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Celebrating Streaker

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✖✖ G R I N O R G R I M ✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖ [ User Image ] ✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖
There's a big smile on my face, and it never feels out of place!
xUhoh ! xI can't play anymore...
✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖ ! ✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖

                                        LET`S GOxxxx"うまくいけば日本語が"

    Seriously, what the hell? What's this whole superhero fantasy about? People stopped believing in superheros when they realized comic books will never jump out of it's own print. Keep it in a dream. Policemen and firefighters could be categorized as daily heros, but that's just their job to do it. It's not a free whim or act of justice, it's their job. All they want is some extra paper in their wallets. That's just how the world revolves for as long as it's been created. The truth is always hard to down, but the only thing there is to do is get use to the taste of perspective. This iGIRL has found bliss in ignorance, even though she is still ignorant to that. How on Earth did I gain such a cynical and negative outlook on life in the first place? Something turned me into what I am today. He has purposely forgot why he began hating everyone around him, but that kept him from falling into a dark hole without a bottom. Basically, he saved himself. He didn't need anyone to pull him up while he was down.

    He stopped himself from progressing any further on his journey to who-knows-where. Even the destination of his travelling is unknown to him. Apollo just wanted to get as far away from this place as possible. Literally, he has the time to deal with this mess, but he'd rather not. He bought this iPod to make his life slightly more enjoyable and bearable, but this small girl is making it so complex! Though it is his business, in his mind, he cancelled it out. Follow his own law. Or get burned. Why did she have to mumble that? Why did it stop him?

    Just shut up...I won't be responsible for my actions if you don't shut up. At times like these, he wouldn't want to be reworded. Zero eye contact will be made, perhaps because he is no longer a gentleman. But she proceeded into flying directly into his pathway, in a cute attempt to block him from going any further. Is she really trying to compete against a giant in her perspective? The crimson male could have simply shoved out of his with the simple pluck of his fingers, but he could sense the serious wavelength clashing his own, sparks were flying and there would be a metaphorical fire. Heat tension. It was cute in a way, but that still wouldn't stop him from squishing her under his foot. She'll still be cute then.

    Everything became unstable. She's directing his own question back to him. This isn't a game, you can't answer a question with a question. "Just remain stupid. An artificial intelligence...my a**. Downgraded is more like it." Ouch, that may have been a little much. Keeping the thoughts within is starting to get old. She needs some guide. And that was one sure pointer. Shoving his hands into his pockets, his stance leaned back lazily onto air. The distance between their faces only differed a little. "When did I ever say I was smart? I dropped out of High school during my freshman year. Even I didn't want to turn into something, I turned into many things and am still those things today." Now she got him releasing information about himself. This will just end greatly, just greatly. There has never been any reason for him to speak of his past life.

    Her size quickly became the subject change of the matter. Wow, time sure flys by when you don't notice the comparison. It's probably a few hours until the evening now. Now she is just trying to act tough, that's so cute and pathetic. I could show her what tough is, but she can't handle it. "Actually, it totally means that I could push you around like your nothing to me at all." Such ice words. People have unveiled the darker within the boy, but now he is more direct towards the one he is bestowing these words upon. Whether it'll effect or affect her tiny soul, or whatever she really has. "Because I'm bigger...badder...and better. I defy authority and laws to make my own." Apollo's friendly atmosphere has been broken and replaced with an inner shell. There is something about his crappy life that brings out the worst in himself.

    Now she wants to slug him across the face, for a possible fighting chance. Such a puny thing can barely harm a mocking bird, maybe he'll humor her into giving her that chance to drive her fist into his face. He'll surely get a laugh at it. Apollo turned his cheek to face Lollie, a dead giveaway that he is not against for her to use violence in his home. As a matter of fact, he encourages it. It'll give her a small taste for the what world truly is. What better lesson is there to learn from gaining knowledge from yourself? From student to teacher in just a second, they grow up so fast. There on his face, a big grin, anxious for what strength could on iGIRL conserve. She jumped out of her device, has a solid body, and can fly around freely. There is much that he is curious about what else she can do.

    "Go ahead, give me all you've got, I promise that I won't lay a finger on you even if you do end up hurting this face." She withdrawn her actions and broke away from facing each other. A frown took it's place onto Apollo's face. She chickened out, as expected and not wanted. I knew how it would end, she belongs in the Peace Corps, not here. The slightest thing could make this girl mad. From who she is, to her size, and the ability to tell time. Apollo let out a small sigh, that was just too easy. "It's three thirty-five. That's a no-brainer. Since you know nothing of the world, you don't know about the Sun, which is how those in the ancient times used to tell time. With the help of the Sun dial." Actually he didn't, he was bluffing in a way. He was actually staring at a clock hung on the wall. But she doesn't need to know that.

