Welcome to Gaia! ::

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Ye know the Law. Look well, O Wolves!


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                                          Although he had witnessed the young-looking lad in a moment of ( what many would consider ) weakness, the wolf decided not to raise the issue. He saw the effort that the boy made to controlling himself and his emotions in light of his predicament, that his leader had led them into a castle of their enemy, and so Tiberius decided to honour the effort. Perhaps he was even a little jealous. There had been such a time where he was inundated with similar emotions, a sense of belonging, hope and despair… now he could only mimic such emotions, to a degree which frightened even himself. An apologetic and gentlemanly smile graced the old man’s features as he inclined his head in thanks to Phillip for ‘releasing’ the boy from his side. That the lad was meant to remain on a visual leash was understandable given the context of the group’s opposing loyalties, but it did not irk him any less.

                                          He turned, moving some distance from the fey and expecting the young faun-like boy to read his body language and join him. He had identified the lady as a source of magic and any closer would make his breast itch with the way his medallion was trembling with silent rage. ”You remember!” Tiberius remarked, sounding surprised and pleased at the same time, as if Basil had done him a great honour simply by remembering his face. After all, it had seemed like so long ago and the lone wolf himself would not have done the fawn the same honour of such recognition if he had not overheard the recent debacle of slipped self-control. They passed a face with familiar features and though the wolf did not slow, a pained word flitted through his mind. Ahadi… Just as it came, he allowed the remembrance to slip away, storing the knowledge at the back of his mind. The party would last hours and he probably couldn’t entertain the lad for even one.

                                          Tiberius paused near a waitress who was carrying a tray of drinks, a brief look at Basil silently enquiring if he would like a cup to wet his throat (or perhaps to even drown his sorrows and distract himself). ”I’m glad you remember. At my age everything seems so… distant. Alas I find myself lacking your fine senses young man. I am Tiberius Akelā, an acquaintance of your father.” The grey man cast his gaze aside for a moment, sounding solemn and weary as he admitted, ”I’ll not dare to call myself a friend of his… I’ve only known of his passing a few weeks back. My apologies...”

                                          The young Tennesley definitely had some of Sage’s features. Tiberius had visited them several years back to celebrate the prince’s fiftieth year then, but he hadn’t stayed long to realize the turmoil going on between Ahadi’s descendents; an oversight on his part but the Order’s dealings had taken priority then. ”You are…? The youngest?” Tiberius narrowed his eyes as he searched his memories, then fixed a firm stare on the young rebel, intending to treat the teenager as an equal unless his behaviour demanded otherwise. Please, I implore, tell me what happened.” Tiberius had dropped his question to a low murmur, knowing that such information would be considered sensitive due to their current location. Nevertheless, he needed to know what had become of the noble lord. Perhaps it was subconscious, but slowly and surely, the wolf had started strolling in the direction of the gardens, away from the crowd lingering in the warmth behind the thick walls, curtains and tapestries.

                                          ’Did he die an honourable death?’ Was what Akelā wished to ask, but the times had changed and he did not know if he could fault the prince of the forest had the man attempted to bargain for his family’s life.


A soldier on my own, I don't know the way.
I'm riding up the heights of shame.

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His Majesty King Arthur Pendragon. BRAND Long Live the King!

          xoxoBrand stood staring at the figure in the mirror, drawn in by the skeleton faced man on the other side. Investigative curiosity turned to wide-eyed concern as he watched large blue eyes appraise him. The emotions on the thinly stretched skin were hard to read, most especially for one who struggled to perceive the most obvious now. Still, he thought he saw something there. Something more than a blank, nearly vigilant expression. A glassiness over the eyes, culminating heavily at the lower edges of a constantly stricken expression. Tears. Sadness. A change of pressure in the lungs of the dead man forced a wave of stagnant air through his lips, almost like a sigh of sympathy. The ache in his heart was that of a tight fist, clenched so tightly that knuckles turned white and the whole form shook. A kind of cold he could feel only within replaced the emptiness Maleficent had placed there before and he knew then that he was looking at someone he loved. A mentor, but more than that, a friend. His hands braced on the wall just underneath the mirror and he watched with a seizing kind of intensity as the form in the mirror suddenly shifted, breathing out a cloud of hot air with which to write a message with one long bony finger. M-E-R- Text written awkwardly spelled out a name that was eternally burned into his memory. -L-I-N. ♥︎

          xoxo”Merlin,” he murmured, reading it back. He looked up to the stricken man and felt it all begin to rush back to him. The strange old hermit he had met in the woods while chasing after that arrow talking with an owl and all manners of inanimate objects. Clever, stubborn, taking to the boy and instantly trying to push him down the right path. So many times he would go against his mentor’s urgings, doing what he thought was right. How the wizard would constantly have to struggle to teach a king ill-equipped for the throne. He had nearly left Camelot for good in anger. He had brought him back from the brink of death more than once. Offered council whenever he could in all manners of subjects, from the kingdom, to the court, to his lady. How Arthur had wondered after the man, left with questions he hardly had the mind to ask. So many allusions, clues left behind in conversation as to who he was that the king had been too ignorant to know. The old one staring back at him, once so full of life, now aged past the point of death. The only true father figure he had ever known. Here he was, wasting away. And where had he been? He looked down and away, suddenly ashamed to be standing before Merlin now, knowing then that he had made a terrible mistake. Off to war, never listening. Away from him, away from everyone. Away from her. Small stature, dark hair, bright eyes. She was a flash in his memory, shrinking before the memory of someone now far greater. He looked down at his hands, then felt a nearly familiar stabbing pain in his chest. He touched at the hole in his heavy tunic just above his heart and came away with blood on his bandaged fingers. Dead. He had died. It came to him without surprise. Instead, with air he did not know he had possessed, he sighed sharply and closed his eyes tight.

          xoxo”…I am sorry.”

              Location: Lioncourt Castle
              Company: The Mirror
              Commentary: N/A

I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest.
I'm ready for the fight and fate.

