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Which hot juice do you prefer?

Hot bean juice! 0.27198697068404 27.2% [ 167 ]
Hot leaf juice! 0.46742671009772 46.7% [ 287 ]
Neither, both of those are dirt water! >:C 0.26058631921824 26.1% [ 160 ]
Total Votes:[ 614 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 9425 9426 9427 > >> >>> »|

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A swamp, vast and secretive, and full of life. The Kimeti live here, a vibrant and thriving race, hungry for knowledge and stories. They are the swamp's children, who live on the edge between waking and dreaming. In an environment some might call inhospitable they see only great beauty. The Swamp is home, and God; Mother and Father, and Sister and Brother. To leave it is to die, and worse, be a traitor. Their voices drift like whalesong through the mangroves, and their eyes shine like fireflies at nightfall. Their names are brought to them by the Swamp itself, in dreams they live before they are born.

Long ago the Swamp's own Chosen ones prowled in the kudzu, bringing wisdom and prophecy, until slowly, mysteriously, they disappeared. Time passed so swiftly that soon they became only stories, told to foals in the tale-circle, until two--a doe and a buck--went to sleep in the water and woke up in the body of those Legendary Kimeti.

That was a season ago. Now strange thing are happening, and creatures long thought to be myths and stories are appearing on the horizon...

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          None at the moment.
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          General Rules
            01. Please abide by all Gaia ToS.
            02. Please be polite at all times. Chatspeak is strongly discouraged. Don't spam the thread. If you
            00. feel the need to bump, try to make some conversation! Trolling is absolutely not tolerated at
            00. any time, nor is flaming. Let's all hold hands and eat some tofu and burn some patchouli, okay?
            03. Please refrain from begging, whether it be for Kimeti, gold, or favours.
            04. Please be graceful whether you win or lose. If participating in events, please accept the fact that
            00. you might not come out a winner.
            05. Please be welcoming to newbies. We want newbies to B/C and the thread to always feel at home
            00. and comfortable posting here.
            06. Roleplaying is an option, not a mandatory thing. You don't have to RP your Kimeti if you don't want
            00. to, but it is the only way to unlock special stages.
            07. Try to stay upbeat. We encourage out-of-character chatter in the thread, of course, but please don't
            00. make this a place to air your personal life. Talk about Gaia, Matope, current events, movies, music,
            00. and even what you did today, but try to keep it upbeat. Some ranting about negatives is allowed, but
            00. if almost everything you post is negative or contains details that will almost certainly make readers
            00. uncomfortable, please don't post it.

            08. Be honest and forthright about your identity. Misleading others about your other aliases is grounds for
            00. immediate blacklisting, no questions asked. It allows too much potential for abuse and will no longer be
            00. tolerated, period.

          Kimeti Rules
            01. Kimeti are never to be sold. Evar!
            02. It's okay to use your Kimeti in graphics for signatures, etc.; to crop them down, colourize them, or
            00. whatever to make them fit into your sig; but please do not perform any lineart edits. Use your good
            00. judgment here; obviously we're not telling you not to put a Santa hat on them around Christmas or to
            00. doodle a French mustache on them if it amuses you. Just be sure and make a note that you did it.
            03. The artwork in Matope is strictly for Matope's use. It is not to be lifted for any other shops. This is a
            00. particular concern for us due to the easily-pilfered nature of pixel art. If you suspect another shop of
            00. stealing Matope's art, please let us know via PM before flaming them. It could all be misunderstanding.
            04. Follow the naming conventions. This cannot be stressed enough. Having the common thread of
            00. Matope names will add a sense of believability and community to the shop and to Matope.
            05. Please keep all RP PG-13 or below! No one wants to see that D:
            06. Rehoming is allowed. If you ever decide you want to get rid of your Kimeti (and there's really
            00. you should ever feel obligated), please find new owners for the kin you'd like to rehome, inform
            00. Matope of the rehoming, and then post for recerting in the certing thread. Remember, once you
            00. give away a Kimeti, you can never arbitrarily take it back. It's not a decision to be made lightly!
            07. Be wary of the metaplot. While we try to cultivate a persistent storyline here on Kimeti, this is a
            00. delicate thing to handle if you're actually roleplaying in that storyline. Before deciding to RP some
            00. major event that would have huge repercussions (the return of the Legendary Kimeti, for example;
            00. or an earthquake or flood), please contact the mods for permission. If you have a great idea for a plot
            00. event or festival, please do the same!
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            The home of the kimeti is a vast swamp (called Matope) approximately the size (and shape) of our Earth's state of Tennessee. The Kimeti in the thread are located on the far northern border of the swamp, although Kimeti can be quite nomadic and may hail from anywhere in the swamp. This area of Matope contains many flat marshplains and is slightly easier to survive in than the wilder areas. At the center of the largest of these marshplains is an enormous mound of wood and stone and earth called Ghost Thistle's mound where most Kimeti gatherings take place. It is one of the few places above water in all of Matope.

