Hello, all my lovely readers!

As always I’m your guide Rufus, talking to you today about all the amazing things Gaia has to offer. Now, I’ve talked at length at how Gaia is mostly populated by humanoids. Y’know, the kind of people who walk around on two legs and don’t have tails or fur or anything like that. I don’t think they see a lot of talking animals in their day to day life! But ever since I decided to co-run Barton Boutique with my particular human -- Ian, who I’ve mentioned before -- I’ve noticed that the community has become a lot more “chatting critter” friendly! The local cafes have started to put fresh tuna on the menu, for one thing. Many classy establishments have stricken the “No Pants, No Service” rules from their boards. And no one even looks at me funny when I start talking to them! I’m not the only animal who has noticed this, either. Ever since I started living here, even more talking animals have appeared! There’s P.U.G. who runs Club Verge, and Jet who helps run La Victoire. I tried to ask them what they like about living in Gaia but P.U.G. kind of has this thing about cats, and Jet kind of has this thing about… well, anyone. But they do seem really happy here! Honestly, there’s no place better than Gaia to live if you’re a talking animal. I’ve been here for a long, long time, and I could never imagine living anywhere else! It really is a paradise for everyone.