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Dangerous Genius

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Current Location: Morden, Rochford
Speaking With: King Rock

It was Haster's turn, and he strode up to the king with as much confidence as anyone could possibly have when reporting to their King-slash-cousin. Haster opened a small folder and flipped a page, bent a corner, made a face at it, and then began reading out loud. "My King, I've done research on the unclaimed lands in the center of the Lustrum. The four islands there have never been thoroughly charted, so I suggest you send cartographers out to survey the islands before you proceed any further.

"In terms of resources, passing ships report a plethora of trees and other flora that can be harvested for various uses in building, the crafting of twine or other rope, as well as for possible medicinal uses, though this has not been confirmed. What is certain is that the plant life will provide many resources.

"On the other hand, there is the fauna. Animal life is rarely seen in the area, but there are reports of what sound like shadow cats and jaguars, but much larger than has been seen anywhere else. It is best to proceed with caution while there.

"Finally, there is always the risk of illnesses and plagues. The islands have been uninhabited by human kind since the beginning of time, and ships only pass through, but never linger. So it is impossible to say what may reside there, and what illnesses might be brought back. It is a hot and humid area, a desert to the east and west... It has been undisturbed by men as far as we know, and therefor poisonous plants will be common, possibly even dominating other plant life.

"Animals would have adapted to live there, so it is possible they are immune to the plants, and just as likely that a lot of them are venomous as well...

"This endeavor will be dangerous. But, if dealt with correctly, I believe it will be worth it."

Haster closed the folder and looked up to his King-slash-cousin with a smile. "Any questions?"

Dangerous Genius

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Current Location: Brissol, Montarra
Speaking With: Rosalda Lawrence

"I'll let you know if I find anything. Have fun." Eliias gave her a smile and turned on his heel to walk quickly back to his office so he could read through the journals. These journals were more precious to him than the queen had realized, and every word written held the possibility of exploitation and reward. As promised, he made notes of each and every mention of Rosalda that he found within, but they were few and far between.

Most of it was useless, holding little potential to be exploited and wrung until it dripped profit or advancement. But there were several mentions of the other royal families. Mostly of Victor and Peter, and their friendship. Some of Victor's intimate secrets were scrawled on the pages of the Peter's journals. Things that he had likely told Peter in confidence, unaware that it would land in the hands of a man that would use them against Victor the moment he awoke from his coma.

Eliias smiled at the thought, wondering just what he could squeeze out of the royal family of Hackathorn. He didn't think there would be much, now that their wealth was its way to his hidden location. Beside money, all Hackathorn had were books... Perhaps some could teach him a thing or two. Perhaps one of those books held the secret to furthering the dream he had for Montarra.

Divine Muse

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Location: The Academy
Company: Whippoorwills

She watched the Trial, doing her best to not flinch at the worst of the blows. It was barbaric, but the way of things…That gentleness she had was one of the reasons the Matrons had said she wasn’t ready to advance yet. Anna secretly thought she was of such use where she was they didn’t want her to leave, however…Her gaze fell to where the woman had fallen before she had been carted off…Things were obviously going to change…Anna wasn’t sure if it would be classified for the better, but there was definitely change on the wind.

She waited outside the antechamber and then nodded when the Baron dismissed her. Anna had things she wanted to do before retiring for the day and evening so she went to her chamber to change clothes…A layer of lambs wool-shirt and breeches. A one piece suit of leather too pliable to be armor came next, and the waterproof leather clung to her form. Then, boots that went right up to her thighs; they were skin tight and water tight, thick at the soles and calves to keep her from getting cut by anything she walked over her would brush against. She draped a pair of gloves over her chair, but from the look of them, they were thick and practical, not pretty at all, but perfect for what she was going to do. She picked up a pair of tweezers and carefully peeled the layers of seal from her upper lip and lower lip, setting it aside. Everyone thought her lips were shiny because she dabbed some sort of oil on them…That wasn’t the case. Her father had taught her something when she had first started showing signs of womanhood…How to make a seal for your lips and how to make and apply a drug that would knock any who would think to kiss her unconscious. When she’d been appointed to the Apothecary Shop, the ingredients were part of her privileges for keeping the greenhouse and stores in good order. It hadn’t taken long to circulate that unless the Matrons sent her to you, best to not try to put your lips on her without permission. Needless to say, she didn’t bite or lick her lips like most people…Such a disgusting habit anyways.