    With her pouting almost making his ears bleed, a blinding light caused him to cringe and shield his eyes with his hands. The light leaked through his fingers, it was too much to keep his eyes on, as they started to slightly water. The source of this tremendous light is coming from Lollie, such a small body is producing such a light. How?! Is there some kind of forbidden rule for the iGIRL to talk back to her master? Does that mean...she'll be deleted? "Lollie!" In cry out to her name, if that is her name. What has he done? For a change in his life, it may not be going well, but as long as it is a change in his pathetic life...he won't just let it go away. The small body of light that use to Lollie began to expand greatly in a humanoid figure, the limbs were spreaded apart. Some features only grew, though he could notice a slight change in the body structure, a few curves. "Lollie!" A second cry, he only wanted to know if she's okay now. He didn't mean the things he said anymore, before he did. But now he's willing to take it all back. If she is ever to hear him ever again.

    The light faded, Apollo slowly gained his regular vision, though there is a sharp blur in his eyes. Blinking to recover his vision. The next thing he saw made him question if his eyes are still staggered. Or if Lollie is just that close to his face. Some kind of optical illusion. The iGIRL...if it is one, just sprouted into a full grown human. Her body seemed well developed, except on her rear and chest. Bummer, he doesn't really dig flat chests that much. The bigger the better. But he'll take what he can get. Her face didn't change that much from the smaller version, that is just an obvious sign that this is really Lollie. Not some disguised alien, this is Lollie. She's alive.

    Stealing this iPod, totally worth it now. I could dig it. "I'm pretty sure two things grew in this room at least." She probably won't even get what he means, she's not experienced with his type of humor yet. But if she did get it, that'll be a laugh. Okay, so now he'll need a list of what his iGIRL can and can't do. It's not much of a surprise that she can actually grow into a normal human girl. One big thing happened after another, he is just waiting what else she can do. For a guy who's life is taking a dramatic turn, he's very calm and composed about it. There is no sense in overreacting. I wonder if there is a fan-service mode...

    Lollie began to jab his chest with her finger, he could feel it pressing into his skin. Wow, even her strength has improved, probably because it can only fit her newly found height. Though it didn't seem to bother her that much. Right now, if this was anyone else, every single finger would be pulled clear off of their hands. He'll spare this moment for the tough kitty. She has some claws and canines. Apollo likes that in a girl, to have some fight, but she isn't exactly putting up her fighting mitts. He approached her slowly as she walked back into her room and sat down. Here comes a fighter.

    He reached down toward one of Lollie's arms and pulled her from off the ground to make her stand. Placing a hand onto her shoulder, he forcefully pushed her back into a wall, pinning her to it with no chance of escape. His stare suddenly became lustful and enticing, lips separated by a few centimeters. He did not blink, that would only show that he is now serious. His tone became totally hushed and assuring, so he brought it close to her ears. "How dare you say that...it hurts me so that you would even think that I would throw away something that is rightfully mine. And I seriously dislike sharing anything I keep my eyes on all the time. There's nothing you could say that'll leave us apart~" His words seemed seductive and possessive. "Close your eyes...and I'll show you how much you mean to me...I am your armor...~" He would await for the moment for Lollie to listens to his command, this relationship has now became master and property, that's the way he wants it.

    After a few moments passed, Apollo withdrawn himself, he dropped his arms to his sides. Taking a few steps to see if Lollie will still keep her eyes shut, like she's told to. "Just kidding~! You could open your eyes now." Yep, it was all just an act to see a pirceless shade of red on her face. Think of it as his prank, if she could learn the lesson in it. He pointed towards the girl and held his stomach, letting out a laugh that would continue on, it's just so funny how she could be gullible too. "Did you actually think that I'd put my lips on any part of your part~? You should've seen your face! I just wish I record that~! Oh no, my sides! They hurt!" His laughter continued on for minutes.

Accompanied ⇛ Gullible Lollie
Location ⇛ Apollo's Dirty House, His room
Emotions ⇛ Serious lauther
Clothing ⇛ Slept in these~
OOC ⇛ Not sure if crap post...or rushed a good good post >.> How is it?

Can't QUIT until you TRY
Can't LIVE until you DIE
Can't learn to tell the TRUTH
Until you learn to LIE
Can't BREATHE until you CHOKE
Gotta LAUGH when you're the JOKE
It took a FUNERAL
To make me F E E L A L I V E
Just OPEN your eyes
PLEASE open your EYES
And see that L I F E I S B E A U T I F U L
Do you Swear on your LIFE
That NO ONE will CRY
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              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxchange↻ that ↱ ❛ F R O W N❜

