This is my third one made, i guess the others die out really easily. Ok for all of you who dont know, this is about the original gundam, not the gundam wing crap. This is a war between the Earth Federation and the prinicpality of zeon. Now that thats over with here is the rules:
Keep a kill tracker in your signature (so i know when you get five kills, so you can have an ace mobile suit.)
Pick from the mass production list when you first join. Here is an example of what not to do:
"CaN I PlZ HaVe A GuNduM!?!??11!12 I aLsO MaDe SoMe MoDiFiCaTiOnS sO tHaT iT iS sUpEr PoWuHfUl." (I made that one up, except someone tired to modefy a gundam even though he didnt even join yet.)
Use the example sign up sheet, or you will be ignored.

Ok here is an example sign-up sheet
Rank: (Ensign)
Mobile Suit:
Is your Person a New Type?: (Levels of newtype like in the game Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in space, 1 is a basic newtype, 2 is a skilled newtype, and 3 is a extra powerful newtype. You have to earn the next rank of newtype, after 20 kills, you become newtype level 2, and newtype level 3 after 100 kills. Also only after 5 kills you can decide to become a newtype.)

Table of contents:
2. Pilot List
3. Zeon Suits(Mass Prouction)
4. Federation Suits(Mass Production)
5. Ships (Mass Production/regular ships)
6. Zeon Ace Suits
7. Federation Ace Suits
8. Special Ships (given out to ace pilots)