Besides, she couldn’t wear it where she was going. She grabbed a long jacket and put it over her form and made her way to the beach around the school…Everyone knew you couldn’t swim away, but that wasn’t what she was doing. She retrieved her little wagon of buckets, shrugged out of her jacket, and waded out into the water, her eyes searching. She had learned this in Caspiene, how to hunt for shelled fish-clams, oysters, and the like- and prepare them. She would do this for her team when she had the time…A treat for them since she was so abysmal at the Arena…Lake had made sure she could fend off someone in a one on one fight until help got to her, but so far as the skills of the team went…At least she could make sure they ate well when she had the time.

Over an hour later, she was pulling her little hand wagon into the kitchen and preparing the surprise for her team. She cleaned everything herself and it didn’t take long to steam them and make the little dishes of sauces. She heard several people commenting on the smell, but she ignored them. Dinner time had come and gone, but this was something extra, something special. And it had other rewards then simply the satisfied sounds and gratitude of her team…She had found two pearls in her endeavors and she cleaned them, wrapped them in linen and stuck them in her pocket. She had a small collection of the pearls she kept hidden, she hoped to have enough to make something with before she left. She made up the platters for her team and then made a smaller one for the Headmaster. He had told her she didn’t have to go through the seduction training-right now at least-and it was a thank you aside from the shocked one that she had given before. She loaded up a push cart, glared at the students who looked like they were going to try to sneak something, and went on her way. A quick knock and the carrying of a tray to the Baron’s desk before she walked back out, and down the hall she went to her Team’s quarters. Stefan was already at the table waiting. “I smelled it!” He said with a grin as he helped her set the platters on the table with a laugh. “FOOD!” He yelled, and that was usually enough to get the others to come running.

Questing Sex Symbol

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here : (The Academy) Armor Island, Montarra with : Anna, Lake (Whippoorwills)

    Stefan beat her to the foodstuffs. That was alright with her, she had had things to do, but if he thought he was going to hog it all to himself, he was wronger than her father. Lita ducked the arms of Philip and Kotar, their hug taking up the hall. The moment her messy head passed under them, they threw themselves back from each other with disgusted faces. "Lita! You reek! Like a**." Philip gave a sly look to Kotar and she stopped in her tracks to stare at them.

    The two promised they would be along shortly. "More food for me." She shrugged and bounded away. Lita walked in to Stefan moving to have a sit at the table and Anna pushing her wagon out of the way. Her eyes popped out of her skull at the sight of the meal, and the barest scent of it had her mouth watering before it was overtaken by that which clung to her. She wiped her hands on her pink skirt furiously and approached the table with every intent of eating it all. Anna was almost the most useless of their team--in a fight, and she had named the team. She only got away with it because she pleased everyone with her surprise treats. Lita had only been fine with being a Whip-poor-will when Lake imitated their call. If everyone's way to their hearts was their stomach, then Lake's would be Lita's way... and food didn't hurt, ever. She liked Anna.

    "What are you covered in?" Stefan raised a brow at her, picking up an oyster.

    Lita's eyes were locked on the food a minute longer. She slowly pulled away from it to look at him, venturing a guess. "Lake's kisses?"

    "Perhaps after you've washed..." she heard and spun around to see Lake standing behind her. He smiled his beautiful smile though he seemed unsure as he looked upon her. It made her falter in her own. He licked his thumb and ran it across her mouth before leaning forward to give her a peck. Lita brightened up and made him sit on the bench, joining Stefn in the oyster-eating.