Gracious Gatekeeper

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[Location: Rapunzel's Bathromm] [Company:Ivory. . .?] [Mood: Fearful ] [Outfit: gown ]
                                                  Soothing was the sound, of the sloshing water that reminded her of home. So much over here that reminded her, but was it really a home to go back to? She thought of Elsa, of Edward and of those warm waves. Warm no longer since the ice had come in to stay. But it didn't matter, she always adored the snow. "How do you call me that," again with that tone that chilled her bones, blue eyes swirled like the water when she looked up once again and to the girl. "Little...Little Snowy One, she smiled sweetly. How? It was easy how. With lips and a voice and tongue and teeth too, she doubted it was as easy as that but ahhh, what could she do? "Who is she? Who is miss Snow White. What about Rose Red. What about Nighttime Black. Owl. Bride...." At that her features softened, turning quizzical but a solemness rested as those words triggered new thoughts. "Snow White..." she mused out her eyes looking down, long lashes fluttering open and gazing back up to her's. She wished she hadn't.

                                                  The scream that she heard in the other room, Oh no. . .Rapunzel echoed in her ears, but the look upon the girl's eyes. Snow White. Ivory d'Ecouis. How desperate, she wondered, had she looked when all she wanted was her sister. But now was not the time to focus upon her own insecurities but to help this girl. No.Woman? Her eyes transfixed upon the pleading and mirroring her's, Why do I call you that. . .if blood is red? Blood, like her hand this morning, dripping upon the floor, the piece of glass that she was clutching, looked like a fragment of something. If blood is red and snow is white. . and a land that you had once known so much about. "I got wet," But how did she get wet? How did Gwen get hurt? Too many questions raced through her mind. She looked to her and gently took the towel, her eyes upon the water once again. Why was she bathing with her clothes on? She looked up again and followed her gaze, to the book that laid so neatly upon the floor. "Please don't let it get wet," What ever did happen to Lethlania. . .d'Ecouis? With that thought she neatly took the towel and then placed the book far away from the water's reach, upon one of the bathroom's dry counters.

                                                  "I have a scar too, you know,but it is not long or big. It's right here,"she blinked a couple of times and looked at where she pointed. "I'm sorry. . ." she begun but out came a sputter, and soon she was draped over the basin and on her knees instead of sitting. "I-I-I-I-I-I don't think this is. . . your. . .beat. . ." and it all came rushing back to her in that instant. The Kingdom, Lethlania. The King had been a widowed man early on. He had a daughter, Ivory d'Ecouis. . .she had been rumored to be as fair as snow. Snow. Snow White, had been married off to the Primrose line, but mysteriously went missing and a rumor of the Queen's vanity. Her eyes widened as her fingers gently clutched the area that it was placed on, One. . .two . . three. . .I called you little snowy one because you remind me of someone I once knew so much about." Her voice was strained; quivvering, and her eyes questioning. Her mind swimming much like this girl in her basin, "Could you tell me, how old you are? And what does d'Ecouis means to you?" She bit back the scream that wished to roar out of her lips, and instead fought it with the tightness that wished to suffocate her throat.

                                                  ((Ooc: I'm so sorry if this is confusing. . . just know that Anna is equally as confused. ))

Bashful Nymph

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                                                                  xxxxxxXXGuinevere Wylde

                                                                  tab tab Watching at the scene unfolded, her eyes lingering on each body that moved around the group. Licking her lips as the strawberries juice dribbled, it was more than enough eating for the night. The young woman Guinevere's eyes had been glued to who had walked from the argument. Rising to her feet leaving the platter of half eaten food on the table, and began her journey through the dining area. She must find Vitani, and she had a slight idea where she would be. Looking for the woman's younger brother, Robert, but quickly was pushed by one of the many nobles that littered the hall. Her icy blue stare turned to the male dressed in blues and gold, and his face drained of all of its color as he was quick to apologize. He bowed deep to her and backed up cautiously as a snarl slipped through her pale lips. Her growl made the men and women around her back up a step. She let her hand wipe the dirt from her gown, and she grumbled curse words under her breath. If she didn't have more important things to do she would have broken the man's neck.

                                                                  tab Only moments before the man disappeared into the crowd, Guinevere turned back around and walked away. The white gown trailed behind as she swished her hips, moving through the crowd with ease. She had a look that could kill, and she knew it. Walking to the other side of the crowd she spotted the young Robert standing with his sister. Walking slowly dodging many people with trays of drinks and slightly drunk nobles, she walked up to Vitani's side. Leaning closer to the two as the last of her words made Guinevere laugh, Robert always got himself into trouble. It was more of the trouble finding him. "I am sure your brother is always in trouble without your guidance." She murmured with a wicked grin. Sarcasm was strong as she spoke, almost seemed to tease Vitani more than Robert. "Vitani, I know you want to keep a watchful eye on your brother, but I must speak to you about your... obligation." Her voice seemed to become a whisper as she leaned closer. "Now would be the best time to execute." Guinevere suggested as she eyed the blonde from a distance. "Though I hope you know I am watching out for your wellbeing." It seemed there was a hint of compassion in the words, but her face shown nothing. Her eyes seemed to be dead as she slowly blinked.

                                                                  tab "Do what you must, Vitani." Guinevere paused and looked to Robert, and quickly curtsied, before turning and walking away. The thought of her mission made her mind reel. There would be a small time gap that she would be able to get close to the person without it seeming improper of her. Her blue eyes seemed to be glued on the many faces of people she had never cared to learn their names. They all seemed to be blank slates compared to the lifetime of harm she had put people in. The question was did she feel remorse for doing so? Not a slight shred, no matter the victim, no matter how many bodies there were. Glancing over towards the bodies moving closer to her, two men dressed like the many servants around the castle. She tilted her head as they stopped before and bowed to her. "Lady Guinevere." One man spoke almost out of breath from the small run to her. "Your majesties are having a duel." Guinevere's eyes lit up as she heard the words, even though she knew she shouldn't be helping the Queen's fighting abilities, Gwen couldn't help but think of the Queen besting the King. "Thank you for informing me. Place my bet with the Queen."

                                                                  tab Walking to the courtyard, she glanced around before noticing the Queen and the King being surrounded by many cheering people. Her eyes glued to the couple in the middle as she made her way closer. Not noticing the brisk breeze running over her body as she walked further into the chilled air. Once she stopped she glanced over to Gaston with a sneer, but was brought back to the fight before her as a crack erupted from them. Letting out a sudden laugh as the Queen's forehead had smacked into the King's nose, playing dirty like she had been taught before. A large smile was now on her pale lips as she could see the hint of blood, but whose was what she really wanted to know. Placing her hands behind her back and glanced over to Gaston, she hadn't ever spoken to the man before. "Let's see." Her tone was soft, her words to the thin air were just thoughts. "Seems as if the King has a broken nose?" Gwen huffed with a grin, the pride she had felt in that moment was the best feeling she had felt for many days. "Gaston, you must have put money on the Queen." Her eyes lingered on his face before turning back to the fight. "We both are aware on how much the Queen despises losing to anyone." She nodded softly as she agreed with herself.