            To the North of Matope the swamp peters out into flatlands, and then rises up into gentle hills. Beyond that, no Kimeti living has ever seen, although information may be forthcoming.

            To all other directions lies an ocean. Matope is situated on a penninsula. Some few Kimeti have seen the ocean, but the trip is not hospitable, and most do not live to tell the tale.

            There are essentially two seasons in Matope: the warm, and the cold. The cold season is still fairly temperate, with snowfall being very uncommon and generally melting before it has time to pile up. In the warm season rain is less frequent but still occurs at least once weekly, and thunderstorms are common. In the cold season, the rains are steadier but milder, although occasionally mingled with sleet.

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            Kimeti are quadrapedal, sentient, sapient omnivores with no definite social structure. Some form into tribes and clans, some remain solitary, and some form pair bonds. Breeding among Kimeti tends to be open and monogamous relationships are uncommon but not unheard of. Homosexuality exists in Matope and for the most part there is no stigma attached to it, although it is very rare. The Kimeti's voices are similar to whalesong and can, with effort, be projected some incredible distance, especially when many Kimeti sing in tandem. Their eyes are pupilless and glowing--even Kimeti with black eyes emit a very faint purple or blue glow.

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            The Kiokote live on the plains and revere, above all things, speed, freedom, and athleticism. For the most part Kiokote live in small haremic groups of several does and a lead buck referred to as a stallion. Although stallions are figuratively leaders, most tribes, especially the larger ones, have a council of does that are responsible for making any major decisions about the group and delegating duties. Hunting is shared equally between members and for the most part does are free to move between tribes at will. While solitary does are uncommon, many bucks end up on their own for obvious reasons, or formed into small bachelor groups.

            In many ways the Kiokote are very similar to Kimeti, including their stance on monogamy (not for everyone), their love of song and story (although your average Kiokote would rather a foot race than a sing-along), and their omnivorous diets. They tend to be closer to their children than Kimeti, however—although not all Kiokote foals are raised by their parents, many are.

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            Even more gregarious than the Kiokote, Acha live in huge good-natured tribes on the open deserts. Able to go for days without water and with very little food, the Acha are hardier than their dainty appearance might suggest, but for the most part no more substantial: the Acha are hedonists to the bone, living for beauty, art, music, and fleshly pleasures. Their cultural addiction to good times runs so deep that serious disagreements are few, rivalries play out in elaborate social snubbing and friend-making and backstabbing, and figurehead “leaders” for most tribes are chosen purely on the basis of good looks or musical or artistic talent. Acha tend to move from one from oasis to another, leaving one when they’ve worn it out with their constant partying to find another. Groups meet and merge and separate frequently, and despite their vast territory the Acha are on the whole well-connected with one another.

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            The Totoma come from the icy winds of the north. Strong of limb and stubborn of mind, they are to almost to a beast straightforward, honest, and honorable. They live by strict if somewhat odd codes of behavior, most of which dictate what constitutes a fair fight—the Totoma, more than any of the Kin, like to resolve their problems speedily and with force. This is true of females equally as of males: there is little gender differentiation in Totoma society, and in fact does are expected to be somewhat hardier, since pregnancy and labor do not excuse them from their duties as hunters and warriors.