    "Ooh, don't you know what oysters are?" Kotar, followed in by Philip, questioned her. She had it halfway in her mouth already. Lita stared blankly at him, waiting for him to tell her what oysters were. She thought they were fish and wondered what else they would be. He was smiling... he was laughing at her. She scowled and raised the shell in her hand, ready to throw it at his face for making fun of her.

    Fingers wrapped around her wrist to gently pull her arm down, Lake's mouth slurped up the oyster as she was too busy glaring at Kotar, and he kept her from starting a fight. "Thank you for the meal, Anna. It was very kind of you." He said and she realized he had eaten her oyster. She decided she didn't want anymore of them anyway, not until she knew what they were. Lita set aside the shell and tried something else.

Questing Sex Symbol

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                    location: (Tyrley) Morden, Rochford company: Haster

                    Oak, Victor, Angeline, Serah, and Drake; he didn't think he needed anymore when Haster approached him. Morri had gone to her private chambers and he was considering the coronation being held in Beacon. The King's Hall in Tyrley wasn't as impressive as the Church of the Redeemed. "Isn't that what I said, survey the islands?" that was his only question, aside from his thinking to begin with a suggestion rather than a report. "I suggest being careful in dealing with it then, we don't need illness in Rochford." Rock gave it to him to be less bothered, at the moment, it didn't seem to be working.

                    He sighed and pushed up from his seat. "I will speak with you tomorrow, Master Crane. Thank you." Rock stopped and turned back to his cousin. "Ah, I do not know if you were made aware, but your father is in Tyrley and upon meeting Oak had his face bludgeoned in. He had seen the physician, however, and will be alright in a few weeks. I imagine he won't be staying that long." He left the King's Hall for his office, for his own time of privacy. There were plans to review for Morri's gift, her coronation, the islands in case Haster did not do well, he found that he still had trouble giving work to others, and fixing the family tree among other things.

                    Rock spent most of his time there, even beyond dinner. Once he had finished the work he set out to do, he found various other things to do in an effort to get his mind from the day's events.

Questing Sex Symbol

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location: Eden, Noveria company: someone

        He slid the knife out of his belt, careful not to get the blade caught against his finger for when he was thrown into the water and in turn against the rocks of the river. Nicolas didn't want to accidentally slice one of his own fingers off. He only wanted to cut the rope and be freed from the log the woman tied him to. His head went under, too quick and soon to take a lungful of air. Instead, he sucked in some water. He resurfaced quick enough, coughing up the water and trying to take another breath. The back of the log was thrown against a rock, the current picking up to rapids. He cursed the woman as he spun.

        The log forced him above water when it was finally free of the rocks, floating down the river faster... he sawed at the rope as furious as he was. It broke and he rolled off the log into the water. His wrists burned and feet scraped the bottom, the side of his face hit with a wave. Nicolas ducked underwater, his hand slapping against a larger rock to pull himself up out of the stronger current. He flopped belly first on the stone and struggled to the shallows, slipping a dozen times.

        She's dead! he ground his teeth together to keep them from chattering. His soaked clothes aiding the cold in getting to his bones as he waded to shore. Nicolas climbed the muddied bank and crawled onto the frosted ground. He needed to find some place warm and fast, or he was going to suffer worse things. Getting his horse stolen out from under him didn't happen far from Eden and he made a straight line for the city in knowing he would come upon a home way before then. He walked stiffly, trying not to touch the dripping fabrics of his clothes with bare skin. It was useless, so he only walked hunched and arms far from his sides and quickly out of the grouping of trees to a farmhouse.

        The woman out in the pasture was running into her house at the sight of him. Luckily, she came back with a blanket rather than a sword to run him through with. "Thank you," he said, teeth clacking and shivering as she guided him in front of the fireplace. He started taking his clothes off from under the blanket. "My horse threw me into the river..." He offered his explanation when she asked it of him. There was no way he was going to admit to being beaten by a woman for his rich horse and sack of gold. No, he would be getting that back.

