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Sup? Valentine's Day is comin' up, which means lots of sappy stuff and some fast and furious romancing. If you're like me, you have trouble putting all your romantic thoughts into words that are appropriate, and, you know, not totally mind-blowing to girls. That's why they rigged up an automatic generator to help you compose love notes for that special dude or lady-- or anyone else, if you wanna play the field.

To get started, just click that surly cupid guy in the header. After that, all you have to do is think up a few romantic words and put in a name. The little username box will autofill with names from your friends list, so just start typing and see what happens.

Oh, and since Valentine's Day can be a real bummer if you don't have a special sweetheart, be sure to send some pity notes to your friends.

Let's get this love thing happening, dudes! Like I said, just click the surly cupid in the header.