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            The Zikwa are a complete enigma. Some say they went up to the sky and the clouds, and some argue no, just the opposite—underground—and still others say that like in some of the Totoma stories, they went below the water. Some insist that they ended up in a place called a jungle, sweltering and wet in a way that the Swamp is not and full of dangerous beasts. The general consensus is that the Zikwa never existed, anyway, and were merely an embellishment invented later to spice up the tales and give them some length for long festivals. In the stories in which they appear Zikwa are nearly always sweet damsels, romantic interests, pleasant old hags doing favors for heroes, or innocent children. In some stories they are huge, hideous monsters with hearts of gold. It’s hard to say whether any of the stories are true, if the Zikwa existed—or still exist—at all.

          Additional Information
            If this is not enough information for you, there is more to be found in this topic in the guild, including more detailed cultural information, some mythology, and a pronunciation guide.

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          Naming Dreams
            Kimeti, kiokote, and acha are not named by their parents, nor do they choose their names. Instead, every one of these kin has a profound dream while he is still in his sac, and this dream determines his future name. Each is born with an instinctive knowledge of this name and it is often the first words he speaks. Some Kin have nicknames, which are either merely shortened versions of their names, or clever words that mean the same thing (Chirp for Cicadasong, or Bob for Up-and-Down, for example).

            For this reason, names are a big deal in Matope and we encourage you to be creative and reasonable with them. Names in Matope must:

            • be a real word, an English word, and not too scientific a term;
            • be familiar to a swamp-dwelling creature who has some ancestral knowledge of other climes (for example, names referencing deserts, tundras, etc. are exceedingly rare but not unheard-of; names referencing the Swamp are much more common); avoid these if possible;
            • must not reference human culture too directly, for example by being an item Kin would not have/cannot create due to lack of thumbs and materials, or referring to particular human-specific mythology;
            • be relatively short--more than a few words is too long;
            • be spelled correctly, although whether you use British or American spelling it up to you; "creative" spelling, even if it's just an extraneous "e" at the end of a word, is NOT allowed.

          Naming tips:
            • Keep it simple! This doesn't mean one-word names necessarily, but it does mean simple words and phrases that avoid elaborate terminology. "Smiling Aura" is preferable to "Felicitous Ambience."
            • We will be buckling down on words that imply complex systems of science. General/generic/common names for stones and plants are fine (Diamond, Jasper, Pearl, Orchid, Lily) are fine, specific or Latin names are not (Chrysoberyl, Clinohumite, Epidendroideae, and Asteraceae). When in doubt, simplify.
            • This doesn't mean we don't want you to exercise a good vocabulary. Just be reasonable.
            • Names that imply major social taboos will be rejected. Names that imply cannibalism, incest, rape, etc. will be rejected, primarily for OOC reasons but also because the Swamp is unlikely to bestow her own children with such a name, even if they engage in such practices. Minor vices--lying, unfaithfulness, etc.--are fine as names, and in fact we have a Kin named "Rotten Liar." A Kin named Philanderer would be unusual but not unheard-of.
            • Probably the absolute best way to approach a name is to approach the naming dream first, and then the name, even if you never plan on writing out the dream. It makes it easier to ensure you've chosen a solid one that won't give your colourist a headache.

          Totoma Names
            Unlike the other Kin, Totoma are born live. This means that, strangely, Totoma are robbed of Naming Dreams. In a concept that will surely seem incredibly alien to the other Kin, the Totoma neither dream their names nor are given them by their parents: instead, Totoma earn their names through some act of bravery or valor. Your Totoma will be certed as “Totoma” until he is an adult, at which point your chosen name will be assigned to his cert under the assumption that he has earned it (meaning yes, you will choose a name for your newborn foal). Please remember that this severely limits available names for Totoma: be ready and willing to explain what act gave your Totoma his name. This also means that phrase-names like Carries-All and Spills-Blood are far more common than single words, although these do exist. The Totoma do not go in for purple prose and flighty poetry, so make your name as simple and straightforward as possible.