Questing Sex Symbol

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location: Venereia, Hackathorn company: Victor

                                            "Victor," he called to his brother, lightly touching his hand. He was warm, but still a little cold. The Maesters were nearby at all times. Vesper made it his duty to oversee him as well. There were guards posted, to protect both him and the king. He was there to protect his brother as well, in his own way. "This one is titled A History of the Quinary Kingdoms, the fifth volume in the series... and probably the most interesting one." He picked up a book and opened it to the second page, after a rather interesting drawing of the five kingdoms in wildly inaccurate proportions and positions.

                                            He cleared his throat and began reading, something he did for hours of every day. Verity could run the kingdom and he would do whatever she asked of him, meanwhile seeing to it Victor had something to focus on. "The Quinary Kingdoms are the oldest kingdoms in The Septenary, once a unified whole under the lion--I don't think this is accurate. Oh. Rochfordian scholar. Verity's selling all your books. As angry as that may make you, at least she's making copies of them before she auctions them off." He sighed and explained why the reading was boring. "--the wayward children have established monarchies of their own, blessed by the Goddess herself. Let's get a new book, shall we?" He didn't believe that specific religion, or any...

                                            Vesper set the heavy book aside and picked another, just as think and leather bound. "How about this... The Amphisbaena is a two-headed serpent. It has one head in the normal position and another at the end of its tail. It can therefore run in either direction, with its eyes shining like lamps and of no fear of the cold, thus it is believed to originate from Noveria and brought to Rochford in the times... I can see why Verity didn't want to make copies of these. I can't imagine that would sell well anywhere. Next time you should ask King Rock if he's afraid of Amphisbaena."

Distinct Reveler

6,400 Points
  • Wall Street 200
  • Partygoer 500
  • Treasure Hunter 100
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Location: Brissol, Montarra
Speaking to:Reid Weeks, Sido Lafayette


Iago had been working hard away at the cure. He never expected the plague to actually be as complex as it was, and yet, here he was trying to tinker away with something that had grown far beyond what he had expected it to. But, he was making progress. He already had cures for the first four stages of the plague, it was the last and most advanced stage of it that was causing him so much grief. But, you can't always do it all, but he wasn't going to give up when he was getting so close. Nope. Not yet. He had at least two more days to get that done, plenty of time to get that research done.

He was about to open the glass container containing samples of the plague that was taken from the skin of a rat when the little weedling walked in. He snapped the cap back on and stood up, whirling around to face him. "You imbecile! Have you no brains!? Had you stood there a moment longer, you would have been exposed to the plague that's been raging over Hackathorn." He gave a great huff as the boy continued about the large sum of gold, and he rolled his eyes. "The Queen has given me instruction to keep with this cure, so obviously, she condones my behavior, and I'll have you know that it was the Queen herself who so wisely brought me to her King-brother," He said, giving him a look. "The Queen has my research journals in her chambers, as we have been looking into making my form of medicine more available to the common people of Montarra," He said, huffing slightly. "Now, if you're finished you can go play with your little counting beads, I'm-" A knock came at the door, small, and slight, snapping Iago's attention away from the little Weed.


The door opened and a girl entered. She was a pretty thing, pale, with dark curly hair and large brown eyes that looked from Iago, then to Reid. When they rested on Reid, however, she smiled. Turning her attention back to Iago, she curtsied, or did as best she could as she was holding a tray of food. "Her Grace wished me to see that you are eating, and to ask how you're coming along," Sido said in a soft voice as she crossed the room and placed the food onto a small table, making sure the lid was still on it.

Iago stared at her while she moved, a predatory look on his face as she did so, and the look vanished when Sido turned around. "Tell her majesty that I am progressing rapidly, and should have a cure for the early to mid stages of the plague. But, tell me, how fairs our Queen? Has she...?"

Sido nodded. "She did. And then her and Eliias went to look into King Peter's room, to see what else he was working on before he died..."

Iago squinted, biting his thumb. "Did it distress her more?"

