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Cosmic Waffles

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Magical Worshipper

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Divine Muse

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Superpowered Sex Symbol

16,425 Points
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User run ball freebies links are on the first page!

Thanks for the tip.


Feral Camper

8,265 Points
  • Summer Celebrant 150
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Gracious Gaian

19,425 Points
  • Alchemy Level 3 100
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~Kiri~Kunoichi~'s Significant Otter

Benevolent Werewolf

54,375 Points
  • Trader 100
  • Tenacious Spirit 250
  • Survivor 150

Lol yeah a lot of the items I want have inflated beyond my means as well, which is why I was like "******** it" and just started sinking whatever gold I got. XDa I've bought a few things not from gold shops, but the vast majority, for many months now [since beforeeeee March I believe] has been all to sink some gold XDa -shrugs- And since my quests now involve Loyal's items, it hopefully enticed those who were nice enough to donate to me to sink some of their gold as well. > w<!!!

Eh~ I wasn't so happy with the 5% announcement, it seems to be encouraging people to sell game/zOMG items [like ingredients, loot, and things like] individually instead of all grouped together so that they lose less $, which is a pain in the a** for buyers. Plus, it'll probably just discourage people from using the MP, and they'll just go to the exchange more to avoid the tax completely. = 3=;;

idk what I'm gonna do when I've gotten everything I want from Loyal's o uoa Maybe just hoard until new updates happen... :Ua
I also wish that salon hair update was like a legit item not a salon item. rukghasidfbafvg those hairs looked cool, and I probs would have bought them, but they're in the salon, and I don't want to change my default hair, so I'm not going to buy them. :C
Haha, I see, smile .
5% announcement encourage ppl to sell game/zOMG items individually? Just for sake of losing less $$$? A pain in butt I said. Although I didnt really sell game/zomg items..( kind of left them rotting in my inventory..>< wink Maybe I should as well damn it and clear everything as well by selling it in bulks ( You can actually group them and sell them altogether???)
Exhange? Lol, I can see that happening..
Hoard? You are a hoarder! Although I am also a hoarder haha~
Salon hair are prettyyyy...although too bad its not a legit item...T^T. I just noticed like...half of the hair colour are 15k while others colour are 300k! what the heck? Why so different..I guess its depend on colour tones...to suit old/new trend of items.

On a small note; Thank you for the 2 diamonds! You are really kind :> Now I can just go GoFusion to get McFly!

I believe so, at least from what small glimpse I saw, though I could be wrong. And you'd be surprised what people do for greed. XD Since I'm using the gold I get to sink, I don't care if more $ gets sunk before I can sink it personally, but idk.. I think they've done the best thing with taking out the gold gens and starting a new kickstarter. Hopefully, this will mean an increase to 5% won't be necessary or something, but only time will tell.
XD I've started selling my loot from PSing once I noticed I can make more from that than from the actual 50k a day nerf. XDa I sell them in bunches of 50 at a time. > w<
I sell the ones that are worth a decent amount per one item [like sunflowers are about 14k a piece, though you might get away with selling them for as much as 20-25k a piece if you sell a bunch together] and yeah, you can sell zOMG loot and most of the game items for more than one item per sale. > w<

Heeee~ yes I am! I'm at 9 pages of invo jksdgfgsdbfg [though there's a lot that's just multiples of cheapy items, like event items and recently I bought 100s of those gold shop grab bag CIs to sink a lot of gold and now have a bunch of extras from them XD there's also a lot of just really cheap gold shop items too~my invo is more quantity over "quality/price tag"]

Yeah the random different prices for just different colors was weird. I guess it's because those are special colors - the 15k ones are like the shades/colors offered in all the other hairstyles, while the umbre, deep rose, etc are the ones you see more in cash shop item hair styles. o 3oa
Nifty plan, and I'm sure it can sink a lot of gold, but I just wish they'd make it so that you can just buy the hairstyles as wigs from the salon. I'd probably end up buying one of just about every color/style in there XDa

