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Don't post here! Go there! Go!

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This is Matope:

A swamp, vast and secretive, and full of life. The Kimeti live here, a vibrant and thriving race, hungry for knowledge and stories. They are the swampgoats, who live on the edge between waking and dreaming. In an environment some might call inhospitable they see only great beauty. The Swamp is home, and God; Mother and Father, and Sister and Brother. To leave it is to die, and worse, be a traitor. Their voices drift like whalesong through the mangroves, and their eyes shine like fireflies at nightfall. Their names are brought to them by the Swamp itself, in dreams they live before they are born.

Long ago the Swamp's own Chosen ones prowled in the kudzu, bringing wisdom and prophecy, until slowly, mysteriously, they disappeared. Time passed so swiftly that soon they became only stories, told to foals in the tale-circle, until two--a doe and a buck--went to sleep in the water and woke up in the body of those Legendary Kimeti.

That was a season ago. Now, as the skies clear and the swamp's heat becomes mingled with the cicadasong into a low, drowsy buzz, strange things are happening in Matope...

[ (matope) official guild ]

[ official certing thread ]

[ most recent dropoffs ]

[ the owner's list ]

[ real life commissions page ]

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      page one
        01. introduction/index/vital links
        02. news and events
        03. rules
        04. world information
        05. naming dreams
        06. life stages
        07. legendaries
        08. pets and familiars
        09. customs
        10. breeding
        11. kimeti culture
        12. reserved
        13. reserved
        14. affiliates
        15. staff and credits

      page two
        01. kiokote and acha
        02. totoma and zikwa
        03. pronunciation guide
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11.30.11 Our Winter Solstice Event runs until Dec 31st!

09.13.11 Check out the new Owner's List in the guild!

07.01.11 July's Universe event has begun!

06.19.11 Something is stirring...

02.08.11 A change has been announced regarding certs -- read all about it here.

01.31.11 Hiring is long ended, and things are at a lull. New certing rules will be posted soon, and some fresh links have been added to the first post.

Kiokote were recently released! You will find more information on them in this post.

11.08.10 We're HIRING!

10.11.10 Halloween event starts Oct 14th!
posted by and be blue

08.09.10 Cleaned up the thread, and edited pricing of semi-customs, customs and breedings some. Check out all the updates! posted by and be blue

05.24.10 Thread updates galore! The thing that was holding up plot has been dealt with so expect HUGE news in the next week or two (some of it has already unfolded in the Things Waking guild forum!). Additionally, there was some confusion, so please take a look at the new breeding and naming posts and let us know if there are any questions! posted by rejam

10.16.09 A halloween event run by raisin-kins and and be blue! There's a link in post three. posted by and be blue

05.10.09 We're coming up on our one year anniversary, and the plot is bringing such a huge bunch of changes to the thread, both OOC and IC, that I thought it only right to start a new thread. Better organized and, I hope, easier on the eyes--let me know what you think! posted by rejam

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      General Rules
        01. Please abide by all Gaia ToS.
        02. Please be polite at all times. Chatspeak is strongly discouraged. Don't spam the thread. If you
        00. feel the need to bump, try to make some conversation! Trolling is absolutely not tolerated at
        00. any time, nor is flaming. Let's all hold hands and eat some tofu and burn some patchouli, okay?
        03. Please refrain from begging, whether it be for Kimeti, gold, or favours.
        04. Please be graceful whether you win or lose. If participating in events, please accept the fact that
        00. you might not come out a winner.
        05. Please be welcoming to newbies. We want newbies to B/C and the thread to always feel at home
        00. and comfortable posting here.
        06. Roleplaying is an option, not a mandatory thing. You don't have to RP your Kimeti if you don't want
        00. to, but it is the only way to unlock special stages.
        07. Try to stay upbeat. We encourage out-of-character chatter in the thread, of course, but please don't
        00. make this a place to air your personal life. Talk about Gaia, Matope, current events, movies, music,
        00. and even what you did today, but try to keep it upbeat. Some ranting about negatives is allowed, but
        00. if almost everything you post is negative or contains details that will almost certainly make readers
        00. uncomfortable, please don't post it.

      Kimeti Rules
        01. Kimeti are never to be sold. Evar!
        02. It's okay to use your Kimeti in graphics for signatures, etc.; to crop them down, colourize them, or
        00. whatever to make them fit into your sig; but please do not perform any lineart edits. Use your good
        00. judgment here; obviously we're not telling you not to put a Santa hat on them around Christmas or to
        00. doodle a French mustache on them if it amuses you. Just be sure and make a note that you did it.
        03. The artwork in Matope is strictly for Matope's use. It is not to be lifted for any other shops. This is a
        00. particular concern for us due to the easily-pilfered nature of pixel art. If you suspect another shop of
        00. stealing Matope's art, please let us know via PM before flaming them. It could all be misunderstanding.
        04. Follow the naming conventions. This cannot be stressed enough. Having the common thread of
        00. Matope names will add a sense of believability and community to the shop and to Matope.
        05. Please keep all RP PG-13 or below! No one wants to see that D:
        06. Rehoming is allowed through the shop. If you ever decide you want to get rid of your Kimeti (and
        00. there's really no reason you should ever feel obligated), please inform Matope and they will be
        00. distributed out to new homes. You may or may not have a choice in the question of where they go.
        00. Remember, once you give away a Kimeti, you can never arbitrarily take it back. It's not a decision
        00. to be made lightly!
        07. Be wary of the metaplot. While we try to cultivate a persistent storyline here on Kimeti, this is a
        00. delicate thing to handle if you're actually roleplaying in that storyline. Before deciding to RP some
        00. major event that would have huge repercussions (the return of the Legendary Kimeti, for example;
        00. or an earthquake or flood), please contact the mods for permission. If you have a great idea for a plot
        00. event or festival, please do the same!
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    The Kimeti are located in a vast swamp (called Matope) approximately the size (and shape) of our Earth's state of Tennessee. The Kimeti in the thread are located on the far northern border of the swamp, although Kimeti can be quite nomadic and may hail from anywhere in the swamp. This area of Matope contains many flat marshplains and is slightly easier to survive in than the wilder areas. At the center of the largest of these marshplains is an enormous mound of wood and stone and earth called Ghost Thistle's mound where most Kimeti gatherings take place. It is one of the few places above water in all of Matope.