Sido looked at him. "Not in the way you're expecting. She found out he was trying to arrange a marriage between her and Vesper. That didn't go down well. She's still in a bit of a temper, so if there is word you need sent, send it through me." She said, wincing slightly. Iago looked, however, pleased. "No, no, this is good. Here, girl. Take this, it's an herb, I promise. Put it into her tea, and try to coax her to bed. It should make her sleep. She'll need more of it, or else her moods will be unstable," Sido nodded and took the small pouch that Iago held out for her."Is this anything else I can do, Master Iago?" She asked, and when she looked up at him, she was a bit alarmed to see a hungry look in Iago's eyes, one that made her uncomfortable. "What I told to you of the cure, relay the message to Master Crowley. He'll be interested to know as well, that will be all, thank you, Lady Sidonine." Sido curtsied again, but, this time, more elegantly, before turning to leave.

And as she left, Iago stared after her wolfishly, smirking to himself a tracing his lower lip with his thumb.

Divine Muse

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Location: The Academy
Company: Whippoorwills

She chuckled when everyone seemed to dig in to the food she made. It made her smile, and she didn’t feel anywhere near as useless as she was when she saw them all enjoying it. Group fights…Her talents weren’t cultivated for such a thing…Subtlety, stealth, secrets…That was where her talents lay…She had yet to find her niche in the Arena and she probably never would. She’d most likely be forced to sit aside while others fought, but then…Again…That was also what she had received training in…Finding the strengths of others and using them…It didn’t stop her from feeling guilty because she wasn’t any use to them in a fight.

Lita was covered in something that smelled much like a privy, but from what she had heard, not nearly as bad as when she had first come to the Academy. “So, Anna, what were you doing hiding behind the new Headmaster?” Stefan was using a two pronged utensil to pick some of the steamed clams from the shells. Anna blushed and plucked a scallop from the shell and dipped it in the butter and garlic sauce. “I’m his assistant.” Stefan nudged, a leery expression on his face. “Assist in what?” She kicked him under the table and smiled to Lake when he thanked her. “It’s the least I could do.” She told him. “I had a little extra time on my hands and it’d been a while since we had these. I figured it’d be good to get them before it gets too cold to get them.” She chuckled, ignoring Stefan’s inquiries about her new position.

Kotar came in. “You know with the removal of the old Matron they’re probably going to be going for you in the Arena…” Guilt washed over her and she hunched her shoulders, nodding. “We’ll teach you a few tricks. Put some of those dancing lessons of yours to work in the arena…Lake, what do you think of her singing during a fight?” That was so preposterous even Anna had to laugh at it. She rarely sang, and she doubted she would do it during a fight in front of the rest of the school.

Kotar and Phillip came in, helping themselves to the food. “I’d pay to see that!” Phillip joked. “So, what’s going on in the office, Anna? Saw you with the new headmaster. I couldn’t tell if you wanted to smile or puke when he killed the old b***h.” Anna shrugged. “He didn’t like how the old headmaster was handling things. The Baron said he was going to bring things back up to standard all the way around. Time will tell.”

Kotar propped his feet up next to her. “So you’re what? His shadow? The other Matrons have you keeping tabs on him?” She grinned. “Nope. I’m his assistant. I have to report three hours after sunrise.” That got a laugh. “Do you even sleep any more?” She grinned and nodded before looking back to her food. “Not a bad gig for you.” She shrugged. “At least I get out of the seduction training.” Kotar smirked. “For how long though?” He had a point, and she gave him a glare that showed him she didn’t like being reminded. “But at least it gives you time to cook for us since we’re going to have to work twice as hard to keep anyone from putting a bruise on that cute a** of yours.” He tapped her thigh and laughed when she kicked his chair out from under him.

She lifted her gaze to Lake. “It’s obvious the Baron is taking the Matrons down a few pegs…What am I supposed to do now in the Arena?”

Divine Muse

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Location: Leaving Seaside
Speaking with: Gadget, Squeakers, and Shyla

Monk laughed, greeting Gadget as he picked Shyla up and let her hand on his back as they followed Gadget inside. “I don’t have much to tell you, Gadget. Last I saw of everyone, they had everything panned out, I gave them the documents they needed, and ---” This was probably going to shock Gadget--- “Isolde gave me money to get a cart and beast and there was enough left over to help us get a small house if things fell through. I think she likes us! Or the kids at least.” He chuckled, not sure what to make of Gadgets expression.

