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OG Gaian

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Gorthan stirred opening his eyes slowly as he looked around the ballroom standing up he yawned and stretched every joint in his little body popping with a sick crunch and noisy placement. He scratched the back of his head and looked at an open window lazily floating up and out of it. It was a nice day for a fly, yawning again he smacked into a bird and lost his focus. His wings missing a beat or two as he fell a hundred feet above the pool, covering his face he saw the blue clear liquid and inhaled deeply. He tucked in and hit the water with a giant splash, opening his eyes he sank to the bottom still holding his breath. He crossed his arms and sat there thinking for a moment, that was until he got up and began walking to the shallows. His body heat was off the charts as bubbles rose from his arms, his core temperature heating the water around him. All that could be seen from the top besides the ling walking slowly, were bubbles crossing the pool.

He climbed out when he reached the end and stood there soaking wet, steam rising off him. He did not like large bodies of water for various reasons, one being he could not swim. He sighed wiped his face looking around before staring up at the falcon he ran into. However shrugging his shoulders he sat there on the grass in the sun drying off and watching everyone.

Kawaii Hunter

lizardman ((mummyman3))
_xX Faceless Enemy Xx_

Fray was laughing at Mohan and Yuni and then gasped as Gorthan cannon-balled into the pool, sending waves of water that rocked the raft she was on. Writching around trying to keep her grip, she ended up capsizing the raft and falling into the water below. Slowly she sank to the deepest depth of the pool and then opened her eyes, seeing the dragon beside her and then let out another scream, except it was underwater so only bubbles came out... She swam to the surface and swam in place, moving towards the low-end where she could stand. The pool water felt a bit warmer now though, not quite as chilly.. perhaps she was just used to it. She climbed up out of the pool and looked at Yuni who was projecting herself about. "You should try jumping off the diving board," She suggested if the neko was feeling brave. Then she walked over to her beach chair and sat down on the edge of it, catching her breath.

Meanwhile, Rebekah was wandering into town with Kira. Both seemed amused by the fashion of the current times, and Bekah felt she could relate to Kira more than she initially thought. "Back in my day, it wasn't acceptable for women to wear trousers, although of course I did anyway. Now I see that women are allowed to wear what they want. That's encouraging, I suppose. But I wonder to what degree this has gone too..." She ranted as they headed towards the shops. "I need some new clothes and a bathing suit, I suppose. I'd like to see Kai's bookshop, as well, if you're up for it." She brushed back her blonde locks and smiled at Kira, feeling at ease for the first time in awhile.

OG Gaian

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Lucas Adiline walked while sucking on a lollipop, his black suit cleaned, pressed, and fitting nicely around his thin body. He was only five foot eleven and twenty three years old, so far he owned a hotel, a massive beast with whom he has no giod relationship at all, and to top it off he drank like fish. Though he never really left his hotel he was always working, but every so often, very rarely, he wound venture out and go somewhere. He came across the Heartless manor wandering around aimlessly, he cocked his head to the side and wandered upwards to the manor.

The outside was nicely built and designed, at seeing the heartless running off the porch he giggled, it was a cute creature. He turned though from the porch hearing laughing and splashing in the back, he turned on toe and heel military style and began walking around back. He felt it would be nice to get out of the hotel for a while, or however long he was going to be gone off radar. He slicked back his hair and stood at the corner out if the way just in time to see someone doing a massive cannonball that would kill him. Whistling impressed by this feat he looked around, the world he used to love was really disappearing, but he didn't care. Standing there he lit up a cigarette and just watched, he was an awkward silent man, but he never does anything.

Mega Mage

Finds a heartless and carries it around. Looks around the place while finding and picking up at many heartless as she could. She found three total and has them all bundled up in her arms in front of her holding them closely to her bust.

Hilarious Fatcat

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Yuni squealed as a dragon dropped from the heavens as a cruel play on her inability to swim, being pulled under the water's surface with the impact as she was so near. Just for the briefest of moments, but that was enough to freak her out. Luckily the floaty wings were doing their job and making her float right up to the surface, where she could flail her arms and squeal and... grab onto the diving board. She wrapped both arms and legs around it, hanging from the board like a scaredy cat. At Fray, Yuni was shaking her head and clinging tighter to the board.