                                                                  tab Guinevere had seen it in the many 'training' sessions she had with her. No matter how many times she had been put flat on her back she was up again with more passion on winning than before. Which meant she wouldn't go down without a fight, swords or not.

                                                                  OOC :: Dress

                                                                  Le Iron Chef

                                                                  Hitomi Hayabusa

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Tipsy Detective

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    ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ A u r o r axxxxxR o s exxxxxM o n t e g u e

          We b u r i e d our love in the wintery grave
          tab A lump in the s n o w was all that r e m a i n e d
          tab tab We stayed by its side as the days turned to w e e k s
          tab tab tab And the ice kept getting t h i n n e r with every word we'd speak

                                                                I wonder, I wonderAurora nodded bluntly as her newest companion asked if she was well. It was a lie, but what use was it trying to convey how she was feeling to someone she'd never met? Someone who didn't know about her past, or what part Phillip played in it? No. it was much too long of a story to tell. A lie was better, she decided. "Yes. I am well." Keep it simple. That was probably the best course to take. She shifted, moving a chunk of golden hair over her shoulder. She was still reeling from her little spat with Phillip...Aurora did her best to calm herself and appear normal, but it seemed that even this soldier could pick up on her discomfort. Get it together, get it together. Aurora usually was pretty good at keeping herself composed. Hiding away any little bit of weakness or worry until she was completely alone. Her time as a political figure had rubbed off on her in that regard...but of course, Phillip was a tender subject. The mention of his name always put her on edge, and seeing him alive had reopened old wounds. She'd already dealt with running into him, and now she had the task of avoiding him for however long the two of them were in the same location...

                                                                The stranger extended his handkerchief to her, offering it politely. Gently, Aurora reached up, her slender fingers grasping the silky fabric. It was a pleasant surprise, but the more Aurora thought about it the more it made sense that it would be silk that he had on him. He spoke, explaining his language skills and introducing himself. Aurora smiled softly as the man gathered his words, listening carefully to him to make up for the barrier that limited the two of them. Aurora found his English not too bad, and his accent not too thick. He did quite well in her opinion. "Pleasure to meet you Ping Fa..." Aurora trailed off, unsure if that was an appropriate greeting. Oh well, hopefully the intention behind her words would be clear enough. Aurora gave him a small curtsy, something which felt awkward after a long period of not doing so. "I am Aurora Montegue." Her real last name. The name of her parents. It was astonishing how long she'd gone without knowing it...
                                                                She thought back on Ping's words. Imperial Army...She wondered what circumstances had brought him to be aligned with The Queen. But Aurora didn't really feel like sticking her nose where it didn't belong. She wanted a distraction, not an investigation. Actually, the less thought she had to put into things right now the better. He mentioned keeping the silk and Aurora nodded, eyes drifting down to the fabric. "Thank you. It is lovely." Aurora's voice was mellow and kind: even when she wasn't singing there was still some kind of allure within her tone.

                                                                Aurora's eyes moved to Ping's wrist briefly. Something had moved there...she was certain of it...But whatever had happened had stopped. She moved her gaze to his face, inspecting his features. Rose tried again to bury any suspicions or painful memories that were bothering her at the moment...
                                                                "So...Are you enjoying the party?" She asked, genuinely interested in how someone from such a different culture would feel about such festivities. "Oh! Has anyone offered you a dance?" Dancing. Yes, that was always a great distraction...and maybe more wine...

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        Location: Lioncourt Castle - Hall
        Company: Ping
        Health: 90% - Busted up knuckles - Distracted

        Ilexisi` Shelton

Ruthless Wildcat

Eugene Fitzherbert, better known as Flynn amongst the Rebellion had been with them for a good year by now. Had been apprehended some time ago and forced to be their slave. He had to agree, it was much better than working with these pompous pricks. A groan slipped through his lips as people were powdering their asses it seemed. Nonetheless, Flynn was quiet and not making a sound like he was supposed to. His reason to come here? He was supposed to file around in people's belongings and gain what ever information he could and right now, he was stuck in a huge ballroom with no where to run or hide. He had to think of something and fast. Rubbing his chin and looking around, a grand brute made his way through and well he terrified Flynn. How could someone get so big and burly, he even beat David in that nature! A cold chill ran up Flynn's spine as he muttered something under his breath and continued along the wall and avoided one of Elsa's guards who stuck near the wall as well and watched him with a keen eye as he crossed his path. Kind of like a dog. Huh, that was funny. Exiting the ballroom, a grand staircase and more people seemed to crowd around him. This was proving more difficult than it should have been.

As soon as people's attention were turned to the couple that fought, Flynn ran up the wall, hung onto the banister and was off down the hall way avoiding sight of the maids and butlers running around arranging everything for their guests who were to be staying the night. Of course, Flynn could tell no one was supposed to be up here yet. Hurrying along down the path, he avoided a couple of guards walking down and took to a small room. Books lined the walls and it seemed as though a place of study. This wasn't where he wanted to be, but right now, this was the best thing he was getting. Putting a chair underneath the door's handle very gently yet firmly, Flynn started grabbing books and scrolls from the large bookcases.

Going through each and every one of them, it seemed to have been history book like a young prince's study and this was not what he wanted. Tossing a couple to the ground and opening scrolls it appeared as though furniture belongings were carried in this one. Absolutely nothing worth while was in here! He needed to find a new room and he needed to seem as though he got lost if he was asked what he was doing. No, he was chasing a young woman who bid him a good run to catch her. That's what he would say. Removing the chair, Flynn slowly opened the door and stuck his head out and saw no one. Wow, that was pretty lucky! Grinning wide, the male stepped out, closed the study and continued along the hallways, looking for more rooms to invade the privacy of the royals and to find some things to take with him as well. He wasn't going to leave empty handed and he sure as hell wasn't going to be taken a fool of. He would steal some things he found useful, he didn't want to be fed to the wolves if the Rebellion found him unable to obtain what he said he could obtain.

This was Flynn's time to shine and right now, he was loving the snooping.