“Is there a village nearby, or someplace in an easy journey? I can go get some supplies…Shyla needs some new clothes, I can get some fabric. Maybe some toys to keep the kids out of the way?” He wished he’d thought about it before they had landed, but he wasn’t wanting to be a bother to anyone.

“The Captain said that Rune and the others would be along in the next few days at most, unless something went wrong. It’ll be fun to keep an eye out for them. Maybe that will keep them out from under everyone’s feet. What have you been up to here?”

Questing Sex Symbol

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Current Location : The Academy (Team Quarters) Accompanied by : Anna, Lita (Whippoorwills)

    He slowed in his eating, listening to the others' conversation. "Who is the new headmaster? What happened to the old one?" he asked, feeling that he had missed something important. He did not like the sound of a new headmaster, he never liked the old one. He merely had hopes for his demise.

    "Leto was thrown into the pit for 'an anatomy lesson'... Sorry, Lake." Stefan informed him of what had taken place in his absence, knowing how sensitive the subject of the headmaster had been in the first year. For once, he was upset to miss a lesson. He was glad the man had suffered the same, no matter whose hand it had been by, but part of him wished it had been his own anyway. Lake took a breath and lowered his head, returning to the task of cleaning his plate. Placing his clenched fist beneath the table out of sight.

    Lita's hand still found it though he expected she was searching for something else. She patted it once and offered him a lopsided smile. "Sea maidens lure sailors to their death with their beautiful songs," he mentioned and was about to elaborate when he caught the smile on his teammate's face.

    "Unless you're Lita, then the voice itself makes your ears bleed." Philip grinned, elbowing Kotar.

    "I'll make your ears bleed!" she snarled and pulled his hair, causing him to hit his forehead on the table. Struggling to hold his face in the clams from the other side of the table, she had to give up and leave him alone. She resigned to giving him her playful death glares instead.

    Lake smiled to himself. It was then he heard of the Matrons; the new headmaster had plans to bring this place up to a higher standard. He did not know what this meant besides more work for his team, and the fact that the Matrons were not to be seen as much as a power anymore, then Anna was about to be put in danger. Many they had faced before would love nothing more than to redden her dress as insult. "Lita and I will teach you a few things to help fend off the new master, in case he wants you to assist in something untoward of a lady," he said, setting down his fork. He knew nothing of the Baron other than that he was a man and it was best to be cautious. Anna was a pretty girl and smaller than most. "We can decide what to do with you in the arena then." Lake got out from under the table and turned to leave.

    Both Lita and Philip looked up at him. "Where are you going?" they asked in unison. She quickly stuck her tongue out at him.

    "No time like the present." He called over his shoulder. "Practice doesn't hurt you either."

Questing Sex Symbol

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                    location: Winter Pointe, Noveria company: no one

                    The moment he stepped off the ship, he felt something was wrong. There was truth to what Kostro had said and he didn't even realize it until he noticed most of the houses were emptied. "What has happened in Winter Pointe?" he turned to the shipmate, inquiring of those that he could see from the docks.

                    "The Volkovs--" his stomach dropped. "--have taken over this area. They've moved on with their supporters and army South to Cold Steeple. This was to be our last run."

                    "The queen has gone to Loryn then," he voiced his thought, taking a step back from the railing. He didn't want to walk through such land in his own face, now that it was possible...

                    "Aye. You from here?"

                    He blinked and glanced at the man, nearly forgetting his existence. "From Loryn." He answered and did so as he turned on his heel.

                    Sword and shield were being carried in the defense or destruction of the Allandors' Noveria. His home was tearing itself apart and he could be anyone he wanted. He used his new ability to shift his face in the privacy of his cabin, changed his clothes, and left unnoticed... he still pressed onward.

