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Enduring Hunter

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"If you run, I will chase you. If you cry I will give to you a handkerchief. If you pain, I'll pain more."
-Kaiser Cie DeViliere, Generation XI

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"Don't worry your mind on it, Vee." He smiled. "I've had this curse for centuries. If anything, I've got complete control over it.....Not like before anymore..." He smiled, giving a light hug to Vee once he was on his feet, reassuring her that he was fine just still in internal pain. Once he let her go, he was soon met with a hug Aria, smiled at her as usual. "Enough about....what happened...Let's move on from it." He smiled, letting Aria go check on Marianna. He fell right back onto his butt once she had left so suddenly, having lost his balance. He sat and looked up at Vee. "Hope you have been well?" He smiled innocently before hearing the news on Marianna. "Splendid!" He clasped his hands together.

"As long as you understand that my heart sings the sweet jubilee of your name.."

Dapper Darling

"Soldiers have rarely won wars. They more often mop up after the barrage of epidemics.

Vibryo Duponte

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“That’s good to hear,” she said with a smile, gently placing her hands on his back as he gave her a hug. She watched as Aria ran off; going back inside the building with urgency. When Kai spoke again she put her attention on him and gave him a nod and friendly smile. The suggestion was a good one as they could all use some time dwelling on something other than the negative. “No need to excuse yourself Aria,” she stated as she dismissed the words with a wave of her hand, “Just jump in when you want. I know I can be a talkative tammy at times. Good to know that Marianna is doing well. I hope she fully recovers soon.” She held her hand out to Kai again to help him up once more, “Should we help you get to a place to sit? I’ve been all right. Have certainly had better weeks but I things are starting to look up….I think.”

The epidemics get the blame for defeat. The Generals get the credit for victory. It ought to be the other way around."
~ Hans Zinsser

((You're fine. ^_^ RL comes first and RP is for fun so don't feel obligated. And wooooo! Avatar Korra!))

Enduring Hunter

5,250 Points
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"If you run, I will chase you. If you cry I will give to you a handkerchief. If you pain, I'll pain more."
-Kaiser Cie DeViliere, Generation XI

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(Im gonna end up missing out on Korra but I have it on record so Im happy :3)

"No no." He smiled sincerely at Vee, putting a red jellybean on her palm, closing her hand. He stood up, hold his chest and mildly hunched over. "I belong outside, I smell of blood and sweat..." He smiled embarrassingly, "And even if I showered in my room, blood is thicker then water. I'd probably stain something." He sighed. "I'm gonna camp out for the night, Wash up in the stream in the forest and meditate this pain away." He nods, "And if those guys show up again, they'll find that what entertains can also bring disarray." He smiled and tilted his head innocently. "But I won't hurt 'em too bad." Kaiser looked at Vee, rubbing the back of his head. "And is it things that are looking up? Or it just you that looked up?" He smiled, lifting her head up by her chin, "Keep your head up, Vee. You'd be surprised how easy tribulations can be when you hold your head up and keep a positive foresight." He smiled sincerely, "That, and I don't think Red would like you being in discomfort, Vee." He teased.

"As long as you understand that my heart sings the sweet jubilee of your name.."

Dapper Darling

"Soldiers have rarely won wars. They more often mop up after the barrage of epidemics.

Vibryo Duponte

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Vee opened her hand and looked down at the object that he placed in it though she couldn’t see it. “What is this?” she asked curiously as she brought the object up to her nose and smelled it. It smelled sweet and like food though an experience had taught her that not everything smelling like food was food. It did smell good though and she had to resist the urge to just eat it. When he beat her to voicing that it smelled like he needed a shower she gave a soft laugh. “Understandable. My mom would do what she called ‘hosing me down’,” she said as she made air quotes around the phrase, being sure not to drop the object he had given her, “when I was really dirty. The water was really cold but she said I was too dirty to wash it all off in the bath. She would still tell me to take a bath after the hosing though.” She smirked and gave a snort when he said that he wouldn’t hurt the guys too bad. That’s fine. You don’t hurt them too bad and I‘ll come in to pick up where you leave off, she thought. Even though the words had been mental the malicious look on her face made the thought easy to read. She didn't like the idea of people coming around to hurt the ones in the tavern. She didn't know anything about Marianna but on first impression the woman seemed nice and not like the trouble making kind. The look on her face slowly faded into something more soft as she smiled at him; especially at the mention of Chron. “Oh, I’m not going to be the one in discomfort,” she playfully retorted; a hint of arrogance in her voice. “I don’t know if things are actually looking up or not but the sooner I find out which way they’re going the sooner I can settle the issue. My foresight is always the same as I tend to think about one way of doing things. I may not have been any help in one way…and that did make me sad because I really did try. But, I can’t be all knowing. I do know that I can help in another way, however.” She gave a slight shrug followed by a sigh, “Do what you can, right? If it’s not good enough, try try again.” The tone of her voice was that of someone simply stating what they saw as fact and she wasn’t down in the least as her training had taught her that such was the way of life. Giving up, however, and feeling sorry for oneself weren’t options.