Timid Kitten

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                                                              Location: Lioncourt CastleAccompanied by: Observers, Royals, servants, the works. Emotions: Determination, Panic, slight curiosity at the display between the King and Queen.Ball Gown?
                                                              Politics. That was all this whole hulla-baloo was about and really, the Queen of Arandelle paid little mind to those around her who were playing the delicate game of court. The ball was, of course, beautiful but Elsa's mind -- as it always was-- was on the missing presence of her loved sister. It had been a month. A month of torture, of pain and heartbreak. Some had told her to give up any hope she had on the beautiful blonde girl that Elsa owed much of her love to. The queen would, despite the pleas, not give up on her sister. She had been taken by someone. Someone here had to know of her whereabouts. Fortunately for her, Elsa had found a rather eager ally in the youthful Peter Pan. Actually, he was entirely her reasoning for being here. He had not informed her of the ball, but the queen handled the situation with her usual grace and sweet smile. If someone was willing to help her try and find her sister, if someone was as passionate about her cause, it was Pan and Elsa held him in high regards for that. Even if he had been sneaking in and out of their castle in previous years, she knew that his desire to find Anna was much like her own.

                                                              Kite and Hund, of course had come with her as well and Elsa was proud to see the boys doing their job with as much grace and professionalism as she expected from them. Elsa had remained inside for several hours. She socialized, she danced and smiled, but none of the important people came to see her. Really, she had been trying to keep herself low key until the right time. Her feet had carried her around the ball, and then finally to what seemed to be a gathering of people who were cheering loudly, having a wondrous time. Speaking of low-key, Kite seemed to have found himself a new arm toy, for a beautiful raven haired woman held his arm as she watched the two move away from the crowd. Elsa smiled. The playful creature never had a problem with the ladies and he seemed to be having absolutely no problem with this one. Elsa mused that the boy's greatest attribute could also be his downfall. She was glad that at least he was able to have a decent time, her men deserved it and Elsa knew that no matter how uptight she got, she had to respect that fun was needed from time to time.

                                                              A soft smile graced her lips as the reserved queen watched a scene unfold. It had been what had drawn Kite's attention in the first place and now it captivated the Snow Queen. The crowd shifted and her eyes fell upon the movement of the Lioncourt Queen and King. Arandelle's Queen watched with a mild look of amusement on her face. She could hear the others bidding on the royals, most of them going in the Queen's favor. This amused Elsa: the woman was a feisty thing, Elsa would give her that and she obviously knew how to wield her blade and the way the two moved around each other reminded the fair haired queen of a dance. She watched with mild amusement, and a slight bit of concern. Did the king and queen often fight in such displays? It is very barbaric. The blonde woman reached up to delicately rub at her ear, of course a nervous habit of hers, as her eyes scanning the faces once again to see if she could gather any more information.

                                                              Elsa suddenly could feel a tiny bit of panic rising up in her chest as she stood there on her own but her practiced expression never showed any of her panic. What if she was out here searching for nothing and the whispers of her chasing after a phantom had become true? Elsa blinked slowly and heard a bubbling laugh above the crowd which snapped her from her reverie. The snow queen turned her gaze back to the fight and she blinked very slowly, studying the scene that had just occurred between the dueling king and queen. The laughter had come from another raven haired woman, her hands tucked behind her back, what had elicited the laughter, Elsa could only guess, was because the Queen had just made a dirty move against her king and headbutted him. With the sight of blood now on both of their faces, the fair queen turned away and began to walk in the opposite direction of the fight. She was not going to be able to gather any information here, not from these people.

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Ice-Cold Visionary

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                  The thick crowds slowly dwindled into small groups of lords and ladies. These were the nobility of lesser birth and always came after the initial party. Baronets, Knights, Dames and Esquires began to file in with little comment from Zavier. It was likely most of these huests were just here for the food and protection the castle offered. It was a smart move regardless of where their allegiance lay. His shoulders were in a more relaxed posture and regarded everyone politely. He rather be out here greeting the guests than inside. It was likely The King and Queen would do everything to make him uncomfortable or take part in some lewd game. He had observed on an ocassion the two drugging everyone at the dinner table just for their own amusement. It was appalling, and Zavier lived under very strict rules of how nobility should act.

                  Turning is attention from the crowd, he seemed surprised at Vivian's approach. "Ah! Of course my lady." Bowing to her, henthen turned on his heels and bowed to the guests. "If you will please excuse me." Taking her arm, the majordomo led her in the direction of the castle gardens. Waiting til they were far from the crowd, he spoke up. "I am surprised to see you alone, and not with more favorable company." He was referring to David and gave her a subtle empathetic look. Running his free hand through the short strands of his hair, he gave a deep sigh. "He is quite...Changed, from the last I remember him." Zavier commented. They were at a far enough distance and he was taking the liberty to speak more freely with her. Few were in the gardens and most were busy at the feast or enjoying the entertainment.

                  "War does that to a young man. He seems much more like his father. For better or worse, I cannot say. He should know his uncle well enough. There is no danger on coming here yet... Perhaps I know his uncle even better than himself. If I know Charles and Isabella, they are going to play some sort of game with him. What did he say to you? And, what news of the pride lands? Last I heard, the food stores for the nobility were dwindling. They feed their dogs well enough, but I dont believe enough provisions are given to the others." He said grimly, and felt relief he could speak to her in person. He did what he could for the beautiful young woman, but she was so intent on her way, there was not much he could do except supply her provisions whenever they could be afforded. It was unlikely she would give up on her mission. And now, with David here... Would she go into hiding? He advised it to all their friends, but such a small percent actually did so.

                  Lσcαтιση: The Entrance to the Castle > Castle Gardens
                  Mσσ∂: Contemplative
                  Cσмραηу: Vivian


hunters rose

Gracious Millionaire

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        To say the man was lost of thought and action was an understatement. Before him stood a beautiful and vibrant, one he often gazed, robbing what little glances he could when she made audience. Yet even through his whispers desire to pass words never did he imagine the moment would come to see life. Now it was not wishful thinking but actual chance to speak with the girl. But like a man rid of his voice the prince found his tongue twisted and leaving him silent. Many things yearned to be spoken, her enchanting beauty, such innocent gaze the could lure any man to death, skin so gentle and soft it almost pleaded to be caressed in equal gentle nature. All thoughts needing to be dismissed, for a cursed beast could only taint such beauty, at least that was what the prince slowly convinced himself of.

