Once she was able, she moved the platter to balance on one hand as the other felt the thing that had wrapped around her. “Your hair? How are you doing that?” she asked as she turned her smiling face to him. Last she knew no one could use their hair as if it were an appendage or something. She certainly didn't have that ability with her hair. “Ready to eat? The food is ready. And you’re right, I can’t send you out by yourself. Today you’re stuck with me…for every minute and every second. Aaaaaall...day...loooong....” she said in a playful tone that sounded like the situation was a bad thing. As if it would make him completely miserable and would be nothing but torture. She smirked and let that settle in for a moment before looking around the room then remembering in which direction the door was in and turning toward it; indicating that she was ready to go back into the bar. “Oh, could you grab two glasses of orange juice for us. Pretty please.”

The epidemics get the blame for defeat. The Generals get the credit for victory. It ought to be the other way around."
~ Hans Zinsser

Clean Member

"Micro fibers woven through the real hair that I have complete control of. I can also modify the density and width to make them all a tiny blade or needle and use it as a weapon." He slipped his hair from around her and climbed off the counter to get the juice from the fridge,pouring a pair of glasses for them. "But Veeee!" He said in a mock whiney tone. "I don't waaaaant to be with you all daaaay!" He said and chuckled softly. "At least this time we won't be interrupted by an undead sniper."

Invisible Genius

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Aria watched as Kai followed Marianna into the woods and shrugged her shoulders as a chill went down her spine. She looked around quickly mild panic in her eyes as she closed her eyes and listened to the noises around her. Shaking it off she started inside as she thought about what she would serve today. she was contemplating soup as she walked into the kitchen and thought better of it. She made soup all the time because it was just simple to throw together. Aria walked to the back of the kitchen and into her office. She skipped turning on the lights and shut the door behind her. No one knew that the office was back here; it was hidden by a empty shelf. The petite woman propped her legs on to her desk. "So little time." A frown tugged at her lips as another chill ran down her spine. She stiffened immediately and held her breath as a hand lightly touched her shoulder.

She bit back a scream and refused to move. She had a feeling she already knew who it was. He had a way of finding her even when she tried her hardest to hide herself. "If you already know it's me why don't you turn and face me?" the voice was as slippery as a serpent and made her stomach curl. She turned slowly knowing that if she didn't do it herself he would and she wouldn't like it.The neko glanced around quickly looking to see if she really was as cornered in as she thought she was. She cursed lightly under her breath as she tried not to have a mental break down. "Hello Xavier." the words flew out of her mouth like daggers and held her breath as her office light flipped on. She had left her guard down, way down. she had gotten too comfortable here. Her thoughts flew to Kai as she reminded herself not to scream.

The tall man walked forward slightly as the shorter, younger man flipped on the light. "Aren't you going to say hello to Theodor?" Her heart fell to her stomach as the name brought on realization. That was why she hadn't noticed the other scent. She had become familiar with it when Vincent had been here. "V-V-Vincent..." the word stuttered out of her mouth as she remembered she hadn't seen him in days. She knew what had happened she didn't need the evil chuckle from Xavier to know what it meant. The neko held in her tears and let her anger take hold. She flew from the seat and landed a good right hook to Xavier's face before spitting in it as well.

It was only moments latter that she was rammed roughly into the wall. She held in a cry as her lip was split. xavier let out another small chuckle as she spit blood on the floor before taking his cane and smacking her in the ribs with it. She slumped into the wall being held up by Theodore as he rose his can and smacked her as hard as he could in her side causing her to cry out in pain. A smile spread across the mans face as she jerked her head back by her hair so she could see him. He raised his hand to smack her but she didn't flinch. She smiled up at him blood filling her mouth slowly. The smile sent him over and he smacked her knocking some of the blood from her mouth. "Still smiling?" he asked as he pulled her to face him once more.

She forced another smile and spit what blood she had in her mouth onto his face. "Eat me." she spat out as she braced herself for another whack in the ribs but instead he slammed her face into the wall. Her vision fluttered as she fell to the floor and let out a ear piercing cry. She lay there on the floor; her mouth bleeding more profusely than before. She let out another cry as Theo kicked her in her side. They were taking about how she shouldn't have ran away and the consequences she and her friends would have to suffer... should she be allowed to call them that, friends, now that she had got them into god know what with these people. As much as she wanted to keep them out of her problems she couldn't help but prey that some one would hear her. the only problem was that they had no idea where this room was.