C':! No problem~~ <33 The charms are a bit easier for me to come by, so I don't mind sharing. UuU <3333 ENJOY IIIITT~ 8'D

Lady Star

20,950 Points
  • Glacial Champion 350
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  • Perfect Attendance 400

I believe so, at least from what small glimpse I saw, though I could be wrong. And you'd be surprised what people do for greed. XD Since I'm using the gold I get to sink, I don't care if more $ gets sunk before I can sink it personally, but idk.. I think they've done the best thing with taking out the gold gens and starting a new kickstarter. Hopefully, this will mean an increase to 5% won't be necessary or something, but only time will tell.
XD I've started selling my loot from PSing once I noticed I can make more from that than from the actual 50k a day nerf. XDa I sell them in bunches of 50 at a time. > w<
I sell the ones that are worth a decent amount per one item [like sunflowers are about 14k a piece, though you might get away with selling them for as much as 20-25k a piece if you sell a bunch together] and yeah, you can sell zOMG loot and most of the game items for more than one item per sale. > w<

Heeee~ yes I am! I'm at 9 pages of invo jksdgfgsdbfg [though there's a lot that's just multiples of cheapy items, like event items and recently I bought 100s of those gold shop grab bag CIs to sink a lot of gold and now have a bunch of extras from them XD there's also a lot of just really cheap gold shop items too~my invo is more quantity over "quality/price tag"]

Yeah the random different prices for just different colors was weird. I guess it's because those are special colors - the 15k ones are like the shades/colors offered in all the other hairstyles, while the umbre, deep rose, etc are the ones you see more in cash shop item hair styles. o 3oa
Nifty plan, and I'm sure it can sink a lot of gold, but I just wish they'd make it so that you can just buy the hairstyles as wigs from the salon. I'd probably end up buying one of just about every color/style in there XDa

C':! No problem~~ <33 The charms are a bit easier for me to come by, so I don't mind sharing. UuU <3333 ENJOY IIIITT~ 8'D

Wow, I will try to sell them thenn, >v< sometimes I wonder what buyers do with the loot though...alchemy, flowers, ink and tattoo?

9 PAGES. That is alot. And you even..bought 100s of those gold shop grab bag? lol! Mine is mostly about quality than quantity though hence that why it still remain at first page of inventory, never stretching to second page of inventory.

I agreed with you on the hairstyles..I wish they are wigs..T^T I still don't really want to change my hairstyle, although its rarely ppl see me on my real hairstyle~ No wonder some hairstyle are expensive...but I wish they they are are WIGS WIGS. -sobbing-

Still, thank you for the charms, >3< -hug- I managed to get both items I like the most; Vivid Godina and McFly. Wearing them now biggrin . I am trying to go for sci-fi theme although its feel abit mismatch and missing something.. neutral But then, I am satisfied anyway because I have two items I like the most~ hahaa~

~Kiri~Kunoichi~'s Significant Otter

Benevolent Werewolf

54,375 Points
  • Trader 100
  • Tenacious Spirit 250
  • Survivor 150
Wow, I will try to sell them thenn, >v< sometimes I wonder what buyers do with the loot though...alchemy, flowers, ink and tattoo?

9 PAGES. That is alot. And you even..bought 100s of those gold shop grab bag? lol! Mine is mostly about quality than quantity though hence that why it still remain at first page of inventory, never stretching to second page of inventory.

I agreed with you on the hairstyles..I wish they are wigs..T^T I still don't really want to change my hairstyle, although its rarely ppl see me on my real hairstyle~ No wonder some hairstyle are expensive...but I wish they they are are WIGS WIGS. -sobbing-

Still, thank you for the charms, >3< -hug- I managed to get both items I like the most; Vivid Godina and McFly. Wearing them now biggrin . I am trying to go for sci-fi theme although its feel abit mismatch and missing something.. neutral But then, I am satisfied anyway because I have two items I like the most~ hahaa~
I recommend it! 8D <33 Great way to get some $ UuU
Well, if I bought ink, I'd save it for the body dye tats [and the other tattoos that I don't have XDa] idk about the other stuff, but hey, if people are buying then I'll sell it! XD!