Divine Muse

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Location: The Academy
Company: Whippoorwills

“The Baron is the new headmaster…” She doubted the students knew his name, the Matrons weren’t supposed to know it…And she definitely wasn’t supposed to know it. This was her team, but if they found out, it could get them sent on some suicide mission in the near future, and she wouldn’t risk it. They were the closest thing to a family she had left…She doubted her father had been left alive to point a finger at the one who ripped his tongue out.

Lake made his joke about singing. She chuckled. “I’ve got nothing on a Siren.” She murmured low enough for no one to hear her. The meal was nice, and without the usual beating that someone would get at a meal…Lita holding someone’s face down didn’t count. He wasn’t bleeding. Anna finished up her own portion and stacked everything up. She was planning on taking it to the kitchens, but Lake had decided practice was better.

“Let me change…” She sighed, going to her little chamber to switch into her practice clothes for fighting. The team had made sure she could dodge and run and avoid lots attacks, and if someone got a hold of her, she could keep them for getting points-in theory- but that had never been tested…Her hands were shaking…She muttered beneath her breath, grabbing her practice fan from her chest and making her way towards the practice grounds. She noticed the new boy that DeVries had brought looking around, and she walked over, glancing at his paper before pointing him down a hallway. He could find his way from there, she was sure.

Her own team was waiting.

She walked out into the practice grounds and approached Lake and Lita. It looked like the others were going to sit back and have a laugh at her expense. It was late enough that no one was out to gawk. Everyone tended to enjoy what time they had to themselves. “He didn’t try to get grabby with me.” She told Lake. He hadn’t even seemed interested in that and she was relieved. She had an idea of what Lake had in mind to teach her, and she doubted castrating the new headmaster would go over well with anyone.

Akikko's Queen

Royal Paradox

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» tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
location: Hackathorn
with: Vaughn

                                  That was that then. Angeline left her signature on the paper, curly cursive and blotched ink from her hand dragging the quill too far across by accident. Years before she'd had a wedding fit with anything she ever could have wanted as a girl; a silken gown a mile long, diamond jewels, beautiful flowers, an adoring audience. Now... she had a beautiful wedding, fit with all she could have ever wanted. When Verity left them alone, Angeline placed the signet ring on her ring finger and smiled. "Angeline Thornias," She whispered as she kissed him once more.

                                  In what seemed to short a time, they arrived at their new home. The estate was not as large or as grand as she had grown accustomed to in her time as queen, but it was still very beautiful. Angeline wrapped her hands around her husband's arm and sighed as she was led out of her carriage. "They were generous, for people poorer than myself." She said quietly. Angeline would have sold the estate in a heartbeat, but fortune smiled upon her that they had not the thought. She supposed it was punishment enough for Vaughn to be forced a marriage to her.

                                  Somewhere in the back of her empty said, she liked to pretend he loved her. She'd played the fool for so long, she didn't see any point in acting otherwise. It had worked so far. Angeline weaved her hand through her husband's, and with a playful smile, she tugged him up the path. "I want to see inside!" Awaiting them was a small waitstaff (unbeknownst to Angeline, paid for by Morrigan herself) of only twenty or so and a lovely staircase. "Oh, it's so pretty here..." She sighed and laid her head on Vaughn's shoulder.

                                  "I say we find the bedroom first... the travel has made me ever so weary my darling."'

Interesting Businessman

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Current Location: Emera, Valryte
Speaking With: Wraith

Aldrick looked up when Ms. Hawke entered and smiled slightly when she asked what she was doing here. He had been briefed on why she was coming so when Wraith gave him the floor he cleared his throat slightly. “You are joining us because of Noverian politics and tendencies.”

He gestured to the map on the table and tapped on the capitol, “The entire Noverian culture is based around aggressive, female based system. Wraith and I not being of that gender may have difficulties in negotiations. Since you have proven to be both intelligent and possessing a clear strength, it was decided you would join us.

Plus it created a link to Valryte since if she wanted to see her sister again. With that link established and with her joining them in Noveria, they had a better chance of pitching the idea to both parties. Plus, the girl was very aggressive, a useful talent to where they were going.

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