        Melody slipped from her lips as words came to pass. It held to surprise the young woman was unaware of inhabitants, having question so rudely leaving the prince to feel guilty for ever questioning her presence here. He had watched her enough to know no harm came with her audience. Still the words that passed lipped was not what held the prince's true attention, it was the hand that slowly returned weapon to it's slumber place. 'She does not fear...' Was the thought that ran through his mind, shock and disbelief it's companion. But the song of her voice continued, erasing any thought from mind. Like a curious dog his head tilted sideways, unsure if her ramblings were sign of nerves or if this who she simply was. The Beast had watched the young woman read yes, but to speak was a different gift. It brought him great joy to hear her, even if most words only amused and confused, the moment would be most treasured.

        A blue gaze followed every step, reading over the tittle of selecting reading before returning his gaze to meet with her own. 'Several times... All she spoke where things he already took notice times before. The beast could see his own passion for lecture radiate from her every moment he had watched her read. If only the girl was aware of just how dear she had become to him for simply being that rare rose that blossomed in the castle in scarce occasion.

        The girl could not seize curiosity as her question continued, ones that shock the prince and left a young Chip to snicker amused. But the smile upon her lips left room for no anger, yet it still not moved the beast to react in any way. The prince was met with even more surprised, suddenly she was engulfed with the rarity of his curse, speaking in excited tone as if the discovery of a beast was something she could enjoy. Against will lips tug at the side, leaving fangs to grace with presence as a small grin formed, almost like the cracking of frozen skin. Chip pierced the moment with laugh shaking his head and daring to place small hand on the beast's arm. "You shouldn't apologize, your majesty roars and claws at things all the time.....temper temper..." Chip teased along, inching closer to the girl and whispering the last of his words, though the beast's ears twitched lightly not deaf. A soft growl and glare were directed his way, the teenager hiding behind girl and looking over her shoulder. "Well master but it is true!" The beast groaned in annoyance, a hand hiding his face as he thought, though attention turned to her as she mentioned of leave. "No! It is night, you will stay here. Christopher have the staff prepare a room and space for a guest at dinner." Without much more word the boy gave the girl a teethy grin as he linked arms with the girl. "Well come, let us give you proper greeting to the castle." Without much more word the beast took his leave in a quick swift movement.

▌║ where:: Castle Library ▌║ with:: Belle. ▌║ mood:: Confused--Unsure how to react ▌║ Outfit update later▌║ ooc::Sorry I did not give much to work with, writers block and Mrs.Potts and Chip. ▌║
Kitty Kat Rosetta

Dapper Lunatic

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Charles Montgomery Lioncourt

▅▅▅▅▅▅ xxx ▅▅▅▅▅▅ xxx ▅▅▅▅▅▅

- "Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share. But, when it comes to brute strength... I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool." -

                                              Charles had good fun with Isabella in their little sparing match, it was so cute to see her get angry. It sharpened her skills and made her all the more dangerous, which was exactly what he wanted. She treated this too much like a game, she needed to understand that there was always a chance for death, even when they were sparing. Even if it was just a game he was out for blood and he wanted her the same way…which was exactly what he got. Suddenly she was right there, too close to strike but she was in the same predicament…or so he expected. It was impressive to see her get so close, it was almost worthy of a compliment. He smirked for a moment, dropping his guard foolishly. Suddenly she struck her forehead into his nose and he felt something give.

                                              Pain blossomed from his nose in a sudden instant and it threw him completely. It had been a long time since someone had gotten the better of him and his wife no less! He didn’t know if he should be impressed or embarrassed. The court was going to love this, a man being beaten by his wife, what was the world coming to? To avoid more injury he backpedaled, hand going to his nose as he blinked tears from his eyes. He had never expected her to strike him like that. Oh! It hurt so bad! “That was uncalled for.” He hissed, glaring at her as he pulled his hand away from his face to show the sheet of scarlet that now drenched his face. “We have guests at the castle, I can’t attend to them like this.” He whined, but the ferocity in his eyes showed he was not going to let this go quietly.

                                              The pain in his nose and the blood on his lips just made him all the more eager to battle, he longed for a good fight and maybe she’d give it to him. He licked blood from his lips, picking up his sword and advanced towards her quickly. He raised his sword and brought it down in a nasty arch, not holding back any longer as he went after his wife. He still did not intend to kill her and his strikes were precise, calculated at he made sure to not kill her but he had never been more intend on wounding her. He moved to knock her sword away, changing the grip on his sword mind swing, freeing up one hand to draw the dagger at his waist. “Have I fought you two handed before?” He questioned, teeth stained red with blood as he gave her a wild grin. He slashed at her with the dagger, using his sword to knock her blade wide, and laughed. “You’re getting the royal treatment today sweetheart, not many have gotten this far and survived. Dear Robin survived…but only barely…remember that darling? Oh it was such fun.”

                                              - “Long live the King.” -

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Gracious Millionaire

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        Phillip could not help but snicker, amused and in disbelief. The woman truly thought she was something of greatness, a beauty to behold, yet all Phillip could muster was a nauseating sense. "You offend the species by remaining to refer to yourself as such, witch suits you more now that you are so far from a graceful creature." Yet she seemed to be narcissistic, which meant whatever insults that Phillip spat would fall on death ears. Another snicker, sharing gaze toward the minion that took her side, "Yes ravishing, to a pack of hungry worlds." When mention of Basil came again, Phillip was hesitant. But the boy seemed to be in safe discussion with someone of familiar past. It left the prince to fully focus on the devil woman beside him.

        The conversation Maleficent insisted on having was of no interest to the prince, in truth as the words slipped through on ear and straight out the other. Even as the fairy witch spoke the prince let his own gaze search the crowd. Basil in sight, as well as David not to far off, leaving the prince to wander when the false king would give audience and allow them to leave. Maleficent took a pause to rest, bringing Phillip's attention toward her once more. This time the woman's venomous voice boiling anger within him. She dared speak of Aurora as if she truly cared, when anyone knew the witch acted selfishly, only doing what was convenient for her. The man found teeth gritted together, tightening and releasing his fist, attempting to control himself this time. "I have plenty of time, you simply are not worth wasting it." There was a tinge of guilt though, scracthing at the closed wounds of the heart. Aurora and Cinderella, both beautiful woman, but far from delicate. At the mention of them Phillip came to a decision, a stern glare forced upon the woman, "As for matters of true love it is something you can never understand....Aurora was lost to me, and now due to your toxic touch she is no longer who she once was. I feel no guilt for letting my heart feel for another..."