He continued to beat her and beat her harder when she cried out. Her prayers where not answered as Xavier dragged her up to her knees. That was when the beating got worse because she forced herself to smile at him. She made him think that his hitting her didn't bother her. tGod please let some one have head me. She held back another cry as his fist met with her face once more. She looked down and spit the blood in her mouth on his shoes.

[[ jesus... I know it's a long post... sorry. sweatdrop ]]

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Dapper Darling

"Soldiers have rarely won wars. They more often mop up after the barrage of epidemics.

Vibryo Duponte

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“I’m starting to think you’re more of a weapon than I am,” she said with a smile as they made their way out of the kitchen and into the main room. They passed Aria on their way there and Vee opened her mouth to speak a greeting but didn’t have the chance as the petite woman kept walking toward the kitchen without so much as a pause. She shrugged, thinking maybe she had something important to do, as she found a table and placed the plate down upon it. Her face lit up in humor as Chron whined about having to spend the day with her. “Well too baaaaad,” she whined back as she found two chairs and placed them side by side. She took a seat in one and patted the other then waited for him to join her. “You say that like you know for sure,” she stated in reply to his statement about the sniper.

As she and Chron were about to start breakfast she picked up on the sound of something being thrown against a wall. It had come from a different part of the building though to her it was clear as day. It caused her to look around confused for a moment as she held a finger up to Chron, signaling to be quiet for a moment. When she didn’t hear it again she just let it go, thinking it was nothing to worry about. “Sorry, thought I heard something,” she explained as she smiled at Chron. “Now take a seat so I can feed you.” The giggle that came from her was immediately followed by what sounded like a cry of pain. “Okay, now I know I heard that,” she stated as she stood and faced the direction from which it came. Not too long after there was another cry and another sound like something hitting the wall. “Maybe they sent someone who isn't a sniper this time,” she stated as the cheerful flirt that she had going immediately changed into something serious as she removed her shoes and socks. She changed into her true form and gave a low hiss as she made her way toward the back and into the kitchen. At first it seemed as if there were nothing back there but the sounds continued to come from the area. It didn't take her long to realize there was obviously another part of the kitchen that couldn't be seen; more specifically behind a certain shelf. She could have ripped it to shreads as she clawed her way through it, as not even entire walls were able to keep her out when determined, but she would keep things in one piece if it could so be helped. Instead, a low growl like sound trickled from deep within her as she placed a claw on the empty shelf as if to notify Chron that the sounds were coming from beyond it.

The epidemics get the blame for defeat. The Generals get the credit for victory. It ought to be the other way around."
~ Hans Zinsser

((Yay! Long post!))

Clean Member

Chronicles ears perked as well when Vee asked for silence as he tried tho hear what she was listening to. The vibrations were faint but they were there and he followed close. He hadn't eaten but he had some energy stores left over,enough for a quick fight but if it was drawn out too long he would risk crashing and going offline. Again. He couldn't let that happen so he readied himself for combat using the bare minimum,no rail gun this time or observation cameras.

As she pointed at the wall he tilted his head so his glasses glinted dramatically. "I'll see what it is." He said to her growling,feeling a bit like a warrior with his companion as a black sheet slid over his eyes and various sheets of non-harmful radiation scanned the area,looking first at the wall and then through it. He also took the time to set his hair to blades on one side,with a softer sheet underneath so he could safely grab anyone in trouble and deacitvated some reflexive weaponry while he waited for the return from the scans.

Invisible Genius

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She had the luxury to have not heard any bones crack as she was given another swift and painful kick to her side. The blood was still filling her mouth and that was the reason she was still getting her a** handed to her. Every time her mouth filled up with blood she forced herself to spit it at him. She didn't even have to actually get it on him it was the principle that she was still fighting that pissed Xavier off so bad. “You know i will win... don't you?" he asked as Theo gave her the gift of another kick.