              ♭ 「. 01. S O xxx M A N YxxxS O U L S

              ♬ 「. L O C A T I O N ⊂ Matthew's home ⊃

              ♬ 「. M O O D ⊂ Distressed. Confused. ⊃

              ♬ 「. T H O U G H T S ⊂ There's something really wrong with me! ⊃

              ♬ 「. M O D E ⊂ Full-body mode. ⊃

              ♬ 「. B A T T E R Y ⊂ 89% ⊃

                          ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

                                      xxxxxx私はちょうどしたかった。。。あなたのために。xxx xxx知っています。。。。

                          Wendy blinked a couple of times, she tilted her head and placed her index finger on her lips and softly tapped it a couple of times. "Hmm..well, I guess...ugh...anything..you ask..I guess." she stuttered out. Ugh! Such a stupid answer! Am I really that useful, maybe there's something wrong with me! "Oh!" she gasped, snapping back into reality. She shook her head, and let out a nervous giggle. Wendy stood up, and fixed her dress. "Sorry about..that. I was just..yeah." She smiled, but this time..it was sort of..sad. This feeling, she couldn't understand. She felt..hurt, but no..not like the one when somebody get's hurt..but when..when; somebody is hurt, like feelings. Wendy rubbed her eyes, she looked down. "Well, this strange, ehehe.." she said a bit nervous. She didn't understand, why did she felt like this. It's strange; to her. This is so frustrating! Why can't I just answer a simple question! Aren't I supposed to know this! Why can't I- She stomped her foot, the sudden move, brought her back. Oh! She looked down and realized what she had just done.

                          She sat down on her knees and patted on the spot she had stomped on. "D-Did that hurt? I-I'm sorry! I'm really really sorry! P-Please forgive me! I-" Suddenly she felt something come down her cheek. Eh! She placed her tiny hand on her wet cheek and then brought it up to her face. What's this? She looked at it confused, her eyes widen. Oh no! Am I broken?!? W-What is this! It was some sort of liquid, but Wendy; didn't know. More and more of it ran down her cheeks and fell down on her dress; her thigh. She rubbed her eyes and kept her both of her hands on her eyes; covering her now bright red face.

                          She continued to do..this for a couple of minutes. Once calm enough, she rubbed her eyes and face until it was a bit; dry. This is so embarrassing, he probably thinks I'm useless! She couldn't look at him, she couldn't look at Matthew. The only thing she wanted to do is just, disappeared! Wendy couldn't explain what was happening, heck she didn't even KNOW what to do! The only thing she thought was that she was...broken. Something must have had to happen! Maybe she there was an error. So many things went through her head but she couldn't explain it! Not at all! Wendy stood up and looked down at the floor, she was about to jumped down before all of a sudden her right leg moved on it's own. She didn't have time to think nor to stop herself, this all ended up in her falling down and hitting the floor with a small thud. Wendy blinked a couple of times trying to regain her memory, What happened? She moved her hand and suddenly she felt pain. She winced, and tried to stand up. Each time, she moved her hands, legs; anything pain shot through her body. Once able to stand up, her eyes began to water up; again. She sniffed a couple of times and then began to stomp her foot repeatedly. "I HATE THIS! I HATE IT I HATE IT! I HATE IT!!" she cried as loud as she could.

                          Suddenly her body to glow this sort of white color. She could feel this sort light that came out of nowhere hit her. She didn't know what was happening, she didn't have the time to react. In just a few seconds her whole body was literally covered by this light. In a matter of just seconds! Her formed had..changed. She was no longer this tiny A.I girl, she was now a full sized human; girl! The light quickly faded and because of the sudden transformation, she didn't have the time to react and she fell on her back, on the floor; she winced in pain. She blinked a couple of times; her eyes trying to adjust to the lighting of the room. She slowly stood up and looked around the room. Everything seemed to be a lot smaller than before. The now full sized Wendy looked at Matthew, he was still taller than her but not like before when he seemed huge but still. Her hair fell down all the way to her feet, she wasn't wearing a dress anymore but a sort type of uniform kinda..thing. She had black tights on and boots that went all the way up to her thighs.

                          "A-Ah!" she gasped, as she tried to understand the situation. What the hell! H-How! What! Wendy shakily walked up to Matthew, she nervously grabbed both of his hand and brought them up to her chest, clenching onto them tightly. "P-Please, t-tell me what's happening to me!!" she cried desperately. So many questions went through her head, but there was just this small question which out numbered them all. How the hell did she all of a sudden went from a tiny girl into a full sized human!

                          O O C :

Hallowed Gatekeeper

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⋱⋱ As I ғɪɴᴅ another pιece σf MEMORY ιиѕι∂є
▆▆▆ ▆▆▆ ▆▆▆ Tᴜʀɴɪɴɢ ιитσ « « ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀɪᴇs)) As тнєу ѕтαят ⇡⇣ To f.fall A W A Y
)) I D.Drown ιиѕι∂є these ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀɪᴇs⊰⊰ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ⇡⇡ I Feel them ɟɐןן from the Sᴋʏ A B O V E
█████████║║███████████████████████████ ███ ████║║║██████████ ██████ ██████

                                          Did she say something wrong? Or perhaps she did something wrong? The questions roamed her head as she watched her new owner come close to her. It made her very uneasy and uncomfortable. She felt extremely embarrassed for some reason unknown to herself. She showed a blushing startled face as he called her adorable. No one has called her adorable her before. Her cheeks became rosy red and she gave slight glances as she looked at her owner who was very excited as she had perceived from his expression on his face. She shyly looked away, until she felt her arms being gently held and wiggled. She immediately looked back to her arms and up to her owner's face. He looked so excited and inexplicably joyful. She blush came back to her cheeks with a quizzical look upon her face. A...cheese puff? Really? She looked down at herself. Was she that orange? Or maybe that's just something that came to his mind and he just blurted it out. Either way, she would just consider that as a compliment.