    To the North of Matope the swamp peters out into flatlands, and then rises up into gentle hills. Beyond that, no Kimeti living has ever seen, although information may be forthcoming.

    To all other directions lies an ocean. Matope is situated on a penninsula. Some few Kimeti have seen the ocean, but the trip is not hospitable, and most do not live to tell the tale.

    There are essentially two seasons in Matope: the warm, and the cold. The cold season is still fairly temperate, with snowfall being very uncommon and generally melting before it has time to pile up. In the warm season rain is less frequent but still occurs at least once weekly, and thunderstorms are common. In the cold season, the rains are steadier but milder, although occasionally mingled with sleet.

    Kimeti are quadrapedal, sentient, sapient omnivores with no definite social structure. Some form into tribes and clans, some remain solitary, and some form pair bonds. Breeding among Kimeti tends to be open and monogamous relationships are uncommon but not unheard of. Homosexuality exists in Matope and for the most part there is no stigma attached to it, although it is very rare. The Kimeti's voices are similar to whalesong and can, with effort, be projected some incredible distance, especially when many Kimeti sing in tandem. Their eyes are pupilless and glowing--even Kimeti with black eyes emit a very faint purple or blue glow.

    The diet of the Kimeti consists of vegetation and fish, reptiles, insects and slugs, and the occasional small mammal. Although Kimeti will drink clear water when it can be found, for the most part they get their water from the food they eat.

    Mentally, Kimeti are quite intelligent and have a system of oral folklore and some rudimentary knowledge of astronomy and mathematics (see below posts), as well as an extremely primitive written language. They highly prize knowledge and stories, as well as songs, and many are quite talented musicians and improvisational dancers. The idea of theater is familiar to most Kimeti, who classify it merely as a sort of story. Theater among Kimeti tends to be similar in set-up to Ancient Greek theater on our Earth, especially in the use of choral responses.

    Emotionally, Kimeti are capable of all the emotions a human being can feel, with just as much variance in personality as humans have. While most do not form monogamous relationships, they are familiar with romantic love, and some do pair up for the long-term. While most Kimeti do not actively raise their young, some do. Others simply wait for the foals to wander back to them after hatching, and may or may not raise them from that age. Some Kimeti live solitary lives, and others live in groups called tribes or clans.
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Naming Dreams
    Kimeti are not named by their parents, nor do they choose their names. Instead, every Kimeti has a profound dream while he is still in his sac, and this dream determines his future name. Every Kimeti is born with an instinctive knowledge of this name and it is often the first words he speaks (Kimeti learn language gradually and instinctively, and can and will learn to speak without being exposed to other Kimeti; advanced or eloquent language, however, is learned). Some Kimeti have nicknames, which are either merely shortened versions of their names, or clever words that mean the same thing (Chirp for Cicadasong, or Bob for Up-and-Down, for example).

    For this reason, names are a big deal in Matope and we encourage you to be creative and reasonable with them. Names in Matope must:

    • be a real word, an English word, and not too scientific a term;
    • be familiar to a swamp-dwelling creature who has some ancestral knowledge of other climes (for example, names referencing deserts, tundras, etc. are exceedingly rare but not unheard-of; names referencing the Swamp are much more common); avoid these if possible;
    • must not reference human culture too directly, for example by being an item Kimeti would not have/cannot create due to lack of thumbs and materials;
    • be relatively short--more than a few words is too long;
    • be spelled correctly, although whether you use British or American spelling it up to you; "creative" spelling, even if it's just an extraneous "e" at the end of a word, is NOT allowed;
    • avoid referencing human mythology systems unless that word has passed into common usage independent of the original meaning. This is highly subjective and decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis. Be prepared to have your name rejected.

Common Names
    Animal and plant names are the most common Kimeti names, whether single words or phrases built from these components. For the sake of simplicity, any vaguely-woodland plant or animal qualifies for the Matope universe, so bears, skunks, etc. are valid. Cacti and similar plants would be considered borderline names and would be addressed on a case-by-case basis. Very specific real world animals like giraffes are rejected out of hand. When in doubt, just don't use it.

