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To those that decided to visit this topic... Hello! I hope you're having a lovely day.

This is my Fanfiction for the movie, Suicide Room (Sala Samobójców).
I started writing this towards the end of February and I am currently working on the fourth chapter.

The main characters right now are Dominik and Aleksander.

If you do not want to read this on Gaia, feel free to visit the story on Fanfiction.net
Second Chance on Fanfiction

I appreciate feedback and comments.

| 'I did not know where I was, but I knew that I finally felt safe.' Saved from death but barely gripping onto life, Dominik has a second chance at living and ultimately, recovering from his fateful decision. But things would never feel the same after Suicide Room... |
Chapter One

Floating upon the superficial bliss of half-awareness...suspended in an area that I could not identify. All that I could see, hear and think was...white. A color that blended into warm tones that I could feel beneath my fingertips and in-between my toes. I did not know where I was, but I knew that I finally felt safe.

My last memory... my body curled up on a cold, strange floor, voice desperately crying out for my parents to help me. But I heard nothing except the sound of my heart pounding in my ears and the ravaged yells tearing from my throat. I had tried to make myself vomit up the pills and alcohol... I tried so hard, but I just couldn't do it. I was too far gone.

I was about to die... and there was nothing that I could do about it.

The heat that was around me... It started to fade. The atmosphere around me was slowly changing from a comfortable warmth to a harsh cold. Is this the end of the road? I asked myself. Am I finally...dead?

The white around me slowly began to change as well, shifting into an almost blinding light. Someone once told me that seeing "the light" meant that you were on your way into heaven, yet... I didn't feel all that angelic. I felt heavier and simply weighted, as if something was pulling me back.

I don't think I was there just yet.

"Think...s-starting to...up..."

A voice. Several voices. The faint sound of a heart monitor, beeping in a constant pattern.

Where am I?

I was awake. I was...alive.

"Dominik? Dominik, can you hear me?" Through blurred vision, I saw a nurse in front of me, shining a light into my eyes. "He seems responsive," I heard the nurse say. "And his heart rate is up as well."

"Dominik, I want you to listen to me." A new voice came into my ears, one that I did not recognize. Gazing over to the left, I saw a man by my side who looked to be a doctor. "One week ago, you overdosed on a large amount of alcohol and pills and were brought here half-dead. You have been in a coma since that time, and believe me when I say, you are very fortunate to be alive. We did not have much hope that you would wake up." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "However, you still have a long way to go, Dominik."

I tried to speak, but found that I could not. Gathering up strength, I slowly reached my hand up and touched my mouth. A tube. What is this? Why do I have a tube inside of me?

"That's a respirator. That tube is connected to a machine that provides a steady amount of oxygen into your body. You cannot talk or yell or swallow or vomit...everything is blocked off. So don't worry, you'll be fine. Just breathe with the machine."

"Doctor, when do you think that we should remove the respirator? Since he's awake now."

"It's still too early to tell how he will do so let's just wait and see. In the meantime, go ahead and alert his parents that he's back with us. You can find them in the waiting area, I believe."

My parents...in a waiting area? That was impossible. The parents I knew would never spend more than five minutes doing something if it didn't offer any personal gain to them. I found it hard to believe that they even knew that I was sick. So caught up in their contrived lives. If I ever were to die, they would probably be late to my own funeral...if they even showed up at all.

Yet... I felt relieved to be alive. For the first time in a long while, I did not resent every seemingly useless minute that went by. It would be a little superficial to say that I felt numb, but...it was true. I felt nothing; happiness, anger, pain or pleasure. Void of any emotions, I was simply just...


"Dominik," I looked up to see the nurse standing in the doorway. "Are you up for visitors? Your parents have come to see you." She stepped aside and allowed past my mother and father, who quickly came to my side. Looking them over, they appeared the same as I remembered them to be, except...they looked older, as if worry and pain had aged them quicker than any amount of time could. Mum looked worn out and lacked the spark that she usually had in her eyes, and Dad...he looked like he had the world on his shoulders. But most of all, I witnessed my father do something that I had never seen him do before.