                                          As he released her arms, she slid off the iPod and stood on what she would consider a desk. She surveyed the objects around her. Everything was so big and large, she felt so small and the world was gigantic! She slightly jolted as she heard his answer to her question. So he wasn't going to give her away? She large smile appeared on her face in happiness. She wasn't going to be returned! She was so excited that she couldn't stop fiddling with her dress. Rocking on her feet, she tried calming herself down. But nothing would work. The blush was still on her face as he reminded her of the fact that he called her cute.

                                          She snapped out of her thoughts as she was soon thrown a question at her. She stopped fiddling with her, but still didn't stop rocking on her heels, "My name is Lecia." She nodded to assure her name. As he asked the next question, she snapped into a monotone voice with a emotionless expression, "I am subject unit 03 of the iGirl series, a complex A.I program created to be able to give easier interface for users." Behind her eyes, something sparked and she returned to her normal self. She looked around herself, what did she just do? She was reminded that she was a machine and not human. So it was normal that such a thing could happen. She looked up to him and listened to his next question. "I can check if you wish. Please hold for just a few seconds." She closed her eyes and lines of data appeared in front of her. The data flowed through her system, as she checked the iPod's functions and systems. After a few seconds passed, she blinked a few times and nodded with a smile. "Yes, the iPod is still functional. A systems are working and functioning."

                                          o.o.c: sorry for taking so long!! D:

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Generous Bloodsucker

ʙᴏᴅʏ;#661C35ᗰᴇ ɪ ɴ ᴇᴍᴏᴜᴛʜ;#318E8Eᴍɪɴᴅ;#F57FA5

                                                    Meine fought to not wince at her abrupt excitement and energy. He waited for her to return to the device she popped out of earlier and then safely disconnected it from the computer. Picking it up, he walked over to close the window with his good hand, then made sure all three were locked. "Promise you won't pop out unless I say it's okay. The last thing either of us need is unwanted attention." He took his headphones out of his pocket and plugged them in before putting the buds in his ears. His fingers grazed his pocket to make sure his phone was there as he headed out of the apartment and up the stairs to the roof.

                                                    The maroon haired male paused before opening the door at the top of the stairs. "Could you throw the songs on shuffle? And keep the volume low? This'll take a few moments." He then slipped the iPod into his pocket and headed onto the roof, pondering which route to take as he adjusted his ACE bandage. Food sounds good right about now. The sandwich Syl made wasn't going to keep his stomach quiet for long. Satisfied with the adjustment, and having decided on a route, he took off for the adjacent roof to his right, forcing thoughts to keep themselves at bay. For now.

                                                    Ten minutes later, Ein scaled down an alley wall then leaned against it and took the iPod out of his pocket to check on her. Lightly jerking the earbud out of his left ear, he glanced around, making sure the area was vacant before giving her his ─ almost ─ full attention. He half believed that she'd pop out of the small device without thinking about it, thanks to her excitement, and having it done here was a lot safer and easier to control than out in the open and busy food court that lied just beyond the alley to his right. "How was that?"

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Hope this is okay/makes sense. o wo;a

Hilarious Seeker

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Let’s ⓇⓄⒸⓀ!
    Just take it to the txoxp

      Ain’t never gonna stop

        Now all I wanna do is

          Make you ⓇⓄⒸⓀ

              Just take it to the txoxp

                Ain’t never gonna stop

                  Now make em say NA-NA-NA-NA

Actions Thoughts Speech


She didn't answer his question. This wasn't the time and place to talk about that stuff. She didn't want anyone else to know exactly who she was. They would call him crazy, or even hypnotic in her "stellar beauty". Something along those crazy lines. They were hear for soccer, right? And she planned on doing that. It was probably a bad time to say that she didn't remember how to play. Maybe after a while, she would pick up on what the others did and try to copy them. Sanguinely, she would catch on sooner than later.

As they approached the group, the blush that seemed glued to her small face disappeared slowly. There was still a small tint of red in her cheeks. The group of people looked to have grown some when Kyle went to go get a soda. A few of their faces were surprised. He went to go get something to drink, and returned with a girl. How on earth did he manage that? The nineteen-year-old smiled at Leo, returning the handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well." She said, letting go of his hand. when introduced to Alexis, she held back her confused look. Why did she look so upset? Did Alexis not like other girls playing? None the less, she reached out and shook her hand with a gentle grip. "I'm Vi. It's a pleasure to meet you as well."