She heard the low growl far before the two men did. Aria had been listening for when someone got curious or at least wondered where she was. Seizing the opportunity she let out a loud wail as Xavier took his turn kicking her side. Xavier looked down at her with curious eyes as his mad genius started examining the situation. He hadn't heard anything but noticed her change in demeanor. She had gone for biting her tongue to her loud screams like she knew someone was listening, He glanced at the door leading and narrowed his eyes and looked back at her. "Let’s go Theo, three is company but four is a crowd...I'll be back winch." he spat out as he drug her limp body from the floor by her arm.

He steadied her on her knees only to punch her into the wall. He punched her hard, so hard that she lay there slumped against the wall and watched them leave, hurriedly, through the other door leading outside. She leaned forward and grabbed Theo's leg earning her a quick kick to her chest. Aria let out a swift exhale as her body hit the floor. Her vision wavered as she watched the two men disappear. She didn't see them anymore but she heard as they actually left. The outside entrance was left wide open. She could feel the cool breeze from outside sweep over her sore body.

The neko let out a large exhale as she started to sob. She had added the office as a panic room; somewhere for her to run if they showed up. It had never occurred to her they would know it was here. It wasn't on the blue print for the tavern because she had added the room herself. The only logical thing that came to mind was that they had known where she was the whole time. She had never really escaped him; he just let her think she had. The sobs come quick and hard as she realized she would never be safe.

[[ yay! :3 ]]

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Dapper Darling

"Soldiers have rarely won wars. They more often mop up after the barrage of epidemics.

Vibryo Duponte

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Vee was being patient as she waited for Chron to do his thing and figure out a way for them to get beyond the shelf in a timely yet nondestructive way. However, all of that went down the drain when she heard Aria give a loud cry. The sound was as clear as if she had been right beside her. Not caring anymore about the wall and feeling the urgency to get to Aria she started to claw at the shelf ferociously; leaving nothing but splitters of wood in her wake. It didn’t take her long as her claws on the object were like a hot knife through butter. When she had made a hole she took a couple of steps back before charging at it and crashing her way through. She then raced to get to the origin of the cries; her claws leaving marks on the floor where they hit and dug in as she barreled her way toward a door and didn’t hesitate as her body slammed into it and knocked it down. The smell of blood had been strong the second she made her way past the shelf so it was no surprise when she came to a screeching halt and saw Aria on the floor with something spilling from her. After giving a snort she turned and raced her way out the back door that led outside; gone in the blink of an eye. The scent of the two was still strong and if she had her way she would catch up to them and tear them to shreds. She would leave Aria to Chron’s care for now since he most likely knew more about getting her fixed up than she did.

The epidemics get the blame for defeat. The Generals get the credit for victory. It ought to be the other way around."
~ Hans Zinsser

Enduring Hunter

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"If you run, I will chase you. If you cry I will give to you a handkerchief. If you pain, I'll pain more."
-Kaiser Cie DeViliere, Generation XI

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Kaiser felt something horrid. Something completely horrid as he stood up and looked towards the Tavern, feeling a different air blow his way, one he was certain wasn't good at all. Rushing back to the Tavern, Kaiser noticed from a far that the door was wide open. "Oh no..." He said, his rapier appearing in his hands before running in just as Vee rushed out of the back door.
"Aria!" He yelled out, tossing his sword aside and running to crouch next to her, noticing her beaten state. "Aria.....Damn it I should have never left your side..." He thought staring at her before lifting her in his arms, holding her close to him.

(It has been a busy few days o -o....)

"As long as you understand that my heart sings the sweet jubilee of your name.."

Invisible Genius

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Aria heard the commotion outside the door and refused to open her eyes. Her mouth filled up with blood once more and she spit it on the floor as she heard Kai voice. Tears filled in her eyes and she held them shut as she heard someone or something's footsteps out the back door. She sighed and couched as she thought about them being caught. It was highly unlikely. Knowing Xavier he had some one waiting for him close by. The cane he carried had never fooled her; she knew damn well he could manage with out it but found it to be a nice accessory.

Xavier sighed at the car door slammed shut. He was not prepared to fight what ever was chasing him. Theodore closed the door next as he saw some beast high tailing it towards them. "Lets go already!" he hollered, smacking the back of the drivers seat before wiping the blood on his hands off on his jeans. Xavier pulled out a small tablet and pressed a couple of buttons. He had remembered to put a tracking device on her before that thing tried to claw its way inside the room. "Wonder if she has figured out she still has that tracking device in her. " He stated as he tossed the tablet in the middle of the seat. There was a blinking dot in the middle of a map on the screen and the father the car drove the father away the dot was on the map. Xavier drove away and watched the beast from the rear-view mirror. He had a mild curiosity about the beast before he turned his attention back to his thoughts.