He was crying. Silent tears accompanied with the occasional jerk of his back as a sob left his lips.

My mum reached down and took my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, before turning her eyes upward and whispering out...

"Our precious Dominik...he is alive."
Chapter Two

I was starting to lose track of the days as they went by. It seemed like I spent all day sleeping and all night wide awake, staring into the vast emptiness of the night sky. If there were stars or a glimpse of hope from the light of the moon... I didn't see it. Nowadays, I couldn't see past the healing cuts on my arms or the respirator that the doctors refused to remove. They said that I was getting better, improving in my health; but dare they inquire about my mental status, they would encounter a different story.

Mentally, I was somewhat stable... on the verge of a collapse, yes, but wanting to keep up appearances.

Aside from the routine visits from my nurses and the occasional doctor, I was mostly alone. My parents spent all their time around me preceding the first few days that I was awake from my coma, but that act quickly faded away, just as I expected. After all, they had to go back to work, didn't they? I imagined it wasn't easy keeping up with a lifestyle full of valueless riches and a ruse of pretentiousness.

Attending corporate meetings, planning business transaction and eating and socializing among the highly esteemed individuals at the worthless plays that they always attended... all of that while their only son was in the hospital, who was unsure of his fate with every second that went by.

But I was used to it. Being ignored and brushed aside was one of the many factors that brought me to my downfall, and it sure as hell wasn't going to go away with one failed suicide attempt.

"Good afternoon, Dominik. The weather is rather nice out today, isn't it?"

One of the rare mornings that I was actually awake and it was being spent listening to imbecilic questions from my nurse. Yes, as if I can feel how warm or cold it might be outside... I thought, rolling my eyes. It's not like I can answer you anyway, b***h.

The minutes soon turned into hours as the day seemed to drag on and on. Magazines that had been read multiple times from cover to cover sat on my bedside table, providing no source of relief to my never-ending boredom. Aside from a phone that would never ring and a TV that had nothing but news and sport stations on it, there was nothing else in the room that held out any type of entertainment.

But at around three o'clock, my boredom-induced trance was broken by an un-routine visit from one of my nurses. "Dominik," she said. "There's a visitor here for you. May I bring him in?"

Visitor? No one visited me. I knew it could not be my parents, since they would have just came right in without any forewarning. Nodding my head, I granted permission and waited for my mystery "guest" to be revealed to me. She stepped aside and allowed inside the person who wished to see me.


Never in a million years had I expected to see him walk into this room...

"It's me, Aleksander. I don't know if you remember me or not."

How could I not remember him? He was the one that snowballed a torrential onslaught of humiliation and total isolation. An innocent kiss and an unfortunate reaction from my body, I was left defenseless against the direct and indirect ways of mental torture from him and my supposed "friends."

My body stiffened up as I watched him sit down at the foot of my bed, eyes flickering back and forth to mine. Thoughts taking a cold and bitter turn, my eyes said more than my mouth ever could as I stared him down, looking for his intent. If this hospital weren't filled with nurses and security guards, I would have beaten the s**t out of you before you came within five feet of my bed...

"I heard about what happened. The website and that you tried to...you know..."

Kill myself? Don't be afraid to say it. I'm not ashamed and neither should you be.

"The school has been in a frenzy. The teachers even held an assembly talking about the impact that bullying has on others. I never meant to bully anyone, I really didn't..." His voice trailed off for a moment. "...In case you are wondering, yes, I got what I deserved. Someone found that video I made and told the teachers about it; I'm suspended from school for one week. I suppose the only reason it's not longer is because finals are almost here. You know, you may be able to still take them if you get out of the hospital soon, but I don't know how you are doing..."