            To die nameless is the greatest shame a Totoma can face (and so the name Nameless is not an option for your Totoma, in much the same way we would not name a baby Coward), and so some older nameless Totoma are driven to perform suicidal acts of sacrifice to earn a name. These unlucky but brave few are given the post-mortem honorific “who-died-honorably,” such as Travels-Far, who-died-honorably: perhaps a Totoma who perished in his journey to the Swamp.

            While nearly all Totoma names are the result of physical strength, even the Totoma recognize that not all are so hardy. Therefore strategic intellect, stealthiness, a talent for tracking prey or enemies, or even a particular knack for singing the glory of fighters or honoring the dead can earn a name, although this path is more difficult than simply performing an act of strength or hardiness.

          The Bottom Line:
            The key to a good name in Matope is this: keep it simple. Avoid 'purple prose' names. Don't dive into the thesaurus. Remember that these are swamp creatures and, while intelligent, they are not an advanced society, and these names are a translation of a concept into words. Do it as neatly and as succinctly as possible!

            Staff members will review all names before certing, and if yours is borderline, questionable, or inappropriate, they will send you a PM to let you know, and to find something more suited to the world.

          Writing Naming Dreams:
            There are almost no restrictions on naming dreams. They can be long, short, even one sentence--they may even be a drawing to represent merely a strong image. Feel free to break out of your comfort zone and be creative in your formatting--these are dreams, after all, and dreams follow no rules. Frequently these dreams express something about the personality of the Kin, but they absolutely don't need to. For inspiration or to write your own dream, visit this subforum in the guild.

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            Each kimeti doe lays between one and six sacs, each containing five eggs. All but one of the eggs will die off, and one will reach maturity. Occasionally, two will survive, and twins will result. While in the sac the foal is helpless and has its naming dream. Some does watch their clutches, and some do not.

            Kiokote and acha does lay between one and six eggs, instead of sacs. Twins are much less common in these races, but still appear.

            For Kimeti, green sacs indicates female, blue is male, and purple is twins.
            For Kiokote, green grass indicates female, blue is male.
            For Acha, a flower appears on the cactus to indicate the offspring is female.
            Totoma are labeled by the colorists as 'doe' or 'buck'.
            Zikwa gender is decided by the owner.

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            When a sac or egg hatches, the foal tumbles out into the inhospitable swamp, helpless, blind, and vulnerable. It will rest in the shadows until it is strong enough to walk and its eyes open, at which point it will instinctively seek out other kin, and sometimes its parents.

            Only Totoma foals have open eyes, watching the world around them, more precocious than the other species.

            All foal stages are unisex.

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            A filly or colt may be taken in by other Kimeti or its parents, or may not. It may live a solitary life, or it may become part of a tribe. It can now walk and talk and is growing rapidly.

            Kiokote, acha, and their halfbreeds all have an increased life cycle and as such they skip the filly/colt stage, going straight to doe/buck instead.

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            Fully-grown Kin are powerful, agile, and intelligent. Their only natural predator is the crocodile or alligator, and to an alert or strong adult this is not a threat at all. All kin are capable of mating at this age. Some live alone, some mate into strong pair bonds, some flit from fling to fling, and others join tribes.
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          There are two types of animal companions in Matope, pets and familiars.

          Pets are companion type animals that may also be trained to perform useful tasks. No pet is any more intelligent than a clever dog from our world, and cannot communicate beyond the capacity available to companion animals in our world. They tend to be on the smaller side of the available companions.

          Familiars are marked with a * below, and are more intelligent than basic pets, even being able to communicate, via body language or mental signals, on an extremely basic level. Even familiars do not have a sophisticated brain or what humans would call a cultural identity, and as such can be viewed on the level of a dolphin or elephant from our world. Their bonds to their Kimeti owners are powerful, and their loyalty unmatched.

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          Caiman* - Given its close relation to the Kimeti's only predator, the caiman's alliance with its Kimeti owner is wary at best. Cold, calculating, and intense, it can be difficult to see what attraction there is to the caiman as a companion aside from its hunting ability--but to Kimeti with a certain mindset, the caiman's peculiar, patient way of viewing the world can be fascinating or even comforting.