The epidemics get the blame for defeat. The Generals get the credit for victory. It ought to be the other way around."
~ Hans Zinsser

((I missed the premiere showing this morning but just caught it again an hour ago. blaugh Glad to say I was not disappointed.))

Enduring Hunter

5,250 Points
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  • Money Never Sleeps 200
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"If you run, I will chase you. If you cry I will give to you a handkerchief. If you pain, I'll pain more."
-Kaiser Cie DeViliere, Generation XI

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He smiled at her story of getting 'hosed down'. It had reminded him how remarkably colorful lifestyles were. Then he remembered her question about the jellybeam, resisting the urge to go 'awwww' at her caution towards it. "A jellybean. A candy of sorts. They make me happy even in the darkest of situations. They remind me of how much of a kid I am at heart....Try it. I would hope you are not allergic to candy...I would never dream of thinking of harming a friend." Kaiser smiled, wincing a bit, a sharp pain jolted through his chest, but he did well to hide how badly the jolt truly felt. Kaiser then noticed her facial expression shift when she thought about what he said about handling the demons and just pinched her cheek lightly. "I know that look....That look was once a common sight to see when I were but a child...." He sighed, not having had the best childhood. "Vee, I mean it....Unless directly confront, leave them to me. I'm not commanding you to.....As a friend, I ask of this favor.... Harming a friend, a lady for that matter, is strictly against mine own moral code and is a blatant 'spit in the face' from the men that did so." He smiled kindly, "Don't worry, I tend to get carried away when I have 'fun'...." He said, leaving the conversation with that and a devilish smile before looking towards the forest with a sigh. He then turned back to Vee and listened to her speak her view and Kaiser couldn't help but giggle. "Right,right! Because all sentient life in the universe is born with the persistence of will, yet we one says 'try again' to one person, that person again tries and fails, thus giving up on the learning process involved in falling and getting back up." He held his index finger up and smiled happily at Vee. "Do want you can! And keep at it until you write the pages of change in someone or something's life. Believe in the future, and persist in the present, yes?" He smiled.

(Well then, if it didn't disappoint, then I can't wait to see it. Im a big Avatar fan x3 I liked Toph, Zuki and Sokka....but Im sure there weren't many Sokka fans x3; )

"As long as you understand that my heart sings the sweet jubilee of your name.."

Dapper Darling

"Soldiers have rarely won wars. They more often mop up after the barrage of epidemics.

Vibryo Duponte

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Getting her to try the jellybean didn’t take too much encouraging. “People are allergic to candy?” she questioned before popping the bean into her mouth. She chewed on it for a moment, getting the flavor and texture of it, before giving him a big smile. “This is really good!” she happily exclaimed; obviously it being her first jellybean. She licked her hand from where the candy had been sitting, not wanting to waste any of the sweet, wonderful flavor. “Thank you. I’ll have to find more of those.” The feel of him pinching her cheek took her attention off the jellybean as she looked at him with the expression of ’what did I do?’ When he said he knew of the look she given she simply smirked. He made it sound like it was a bad thing or at least a not so good thing but that look was in conjunction with good thoughts of actions she wouldn’t mind performing. She listened to him speak and considered his reasoning before nodding her head. “I understand. They’re your mark, your kill. I also follow a code, one that says not to step into someone else’s boundary. Since you called them and where on site to help Marianna, they’re yours.” It was as simple as that. “If you know it, I would like the names of the ones who did it. That way if they come up, I will turn down any jobs concerning them. Otherwise, the only guarantee I can make is that I won’t actively hunt them.” She didn’t like stepping on others people toes and did her best to avoid it; even if it meant losing money. She knew how it felt for someone to swoop in and take prey that didn’t belong to them. It was one thing that aggravated her to no end. “Give up? I’ve only heard those words. I don’t know what they mean. Even if it takes a hundred times,” and goodness knew that sometimes it felt that way, “never give up. But yes, believe in the future and presist in the present.” She smiled at him as she seemed to look his form up and down. She could tell that he was still hurting but didn’t bring it up as he was obviously doing his best to hide it. “Maybe you should go get that bath so you can come inside and replenish yourself. You are one that requires food, right?”