"Let's do this guys! Get ready! Alexis, Vi and Kyle, you're with Victor and Steve. I'll be in the other team with the rest of the guys. To your positions!" It was then when she noticed she probably had the wrong choice of clothing for the match, but oh well. Que sera sera, as they say; or something like that. The machine looked at how they were forming, but also noticed a few glances from the guys. All she did was laugh a bit, turning around and faced her teammates. "So, who gets what?"

A foot tapped against the green as she waited for a quick answer. The tapping stopped, and Vi moved around. In her mind, she tried to remember what positions there were, what the scoring system was, and anything else related to soccer. Nothing came to mind. It was like her mind was erased, but that had to be silly. She was probably just being a scatterbrain due to how much excitement she was feeling. The first day wasn't even done, and already she had meet a lot of people! Okay, a small amount that were here to play soccer wasn't a lot, but it was still enough. "I hope I can do as expected. Even if I've never played this before." A sigh escaped her lips. "Just calm down Vi. You have this. Deep breaths now. .... Coaching yourself like this is so silly." She grinned.

Where am I? :: Yorkshire's Soccer court. || Who am I with? :: Kyle, Leo, Alexis, and the rest of the soccer team! || Battery? :: 55%|| Mode? :: Full-Mode! || I feel :: Excited! || OOC: No worries~.||

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Demonic Senshi

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  • Contributor 150
  • Friendly 100
  • Generous 100
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        ______ l - love forever love is free
        ___________ LET'S TURN FOREVER; YOU AND ME
        _____ windmill,windmillforthelandwindmillwindmillforthelandindmill,windmillforthelandwindmillwindmillfw x ; & ;

                                          Oh no. It was dark, way too dark. And from the constant feeling, it seemed that they were dropping, being picked up, dropped... up..

                                          How long was this madness going to end?! She managed to slide out of the iPod into the pocket a few times before jumping right back in, clinging to the words 'Music' for dear life. Oh so very tempted to have popped out and float her way out of the pocket, but Syl respected her owners wishes, merely gripping her head to prevent any further whiplash. But, Syl got used to the feeling after 2 minutes, now feeling as if it were a roller coaster, shifting them from place to place, the iGIRL rolling in pure joy in the small space, then rolling into her iPod, her 'dome', if you will, repeating the same process in giggles. That was, until her grand roller coaster had ended. There was no further sounds, rather the sounds of loud music blasting, which was probably Meine's. Syl scrunched her nose in disgust at his particular music; no violins that would possibly sing you to sleep or make you wallow in sorrow just wasn't her cup of tea.

                                          Ah, finally! Though the air was murky and unpleasant, Syl couldn't help but jump to her feet and trot around on her iPod. Not a word said until she had remembered Meine had been with her. " Thank you for the rollercoaster ride, Master Meine. " Without realizing it, she had given him a disdainful glare, one that she was reciting in her mind the whole time, one that she would trick Meine with as soon as she was able to leave the pocket. Ultimately, it looked as if she had just given him 'sass', sarcasm even, and given a look of utter disgust and displeasure to further prove the point. But alas, Syl was oblivious to the glare she had given, rather she smiled and began to hum, tapping her shoes in place.There was no way Syl would ever go back into that poc - Okay, she would, but that was besides the point.

                                          " Master Meine! "

                                          Syl smiled brightly, delighted to know she could transform back into her full - body mode once more. " Would you be kind not to drop me? I really don't want to get my dress dirty, though it may already be on the dirty side... " Her voice drifted off, pulling at the seams of the brides dress. Letting aloud a tiny gasp in recognition of the most important rule of all, what she was supposed to do. " Also, please don't break Syl's home! " What did that mean? Well, Syl closed her eyes and had gone into full body mode, of course.

                                          __________ _____________________ * : with◞` Meine ⊹ * : mode◞` mini - mode > full body mode * : battery ◞` 83%


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              Her body was still shaking as her temper began to simmer down. Feelings of regret began to creep into her mind as she calmed herself down. He saw her as a downgrade compared to his supposed superior self. She was nothing more but an ignorant object in his eyes, well at least it felt that way. ’ Like hell I’m going to let him get away with thinking like that.' She scoffed. What was this? Pride? Well whatever it was it made her feel better. Lollie looked down at herself, examining her new body. The question of what she was exactly still lingered inside her thoughts. Her head turned as she looked at the vibrant pink device on the desk. She knew she was an iGIRL, but could she even call herself one anymore? Sure, she still knew how to run her the device and manage it but that was it. iGIRLS didn’t jump out of their iPods and suddenly transform into full-sized people when they were throwing a fit. They didn’t even throw fits! Neither did they talk back to their owners or argue with them; or even demand to be thrown away.