          Cave Worm - A large insect that can reach two metres in length. Unlike the smaller worms that dwell throughout the caves, the Greater Cave Worm has a multitude of small clawed appendages that carry it through the underground with a surprising swiftness. They can scale vertical walls and can sometimes be found hanging from the ceiling, weaving silken egg sacs.

          Crane* - The crane is the most common Kimeti familiar, and is particularly revered, because the crane is said to be the shape most favoured by the Swamp when S/He takes a mortal body. The crane is majestic and intelligent, and its feathers are highly prized.

          Eaglehound* - Strong, with an instinct for protecting those it considers its pack, the eaglehound is a prized companion. It can be by turns playful, affectionate, and aggressive, and of all the familiars is perhaps the one with the most variance in personality. Despite their bond with their owners, all eaglehounds retain an element of savage wildness throughout their lives.

          Foxbun - The foxbun is the ultimate in loyal company. It may not be brilliant, but it loves cuddling, and will follow its Kimeti owner to the ends of the Swamp. It's also not particularly helpful, having no talents, really, aside from a knack for simpering, but it's the best option for a lonely or loving Kimeti. It helps that they're awfully cute.

          Giant Moth* - The giant moth is unlike a normal moth in ways other than its size. It has several pairs of wings, some with long fronds quite similar to a bird's feathers, and it sheds some of these occasionally. During these times it will ride about on its owner's back. The shed wings are worn as adornments by some Kimeti despite their delicate nature.

          Giant Spiders* - Many kin find these familiars chilling, perhaps even alarming, but those who grow to love them appreciate them considerably. They are watchful and cunning, seeing more than what is simply in front of them, and can produce a fine silk that they can weave into extremely simple accessories.

          Giant Wasp* - Like having two familiars in one, the wasp is both fiercely protective and vicious and incredibly loyal to its owner. It would gladly sacrifice itself to preserve those it loves (although this is a difficult task given its sturdiness and the fact that most creatures keep their distance), but its mind is so alien to the Kimeti that its affections and motives can be difficult is not impossible to fathom, and it is not exactly a pet that enjoys a good cuddle. In the wild the wasp lives in huge populous nests, and no one is sure what makes some of them decide to replace their hives with the companionship of a Kimeti.

          Lynx* - The lynx is a powerful, agile hunter, and although it is unusually independent for a familiar, its aloofness should not be mistaken for a lack of affection. The bond between a lynx and its owner is among the strongest possible.

          Mongoose - The mongoose is a clever and fiercely loyal animal, and is highly valued for its ability to retrieve tasty tree snakes from high in the canopy. A mongoose and Kimeti team working in tandem is an impressive sight, and some of the more well-trained mongooses can retrieve up to ten snakes an hour.

          Owlcat - The owlcat is slinky, cunning, and sly, and although it can be quite useful for running down rodents, it can be a bit of a fight to get it to hand one over. Independent and aloof, owlcats are a subject of fierce division among Kimeti: you love 'em, or you hate 'em. That said, once an owlcat has had time to get accustomed to an owner, they can be quite affectionate--when they want to be. They make horrible noises somewhere between a cat howling and a barn owl shrieking, and one trained to Speak on command can be a fun prank to play on others.

          Songbird - A popular pet. Although it is not highly intelligent, it can be trained to learn any number of melodies, so that it can sing in harmony with its owner. Some groups of Kimeti have become quite skilled at training their songbirds, and can create quite intricate songs. The songbird is also prized for its beautiful and highly-varied tailfeathers, which are used as decorations and bestowed as gifts of favor.

          Swan - The swan is a lovely sight gliding alongside its Kimeti, neck arched up and wings held aloft. It is popular among beautiful or just vain Kimeti as a sort of living accessory--which is perhaps all for the best, given that its dignity doesn't indicate any particular intelligence.

          Turtle - A sort of mouth on legs, the turtle exists largely to eat. Their small-brained patience does, however, make them valuable pack animals if one is willing to walk very slowly, leading the turtle along with a mouthful of greens. There is a certain appeal in the turtle's trusting, slogging nature, however, and they are surprisingly popular pets.