    The big thing to remember when choosing a Kimeti name is this: the name we read is the English translation of a Kimeti word or phrase. For example, we have a Kimeti named "Vetiver." This is probably a word that means "sweet-smelling grass" to the Kimeti. Names like "Stranger" and "Riddle" are direct translations of Kimeti concepts, and the name "Cicadasong" may actually be the English equivalent of a Kimeti word that is a syllable long but means something as complex as "the collective night-time sounds of the Swamp that are dominated by the singing of cicadas, and the heartbeat of the living Swamp that this represents."

    Previously colourists arbitrarily chose or dismissed names that were considered borderline. This system resulted in some discontent as subjective judgments are difficult to make consistent.

    The new review process for "borderline" names is thus:

    • name is designated borderline by colourist after consultation with Rejam, and owner is informed.
    • owner must within one week (or sooner if this is part of a breeding) write a full naming dream justifying this choice of name.
    • naming dream will be reviewed by at least two and possibly all colourists and decision will be finalized as pass or reject

    We hate to be so formal, but things have spiraled out of control! It is hard sometimes to think of creative names without pushing the rules, but we strive to maintain consistency here.

Naming tips:
    • Keep it simple! This doesn't mean one-word names necessarily, but it does mean simple words and phrases that avoid elaborate terminology. "Smiling Aura" is preferable to "Felicitous Ambience."
    • We will be buckling down on words that imply complex systems of science. General/generic/common names for stones and plants are fine (Diamond, Jasper, Pearl, Orchid, Lily) are fine, specific or Latin names are not (Chrysoberyl, Clinohumite, Epidendroideae, and Asteraceae). When in doubt, simplify.
    • This doesn't mean we don't want you to exercise a good vocabulary. Just be reasonable.
    • Names that imply major social taboos will be rejected. Names that imply cannibalism, incest, rape, etc. will be rejected, primarily for OOC reasons but also because the Swamp is unlikely to bestow her own children with such a name, even if they engage in such practices. Minor vices--lying, unfaithfulness, etc.--are fine as names, and in fact we have a Kimeti named "Rotten Liar." A Kimeti named Philanderer would be unusual but not unheard-of.
    • Probably the absolute best way to approach a name is to approach the naming dream first, and then the name, even if you never plan on writing out the dream. It makes it easier to ensure you've chosen a solid one that won't give your colourist a headache.

Miscellaneous things about naming dreams:
    • Not only is there a thread in the guild for naming dreams, the Quests thread can be used to house one naming dream per person for a Kimeti that doesn't exist yet.
    • There are almost no restrictions on naming dreams. They can be long, short, even one sentence--they may even be a drawing to represent merely a strong image. Feel free to break out of your comfort zone and be creative in your formatting--these are dreams, after all, and dreams follow no rules.
    • The specific details of the imagery in a naming dream may say something about your Kimeti's personality. Does the tone of your naming dream set the tone of his personality? It doesn't have to, but it's fun to try.
    • Themes of death are common in naming dreams. No one is entirely sure why, but many Kimeti theorize that it is because birth and death are so inextricably linked. Some naming dreams may actually prophesize the manner of a Kimeti's death; others are merely full of morbid imagery.

Need some ideas?
    Here's a list of words to get you started, or check out the ownerlist if you're confused about the rules.

    Plants: Petal, blossom, flower, vine, leaf, twig, branch, tree, moss
    Animals: Crane, duck, rabbit, rat, fox, swallow, fish, crocodile, beetle
    Weather: Rain, snow, sleet, sun, cloud, star, moon, mist, fog
    Swamp: Mud, ripple, stone, ancient, heat, canopy, dark
    Ideas: Swift, bright, cunning, distant, dream, thought, voice, song
    Kimeti: Horn, scale, hoof, foot, eye, back

    Or see the guild for our ownerlist!
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    Each doe lays between one and six sacs, each containing five eggs. All but one of the eggs will die off, and one will reach maturity. Occasionally, two will survive, and twins will result. While in the sac the foal is helpless and has its naming dream. Some does watch their clutches, and some do not.

    When the sac hatches, the foal tumbles out into the inhospitable swamp, helpless, blind, and vulnerable. It will rest in the shadows until it is strong enough to walk and its eyes open, at which point it will instinctively seek out other Kimeti, sometimes its parents.

    A filly or colt may be taken in by other Kimeti or its parents, or may not. It may live a solitary life, or it may become part of a tribe. It can now walk and talk and is growing rapidly.

    A full-grown Kimeti is powerful, agile, and intelligent. Its only natural predator is the crocodile or alligator, and to an alert or strong Kimeti this is not a threat at all. Kimeti are capable of mating at this age. Some live along, some few mate into strong pair bonds, and others join tribes. For more notes on Kimeti life, see page two of this thread.

    Very few Kimeti will ever achieve this stage. Blessed by the Swamp, the Legendary Kimeti is the embodiment of Matope. Wise, knowledgeable, and full of strange powers, the Mare and Stag are noble and rare creatures. Please see the next post for more information.
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The swamp is ready.
Its fireflies have been sleeping in the eyes of its children
and they stumble blindly through the mire, lost.

The time for the lights of the swamp has returned.
The spirits of the mares and the stags are ready
to stir in the bodies of the Kimeti.