        The man was all ready to part ways, even turning from her, yet her question stopped his tracks. A raised brow of curisioty let his gaze slowly returned to her, and it was his turn to give a amused chuckle. "What I know and do not are none of your concern witch." Before the prince could speak anymore his name was called out, in due time since his patience for the woman was running thin. Eyes met with David's, whose heavy hand rested now on his shoulder, it was more than enough to understand the conversation with the woman should end. A glare and stern look was the last Phillip graced the woman with, "I beleive you have overstayed your welcome Maleficent..." And with that attention was turned to David, giving Maleficent his back and returning to Basil's side. "Has your uncle graced us with attention yet? I can not stand another minute of this dreadful party." Phillip was more than ready to leave, and he hoped with David's company came good news. A quick glance was given to the young boy a few times, but attention remained on David regardless.

        ████████████ ███████ ██████████ ███████████████ ███████ ██████████ ███ ████████████ ███████ ██████████ ███████████████ ███████ ██████████ ███

                    xxxwhere:: Lioncourt Castle Hall
                    xxxxxxxxxxxxwith:: Maleficent....Basil and David
                    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mood:: Aggravated and Annoyed---Relieved and Tired
                    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx garb
                    ooc:: Probably my worst post ever D:

Le Iron Chef

Invisible Genius

9,250 Points
  • Battle: Mage 100
  • Timid 100
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Kitesune Killian Jeger
The Fox

                                    Kite held in a snicker. The lovely lady said the word "arse".
                                    He wasn't immature- the word was just unexpected from such a refined woman. Kite liked it. And how funny that she should share his opinion. "I was thinking more along the lines of baboons, with their long faces and bloated raiment, but really it is the same difference ," he said. Oh, yes, the nobles certainly look like painted monkeys. However, it would be foolish to underestimate them. While many of the colored, costumed clowns were nothing more than comedic imbeciles, within the sea of fish lurked those political sharks, their smiles sharp and their eyes observing. But Kite didn't really care about them. He was not an attendee to this ridicules party for political spying. He was a guard. Queen Elsa's guard- his role was to merge with the crowd and respond only to the outbursts or physical threats. The politics of this feast were one-dimensional and undeserving of his attention. The Lioncourts wanted something of the Rebellion, and most likely the rebel group would allow their concern for the public to dominate their own cause and thus give in to whatever was demanded of them; Kite was glad he wasn't in such a position as Phillip or David. This fox had a warm heart, however he made his decisions by emotion and judgment. The perceiver, the strategist, the general; the only way to win was to fight the best battles, and if continuing on meant a threat to a population apart of the military's safety, Kite would set his eyes on the most likely outcome. He was a lover of people, and the death of some innocents would agonize him greatly, but sometimes inaction against those tragedies was a necessary evil.
                                    But for now, Kite was not a general. He was a guard of his Queen, ally of sorts to the rebellion, but far from the leadership circle. He had introduced himself to several members already: Phillip, David (though the conversations were brief), the fantastic lads Basil and Peter, and Belle of course, who had regrettably stayed behind. But these were all acquaintances- surly given time Kite would grow closer to them all, but his loyalties were only to them by the extension of his loyalties to Elsa. Phillip and David would deal with the irritant negotiations themselves. Those poor bastards.
                                    And so they walked, apparently heading in the dining room's direction but stopping in the hallway for a servant boy. Vanessa gave him her cloak, revealing a stunning gold dress atop an even more stunning figure. Had Kite not been such a gentleman, he would have whistled. It was not just her beauty that made Vanessa so enticing, but her independence as well. She was a challenge. Not that Kite bothered for any predictions of where the night would lead. Vanessa's brilliant company was a tasteful distraction from this nightmarish feast, but it was obvious to all this gathering was so much more than a simply shindig with food. At any moment, something was bound to explode. The suspense was simply flabbergasting. The only bright side to the approaching mayhem was that Kite would be able to remove the bloody vest and whack a few morons upside the head. His gauntlet might be horrendously flashy and fancy (in the oddest definition of the word- the type of fancy that everyone agrees is fancy but no one actually knows why, because really it's quite ridicules), but the mere thought of swinging his arm around like a battering bat was goldenly delicious.
                                    "Uncomfortable, of course, but your lovely presence is an easy distraction. I'm not in the place to mention how now you look even more like the glittering pansies about the place, as I myself do just as much, however I'll now admit that not all elegant dressings are in the likeliness of swans or ducks or embellished chimps." Kite laughed, and gave a low bow. That is my devilish way of saying you look lovely tonight. A star amidst circus clowns"
                                    When she gave him the lead, Kite thought it an excellent opportunity to search for his queen (who, regrettably, he had lost sight of- although he would never tell his to Hund), or for his brother or any sign of trouble his rebellion allies were sure to rouse. The ballroom- that was the most promising area. And it had nothing to do with his hunger pains, of course, because that would be irresponsible, and if anything Kite was least of all that. Obviously.
                                    But Vanessa expressed a want to leave and wander the halls instead. Kite spotted Phillip and the Mistress of All Evil (a quite narcissistic name he thought, although considering she was indeed a mistress and indeed very very very evil, the title was fitting.) His hand reached for his side, where usually his sword sat, but instead he grasped empty air. He winced. It was probably best to leave anyways- there was no telling what he would be inclined to do if he stayed, but no matter what it would probably be very stupid (all the more reason to do it, or want to do it,) and the result would be disastrous. As was always the case with him.
                                    "My apologies," he said in reference to the sudden reaching for a missing sword. "It is a soldier's first instinct towards any sign of trouble." Actually that was far from true- the drawing of a sword only meant the wielder would be more inclined to use it, and he on the other end, more inclined to act recklessly under the threat of blade. Never draw your weapon until the time was clearly meant for it- a rule that was very important to live by. Even when stirring up trouble and acting like a total moron, Kite always kept to fists. "And I'm sure you feel it as well, that uneasy tension hanging still about the air." he said darkly. "It feels as if most any conversation, from afar, can be perceived as having hostile underlinings." He turned to her. "As is the way in a jungle, or the wild. And as we've already established- this castle is roving with pompous birds and baboons. I would stay away from any man dressed in pink, or who gives any impression of a flamingo, because let me tell you they are not a force to be reckoned with, but more importantly any chicken-looking person you should do your best to avoid. Chickens, roosters; merciless and savage they are, their fury rivals even that of bears or boars. Devil spawn. Those little bastards."
                                    Kite smiled. "I have had to learn this the hard way, I'm afraid." Kite said, more to himself. "My, that did make an excellent story though. He turned and offered his arm. "The halls it is, my fair lady." Kite had hopes he would spot someone as they simple wandered about.