              Lollie looked back down at herself, staring at her hands. She flipped them over, noticing she didn’t have the creases on her palm; like the ones she saw on Apollo. ’ I’m broken.' She concluded, it was the only explanation she could give herself. She was acting outside of the program, completely defying it. When objects did that they were considered defective, broken, and useless. Her mind began to wonder into that little dark corner. What if Apollo was right? What if she was just a downgrade compared to him; nothing but scrap. His intellect about this world surpassed her for sure. He had so many experiences and knowledge under his belt, while she had close to nothing. She took a deep breath as she pulled herself from thinking of it any further. Those thoughts didn’t suit her, nor did she like them. ’I’ll just fix myself. I’ll get smarter and stronger, and then he’ll see me clearly. ' She thought, smiling lightly. So what If she didn’t know as much as he did, that’s where learning came in didn’t it? She was determined to surpass his expectations, and make him eat his words.

              Lollie was about to turn around and face him when he beat her to it. She felt a firm grip on her arm as she was pulled up with surprising strength. Her eyes widened as he pinned her against the wall, leaning in close to her. She struggled to get him off of her, but her efforts were useless. The guy was pretty strong, and she didn’t overpower him there. She growled in objection and glared at him, about to complain. But she made the terrible choice to look into his eyes. His expression startled her, what was this? He looked at her with such hunger in his eyes, a hunger she couldn’t understand. Lollie sank back into the wall as far as she could, attempting to make a gap between them. He on the other hand, wasn’t having any of that; he only leaned in closer. ’ Why is he acting like this.' He leaned in and began to whisper in her ear. His words sent shocks up her spine and throughout her entire body. ’Why… ' She thought faintly before her mind was muddled with his words. Almost immediately her willpower, anger, and strength just melted away. Why. Why did his words make her so weak and docile, when she didn’t even fully understand them. ’Why do you have the need to dominate me… ' Despite all her efforts to fight against him, she obeyed. Lollie’s lids slowly began to close, concealing her vibrant cotton-candy eyes. There was a pause, and she felt the pressure slowly lift away from her. Her arms feel to her sides, and she opened her eyes when she heard him laughing.

              What…WHAT. His words left her dumbstruck. WHAT!? He was just messing with her, mocking her! Her face flushed with embarrassment as the rage inside her started back up again. How could she be so stupid! She completely fell for his prank. And now he was just standing there, holding his sides and cackling like an idiot. ”Yeah well! I-I...I wouldn’t want you to anyway! That’d be just gross.” She hissed fumbling over her words. Damnit! She just wanted to deck him! Lollie screamed in frustration and stormed out of his room. The girl didn’t even know what to do with herself! ”Fine! He wants to be a…a-“ She didn’t even know what to call him! Oh no no no. She wasn't having any of this! ”Forget him then!” Lollie looked around the room, locating the exit. She remembered spotting it earlier when she was zipping through the house. ”How do I open this thing.” She muttered, locating the knob. She pulled it at first but that didn’t do anything. Lollie fumbled with it for trying to get the damn thing open. "Why. won't. you. open!" She growled. After a few more seconds of messing it she turned the contraption, causing it to open. ”Aha!” She squealed in success. The girl opened the door and walked outside before the male had a chance to stop her.

              ”I’ll just go somewhere else then. Then when I’m smarter and better than you I’ll come back and just rub it in your face!!” She growled to out loud, completely forgetting she didn’t even take the iPod with her. Once she was out on the driveway, the girl didn’t even take notice of her surroundings. She stopped suddenly, looking up at the sky. Her eyes grew large with awe and fascination. ”Pretty…” ]She whispered, as she watched large cluster of white clouds idly drift within endless cerulean atmosphere. The world inside her little iPod was so bleak compared to this. Nothing but numbers and lights, though she did find the lights rather amusing. But this! This was just…gorgeous. A smile spread widely on her face, as she continued to stare at the sky; imaging herself flying high into the sky and discovering the world beyond it. Lollie was so enthralled by it, she didn’t even notice herself floating! Her body had began to hover on it’s own, lifting her three feet off the ground. Everything she had been feeling and thinking about prior was forgotten. All she was thinking about now was flying up towards such a fascinating place. ”It’s so pretty~”

      b a t t e r y xl e v e l s
      tab ██████████ 84%
      m o d e
      tab Full-body mode!
      ♥ m o o d ♥
      tab Completely hypnotized by the sky.
      ★ t h o u g h t s ★
      tab 'So fluffy~'
      ✖ s c e n e ✖
      tab Apollo's House; his drive way.
      » v i s i t o r s x o f x m y x m o m e n t «
      tab Apollo
      ♫ s t u c k x i n x m y x h e a d ♫
      tab Starships!

      Θbliterating Θminous Catastrophes: @Miku-san:LOL. Your post deserves the highest of fives~!