We are legendary. We are story and myth taken form.
We are souls bound to the flesh of our
Sisterbrother, our Motherfather, the Swamp.
And we are ready to awake...

What are Legendary Kimeti?
    They are Chosen by Matope, often for reasons not obvious to their fellows or even to themselves, and they have been gone for so long that their origins have become the stuff of much-argued story, and some no longer believe in them.

    They are said to be able to bless expectant does with especially hardy litters, and are said to bring special power to the naming dreams of unhatched foals. They are also given the power to understand the heartbeat and the rhythm of the swamp through its sacred animals--the treant, the crane, the firefly, and the owl, which gives them insight into weather and to coming changes. With their voices they heal hurt trees and with their keen eyes and instincts they find the richest foods for their people in times of scarcity. Their dreams are thick with riddles that foretell, in the most cryptic of symbols, the times to come.

And, some say, when they lift their heads and cry their strange and eerie cry to the skies,
the Fathermother's lost children hear them, no matter where they are, and return, prodigal, to her mired breast...

Unlocking your Legendary Kimeti
    It is no easy task to unlock a Legendary Kimeti. They cannot be bought or traded for, and must be RPed for.

    To qualify for a Legendary, you must have been engaged in at least ten finished or at least lengthy RPs with the Kimeti in question in the Matope guild forum, contributed at least one story to the myths and legends forum in the framestory that the Kimeti in question is telling or hearing it, and also posted a naming dream for the Kimeti in question. Roleplaying and myths can take place at any stage of a Kimeti's life.

    Once you have completed these requirements, post a blurb about why the Kimeti in question should be considered for Legendary status in this forum. This will not guarantee Ascension, but only put you in the runnung.

    It should be noted that Matope's mods have very specific views of RP, and we will not tell you that your posts have to be several paragraphs or even sentences to qualify. Think Gricean theorem here: Say exactly what you need to say and no more or less, and that's fine with us. All of the shop mods have been known to post one-word dialogue replies when it was all that needed to be said. So those of you who can't BS for four paragraphs, fear not! WE SUPPORT YOU.

Legendary Ascension
    When you fulfill the requisites, please post to the Legendary Reqs Completed forum in the guild forum, with the appropriate links. Once every couple of months the mods will get together, review the qualifiers, and use a set of guidelines including quality, adherence to canon, out-of-character behaviour in the thread, and depth of character development to determine a handful (one to ten) of second-tier qualifiers. These will then follow further instructions to complete for the Legendary, through a series of PM-received dreams from the Swamp which will require IC response. Any valid and original IC response will be considered sufficient for obtaining a Legendary, but they should be thought of carefully and with attention to detail, as some aspects of these responses will manifest in the Mare or Stag's finished form. In most cases all second-tier qualifiers will receive a Legendary, but there may be some very rare exceptions.

    The recipients of Legendaries will receive a PM outlining the Kimeti's new powers and their limits, and also the updated image of their Kimeti, including anything that changed or was added or subtracted due to the Kimeti's response to the Swamp's dream.

    Once your RP reqs are completed, you do not need to do them or post them again to re-qualify if you are not chosen as a second-tier qualifier. Your chance will come again next time Legendaries are released, and with each selection your chances will be slightly higher for being chosen. However, adding more content to your post never hurts and will almost certainly help.

    If you would like to have more than one Legendary, you will have to complete the reqs for each Kimeti.

    Good luck!
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There are two types of animal companions in Matope, pets and familiars.

Pets are companion type animals that may also be trained to perform useful tasks. No pet is any more intelligent than a clever dog from our world, and cannot communicate beyond the capacity available to companion animals in our world. They tend to be on the smaller side of the available companions.

Familiars are marked with a * below, and are more intelligent than basic pets, even being able to communicate, via body language or mental signals, on an extremely basic level. Even familiars do not have a sophisticated brain or what humans would call a cultural identity, and as such can be viewed on the level of a dolphin or elephant from our world. Their bonds to their Kimeti owners are powerful, and their loyalty unmatched.

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Songbird - A popular pet. Although it is not highly intelligent, it can be trained to learn any number of melodies, so that it can sing in harmony with its owner. Some groups of Kimeti have become quite skilled at training their songbirds, and can create quite intricate songs. The songbird is also prized for its beautiful and highly-varied tailfeathers, which are used as decorations and bestowed as gifts of favor.

Giant Wasp* - Like having two familiars in one, the wasp is both fiercely protective and vicious and incredibly loyal to its owner. It would gladly sacrifice itself to preserve those it loves (although this is a difficult task given its sturdiness and the fact that most creatures keep their distance), but its mind is so alien to the Kimeti that its affections and motives can be difficult is not impossible to fathom, and it is not exactly a pet that enjoys a good cuddle. In the wild the wasp lives in huge populous nests, and no one is sure what makes some of them decide to replace their hives with the companionship of a Kimeti.

Giant Moth* - The giant moth is unlike a normal moth in ways other than its size. It has several pairs of wings, some with long fronds quite similar to a bird's feathers, and it sheds some of these occasionally. During these times it will ride about on its owner's back. The shed wings are worn as adornments by some Kimeti despite their delicate nature.