She couched up some blood again as she heard Kai's voice, this time closer to her. It hurt to cry with her face swollen the way it was but she couldn't help it. "I-I'm so sorry." her voice was barely a low whisper as she let out another couch. She felt Kai lift her and help back a cry as something cracked. The thoughts in her head circled around one thing and that was the danger she was putting these poor people through. she tried to speak again but the pain in her jaw made her wince instead. She thought of the state she must have been in... how could she have let her guard down so bad.

She suddenly remembered Vincent and started to cry as she forced her self up from Kai's arms. The neko stood up and fell to the floor in the same instance as she let out a small cry of pain. She sobbed harder as she thought of everything they could have done to Vincent. She shook her head . "F-ather...My Father. Room eight." it was all she could manage as she started to sob again. She needed to see the room, find any clues, and make sure he wasn't dead.

[[ yes~ busy indeed. :3 ]] [[Edited -- sorry.. Better? ]]

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Dapper Darling

"Soldiers have rarely won wars. They more often mop up after the barrage of epidemics.

Vibryo Duponte

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Vee simply loved the thrill of a chase and when she saw the people getting into a car it only made her blood run faster as she actually picked up more speed in an effort to catch them. It wouldn’t be so, however, as when she lunged for the car it peeled off and drove away. The closest she got to laying a claw on the two who had hurt Aria were the four deep claw marks that were left in the metal making up the trunk of the car from where she had dove at it. She tucked and roll and was right back on her feet though no matter how hard she ran she just wasn’t able to keep up with the vehicle. She eventually gave up the chase once she realized it was pointless and let go of a sound that was very inhuman. The only thing that could be used to describe the deafening holler was that it was obviously something out of frustration or anger. As much as she loved the chase she hated when her prey got away. I’ll be seeing you, she thought to the two figures as she lost sight of the car before turning and making her way back toward the tavern.

She ran back toward the building at a moderate pace and slowed down to a walk as she made her way back through the door that would take her into the room Aria had been in. Kai was there now and Aria was sitting on the floor crying. It’s okay Aria. I’m sure Kai and Chron can get you all fixed up, she thought to her in an effort to soothe her; assuming she was upset due to what the men had done to her. She settled down on the floor near everyone as she caught her breath; panting heavily as if she were a dog as her long tail swayed slowly along the ground behind her where it had made a hole for itself through her pants when she changed.

The epidemics get the blame for defeat. The Generals get the credit for victory. It ought to be the other way around."
~ Hans Zinsser

((Thank you! blaugh ))

Enduring Hunter

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"If you run, I will chase you. If you cry I will give to you a handkerchief. If you pain, I'll pain more."
-Kaiser Cie DeViliere, Generation XI

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"Aria...." he said watching her trying to will the strength to walk on her own. He heard her mutter the words 'my father....room 8" Kaiser noticed Vee and Chron and walked to Chronicle, handing him a bandage wrap and a small vial of something green.
.....My last one... He thought, hesitant to hand it over but did anyways for Aria's sake. "Hey Red.... Please get...Aria to her room...." He said lowly, severely saddened at Aria and Marianna getting attacked both with the course of a few days. "And...If it's any trouble....Wrap this bandage around her forehead and pour a drop of this into her mouth and another drop on her forehead...It's meant to soothe the body as it speeds up the way her swells and bruises heal...At least until I can tend to her in the morning...." Kaiser nods to Vee and Chron before picking up the rapier he had tossed aside. "I'm going to check on room 8 myself, make sure everyone's OK....Then I need to get Anna back here and...." He stops, felling a bad sense of deja vu from his time serving under a king with a god complex as an inslaved Knight. His hand tighten on the sword. "Just....worry about getting Aria upstairs....I'm sorry..." He said, fighting a tear of his own as her rushed up the stairs.

(Very very busy. But I'm hoping it's alittle more quiet around here. I like relaxing after work not coming home from work to more work XD That and I loves you guys :3) [Editted]

"As long as you understand that my heart sings the sweet jubilee of your name.."

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