I'm done with the preview already, but i wanted to know if it sounded...alright....somewhat. Anyways....

Tsuyoshi is doujinshi artist with a weird friend...and a weird fetish for cows. Rem and him are in college, and when he doesn't wake one day, Rem spills some of her weird morning breakfast liquad on his comic (FYI: Rem is is like a maniac when she gets ahold of....things).

That results with him waking up with his doujinshi character sleeping next to him.

So now, Nisha the sake (sp?) obbsessed...girl...are now...somewhat making Tsuyoshi's life even more crazier. But...even though she was designed a certain way...she starting to get personality traits of her own.

Ahh!! sry if this is stupid....maybe i'll post a few pages...if i ever scan them in.... >>;;

mer... xp no stealing! scream domokun