Crane* - The crane is the most common Kimeti familiar, and is particularly revered, because the crane is said to be the shape most favoured by the Swamp when S/He takes a mortal body. The crane is majestic and intelligent, and its feathers are highly prized.

Foxbun - The foxbun is the ultimate in loyal company. It may not be brilliant, but it loves cuddling, and will follow its Kimeti owner to the ends of the Swamp. It's also not particularly helpful, having no talents, really, aside from a knack for simpering, but it's the best option for a lonely or loving Kimeti. It helps that they're awfully cute.

Lynx* - The lynx is a powerful, agile hunter, and although it is unusually independent for a familiar, its aloofness should not be mistaken for a lack of affection. The bond between a lynx and its owner is among the strongest possible.

Eaglehound* - Strong, with an instinct for protecting those it considers its pack, the eaglehound is a prized companion. It can be by turns playful, affectionate, and aggressive, and of all the familiars is perhaps the one with the most variance in personality. Despite their bond with their owners, all eaglehounds retain an element of savage wildness throughout their lives.

Mongoose - The mongoose is a clever and fiercely loyal animal, and is highly valued for its ability to retrieve tasty tree snakes from high in the canopy. A mongoose and Kimeti team working in tandem is an impressive sight, and some of the more well-trained mongooses can retrieve up to ten snakes an hour.

Watersnake - The watersnake is also a hunting animal, used to drive small catfish from hiding places or to catch the swift fish stirred up by its Kimeti partner's hooves. Although some can be quite affectionate, the watersnake is usually a more utilitarian pet than a cuddly one.

Owlcat - The owlcat is slinky, cunning, and sly, and although it can be quite useful for running down rodents, it can be a bit of a fight to get it to hand one over. Independent and aloof, owlcats are a subject of fierce division among Kimeti: you love 'em, or you hate 'em. That said, once an owlcat has had time to get accustomed to an owner, they can be quite affectionate--when they want to be. They make horrible noises somewhere between a cat howling and a barn owl shrieking, and one trained to Speak on command can be a fun prank to play on others.

Swan - The swan is a lovely sight gliding alongside its Kimeti, neck arched up and wings held aloft. It is popular among beautiful or just vain Kimeti as a sort of living accessory--which is perhaps all for the best, given that its dignity doesn't indicate any particular intelligence.

Turtle - A sort of mouth on legs, the turtle exists largely to eat. Their small-brained patience does, however, make them valuable pack animals if one is willing to walk very slowly, leading the turtle along with a mouthful of greens. There is a certain appeal in the turtle's trusting, slogging nature, however, and they are surprisingly popular pets.

Caiman* - Given its close relation to the Kimeti's only predator, the caiman's alliance with its Kimeti owner is wary at best. Cold, calculating, and intense, it can be difficult to see what attraction there is to the caiman as a companion aside from its hunting ability--but to Kimeti with a certain mindset, the caiman's peculiar, patient way of viewing the world can be fascinating or even comforting.

Other Familiars

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With the other storied races coming to the Swamp come their familiars. As the new arrivals integrate, so too do their companion animals.

Cheetah* - Until recently the cheetah was the exclusive domain of the Kiokote. Time and lessons, however, have made them trainable by Kimeti as well, and as the cheetahs of the farflung plains romance among the mangroves, kittens are frequently available for curious Kimeti--or anyone else who's interested. Cheetahs are bred to hunt and also to provide pace for footraces, and are savage but loyal, tending to bond strongly with only one other creature (Kimeti or otherwise) at a time. To strangers they can be aloof or even violent.

Sand Dog* - The sand dogs are also hunting animals, brought down with the Acha, but their designated purpose doesn't keep them from being as snooty and vain as their owners. Dainty and a bit timid, sand dogs are valued more for their beauty and usefulness than for their affection, although some do come to be quite attached to their owners or to other dogs.

??? - ???

??? - ???

And More...

In addition to the familiars listed above, certain familiars are available exclusively through limited edition events and through breeding. Keep an eye out for unique familiars!
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General Information
    Individual artists have their own policies regarding customs and semi-customs, but some general information is always the same. These spots are always Artist's Choice, which means that outside of a contest or event, colorists will have the right to turn down requests that they do not feel equipped to complete. As all the artists here at Matope have different skills and abilities, it's wisest to chose the one whose work you think best suits your request, instead of trying to get one to color like another.

    The term Semi-Custom refers to a request in which the colorist has a considerable amount of artistic license. For Semi-Custom slots, you provide and idea and let them complete it, filling in specific markings and style, as well as edits where desired. These might be based on an image, a handful of words, a song, an animal, a movie, or whatever other loose idea you might come up with.

    The term Custom refers to a request in which the requesting party has worked out quite a few of the specifics of their design. Exact marking ideas, such as 'orange with black tiger stripes' fit in this category, as do requests such as 'a garland of flowers in her hair', or 'black with blue stockings and bright wings' or 'a spiraling glowing mark down her leg'. In summary, if the requester is making more of the artistic decisions than the colorist, it is a custom.

    The term Growing refers to a request in which all four stages of a Kimeti are created, and the requester gets a larva that grows slowly into an adult. These kinds of requests can be much more labor-intensive, since the colorists have to make many more pets.

General Pricing
    The base prices for Kimeti are listed below:
    Growing: Semi-customs are 40k; customs are 80K.
    Adult only: Semi-customs are 25k; customs are 50k.