The epidemics get the blame for defeat. The Generals get the credit for victory. It ought to be the other way around."
~ Hans Zinsser

((I loved Toph! blaugh I liked Sokka too. He was the funny guy. ^_^ I always watched Avatar marathons and really liked it when they aired Avatar extra's that had the bits of fun facts about the series at the bottom of the screen.))

Invisible Genius

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Aria listened silently as she sighed inwardly in relief. She was so happy she didn't know what to say. "I agree, you needed to eat." she remembered she had set some food aside earlier for them. "Would you want to eat out here?" she asked as she looked down at him and offered him her hand. "Do you need some help?"

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Enduring Hunter

5,250 Points
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"If you run, I will chase you. If you cry I will give to you a handkerchief. If you pain, I'll pain more."
-Kaiser Cie DeViliere, Generation XI

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"If it is your job to, then I won't stand in your way once the day comes. We all have to make a living somehow right?" Kaiser smiled happily, then declined her suggestion. "No thank you. I could lie to you.....telling you that I'm used to pain....but...." He tilted his head and sighed, "That would imply that I feel nothing right...now.." He winced once more, turning to the forest. "Pain is...unique....It's different....everytime...I only endure it because....of..." He stopped himself, not wanting to reveal more then intended. "Well...what I am..." The one thing he had been afraid of in the world was losing what he had because of what he truly was. "I....shouldn't be here, Vee..." He smiled softly at her but his eyes showed that of sorrow. "It's not natural. But I'm still here because the goddesses think I have something's left not experienced. He held himself and then placed his hand on her shoulder and, with his other hand, placed a bag of jellybeans in his hand. "I have more where this came from...Take it. More jellybeans for the spirit." He smiled innocently before letting her go. Holding himself once more, suddenly feeling colder. He sighed and backed away from Vee and Aria. "I-I should, though, wash up....You are right, Vee...And no no I'm not hungry, dear... I'm perfectly fine. Just need to wash and to meditate!" He smiled lovingly at her. "Oh dearest Aria..."

He smiled and waved happily at Vee and Aria. "Until next time, yes?" He turned and just as quickly as he turned, he began to lose his footing, falling onto one knee and putting his palm on the ground. He breathed heavily, eyes widened. "Wh-What...is this..?" He said, drifting in and out of consciousness.

(I LOVE those XD I remember one where it was like 'ever wondered what Zuko would look like as an airbender?' and Zuko was having a nightmare where he had been washing his face and looked up to find that he was bald with the blue arrow and the caption said 'Well there ya go.' x3)

"As long as you understand that my heart sings the sweet jubilee of your name.."

Dapper Darling

"Soldiers have rarely won wars. They more often mop up after the barrage of epidemics.

Vibryo Duponte

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Vee gave a shrug at the job thing as if it didn’t matter much to her. “It won’t kill my pocket to let one or two go in favor for a friend. Now if we were talking five or six then we may need to compromise a bit more,” she said with a smile as she teased…sort of. She rose a brow at him making mention of what he was though not actually saying what he was. The smile was still on her face as she wove a hand through the air to dismiss his words. “If you weren’t meant to be here then you wouldn’t be. It’s as simple as that. Be it natural or not.” She liked to keep things as simple as possible though she really believed the words that she spoke. And that someone was keeping him here meant that he was meant to be after all, no matter the reason. She was feeling the bag that he had placed in her hand when she heard him say it was more jellybeans. Her eyes lit up as she smiled and had to restrain herself from jumping up and down. “Really!? Thank you!” she said excitedly; though it disappeared quickly when she noticed him fall to his knees. “I do believe this charade of pretending to be all right is over,” she stated with a smirk as she looked at Aria. “Shall we help him into the building? He’s not going to make it too far out here by himself.” Her words were casual though she was worried about the guy. The last thing she wanted was for someone or something to come along and eat him in his time of weakness.