"Wh-wh-wh-why would I do that?! It's... It's givin' me a hug!"

Kira whispered something to herself as Rebekah spoke, her wings gaining a translucent quality while they entered the town. Humans already couldn't see an angel's wings-- save for children and the gifted-- but other supernaturals could. And it would be bad enough if they were good at picking out auras and such to find angels. No need for a pair of bulky wings to give her away head on... Kira giggled quietly. "The last time I stepped into a realm like this, men and women alike showed little skin. The sight of a woman's ankles was enough to make a man bothered. I might bring some ideas back home for my pupils."

Once they were on a proper street, Kira looked around. She had never personally been in the town, though she knew from Kai where the bookshop was. And Kai brought up a good point. Kira didn't have any of the currency used here. This had the angel sheepishly scratching her cheek, giggling to herself. "Perhaps stopping at Kai-chan's bookshop first would be most beneficial. I have none of the currency used here... Forgive me."

Thieving Rogue


Saria's eyes shifted as she felt a new set of footprints on the grass. Turning her gaze, she saw a female walking about quietly with a couple of the heartless in her arms. She quirked a brow before waving politely at the woman from her hammock.

"Hello there." Saria greeted cheerfully. "Are you here for the party? Most of the festivities are happening out that way." She pointed towards the pool area where Mohan, Fray, and Yuni were playing.
((too lazy to read all the posts because I'm a bum. I skimmed so let me know if I missed something important))

Mohan's humanoid self popped up from the water after the dragon managed to canon-ball in. He clearly felt the difference in temperature, and immediately understood that it was due to the dragon's internal temperature. He wondered if Dragons could suffer hypothermia? If so, Gorthan jumping into the pool too much could actually wreak havoc on his internal temperature and send him into hypothermic shock. Where was Kira? She knew all there was to know about dragons.

Oh but Mohan's thoughts were racing ahead of himself, and he blinked back to reality as he heard Yuni talk about hugging the diving board. He grinned at her, letting out a laugh as he did so. The antics between her and Fray were highly amusing.

Kawaii Hunter

_xX Faceless Enemy Xx_

Fray had been lying in the sun on her chair and relaxing, then she'd laugh as she watched Yuni cling to the diving board. "I see that," She said as she glanced at the newcomer who was talking to Saria. It was about time some new people showed up to their pool party. She wondered where Rebekah and Kira had gone as she got up from the chair and headed inside to the bar. It was pretty much empty though. She fetched a cooler and filled it with some ice and various drinks of both the non-alcoholic and alcoholic nature. Then she headed back out to the pool and set the cooler down so anyone could help themselves to it. "We need some music, too.." She said as she grabbed the remote off her chair and pressed "on". The speaker system that was set up outside began to play and she smiled, switching through the music until something good came on.

Rebekah hummed quietly to herself as they walked the cobblestone streets and began to browse some shops, smiling at Kira's remarks "Don't worry. I have you covered," Rebekah said with a mischievous glint in her eyes as she watched the various people walking about the town, the sound of cars passing by. She came to pause as they approached a shop with large glass windows and mannequins dressed in short dresses and skirts. There were blouses in all different shades of black, white, mint, turquoise, light pink, and many with fancy patterns. She squealed with excitement, reaching out to take Kira's hand like they were best friends suddenly. "Let's go in here.. it's called Forever 21. I never got to turn 20, unfortunately. Not even 18, until I was turned, of course. I'm over 1000 now. You stop counting after so many years," She chatted as they entered the store and began to look around.

Rebekah was overwhelmed by the current fashions and amount of clothing; she'd never seen such a shop before. Shortly after they entered a woman walked over and asked if she could help them. Wow.. how awfullly kind. I haven't even compelled her yet.. she thought. It wasn't long before her arms were full of clothes and the woman took them to start a dressing room for her. "You're going to try some things on, right?" She asked Kira as she browsed some of the small lacy undergarments and then giggled as she held them up to her.

Hilarious Fatcat

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"Oh divin' board... You're the only one that understands..." Yuni continued to cling to the board like a frightened kitten, nuzzling its underside and thrashing her tail at the water below. "Mean ol' water..."