          Watersnake - The watersnake is also a hunting animal, used to drive small catfish from hiding places or to catch the swift fish stirred up by its Kimeti partner's hooves. Although some can be quite affectionate, the watersnake is usually a more utilitarian pet than a cuddly one.

          Other Familiars

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          With the other storied races coming to the Swamp come their familiars. As the new arrivals integrate, so too do their companion animals.

          Bats* - Living on underground algae, on plants brought in from nighttime foragers, and on fish caught in underground streams can be strenuous, especially with the large numbers the Zikwa maintain. They are helped, however, by the giant bats that share their caves. These bats form mysterious and unpredictable bonds with individual Zikwa, and will independently bring them food from the outside. They are affectionate creatures, and often rest on their chosen's back, wings draped over the Zikwa's ribs and nose buried in the Zikwa's wrinkled, hairless neck.

          Cheetah* - Until recently the cheetah was the exclusive domain of the Kiokote. Time and lessons, however, have made them trainable by Kimeti as well, and as the cheetahs of the farflung plains romance among the mangroves, kittens are frequently available for curious Kimeti--or anyone else who's interested. Cheetahs are bred to hunt and also to provide pace for footraces, and are savage but loyal, tending to bond strongly with only one other creature (Kimeti or otherwise) at a time. To strangers they can be aloof or even violent.

          Golden Eagle* - The Totoma's familiar is the Golden Eagle, a huge, vicious beast. Their bond with the Totoma is mystical and celebrated, and it is considered a pinnacle of accomplishment to catch and subdue a fully-grown adult. Some prefer to rob an eagle of its hatchlings as soon as they start to fly from the nest and fall to the ground, but this route is generally frowned upon as cowardly. One can offset this idea by doing it when the mother eagle is supervising, if one is suicidal.

          Sand Dog* - The sand dogs are also hunting animals, brought down with the Acha, but their designated purpose doesn't keep them from being as snooty and vain as their owners. Dainty and a bit timid, sand dogs are valued more for their beauty and usefulness than for their affection, although some do come to be quite attached to their owners or to other dogs.

          Breeding Familiars:

          Generally, when breeding, only two pets/familiars from identical species can breed. However, there are some exceptions. Eaglehounds can breed with Sand dogs, and Spectral pets can breed with the corresponding non-spectral species that match them [aka, dogs with dogs, birds with birds, bats with bats, etc]. Birds cannot cross-species breed, except with their corresponding spectral versions.

          And More...

          In addition to the familiars listed above, certain familiars are available exclusively through limited edition events and through breeding.
          Keep an eye out for unique familiars, and see those that are open for customs in this thread!
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          Customs and Semi-Customs
            Semi-Custom refers to a request in which the colorist has a considerable amount of artistic license.
            In these requests, no changes are made once the artwork is complete.

            Custom refers to a request in which the requesting party has worked out quite a few of the specifics of their design. If the requester is making more of the artistic decisions than the colorist, it is a custom. In these cases, some changes may be made on finished artwork.

            Growing refers to a request in which all four stages of a Kimeti are created, and the requester gets a larva that grows slowly into an adult. These kinds of requests can be much more labor-intensive, since the colorists have to make many more pets.

            Edited means that core changes have been made to the actual templates -- adding hair or accessories, changing horns or tails. Edited kin are more difficult to get than unedited.

            The base prices for Kin are listed below:
            Unedited: Semi-customs are 100mil; customs are 1bil.
            Edited: Semi-customs are 2bil; customs are 10bil.
            Growing: Any growing kin is 1.5x its base price.

          Open Slots

            At Matope, when we say 'flatsale' we almost always mean 'speed flat'.
            Speed is the key word here: this is a competition to see who can be the first one there.

            Specific flat rules may vary, and will always be posted somewhat in advance, but there are certain things consistant from one to the next:

            No editing or deleting of posts. If you edit or delete your post, you will be eliminated.
            No posting before the 'go'.. Waiting until the colorists say 'go' before you post your code.
            Keep thread chatter down. Colorists might ask for silence until the flat is over.