Generous Bloodsucker

ʙᴏᴅʏ;#661C35ᗰᴇ ɪ ɴ ᴇᴍᴏᴜᴛʜ;#318E8Eᴍɪɴᴅ;#F57FA5

                                                    Meine gave an amused smirk at Syl's combination of a comment and glare ─ Beginnings of a backbone, I see ─ and the moment became many times more amusing to him when he realized that she didn't seem to notice the expression she made, or the sudden sassy tone that underlined her words. Not many were able to get away with sassing him, and if he really wanted to get back at her he could just postpone her recharging until he cooled off. He was her 'Master' after all.

                                                    "I won't drop you," he replied, watching her finger the dress's seams. He glanced around, quickly looking back at her when she gasped, only to slightly frown when she asked for him to not break her home, the iPod, obviously. As if he had planned on it. "Of course I won't," he responded with a light scoff. Blue-green eyes furrowed as he watched her abruptly materialize into her larger form. For a moment he wanted to scold her for shifting forms out here without direct permission, especially since it was still daytime. One could never be sure.

                                                    Instead, Ein huffed and paused the music on the iPod, then lightly wrapped the earphones' cord around the device and slipped both pieces of technology back into the pocket that it was just removed from. Slipping his hands into his jacket pockets, he stepped towards the entrance of the alley and looked back at her. "Lets go, Syl," his tone was light, balancing out the short command that would obviously sound much more harsh because of his accent. He was one that was more comfortable with audible cues ─ as he just demonstrated ─ than physical ─ which would be to offer her his hand or arm. He'd attempt to avoid such contact at all costs unless her life depended on it.

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l o c ɑ t i o n
My apartment; living room,
m o o d
Awestruck. Curious.
t h o u g h t s
'So many things need to be tested right now.'
i G I R L
The lovely Tea


                  Eli was admiring the lab casually, unaware of the little freakout that was happening behind him. "Built it all by myself you know. Not to shabby if I do say so myself." He stated, and swiveled around in his chair to face Tea again. His expression became quite alarmed as he watched her freak out on the table. She ended up tripping over herself, Eli was about to help her up when she suddenly looked up at him as neon blue liquid began to trail down her cheek."Oh my, what's this." He stated in a curious tone, swiping up some of the liquid with a tissue he had in his pocket. Before he could even slide to his computer to examine it, she began to climb down the desk. He put down the tissue and scooted towards her. "It's alright, don't be-" He cut off as he listened to her speak, taking in her words very carefully. Tea was freaking out because she was in the laboratory? 'She was fine until I mentioned the lab.' He mused, as he continued to listen to her. She wasn't just scared, she was absolutely terrified. The girl was scrambling on the floor trying to get away from the place. Before he could do anything, a sudden flash of green light began to emit from her body. The light was blinding, what the hell was happening? Was she overloading or something? The light slowly began to fade away and Eli's eye adjusted back to the florescent lighting of his lab.He blinked several times before the white spots started to fade way.

                  As soon as his vision became slightly clear, there was a emerald hair woman sitting in Tea's place. He stared at her, completely baffled. 'Did she just...evolve?' He just witness evolution right before his eyes. This whole thing began to remind him about an old show that aired a while ago, Pokemon. Oh god, he had so many questions. Eli wanted to get to studying her as soon as possible, but the idea was quickly shot down when he saw the expression on her face. The neon fluid was still leaking from her eyes, she was crying. She was terrified. The salmon-haired male felt a pang of guilt, here she was completely distressing over herself, and he was only thinking about discovering what she was. He was rather surprised when she just threw herself at him, her slender arms wrapping around his waist as she clung to him. In all honestly, he was quite hesitant on what to do next. "It's alright. I'll help you." He murmured in a gentle tone, trying to calm her down. He stood up and lifted her to her feet. Being in the lab was causing her to freak out, so he decided to take her back upstairs.

                  Eli guided her to the elevator and pressed the button to take them to the upper level. "It's okay. We're leaving the laboratory now." He said in a reassuring tone. The elevator slowed down and it's doors slid open as it reached their destination. He guided her out of the elevator and sat her down on the couch. Eli reach into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, wiping her face with it. "I'm going to assume you have no idea what's going on." He stated as he wiped the last tear away. The man folded the napkin, noting to study the sample later. A sudden thought occurred to him as he was thinking about this whole thing. "I've been meaning to ask, but it slipped my mind. Are you able to even consume human food?" He inquired, remembering he ordered cake and tea earlier.

                  Θbliterating Θminous Catastrophes:


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Demonic Senshi

11,950 Points
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        ______ l - love forever love is free
        ___________ LET'S TURN FOREVER; YOU AND ME
        _____ windmill,windmillforthelandwindmillwindmillforthelandindmill,windmillforthelandwindmillwindmillfw x ; & ;

                                          He had walked ahead, leaving her behind, Syl giggling at his huff he had made. But once he had spoke, Syl straightened her posture, her giggling ceased.Though Syl should have figured that he was going to sound differently than the average person without an accent, the rough tone in his voice sent chills up her spine. She nearly pierced his jacket with her staring, focusing on the filled pockets. Oh no, he was mad. What did she do, what did she do?! Rubbing her head in hopes of a rush of acknowledgement, now was probably the only time she would be able to ask what she had been thinking for quite some time in the back of her mind. She at least expected an explanation, Syl blinked multiple times as she stared at Meine, averting her gaze, looking down to her feet. She clenched her fists, her hands to her sides.