He laughed at his words. "Who am I kidding...? I'm sure finals are the last thing on your mind. Now that I think about it, though, none of us never knew what was on your mind. You are a reserved boy. Maybe that's one of the things that frightened us, intimidated our egos..."

Frightened? Intimidated?

"I never meant to hurt you, Dominik. I really mean that."

Then why did you do it? I diverted my eyes to the window, staring out at nothing particular, but not wanting to face his gaze. Knowing that I could not communicate anything, I pulled my arms out from underneath the blanket and held them out for him to see, silently showing him the damage that had been done.

I heard him take in a sharp breath, as if he was surprised to see just how much I did to myself. "s**t..." He slowly reached over and grasped my arm, running a finger over one of my cuts. Cautiously, I allowed him to observe until his touch brushed over the last cut that I remembered making, still the rawest. Wincing, I jerked my arm back into my control and kicked at him in response.

He jumped up, a confused look etched across his face. Lips pursing up, annoyed words threatened to fall, but were eventually held back as he let out a heavy sigh and turned to face the doorway. "I'm sorry..." he murmured. "I'm a horrible person. I really did...do like you. Yet I treated you like s**t when you did absolutely nothing bad to me. I don't even deserve to talk to you..."

Silence and a blank stare greeted his reply, any sort of reaction currently impossible. Inquiring his facial expression, I saw what looked to be remorse... but knowing that humans had the cruel ability to fake emotions and deceive others into thinking that they were truly compassionate or sympathetic when they weren't, I wasn't sure whether or not it was truly genuine. But regardless of the forethought, I wasn't buying it at all. Weeks of torment could not be erased by one measly apology that could just as easily have the potential to be half-assed and said out of obligation, not out of sincere regret.

"I'm just going to leave." He walked towards the doorway before stopping. "Dominik, I... I just..." But losing whatever initiative he previously had, he turned on his heel and went on his way out, closing the door behind him with a loud shut.

Thoughts now muddled together in a thick mess inside of my head, I was yet again left to the wondering of my mind as a stray finger moved across the surface of my "battle wounds."
Chapter Three

"Congratulations Dominik, today is the day that your respirator will be taken out!"

Eyes slipping open, I was almost immediately annoyed by the presence of my loud and sickeningly chipper nurse on the one time that I was actually having a decent sleep since being in the hospital and yet, it was rudely interrupted by...whatever her name was. I just called her Irytacja. *

Just my luck, I suppose...

Watching her move about, I noticed that she was fiddling with the various wires and tubes that came out of my body. "The CO2 levels in your lungs made the doctor decide that we should take the whole thing out and see how you do on your own. However, you won't be able to come off from intravenous feeding just yet... but you are making great progress, Dominik. "

So I would be breathing on my own again, huh? That sounded tantalizingly good but quite disappointing as well.. I had gotten used to having someone..well, something breathe for me. But I had to admit, though, I did miss being able to communicate.

"After I remove the tube, I'm going to give you some oxygen just to help you out a little." I nodded and watched as she pulled a pair of gloves over her hands. Looking over, I noticed another nurse come into the room, who I recognized to be the quiet and more serious one out of the two. "I want you to hold his head steady while I remove it," Irytacja ordered her. She gave me a pat on my shoulder. "Don't worry hun, this won't hurt a bit."

Staring at the wall, I remained motionless while the serious nurse held my head in place and Irytacja did something with a small bag beneath the breathing device. I wasn't sure what to expect when it came out; after all, I had been unconscious when it was inserted so there was no telling.

She and her solemn assistant (who I had just deemed as Poważny * for good measure) worked on removing the tape that held the tube in place from off my face. Wincing, my hands balled up into a fist as the sticky substance peeled off from my skin.

Irytacja began to tug on the tube a little, causing it to scratch against my windpipe. "On the count of three, give me a big cough... one, two, three." I coughed and then retched as the tube was pulled up and out of my throat. "There we go," she coaxed, a grin spread across her face. "Now doesn't that feel better?"