"By covered, you don't mean..." Compulsion? Kira inwardly sighed, though she smiled softly. She figured telling Rebekah not to use her abilities would be like telling a candle not to hold a flame. Well, perhaps with some coaxing, Kira could--

"Dear gods!" The angel said in surprise, a particularly large truck roaring by them. Kira whirled to watch it continue on its way, along with the other cars, as the vampiress tugged her into a store called Forever 21. "Rebekah! What was that? It was so loud and... smelly..."

Kira's red eyes were staring out the display windows while her grandchild got a headstart on this shopping spree, finally looking away from the shining, smelly beetles when a question was posed to her. A red tinge bloomed on Kira's cheeks at seeing the underwear, a shy giggle hidden under a hand.

"Oh my... I'll try some things on. But not that." Kira said and went about roaming through the more modest articles. Tops or dresses with low or no backs, preferably... She gathered some things, letting the store aid guide her to the changing rooms to start the grueling task of finding something that will fit around her wings.

Mega Mage

String x Theory

Saria's eyes shifted as she felt a new set of footprints on the grass. Turning her gaze, she saw a female walking about quietly with a couple of the heartless in her arms. She quirked a brow before waving politely at the woman from her hammock.

"Hello there." Saria greeted cheerfully. "Are you here for the party? Most of the festivities are happening out that way." She pointed towards the pool area where Mohan, Fray, and Yuni were playing.
"Excellent, I recently found creatures to barbeque." She held the heartless up to her then retrieved them back to her chest. "They look tasty at least." Rubs her chin against a head of one of the heartless.

Kawaii Hunter

_xX Faceless Enemy Xx_

Rebekah laughed as she put the undergarments back and joined Kira in the dressing room. She tried on a few outfits with new heels along with several bathing suits, all of which she loved. "I'll be wearing this out," She informed the dressing room attendant as she modeled a tight black dress with navy suede heels that made her about 5'9. She moved closer to the woman so she could make eye contact while Kira was still changing. "You want to give my friend and I these clothes for free, as a gift." The lady nodded and then took the clothes from her to put in bags. She looked at herself in front of the mirror, doing a few spins and smirking. "I look good in this. I could go for some more shopping but I say we go back to the Manor and make an entrance to the pool party."

Meanwhile back at the Manor, Fray walked over to the edge of the pool and dove into the water gracefully before swimming back up to the surface. "See that? If you practice jumping off the board, then eventually you'll become a pro," She informed Yuni who seemed to have grown attached the diving board. Eah, to each their own.. She swam over to one of the rafts and hung onto it, kicking her legs as she moved slowly to the deep end. "Or you can jump on the raft."

Thieving Rogue


Saria smirked as the girl offered the heartless as a meal to be eaten, much like a mother would smile at a child after they said something amusing.

"You could try to eat them, I suppose." Saria said, a hint of laugh under her tone. "Unfortunately, they're not made of anything. They're just shadows. Can't be killed. They'd just shift away from you."

On that note, as if it were planned, one of the heartless creatures in the girl's arm suddenly became two-dimensional, slipping away along the ground until it melded with the shadow of a nearby lawn chair.

The elf shifted, swinging her legs over the end of the hammock and steadying her feet on the ground.
"My name is Saria I own the place." She introduced.
Mohan watched as Fray tried to coax Yuni into the pool. He swam over to the edge, next to the diving board, resting his arms on the siding of the pool. "You could also just hang out in the shallow end." Mohan suggested with a warm smile. "You can cool off on the steps so you can stand if you need to. But you'd have to leave your precious diving board."

Mega Mage

String x Theory

On that note, as if it were planned, one of the heartless creatures in the girl's arm suddenly became two-dimensional, slipping away along the ground until it melded with the shadow of a nearby lawn chair.

The elf shifted, swinging her legs over the end of the hammock and steadying her feet on the ground.
"My name is Saria I own the place." She introduced.
"Oh, hi. I heard there was a barbeque and I didn't bring anything so I thought those little things were edible. I guess not..." Holds the remaining two tightly so they wouldn't try to escape like the other one even though it seemed futile. "Oh yeah, you can call me Rivne." She stood there in an awkward silence. She pointed at the swimming pull while still facing Saria. "I'm gonna go to the pool now." She ran to wards the pool still holding the creatures in her arms

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