Open Slots
    Each of our colorists has a different way of dealing with open slots.
    As such, please refer to this subforum of the guild and select a colorist's thread for more information.

Flatsale Information
    At Matope, when we say 'flatsale' we almost always mean 'speed flat'.
    Speed is the key word here: this is a competition to see who can be the first one there.

    The flatsale has been announced for a certain time. Example: 2pm EST on Sunday. The way it will be run is like this:

    1. You all have warning days in advance, and should already be thinking of world-appropriate name for the Kimeti you are interested in. This will absolutely 100% be required at the time of the flat, and if your name is entirely off-base, you will probably be eliminated from the flat. If it's borderline, you won't be, so don't stress ou. Basically, if you've read the rules you'll be fine. If you try to name the kimeti "Mandy Wandy" you'll have problems. (;

    2. 5 minutes before the specified time, in this case at 1:55pm EST on Sunday, the person running the flat [almost always blue, lol] will post the image as well as a list of codes: one for each Kimeti involved in the sale.

    3. Between the posting of the codes and the start of the flat, no one should post, to keep things clean and clear and easy to figure out. If you post in this time, and it's obviously an accident, it's okay. We're not crazy here. But please keep an eye out.

    4. At the time of the sale, the staff member running the event will post "GO!" After this, you post the code for the Kimeti you want, with the world-appropriate name inserted into the proper location.

    5. The first person to post for each Kimeti will win that Kimeti!

This sounds intense, but in reality, we're relatively relaxed about things. I've heard horror stories about shops where people accidentally messed up and got virtually blacklisted because of it. However, in order to keep things fair, there are a few things that absolutely will get you eliminated.

  1. Posting a code before the 'go'. If you copy paste the code and shoot the gun before I say go, it's obvious you didn't read the rules, and yeah, you will be eliminated. ):

  2. Editing your post. If you're caught editing your post, seriously, that's it. You can't go back and change the Kimeti you chose; you can't even correct a minor error. You can make a new post for a different one, but no changing what's already written.

  3. Deleting a post. And I know a lot of mods, so I'll know if you delete your post. (;

Last but not least: yes, proxying is allowed, but you can still only go for one Kimeti per post. This means that realistically, you can't both proxy for someone else and go for a Kimeti yourself. You're welcome to try, but it rarely works out.
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    Breeding unedited Kimeti costs 25k, split however you'd like between parents.
    Breeding Kimeti with edits costs 40-50k, depending on the extent of the edits.
    Slots can be obtained through events or colorist custom/bribe threads.
    Only Legendary and adult Kimeti can breed.

    Breedings are acquired either through events or through individual colorist custom/bribe threads, which can be located in this subforum of the guild. Be sure to read over a specific colorists requirements before posting.

Clutch sizes
    Clutch sizes work as follows:

    • each clutch comes with two babies minimum
    • there is a 50/50 chance there will be a third baby
    • if a third baby is rolled, there is then a 1/10 in chance that the sac will contain twins.

    This means the minimum for a basic breeding is two, and the maximum is four.

    Additional sacs can be obtained as follows:

Newbie sacs
    If both parents' owners consent, a newbie sac can be added to the breeding. This sac MUST go to a newbie, named at the time of getting the slot. For the purposes of breeding, a newbie now means a person with up to three Kimeti. Familiars/pets do not count to this total.

RP sacs
    If the parents' owners can furnish a finished or lengthy, in-progress RP log between the two parents at the time of obtaining the slot (not after you get a slot - before), there will be an additional sac. The gender of this additional sac is your choice.

    We are no longer allowing people to claim a slot and then start an RP. If you think you might be breeding a pair soon, go ahead and RP them!

Legendary blessings
    After obtaining a slot, either owner can decide to have a Legendary bless their Kimeti in RP. Typically this is a blessing passed on the doe, but can also be passed on the buck. There is no length requirement for this RP and it can be one (thorough) post if desired/possible (when the owner also owns a Legendary, for example). Legendaries can "self-bless," or bless their own litters, in a solo RP post as well. The nature of the blessing is at the discretion of the Legendary's owner, as every Legendary is different.

Breeding your own Kimeti
    Yes, you can now breed two of your own Kimeti together. However, when you do so you the rules are slightly different. Instead of starting with a possible two offspring, you start with a minimum of one. You cannot claim an RP slot, and you still can only keep two total for yourself. This means that when you breed two of your own Kimeti together, chances are you will have a smaller clutch, and you do not double the number of Kimeti you can keep for yourself.

Miscellaneous rules and guidelines:
    • consent must be obtained from both parents before EVERY breeding unless the owner in question has a public post in the guild stating that his Kimeti is available for flings without owner permission.
    • each owner can only keep up to TWO of the offspring from each clutch. They do not have to keep any and may give them all away if they like. Any remaining babies must be given away, either in free contests or to friends or random strangers.
    • at the colourist's discretion, any two Kimeti in a breeding may be combined into a pair of twins, even if there are only two Kimeti in the clutch.
    • Kimeti cannot be sold or exchanged for gold in any way, including paid raffles for babies.
    • incest is permissible but comes with consequences (see below)
    • clutches will not be certed until ALL Kimeti have owners and names.