I tried to say something but found that my voice was much too hoarse for any proper words to be formed, so I just stuck with a nod. A mask was strapped around my head and I felt myself begin to breathe a little better as the oxygen began to flow through me. It felt crisp and clean, compared to the tube.

"Now, we're going to leave that on for a little while," Irytacja said, giving me yet another pat on the shoulder. Gathering up all the discarded equipment, she motioned for Poważny to follow her out of the room. "I'll be back to check on you soon."

I closed my eyes after I heard the door shut. I wonder when they will take the IV out. At this rate, it won't be too long before they release me. I don't want to go back to the real world...

What did the world have to offer me? The atmosphere on this planet... It was cold. Bitter. Sinister. Everyone lived for themselves and didn't care about anyone else. They preyed on the weak and basked in the glory of their dominance; restraining those that talked, walked or thought contrary from them. It did not matter who you were, where you were from or how nice you may be...

You were different and that scared them.

Kill all the terrible people and leave all the good ones behind... On the surface, it seemed like it would work, but eventually someone will want to prove their superiority; show that they are somehow better than all the others. And then you're back to square one. It's a terrible cycle that can never be broken...

Looking down at my arms, I was once again reminded of that dreaded chain reaction.

You drag your poison across your skin, hoping to find some consolation in the scorching torture that reverberates through your body. But when that pain is dead and everything goes numb, you feel worse than before and are slapped in the face with the imperfections that you inflicted upon yourself. So you do it again, and before you know it: You are hooked; searching for pain to relieve the pain.

"Living, quietly bleeding.." I mouthed the words, though no sound left from within me. "Bleeding, quietly living.." Clasping my hand over my wrist, I closed my eyes and let sleep consume me yet again.

| * Irytacja literally means "annoyance" | Poważny literally means "serious" |
Chapter Four

"You have a visitor, Dominik."

Aleksander was back... A few days only having passed by, he had already returned.

There was an awkward silence between us as he sat at the foot of my bed, eyes shifted downwards. "I see that the breathing tube is out." He looked up at me with a slight smile on his face. "That's great." My only response was a nod, so he continued speaking. "Do you think they will release you soon?"

"How am I supposed to know?" I hissed out, starting to becoming annoyed with him.

His jaw tensed at my words. "You don't have to be short with me."

I was silent for a moment. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here because..." He looked down. "I feel like I have to make things right."

"Visiting me in the hospital to make yourself feel better is truly a selfish thing." Our eyes met again as he looked up at me. "I don't need your psuedo apologies, Aleksander."

"It's not like that," he interjected. "I'm not making things right for me; it's for you." He paused, letting out a sigh. "I know that you probably hate me – s**t, that's an understatement, I know that you hate me. And I know-"

"Stop that!" I yelled. "You say you know all this stuff, but do you really understand?! You may know that your words and actions toward me were terrible, but do you understand the emotional torture that you put me through?" I jerked my arms out from underneath the covers and held them up for him to see. "Do you understand what drives a person to do this to themselves?! Go ahead. Tell me you ******** understand!"

He was silent for a few moments. "I'm sorry..." he murmured. Scrunching his eyes closed, I watched as a tear slid down his face, quickly followed by another one. "I'm so sorry Dominik..." Burying his face in his hands, choked sobs began to leave his lips, his body shuddering with every outburst.

A feeling that I had not felt in a long time – one of sympathy – came over me. Reaching out, I laid a hand onto his arm, trying to provide him with some sort of comfort. "Hey, don't cry..." I knew that he didn't deserve any compassion from me, but I couldn't help it...

I felt him stiffen up at my touch, then slowly relax. "Dominik.." Pulling his head up, he glanced at my arm and then up into my eyes. "Why?"

"Shh," I shushed him. Crawling out from underneath the covers, I grabbed the stand that held my IV line and moved it along with me as I came closer to Aleksander. "Don't cry, please."

