We have a Reporting System for our Multiplayer games -- Gaia Fishing, Gaia Slots and such. There are three features of this Reporting system, Report Abusive Room Name, Report Abusive User and Ignore User.

Report Abusive Room Name
    Room Names must follow the Terms of Service and Rules & Guidelines. This means that Room Names should not be Abusive/Harassing, excessively vulgar and absolutely no Cybering is allowed.

    To report an Abusive Room Name:
  1. Click on the name of the Room
  2. Click "REPORT ABUSE" at the bottom of the list of Rooms
  3. Type a message in the "Notes:" section about why you are reporting
  4. Click "Go" when you are finished or click "Cancel" if you made a mistake

Report Abusive User
    Users in Multiplayer Chats must follow the Terms of Service and Rules & Guidelines. This means that Users in Multiplayer Chats should not Abuse or Harass other Users in Chat, language should not be excessively vulgar, Users should not Spam Chat and absolutely no Cybering is allowed.

    To report an Abusive User:
  1. Click on the head of the Avatar at the top of the room
  2. Click "REPORT ABUSE" on the menu
  3. Type a message in the "Notes:" section about why you are reporting
  4. Click "Go" when you are finished or click "Cancel" if you made a mistake

Ignore User
    If you do not want to talk with another user in the Chat, you can ignore them until you leave that game. Using the "Ignore User" in a Multiplayer chat does not put them on your Ignore List and will only ignore them in that game.

    To Ignore a User:
  1. Click on the head of the Avatar at the top of the room
  2. Click "IGNORE USER" on the menu

    If you put someone on Ignore by mistake or want to talk to them again, you can Stop Ignoring the user.

    To Stop Ignoring a User:
  3. Click on the head of the Avatar at the top of the room
  4. Click "STOP IGNORE" on the menu

Reminder: The report system should only be used for real reports! False reports or using the system improperly may lead to your account being warned or banned. Moderators review all reports, if you honestly report something on accident, the Mod who reads the report will be able to see this and ask you to pay attention in the future and only report when needed.

Thank ya, have fun playin!