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            Unedited: 2bil.
            Edited: 10bil.
            Growing: Any growing breeding is 1.5 times its base price.

            Colorist Choice: Every month a colorist choice thread is posted in the guild, and at least two pairings are taken.
            Bribes: Various colorists may accept bribes for breedings in this forum of the guild.
            Contests/events: Keep an eye peeled for other breeding contests, raffles, and events!

          Clutch sizes
            Each clutch at Matope starts with two babies [one if both parents are owned by one user].
            There is a 50% chance of a third sack, and if that sack is rolled, a 10% chance it's twins.
            This means that the minimum number of babies for a 'basic' breeding is 2 and the maximum 4.

          Additional babies
            Additional babies can be obtained in the following ways:
            RP: If you have an RP of at least 20 total posts or 1k words per owner between the parents, an extra baby will be rewarded. This must be completed in advance.
            Blessings: Any legendary kimeti can bless either parent for an extra baby via RP before or shortly after getting the slot.
            Newbie: If you name a newbie at the time of acquiring a breeding, you can get one additional sack to give to that person.

          Other rules
            Consent: Both owners of the parents must send the form to the colorist to show consent.
            Claiming: Each parent can only keep up to two babies from any given breeding
            Twins: At the colorists' discretion, any two kimeti in a breeding may be combined into twins.
            Selling: No offspring may be sold for gold or traded for anything, including art or future favor.
            Certing: All babies from a breeding must be certed together via the proper form in the certing thread.
            Maximum: Unless otherwise noted, no breeding will have more than 6 babies.
            Incest: Matope looks down on incest between siblings, first cousins, parents/children, grandparents/grandchildren, aunts or uncles/nephews or nieces, and other similarly related pairs; and as such, limits such breedings to three offspring. Additionally, colorists have a right to choose not to do these breedings if they are rolled in the CC thread, though winners will be allowed to submit a substitute pair.
            Rape Plots: Rape plots are never acceptable in Matope. This includes "mushroom" breedings and other plots where consent was coerced and would have otherwise been denied. That is rape and we will not make any exceptions for it.

          Edited Breedings
            You must acquire an edited breeding slot in order for the offspring of your Kimeti to have a chance at edits. If you have an unedited slot, the babies will just take after their parents in different ways. You can always choose an unedited slot for edited kimeti.

            Be aware that when you breed edited Kimeti, there is no guarantee that the offspring of these breedings will all be edited. In addition, edits may distort over generations: antlers may change shape and hair may be longer or shorter or differently styled, for example.

            Accessories are not typically considered passable edits and will remain solely on the parents unless the colorist decides otherwise.

          Missing Parents
            If you have a breeding with someone who has gone missing from the shop, and they have failed to respond to any PMs or IMs for six [6] weeks, all custody of the breeding goes into your hands. This means that they forfeit the ability to take any babies from the breeding, and doling out the offspring is entirely up to you. However, you must make efforts to contact them on Gaia during this time, and you must contact the Matope mule to let them know it's happening.
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            The swamp is ready.
            Its fireflies have been sleeping in the eyes of its children
            and they stumble blindly through the mire, lost.

            The time for the lights of the swamp has returned.
            The spirits of the mares and the stags are ready
            to stir in the bodies of the Kimeti.

            We are legendary. We are story and myth taken form.
            We are souls bound to the flesh of our
            Sisterbrother, our Motherfather, the Swamp.
            And we are ready to awake...

          What are Legendary Kimeti?
            They are Chosen by Matope, often for reasons not obvious to their fellows or even to themselves, and they have been gone for so long that their origins have become the stuff of much-argued story, and some no longer believe in them.

            They are said to be able to bless expectant does with especially hardy litters, and are said to bring special power to the naming dreams of unhatched foals. They are also given the power to understand the heartbeat and the rhythm of the swamp through its sacred animals--the treant, the crane, the firefly, and the owl, which gives them insight into weather and to coming changes. With their voices they heal hurt trees and with their keen eyes and instincts they find the richest foods for their people in times of scarcity. Their dreams are thick with riddles that foretell, in the most cryptic of symbols, the times to come.