He nodded, sniffling a little. "I won't." I watched as he briefly looked my body up and down. "You're thinner than what I remember you to be."

"I was thinner when I first came in here, believe it or not," I replied. "This damn hospital gown doesn't do me any justice, though. They let me take a shower on my own for the first time yesterday and when I looked into the bathroom mirror, I couldn't believe how bony I had become." Glancing up at the IV bag, I continued to speak. "But I suppose that's what surviving only on liquids will do to you. See that bag up there? That's what kept me from entirely wasting away when I was in a coma. But now that I am awake, I'm hoping they will take me off it soon."

"That sounds terrible."

"It's better than being dead..."

He nodded, "Yeah." Taking my arm into his hand, he began to slowly trace his fingers over my cuts again, a calm look on his face.

"Why do you keep doing that?" I asked, allowing him control, but remaining wary of his movements.

"I'm trying to understand," he replied, focus unwavering. "Let me understand." I watched as his finger neared the rawest cut he had touched last time that envoked such a sharp reaction from me. "Relax," he whispered, must having felt my arm tense up. "I'm not going to hurt you." His finger gently brushing over the cut, I winced a little and inhaled sharply, but remained still as he kept going.

Why was he doing this? Why that one in particular?

As if he had read my mind, I received my answer when he brought my arm up to his lips and kissed that exact cut, his eyes set on mine. "Don't ever do this to yourself again. Please, Dominik." Rendered speechless, my eyes said more than my lips ever could as he gently placed my arm back down. Raising his hand up, he clasped it onto the back of my neck and looked into my eyes.

Was he..?

He hesitated slightly before pulling away, a sad smile forming on his face. "You'll never understand," he murmured.

"Understand what?"

"How great that you truly are."

sky1it rolled 3 4-sided dice: 4, 1, 3 Total: 8 (3-12)


I've made a 'gaia' account just to tell you how unbelievably amazing your fanfiction is. smile

I can't wait for the next chapter.

I've been kind of obsessed with the whole 'dominik x aleks' ship lately, so I loved this. ^-^
very well written as well mrgreen heart


I've made a 'gaia' account just to tell you how unbelievably amazing your fanfiction is. smile

I can't wait for the next chapter.

I've been kind of obsessed with the whole 'dominik x aleks' ship lately, so I loved this. ^-^
very well written as well mrgreen heart


Ahh I haven't been on Gaia in a while, so I apologize for the late reply!
But oh my gosh, thank you so much! That means so much to me.

And I know exactly what you mean, I'm kinda obsessed in a way as well. I'm about to post my new chapter if you're interested in reading ^-^ Also, I followed you back on Tumblr a while back (didn't realize it was the same person haha) and I love your icon. :3
Chapter Five

With every day that I woke, things started to make a little bit more sense. I felt myself grow stronger, move more competently and think with a meager amount of hope. Some things still didn't make sense, though – like why I still had these intense urges to carve my veins with a knife. The constantly changing feelings, though, that's what confused me the most; on some days, I felt cheerful and even made an effort to be friendly towards Irytacja. But on other days, I felt desperately hopeless and fought the urge to jump out the window and paint the sidewalk with the remnants of my skull.

I didn't speak to anyone about it, though. Not the doctors, not the nurses..not even the man from the psych ward that visited me every few days knew about what went on in my head. Unveiling my urges was not part of the agenda; I did not want to be involuntarily transferred back to that horrid place. I'd rather deal with it on my own than slip back into a torturous, self-medicated trance.

...But then there was a completely different matter: Aleksander.

"It looks like you gained a little more weight since the last time that I was here."

This time, he sat closer to me, positioned at my side. Conversating had always been a little daunting to me, as I was not the most outgoing person in the world, so I found myself a little intimidated by the distance – or rather, the lack of. "Wasn't that yesterday?" I teased, smiling a little.