Hahahah! Yeah! XD It issss~~ I guess a big reason why it's so many pages is that I've been on here for a long time, so I've been able to get a lot of items through the years. I do have some pricey items, but most I got when they were a lot less pricey. xDa Like I have a Case of Pietro [ I think 10th gen] for like 200-250k because it wasn't fully unlocked at the time. XD pfft.
Yess~ I got the urge to get the items inside them, so I bought hundreds of each of them! XD The Barton Boutique, Durem, Gambino and even Ivan's Garage Sale thing. > w<!! I'm thinking, I might start buying up some of theeeee I think Nirvana's Gate II ones, because I got some nice items in there [only bought 2 of those so far], and I CAN GET A GACHA GENIUS ITEM FROM IT UKASFBDFG I WANT ONE OF THOSE ITEMS REALLY BAD. >W<;;;

Haha, yeah same. I changed my default hairstyle ONCE, and that was back in like.. 2005-2006. X'D I wish they would be, too~ -sobs with-

8'D!! Awesome! Grats! <333 I got the Vivid Godina too~ -is wearing it now/with agape- I think I'ma get the Madame Pisces in just a bit. O wO!!
Aaaaahhh, I hate when that happens! It's like... the outfit is close to working, but SOMETHING is needed to pull it together, but you don't know what jkbkasdfbgtdfg

Peaceful Bookworm

16,115 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Timid 100
  • Bookworm 100

Lady Star

20,950 Points
  • Glacial Champion 350
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Perfect Attendance 400
I recommend it! 8D <33 Great way to get some $ UuU
Well, if I bought ink, I'd save it for the body dye tats [and the other tattoos that I don't have XDa] idk about the other stuff, but hey, if people are buying then I'll sell it! XD!

Hahahah! Yeah! XD It issss~~ I guess a big reason why it's so many pages is that I've been on here for a long time, so I've been able to get a lot of items through the years. I do have some pricey items, but most I got when they were a lot less pricey. xDa Like I have a Case of Pietro [ I think 10th gen] for like 200-250k because it wasn't fully unlocked at the time. XD pfft.
Yess~ I got the urge to get the items inside them, so I bought hundreds of each of them! XD The Barton Boutique, Durem, Gambino and even Ivan's Garage Sale thing. > w<!! I'm thinking, I might start buying up some of theeeee I think Nirvana's Gate II ones, because I got some nice items in there [only bought 2 of those so far], and I CAN GET A GACHA GENIUS ITEM FROM IT UKASFBDFG I WANT ONE OF THOSE ITEMS REALLY BAD. >W<;;;

Haha, yeah same. I changed my default hairstyle ONCE, and that was back in like.. 2005-2006. X'D I wish they would be, too~ -sobs with-

8'D!! Awesome! Grats! <333 I got the Vivid Godina too~ -is wearing it now/with agape- I think I'ma get the Madame Pisces in just a bit. O wO!!
Aaaaahhh, I hate when that happens! It's like... the outfit is close to working, but SOMETHING is needed to pull it together, but you don't know what jkbkasdfbgtdfg

Haha, Alright. Case of Pietro is 200-250k? I thought they are already billions in the mp. razz I do find its kind of funny when all generation of case of pietro sell for different prices but contain same item list, fully unlocked I think. So did you managed to get all in those Barton Boutique, Durem, Gambino and etccc~

owo, I didn't know nirvana's gate II exists, I guess that is where they come from, those adorable triplets and spring collection; although I didn't buy them. Got them in dumpster instead -rofls-
Ahh good luck with it! I also like Gacha Genius item, but its so expensive in mp. It contain the most prettiest green hair that resemble N in Pokemon Black/White and also those cute mod.... Ahhh -flip table- But I heard/searched in forum, apparently gacha genius is a rare item..very rare to come out even if one opened 75 nirvana's gate II. burning_eyes

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