━╃Location╄━ Cinderella's castle, dining hall -- hallways tab ━╃Company━╃ Vanessa tab ━╃Thoughts╄━ Chickens...The only thing worse than the awful tension in the air. tab ━╃Condition╄━ 100%
Standard Toaster Monster

style by Kitty Kat Rosetta

Ruthless Wildcat

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                                                                █████ Gaston Loup LeGume ██

                                The battle was not being fair, but when were they ever fair? A broken nose, blood coming forth, the other battling against more experience, a little bit more. Honestly this was pathetic. But Gaston had sided with the Queen and was going to stick by her side no matter what. Another woman had graced her presence here with the duel ensuing and across the courtyard from where he stood another blonde haired female. Guinevere, Gaston knew from being around this long but never gave forth to conversating with the woman, he knew better than the even go around talking with people he didn't deem worth his time unless they came up and talked to him. Glancing at the woman and cocking a brow, Gaston nodded his head some in agreement with the bet on the Queen although he never really did, he just wanted to get out of conversation. Leaning back against the pillar, Gaston made himself comfortable and listened to the music playing faintly within the ballroom.

                                "The Queen would kill if she lost. Nonetheless, I believe we both know who won this round and she will not kill her husband unfortunately," he chuckled and shook his head with a roll of his eyes. Crossing his arms over his chest, he looked to Guinevere bored with the fight. "Came to watch this or came to chit chat? Surely I thought you would be busy with men wanting to dance the night away with you," he said in a flirting tone not caring how she took it. Gaston would fight if she threatened and he wasn't scared of killing a man or woman. They all died the same, spilled blood the same way. "Or are you here for another reason? As in watching how your training has done with the Queen," he said in a low tone knowing no other soul was supposed to know, but he knew of the training. He knew of a lot of things the Queen held dear, but he would only discuss those with hers. Gaston sniffed some and watched his breath come forth in a sigh.

                                She could use a bit more training with the aspect of different weapons as she was fairing poorly with the claymore Charles used. "Next training session, use longer weapons, it'll help her prepare better counter attacks with her own weight using the other's weapon as an advantage," he suggested with a shrug and gave a small smile. "But it is your call, you are her teacher," he said only so she could hear. Gaston treasured the Queen's secrets, but this he had to address to her "teacher" so she could win without having to break a nose here and there which in all honesty, Gaston found amusing. Alas, this was not his fight nor his training towards the Queen for he only had trained her in the art of Archery and Hunting mostly.

                                The night was going to be most fun. Gaston had a great feeling about that.

                                Standard Toaster Monster


Invisible Genius

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Ivory Snow
The Snow Princess

                                    Ivory was holding her breath, to better feel the beatings of her heart. She looked at Anna, her eyes squinted and showing the frustration of a child. "Of course it is mine. That is why your hand's on my chest, and not Melvin's." She tilted her head and looked to the ceiling, her face washing over into a dreamy and dazed expression. Does it not remind you of a clock? But a broken one. One that ticks but doesn't tock. One that is supposed to tell time, but can't. Because...Because it doesn't tock...Not until it ticks twice"
                                    Little Snowy One. Tick tick tock, tick tick tock, tick tick tock. What a strange little clock. Which doesn't belong? Mr. Melvin asked. The grumpy goat was curled in the corner. His beard wisped and his brown coat was short and coarse. Ivory was surprised- Melvin had shown little interest up until then. The tick or the tock?
                                    Ivory shook her head and pushed Anna's hand away. "Shut up. Shut up Melvin- I don't care." The stupid goat, asking stupid questions. He looked at her, disappointed. But a goat wasn't supposed to care enough to be disappointed- Melvin usually only complained or asked for cheese or told her stories that seemed vaguely familiar...She hated it when the stupid goat asked her stupid questions and didn't act anything like a goat at all.
                                    "p***k your finger on a rose, draw some blood and down it goes, staining the snow tainting it red, left alone until it froze." Ivory said airily, as if reciting a nursery rhyme. She wondered if Melvin taught it to her.
                                    "Could you tell me, how old you are? And what does d'Ecouis means to you?"
                                    Ivory slowly slid her gaze up to Anna's eyes. Her body tensed, and the odd realization came to her that before she was limp and unrestricted- her body, that is. As if her arms were filled with light breath and wanted nothing more but to swim fluidly through the air. As if she were a doll held up only by strings. But when she looked at Anna then, her back straightened, the little lines in her face scrunched, and her squinted eyes held a stunning clarity unseen until that moment. It was as if before her eyelids were heavy, and now their weight lifted, and her eyes were wide enough to twinkle in the light.
                                    Her ears stung- it was so quiet. The water suddenly felt so wet against her skin, it's touch shockingly cold, her soaked dress sinking and sticking and uncomfortable- you weren't supposed to wash while wearing clothes. Silly little Snow, don't you know water is for cleaning? For living? Yes, she did know that. But she wasn't a little Snow. She was Little Snow- not a term of endearment ...But a title...
                                    "But do not think I named you for such a saddened sight, Little Owl. A new morning's snow, before it is trodden and stomped, glitters in the sun. So pure, angelic, clean and white, so very much like you. But something so sweet is easily stomped. Muddled and puddled, dirtied. When I saw a rose standing in the snow, I went to touch it, not because it was alone, but because I never saw a rose so red before. And after I pricked my finger on it's thorn, and stained the snow with a single drop of blood, I realized the rose wasn't any more red than any other. It was the pure white around it that made it's color brighter. Roses aren't supposed to survive the winter, my sweet Snowy one. But instead of wilting, the snow made the rose seem stronger. Red upon white- such a beautiful, deadly combination. You, my dear, are a naive little snowflake. I know there's a spark in you somewhere- why else would G-d give you such richly red lips? But you'll find it eventually. Because, you know, when snow is packed together, when it is trodden and stomped, it becomes tougher to crack. Only until the snow is dirtied and hardened into a snowball, can it deliver a harsh and striking sting.
                                    So, my silly little Snow Owl, that is why I named you Ivory. It is a color that isn't so white that it is weak and vulnerable, nor so brown that it is filthied and vile. It is a color in between, because you need a little scruff to survive in the world. You know your middle name, don't you? Scarlett? It's because I need you to not be afraid of being tainted with red or scars. You will be strong, my love. Strong like the rose.