Special rules about incest breeding
    Kimeti look askance at knowingly breeding with relatives, but due to their social structure, it does happen (and sometimes even knowingly, which is rather more frowned upon). Matope herself is said to intervene in these pairings, limiting the offspring: this sort of clutch if between Kimeti more closely related than cousins (cousins can breed safely, although this is considered borderline behaviour if done knowingly) will produce the two default babies, plus one more ONLY in the event of an RP thread or blessing, producing a maximum of three. Legendaries concerned with blessing incestuous clutches should take into consideration that if they are aware that the two are related they may not feel secure blessing a pairing the Swamp would frown upon, and may turn it down IF they are aware that the pair are related.

Notes on edits
    You must acquire an edited breeding slot in order for the offspring of your Kimeti to have a chance at edits. If you have an unedited slot, the babies will just take after their parents in different ways. You can always choose an unedited slot if you win an edited one. Keep this in mind, since unedited slots are half the price.

    Be aware that when you breed edited Kimeti, there is no guarantee that the offspring of these breedings will be edited. In addition, edits may distort over generations--antlers may change shape and hair may be longer or shorter or differently styled, for example.

    Accessories are not typically considered passable edits and will remain solely on the parents unless the colourist decides otherwise.

    Please note that Darkmoon Dancer and Raisin-kins do not do breedings with significant edits. Glow, "default" hair (the "emo tuft" for does and neck-mane for bucks), minor horn edits, and extra fluff are all okay, though. When in doubt, ask.

Breeding Form
    If you are lucky enough to snag a breeding slot, both of you will need to PM one of these two forms to the mule or, if the colourist requests, directly to the colourist:

For an unedited breeding:
    please note, even edited parents can participate in unedited breedings,
    their offspring will just be unedited, taking their after parents in other ways

[size=18][b]Unedited Breeding![/b][/size]
[b]Name of Kimeti:[/b]
[b]Name of other person's Kimeti:[/b]
[b]RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby?[/b]
[b]Legendary blessing? Please link.[/b]
[b]Are you reserving any for a friend who hasn't got a Kimeti? If yes, who?[/b]
[b]If you'd like to ask permission to do anything with any extra babies, please specify here:[/b]

For an edited breeding:
    please note, you need at least one edited parent in order to have an edited breeding
    there is also no guarantee that any particular edit will be passed down to the offspring

[size=18][b]Edited Breeding![/b][/size]
[b]Name of Kimeti:[/b]
[b]Name of other person's Kimeti:[/b]
[b]RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby?[/b]
[b]Legendary blessing? Please link.[/b]
[b]Are you reserving any for a friend who hasn't got a Kimeti? If yes, who?[/b]
[b]If you'd like to ask permission to do anything with any extra babies, please specify here:[/b]
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Education and Higher Knowledge
    Mathematics: The Kimeti do not have a written numerical system, but are capable of both recognizing quantities and actual counting, although it is not a skill that often comes in handy, and so some Kimeti actually never learn to count above twenty or so. They find comparative numbers--"more" and "less"--more useful than actual numerals. As a species they have grasped the concept of zero, but again, it finds little actual application. Complicated mathematics are not useful to the Kimeti, and so very few find themselves learning anything more than basic addition and subtraction.

    Astronomy and Astrology: Of the movements of the Motherfather's fleas and ticks (see above post) the Kimeti have made an interested study. Only in very recent years have any definite developments taken place, although named constellations have been in existence for some time. The Kimeti have a zodiac, created by the thread regular Owlie, which can be found in the guild under Night Heron's character journal. Kimeti are aware that their world is round, because the sun and the moon are round, although whether it is a sphere or a disc is a matter of some debate. In a world with few spaces of open sky and even fewer horizons, this is a difficult study to make.

    The written word: Kimeti do not have a written language, being blessed with a memory and a culture conducive to the passing on of oral histories. However, they do have a few markings which can be scraped onto tree trunks or smeared in clay. These consist of only a few words:

    A pair of slanted lines "" indicates "belongs to." A pair of slanted lines "//" indicates a safe, neutral area or a pre-arranged meeting spot. Every tree ringing the great marsh where Ghost Thistle's mound is located is marked with this symbol. A circular "O" marking indicates a good fishing hole or optimum hunting spot, and is as much an act of kindness to the next traveler as it is a refresher for memory. An "X" indicates an area that is for whatever reason unsafe: sinkholes, crocodile breeding grounds, and areas protected by mere superstition are marked with this symbol.

    Additionally, some Kimeti make rudimentary signatures, typically when marking a cache or honouring the dead (see above). These are highly symbolic, simplified interpretations of a Kimeti's name. See below for examples:

    User Image
    Walks-Between, Cicadasong, Carrot Flower, Falling Bird

    Because these are scratched with horn or nose, they are by necessity simple. To differentiate them from a mere drawing, they are always drawn below the following symbol:

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    which is representative of a Kimeti, with a head, a tail, and four legs.

    Because this is not a definite written system and some symbols will be the same from Kimeti to Kimeti, these symbols are mostly used among friends or family.