          And, some say, when they lift their heads and cry their strange and eerie cry to the skies,
          the Fathermother's lost children hear them, no matter where they are, and return, prodigal, to her mired breast...

          Unlocking your Legendary Kimeti
            It is no easy task to unlock a Legendary Kimeti. They cannot be bought or traded for, and must be RPed for.

            To qualify for a Legendary, you must have been engaged in at least ten finished or at least lengthy RPs with the Kimeti in question in the Matope guild forum, contributed at least one story to the myths and legends forum in the framestory that the Kimeti in question is telling or hearing it, and also posted a naming dream for the Kimeti in question. Roleplaying and myths can take place at any stage of a Kimeti's life.

            Once you have completed these requirements, post a blurb about why the Kimeti in question should be considered for Legendary status in this forum. This will not guarantee Ascension, but only put you in the runnung.

            It should be noted that Matope's mods have very specific views of RP, and we will not tell you that your posts have to be several paragraphs or even sentences to qualify. Think Gricean theorem here: Say exactly what you need to say and no more or less, and that's fine with us. All of the shop mods have been known to post one-word dialogue replies when it was all that needed to be said. So those of you who can't BS for four paragraphs, fear not! WE SUPPORT YOU.

          Legendary Ascension
            When you fulfill the requisites, please post to the Legendary Reqs Completed forum in the guild forum, with the appropriate links. Once every couple of months the mods will get together, review the qualifiers, and use a set of guidelines including quality, adherence to canon, out-of-character behaviour in the thread, and depth of character development to determine a handful (one to ten) of second-tier qualifiers. These will then follow further instructions to complete for the Legendary, through a series of PM-received dreams from the Swamp which will require IC response. Any valid and original IC response will be considered sufficient for obtaining a Legendary, but they should be thought of carefully and with attention to detail, as some aspects of these responses will manifest in the Mare or Stag's finished form. In most cases all second-tier qualifiers will receive a Legendary, but there is no guarantee.

            The recipients of Legendaries will receive a PM outlining the Kimeti's new powers and their limits, and also the updated image of their Kimeti, including anything that changed or was added or subtracted due to the Kimeti's response to the Swamp's dream.

            Once your RP reqs are completed, you do not need to do them or post them again to re-qualify if you are not chosen as a second-tier qualifier. Your chance will come again next time Legendaries are released, and with each selection your chances will be slightly higher for being chosen. However, adding more content to your post never hurts and will almost certainly help.

            If you would like to have more than one Legendary, you will have to complete the reqs for each Kimeti.

            Good luck!

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          Custom Items
            Never Idle's Item Shop is a special shop where you are able to bribe for accessories and decorations for existing kin.

            It is a bribe shop both in and out of character: a way for you to get a special items for primarily role playing purposes, as most items will not be passed down via breeding.

            The shop is still new, in its early stages, and not many people have given it a stab, so it might be wise to try your luck!

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          The following users are not allowed to post in Matope or earn new pets for any reason.

          • Daijonakain
          • Dis Arcanae
          • I AM WOE
          • Umagami

          The following users are not able to earn new pets for any reason.

          • none/list]

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            and be blue: owner, moderator, colourist

            Amorpheous: RP manager, full-time colourist
            Minsuil: RP manager, certist general
            phoenix kiss: RP manager, full-time colourist
            thyPOPE: RP manager, guest colourist

            Abbacus: full-time colourist
            Araucana: full-time colourist
            Kitty Sprightt: full-time colourist
            Maxx D: full-time colourist, certist
            Sullivan: full-time colourist

            Baneful: guest colourist
            endejester: guest colourist
            patmos of endtimes: guest colourist

            fluorescein: certist
            Jun D: certist
            oneironym: certist
            Ryuukishin: certist

            elvyralani: owner's list updater

            All art, banners, templates and certs by Rejam.
            Concept by Rejam.

            Worldbuilding by Rejam and all the members of Matope. Thanks, guys. <3

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