                                    Ivory shook her head slowly. The world was still blurred, hazy, dreamy. She still wasn't quite there. But she remembered...Somewhat...The girl, Anna, what had she asked? Her age? "I wouldn't know," she said with a voice different from before. She seemed more grounded, stable. "I've been away for...a long time." The Queen. The mirror. "What year is it...Eighteen...Yes, or perhaps a few days more. But..." she gave the girl a sad smile. "It has been a while since I counted any candles."
                                    Slowly, Ivory felt her clarity dimming. She accepted it willingly, without struggle. There was no use in fighting her mind's defense. Refusing might only make the crack bigger. "In time..." Ivory murmured to herself. She then looked at Anna, her eyes a brilliant blue, but warm and kind and so very young. She gave the girl a small smile. "Please, will you do me a favor? Don't let me forget my name. And don't tell it to others..." Her eyes narrowed, and she gave Anna a look of extreme care and concern. "Do not trust the Queen. Isabella. Don't let her find me. Don't let her followers know of me. Please." Ivory absently placed her hand on her heart. "She is heartless." Ivory's voice was soft, but the warning came straight from her soul. She didn't know this Anna too well, but it was no matter. No one deserved to be knotted in the Queen's fingers. Anna...Hopefully she would keep the mirror...See that she needs to keep her eyes open...See things for herself, and for how they really are.
                                    "My name is Ivory...Ivory Scarlett Snow. I feel that that should answer your second question."
                                    And she began to sink, slipping into the water. She looked up towards the window. "It's been so long since I've seen the sky...I wonder...if it's spring or winter...If snow is covering the ground outside."
                                    Her world went black. The day's events finally took it's toll. She floated in the water, legs curled, hair swirling around her head, it's black, the red of her lips, and the white of her skin almost glowing amid the crystal waters.

                                    OOC: Kinda crappy ending. She'd probably wake up with a slight shake.


━╃Location╄━ The Queen/Scar's castle- Rapunzel's bathroom. tab ━╃Company━╃ Anna tab ━╃Thoughts╄━ Ivory Scarlett Snow. ...I wonder how long I've been lost...and how long it will be until I return. tab ━╃Condition╄━ Mentally unstable --& a moment of clarity --& unconscious

style by Kitty Kat Rosetta

Gracious Millionaire

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Attire:: Outfit. Location:: Outside Her Bedroom Chambers

                                                          Ramelia was known to be strong in many ways, yet those who stood close to her knew emotions was a thing she easily fell prey to. Passion drove her, be it dark passions or sensual ones, it consumed her entire being. The man before her simply ignited another passion, one she had log decided to ignore. The love she once felt for the king was hardly of secret to those who knew well of her. But like any scorned woman it was the last love she allowed herself to feel. After Charles men became put a tool, a means of entertainment to sedate carnal desires and not to share her heart with. Yet the man before her seemed to ignite something she dared not ignore, it was a dangerous, like a moth being pulled into deathly fiery flames unable to turn away. Cassius had become such a hard man to turn away from and Ramelia made little effort resist. That enchanting blue of his eyes left the woman memorized, in such a daze the woman swore to look away would leave her to stumble in her steps.

                                                          Eventually the man cleared his throat, a dark gaze that unintentionally had been lingering on his body moved to meet his gaze. That dashing smile of his only forcing her own painted red lips to a curl. As the man began to speak Ramelia could already assume where this was leading. A playful smirk dancing along her lips as she took a step forward, watching as his lips parted each time a word escaped. The woman could only imagine their soft touch and was hardly able to resist biting her own lips for a quick second. As his words finished at a hand moved to Cassius's chin the woman finally broke gaze from his lips and found herself again at lost in his eyes.
                                                          "I am both flattered and honored my lord...."
                                                          she spoke softly in the most flirtatious of tones as she took another step closer, "...to be in the thoughts of man like yourself while he dresses is truly arousing." finished the woman, lingering slightly on certain words, never shy to say exactly what played in her mind.

                                                          What came next served as a welcomed surprised. The slip of an arm around her waist gave way to troublesome shivers, riding down her spine. Having her body pressed into his took breath, stealing it from her very longs as she gave the softest gasp. The whispers that teased and grazed such sensitive skin caused eyes to unwillingly close, words causing her knees to weaken and press hands against his chest for fear of loosing her balance. Even as Cassius moved away the words lingered, risque thoughts, all causing a flutter in her stomach. The man had such an effect she felt vulnerable, as if all will to pull away had slipped her grasp.

                                                          Ramelia finally allowed herself to breathe deeply, her chest rising as it was took in much needed air. Ever so slowly did her eyes move to meet his gaze, that mesmerizing blue casting it's spell on her. If only he knew the type of 'assistance' she desired at the moment. How easily she imagined his hand assisting to remove the dress that now seemed to hug her body to tightly. Urges tempted the woman to forget the events she was to attend for the night, to give in to this weakened state and invite the man back into the privacy of her chambers. But this would be too simple, no Ramelia did not want a simple flame of a candle but a blaze of a roaring fire. The woman was tender as she pressed her body into his a bit more, lips curling into the most devilish of smirks as her hands moved, one arm resting on his shoulder, the hand using a delicate finger to trail past his chest down his stomach, her lip trapped beneath her teeth as she gave a soft moan.
                                                          "Oh how I would love your assistance my lord Cassius...." she spoke in such a whisper the lust simply dripped from her tongue. "but..."slowly she untangled from his grasp, a hand sliding down his arm till it fell at her side. I am afraid the things I desire your help with might be far from what you can handle." Tease, it was the best substance to ignite the flame to an even brighter flame. The woman smiled, hugging his arm and place a tender kiss upon his cheek before speaking, "Of course you are more than welcome to prove me wrong..." Was her last words as the woman began to slowly walking away, ignoring the harsh beating in her chest that pleaded for her to return to his grasp. Once the woman was able to settle her nerves some, only mere four steps away, she stopped and turned toward Cassius with a smile, "Would it be out of place for a lady to beseech my lord to escort her for the evening?" The woman asked innocently, as if in her mind she had not lost all desire to make an audience at the evening festivities.

                                                  Company:: Cassius OoC:: FInally, sorry I took so long.

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                                                  Standard Toaster Monster

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