He laughed. "Very funny." Glancing around my room, he frowned. "This place is so dreary! I would go crazy living here. No inspiration, no creativity, no thought.. just white and gray."

"No one ever said that psychosis was colorful. This may be the general hospital, but I think every patient is a little insane in their own special way." Glancing down, I held my arm out for him to see. "See my cuts? They're not cuts anymore; they're turning into scars. I may still be crazy, but it's progress."

Aleksander shook his head. "I don't think you are crazy."

I chuckled a little. "I'm glad to know someone doesn't think that."

"Dominik, can I ask you something?"

"Depends on what it is."

"It's not anything bad, don't worry."

"Alright, then go ahead."

"What did you think of what happened that night of the studniówka?"

His question caught me off-guard. "You mean when we...?"

He nodded. "Yes. When we shared that kiss."

"I think it was pretty obvious what my body thought after what happened in Judo," I replied. "But regardless, I felt confused. How did you feel?"

"I had similar feelings. I liked it, yet I disliked it at the same time. Something about kissing you was different; I don't know whether it was the alcohol or maybe the adrenaline rush of being dared to do something like that with another guy." He sighed a little. "What if I said that I wanted to do it again?"

I was silent for a few moments. Do it again? How could you possibly want to kiss me again, after all that has happened? Unsure of what to say, I settled on a soft 'Alright.'

Biting his lip a little, he looked down, seeming a little unsure about something. "Please," He whispered before leaning in, clasping a hand onto my shoulder, just like on that night. Eyes widening, I sat motionless as he touched his lips against mine. Everything seemed to go slow and I wasn't sure what to do, until it dawned on me – this was okay. It was just him and I in this room, no one else. So I kissed him back; softly but cautiously, a major difference from the first kiss that we had together. When he finally pulled away, he lingered by my face, eyes flickering open to look into mine.

Is this what it felt like? To feel something other than sorrow and hate?

For the first time in a long while, I felt...alive.

| * studniówka is a traditional ball that is held approximately one-hundred days before the matura, or leaving exam, for the final grade students (aged 18-20) |
Chapter Six

Another day of recovery gone by and one more day that I spent with Aleksander. I enjoyed the company, but I still felt slightly emotionless around him. Usually, I did not reveal much to him about what had happened in the past, but something...or someone, was vexing my mind.


Aleks looked over at me from the chair in the room. "What did you say?"

Carefully sitting to my knees, I crawled over to the edge of the bed so I could face him directly. "That was the name of the girl who brought me to Suicide Room: Sylwia. We were friends...close friends, maybe even my best friend. She intrigued me from the moment that we first met; mysterious eyes that had a troubled look to them. I felt we could relate...and we did. We had amazing highs and dangerous lows; she exposed me to things that I never thought were possible and influenced my character change. She even taught me how to cut; deep enough to make it burn but not enough to kill me. 'I hate reality,' is what she said. I didn't want to die, but she did." I paused as I felt an overwhelming sadness start to come over me. "She wanted pills to kill herself, so I managed to obtain some from a psychiatrist that my parents hired to talk to me. We had arranged to meet at a bar, but before we could finalize our plans, I was disconnected from her...literally. But I still went there anyway and waited for her. I started to drink and eventually decided to dump some of the pills down the toilet, but the hopelessness... It took over me, Aleks. I drowned myself in pills and alcohol."

Before I knew it, Aleks was by my side as the tears started to fall from my face. "Before I blacked out, I had imagined walking back out into the bar and seeing her. We kissed each other and finally, I was alright. We didn't need pills. We just needed each other." My voice started to waver as I continued to speak. "I've thought about her since I woke up and I have absolutely no way of contacting her.. What if she's dead? God, I hope she is ok!" My voice completely gave way as a choked sob left my lips, all the pent-up distress slowly releasing from inside of me.

I felt an arm wrap around me, grasping my body. Looking up, Aleks gazed at me, a pained look in his eyes. "Don't cry," he whispered. "She's ok, I know she is."

