So I work at a place where the radio stations over the speaker are basically music channels from television. I'm not sure what service provides them, but it's obviously a win-win for my work without commercials or explicit songs to worry about. The last three days it was set to a channel called 'New Jazz'.

The problem I've realized with enjoying the music is that it's impossible for me to find any of the music outside of listening at work. I try google, I try youtube, and now I'm here. I'm looking for a song in particular, but I can only make out about two words.

I know the first is "please".
Then either "Touch", "Talk", or some other T word.
Then a bunch of "Ooooh" at the end.

There are other lyrics, but the volume of the speakers and the breathy quality of the female vocalist make it impossible to make out. The song sounds oddly eletronic for 'New Jazz', but then I'm unfamiliar with the genre. If anyone knows the song I'm talking about I'd love to know! If you even know a way to get to a channel playlist or even a search engine for lyrics that might work give me a reply.

Not knowing is bothering me!