The epidemics get the blame for defeat. The Generals get the credit for victory. It ought to be the other way around."
~ Hans Zinsser

((LOL! I remember that one...a little. It's been a while since I've seen the extra's. I do remember them being all types of great though. Now you're making me want to watch the series all over again. ))
((Blah, sorry guys, I was here last night but it was like 2 in the morning, and I was drunk so that I would've been no use. Now I gotta fix up my laptop and i'll be back shortly.))

Invisible Genius

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Aria nodded at Vee as she bent and started to help him up. "If we can get him into one of the bathrooms we can at least wipe hi down before we take him to a room." she suggested as she got Kai into an upright position. "He is a lot heavier than he looks." She waited for her help she that she didn't accidentally drop him.

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Enduring Hunter

5,250 Points
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"If you run, I will chase you. If you cry I will give to you a handkerchief. If you pain, I'll pain more."
-Kaiser Cie DeViliere, Generation XI

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"No no no." He said very quickly, sitting up once Aria helped him up. "This...th-this is just what I need...right now." He held his chest and stood up. "No inside. No bathrooms. No no." He began walking towards the forest, smiled sincerely at the two, but still very much in pain. "Oh Vee! I'm sorry but the charade much continue against your whim!" He snapped his fingers, a long brown cloak appeared on his shoulders. "For I must pretend a little longer. For this is the moment-" He backed into a tree accidentally. "Owww...." He closed his eyes before shaking it off. "I'm ok! Long story short, I will see the both of you once the sun rises again!" He bows before vanishing, leaving behind blackened feathers.

(Tsk Tsk, naughty naughty Notte x3 Just glad...or hope you had fun! And I know Pylori, I know. I don't mean to, buuutttttt I might just do that while I RP. Watch Avatar, roleplay with my friends and draw. This is shaping out to be a good weekend :3)

"As long as you understand that my heart sings the sweet jubilee of your name.."

Dapper Darling

"Soldiers have rarely won wars. They more often mop up after the barrage of epidemics.

Vibryo Duponte

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Vee nodded to Aria as she made her way over to help with Kai. “I’m sure the two of us can get him into the-” she was cut off by protests from Kai. She was still kneeling down, preparing to lift him up, when he stood and started to make his way into the woods. She knew stubborness and he was full of it. She stood and smirked at him as she crossed her arms over her chest as he told her that the charade must continue against her whim. She wasn’t the strongest thing alive but she highly, HIGHLY doubted Kai was in any condition to resist her or Aria in any way. “Oh yea? Lets see about that,” she stated as she started to make her way over toward him. “You will see the two of us again after you’ve been cleaned up, fed and had some rest.” She went to grab him by the back of his shirt; unsure if he was wearing one to start with but not wanting to grab any part of his body in fear to putting force on something that was already hurting. Just as her hand went to grab him up his signature disappeared and she caught hold of something soft. She felt the object, recognizing it to be a feather as she turned to Aria. “Where did he go? He disappeared to me.” She held up the feather to show all that she knew to be left of him.

The epidemics get the blame for defeat. The Generals get the credit for victory. It ought to be the other way around."
~ Hans Zinsser

((Heya Notte. ^_^ I want to go watch it but I don't want to get so caught up that I forget about the RP. Lol. I'll have to remind myself to check back every 5 minutes.))

Invisible Genius

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"she's right..." she stopped as she saw him back into the tree and winced for him. Aria watched as the coat appeared and she shook her head. "Dont.." she sighed as she watched him disappear. He always seemed to disappear at the most convenient times. "He did disappear...to where I have no idea." she let out a sigh as she turned and slowly made her way inside.

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Enduring Hunter

5,250 Points
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"If you run, I will chase you. If you cry I will give to you a handkerchief. If you pain, I'll pain more."
-Kaiser Cie DeViliere, Generation XI

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Kaiser reappeared deep in the forest, near the stream. He fell to his hands and knees and breathed. "Vee must have been blind..." He said, having heard her questions right as he disappeared. "How didn't I catch onto that by now...?" He thought, quirking an eyebrow at himself before sitting at the edge of the water stream, taking off his shoes and rolling up his pants legs before resting his feet in the water. "Ahhh~" He smiled, closing his eyes before laying on his back. "I feel better already....But." He sat up then stood up. "Pretty sure I'm not going to get cleaned this way. He smiled, beginning to remove his shirt.

"As long as you understand that my heart sings the sweet jubilee of your name.."

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