"How do you know? You don't know her like I do. She wasn't alright, Aleks!"

"Dominik..." He released his grip and turned me so that I was facing him. "When you leave here, we will find Sylwia. You will see her. I promise you that."

"I don't know if I'm ready for the real world yet. I don't want to wind up here again...or someplace worse." I laid my head on his shoulder. "There's so much pressure in this world. Final exams, universities, jobs, cars, relationships, marriage... Our parents call us children, yet once we leave school, we are suddenly expected to be adults. It makes absolutely no sense." I let out a small chuckle. "If all of this hadn't happened, I would love to be out there partying my life away. I know it would piss my parents off so much and that would give me an immense amount of satisfaction to break up their plan to make me their pawn."

"Their pawn?"

"Yeah." I lifted my head up as I stared out at nothing in particular. "They want me to pass the final exams, get into some prestigious university and spend the rest of my life at some s**t job, climbing up the ranks to impress s**t people." A sigh left my lips. "I don't want to do that. The sky is the limit with what humans can accomplish. Why should I waste my time working a 9-to-5 job that I hate when I can be out there doing something that I love?"

"What do you love, Dominik?"

"I... I don't know yet. I'm still trying to figure that out."

He turned my head so that I was staring up at him. "I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe and away from here. You're going to find something that you love and you are going to live."

I couldn't stop myself from leaning up and touching my lips against his in a few, brief kisses.

"Please don't ever leave me, Aleks... please."

4,350 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Junior Trader 100
I just watched this movie on YouTube a week or two ago, and it was simply amazing. I love reading this, you're such a good writer. <3 Please update/add another chapter soon :]
I just watched this movie on YouTube a week or two ago, and it was simply amazing. I love reading this, you're such a good writer. <3 Please update/add another chapter soon :]

Ahh thank you so much! I really appreciate that. <3
And I am about to add another chapter right now, so it'll be up momentarily.

4,350 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Junior Trader 100
I just watched this movie on YouTube a week or two ago, and it was simply amazing. I love reading this, you're such a good writer. <3 Please update/add another chapter soon :]

Ahh thank you so much! I really appreciate that. <3
And I am about to add another chapter right now, so it'll be up momentarily.

Fantastic, I can't wait to read it! :]
I just watched this movie on YouTube a week or two ago, and it was simply amazing. I love reading this, you're such a good writer. <3 Please update/add another chapter soon :]

Ahh thank you so much! I really appreciate that. <3
And I am about to add another chapter right now, so it'll be up momentarily.

Fantastic, I can't wait to read it! :]

Hehe =) Well two, actually.
I hadn't realized I did not post chapter seven on here. So you get a treat. ^^
Chapter Seven

"Here's your dinner for tonight, Dominik."

As of yesterday, my diet had changed from liquid nutrients to peas and pudding. Not the most appetizing of meals, but at least I was eating somewhat solid food again. "When can I start eating some actual food?" I asked as I watched Poważny place the plate in front of me.

"This is hospital food, Dominik," she replied. "Not your mum's Sunday dinner. Now stop being such a whiny little brat and eat your food before I throw it away."

Rolling my eyes, I stuck my middle finger up at her in response. "******** this food and ******** you."

Eyes flashing with anger, she opened her mouth up to reply, harsh words threatening to fly off her tongue. I prepared myself for a fight, not afraid to defend what I thought, but our borderline-altercation was interrupted by the return of the one and only, Aleksander.

Noticing the bad air between us, his eyebrows furrowed. "What's going on?"

Shaking her head, she pointed an accusing finger over at me. "Deal with him." And with that, she stormed out of the room, shoving past Aleks on the way out.

Aleks' look of confusion soon turned into one of exasperation. "I leave for five minutes to use the restroom and you start something with your nurse."

"She was being a b***h," I retorted. "Besides, I don't want to eat peas and pudding. I'd rather go back to the liquid s**t that they pumped into my body."