    Writing is arranged top to bottom:

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    "This fishing hole belongs to Cicadasong"

    Art: While the idea of realistic interpretation of a scene or object is unfamiliar to a Kimeti (they wouldn't see the point), abstract designs and symbols are popular for scratching into surfaces or painting with mud or juices onto stones or even their bodies. Loose forms of sculpture also exist, clay being nudged into shape with noses. These usually take the form of large plains of clay sculpted into a pleasing series of ridges and valleys, rather like Asian zen gardening on our Earth.

    Agriculture: The swamp provides. All the same, some Kimeti feel pleasure in growing their own food. Small orchards are not uncommon, and neither are carefully constructed dams of nudged clay used to herd small fishes into concentrated breeding pools.

    Drug use: There are hallucinagenic frogs and herbs in the swamp, if one knows where to look, and these are occasionally used recreationally, or, more frequently, in a fevered attempt to gain insight into troubling dreams. Additionally, two bucks named Mirebeat and Walks-Between recently pioneered a technique of turning fallen fruit into an intoxicating beverage by fermenting it in a giant turtleshell. They aren't sharing their secrets, but are open to bartering... ladies.

Folklore and Festivals
    The Kimeti have many of the same stories we do--a Flood story, a Cinderella story, a Trickster cycle or three, etc.--although they are of course different in the details. Many stories have several variants due to the Kimeti's oral tradition, and even the Creation myth is available in a plethora of versions.

    Generally speaking, the Kimeti believe that the Swamp, who is also an almighty and genderless (although usually personified as a female) God, created a vast world by galloping from one end of the sky to the other, whereupon She shook out her fur and Her fleas became the stars. From two ticks in her ears She created a sun and a moon so that She could see Her work. She created many types of places, but none of them pleased Her, and so She took her favourite traits of each and created the Swamp. She peopled it with many creatures, and then took the form of a crane and laid five eggs, each of which hatched into a male/female pair of animals. They were all in essence Kimeti, but only one of those pairs had the name Kimeti. There are varying stories about what happened to the other eggs, but all end with the idea that the Kimeti were blessed by the crane and given the swamp to live in, and had fireflies put into their eyes. For this reason both cranes and fireflies are sacred animals to the Kimeti.

    Although the Kimeti are farflung, they gather together in accordance to certain astronomical and equinocitcal events. For the weeks leading up to these festivals, songs are sung very loudly and carry like a chain across the entire swamp. Due to the slow nature of navigating the swamp, some festivals last for weeks so that even those furthest to the south can join the festivities at Ghost Thistle's mound.

    The major Kimeti festivals are as follows:

    Festival of Fire: At the height of summer the Kimeti gather together to celebrate heat and flame. It never fails that at some point a summer thunderstorm will touch off a sluggish forest fire some time before or during the festival, and this is matter-of-factly considered to be a gift from the Swamp. The festival celebrates rebirth and children, and is generally a very upbeat affair, with singing and dancing. Orange, red, and yellow-furred Kimeti are given special treatment, and many Kimeti adorn themselves in red clay and the fire-coloured feathers of various birds. It is customary to give red and orange flowers to foals, colts, and fillies at this time, as a good luck token both to them and to the giver.

    Day of the Dead: As autumn winds down into winter, the Kimeti become reflective. An enormous pile of clay and wood is constructed atop Ghost Thistle's mound before the winter rains begin, and Kimeti come to scratch in symbols for loved ones lost in the past year (see below post). Stories are told honouring the dead, and this is not a sad time, but it is a serious one. When the first rain comes, the Kimeti stand circled around the earth mound and watch the symbols get swept away in the water, and cover themselves in the mud as it spreads, until all the gathered Kimeti are nearly indistinguishable from one another. This is symbolic of the fact that all Kimeti return to the Swamp at their death, and of the great sameness and mortality that bind all the Kimeti together. Afterwards, the Kimeti bathe in the rain and in clear pools, and this marks the end of the festival.

    Festival of Abundance: Green and white are the colours of this festival, which occurs at the height of spring, and is designed to celebrate the enormous life in the swamp at this time. White flowers are especially prized courtship gifts, and green and white Kimeti may find themselves the center of attention. Kimeti take special pains to float large turtle shells or hollow logs full of food from their parts of the swamp to the meeting place, and last year, an enterprising pair of bucks named Mirebeat and Walks-Between introduced an intoxicating drink made of fermented fallen fruit that was quite the hit. For the younger Kimeti, the Festival of Abundance may be a time simply for feasting till the belly aches, but for mature Kimeti, the night times of the Festival are a time, quite simply, for unrepentent romance. For weeks following this festival, the swamp is full of clutches of new eggs.

    Winter Festival: This is a small and private affair, generally shared between a few Kimeti only, and not an occasion for gathering together in large groups. Gifts are given, sometimes in the form of stories written especially for the recipient or as small trinkets, and it is a time of affection and friendship.
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and be blue: owner, moderator, colourist
Rejam: owner, moderator, artist, colourist

Abbacus: full-time colourist
phoenix kiss: RP manager, full-time colourist
Raisin-kins: full-time colourist

endejester: flatsale guest colourist
Lilwolfpard: breeding guest colourist

Kitty Sprightt: certist

elvyralani: owner's list updater


All art, banners, templates and certs by Rejam.
Concept by Rejam.

Worldbuilding by Rejam and all the members of Matope. Thanks, guys. <3

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