"Don't be so picky." Sitting down by my side, he picked up my plate and scooped up a forkful of peas. "Say 'ahh.'"

Giving him an odd look, I let out a sigh as I complied, opening my mouth up. Closing my lips around the fork, I began to chew. "How delightfully delicious," I remarked, a sarcastic tone to my voice.

Aleks chuckled. "Always something coming from you, Dominik." After slipping some pudding into my mouth, he set the fork and plate down on my bedside table. "You don't seem all that hungry."

I shook my head. "Not really. But if they are feeding me real food, I figure that it is progress."

"Indeed, it is." He reached down and took my hand into his. "You know what else is progress? The light in your eyes is returning, and it makes you look so beautiful."

I was surprised at the delicacy of his words. "Thank you." Looking into his eyes, I tugged on his hand a little. "Come closer."

"You come closer to me," he said as he sat to his knees and pulled me up towards him. "Sit in my lap," he urged. "I'll hold onto you."

Nodding a little, I nimbly wrapped my arms around his neck and clung to him as he adjusted himself to a kneeling position. I circled my legs around him and looked into his eyes, not sure what to say or do next. "Never been this close to someone before," I admitted.

One hand on the small of my back and the other on the back of my neck, he cradled me in his grasp. "Really? Are you a virgin, Dominik?"

Instead of answering him, I pecked a kiss onto his cheek before moving to his lips. They met in an almost fluid motion, like our kisses were clock-work. My hands moved to lightly scratch at the back of his neck as our pace increased and things became clumsy – the way our lips touched against each others and how his fingers dragged up and down my back.

Things were getting intense. Was it because of the feelings that I had for Aleksander? Was my body desperate and longing? Or maybe I just wasn't used to being touched with such care? Any questions that I had disappeared from my mind as I felt hands being placed on my hips, guiding them into Aleks' waiting ones.

Pulling away, a bit breathless, my grip on him tightened. "I don't have underwear on underneath this," I confessed, feeling almost embarrassed.

Aleks did not seem to be fazed by it; in fact, he even seemed a little amused. "That's...actually kind of hot," he responded. Before I had a chance to reply, though, he had his lips on my neck as he kissed my skin lightly, hands still roaming up and down my hips.

A light moan left my mouth from the feeling of his soft lips and the friction from our movements. Leaning up from my neck, he connected our lips again as a single hand brushed over my leg, fingertips teasing to venture underneath my hospital gown.

I felt...weightless. Breathless. My mind was racing but blank at the same time; all my thoughts were focused on how aroused that I felt, a feeling that was horribly unfamiliar to me. But no matter how hard I tried to fight it, my mind kept flashing back to what happened in Judo.

I would not do that again...not now. That high was to come when I wanted it to, not when my body wanted it to.

Pulling away, I wrapped my arms around Aleksander again, expressing my desire to stop. "Not here, not right now..." I murmured. "I don't want my first time to be in the hospital."

"I hadn't planned on having sex with you here," Aleks laughed a little and pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "But we'll know when the time is right... I promise."

I nodded, yet I still felt unsure. The physical arousal inside me could just as easily go away with time, but the mental arousal was different...more complicated. The more I thought about how he made me feel, the more I wanted to jump past all conclusions and connect with him in more ways than one.

But we'll know when the time is right, I repeated to myself.

And looking up into his eyes, I begun to realize that life and time was starting to become a pleasant thing... thanks to Aleks.

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I just watched this movie on YouTube a week or two ago, and it was simply amazing. I love reading this, you're such a good writer. <3 Please update/add another chapter soon :]

Ahh thank you so much! I really appreciate that. <3
And I am about to add another chapter right now, so it'll be up momentarily.

Fantastic, I can't wait to read it! :]

Hehe =) Well two, actually.
I hadn't realized I did not post chapter seven on here. So you get a treat. ^^

Yay! biggrin I love to read, especially well-written stories smile

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