                                          " I'm not going, Master Meine. "

                                          Defiance. Defiance, defiance, defiance, it was something that never worked well for her. Sure, Syl could easily get used to Meines' odd behavior, but she just chose not to. Inhaling slowly and deeply, Syl looked to Meine, her brows furrowed, moving her way to his side in fear of possibly being yelled at or slapped, but Meine didn't seem like the type, so Syl saw it. " Master Meine, " she now focused to the ground, fiddling her fingers, " What were you doing just now, if you don't mind me asking. Please, don't tell me among the lines of some sort of jump rope. " Syl knew it was something that wasn't just hopscotch, and if it was something borderline dangerous, she was going to object anyway possible and tug at him to never do it again. The iGIRL began to chant herself on mentally, looking to Meine with a faint smile, fading into a pale, blank expression.

                                          " If you don't mind me asking once more, Master Meine, why didn't you do this activity with family? Or even, friends? " Syl paused and inhaled, indicating this was going to be a long talk. " You look too young, Master Meine, to be living alone. Usually, people your age, are in college, possibly even living with a close friend. But, it seems you live in solitude, Master Meine. Can I ask, why are you so alone? " She knew she was going too far, but couldn't stop her clamoring. " Syl is delighted if she is your only friend, but don't you have a girlfriend? A boyfriend? A lover? Family? Children? To live so alone Master Meine, it isn't healthy, it isn't right, it's just cruel... " Her voice drifted, Syl pushing her fingertips together. " Master Meine, are you scared of others touching you? Or are you scared of opening up to someone, or maybe even .. It's not right to die lonely and alone.." Syl's voice completely drifted off this time, completely and utterly unsure now of what she was talking about. Shaking her head once more to shake out her 'negative' thoughts, she beamed, saluting Meine before stepping out the alley way and stood in front of him, in hopes that he wouldn't just walk away from her questions. " Let's continue our adventure, if we can. Please excuse my mouth, Master Meine. "
                                          __________ _____________________ * : with◞` Meine ⊹ * : mode◞` full body mode * : battery ◞` 83%

                                          [ooc] pewpie post and now i go to bed. >.< so tired. ;~;
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Lychee ● Diamond

Experiment 05; Tea !

                                                  ▃▃▃▃▃ ▃▃▃▃▃ ▃▃▃▃▃ ▃▃▃▃▃

                                                  Tea didn't know why she had chosen to cling to the male; perhaps she felt he was safe? She didn't know. He seemed nice, he didn't seem bad. He had even wiped her tears away. What the hell was going on? What was she? She was meant to be an A.I product; but that seemed to go out the window right now. No way was she meant to be able to do this. But either way, the hug at least helped relax her holding the man around his waist. It felt...stable. Did all humans hug when distressed? She wasn't usually like this ! She was always so calm, diligent, lady like...what was coming over her. She knew she had an anger sometimes...but what going on. She didn't know what it was about that room....it just seemed to cause her to freak out. Hearing his words she looked up to him with her bright emerald eyes and gave a small smile. "R-Really....?" She couldn't help be surprised, why wasn't he threatning to get rid of her...or something? She hadn't been what he had wanted. Why keep her? But she was happy either way. Hearing his gentle tone; she took a breath. Feeling being lifted to her feet; she stood sturdy on the floor, and tapped the floor gently. So Eli had created this place? He mentioned something like that right? She was trying to hold in her fright, and keep calmer on the outsider. Something here made her...sick.

                                                  She let Eli guide her to the elevator, and happily stepped inside of the weird thing called an elevator. It's name didn't even make any sense to her. Elevator....what did that have to do with a hunk of metal making you go up and down? How odd. Hearing his reassuring tone she couldn't help but smile and sighed in relief. "Thank goodness...." She stated quietly. She followed Eli happily out of the elevator; before being sat down on something extremely soft ! Feeling the man wipe her face she blushed slightly; oh this was highly embarrassing. Hearing Eli's comment she nodded gently. "You would be assuming right." Hearing Eli's next question she blinked. That was a good question...um. She didn't know. She doubted it would do any harm. "I honestly do not know...but I really, really want the tea and cake party...please?" She asked with a polite tone and smile, the thought of tea and cake seemed to calm her down.

                                                  She had no idea what they were...but they sounded nice. And her name was even one of them ! Had to be good right? The minor vein thought made her smile slightly. "I'm so sorry about my freak out...I don't...usually freak out. I-I don't know what came over me...it's like I'm scared of those places....was I leaking before?" She asked curiously at the end, but she still wanted to say sorry. iGIRLS didn't do any of this, they didn't freak out or cry; they didn't have emotions ! Or minds of their own ! What the hell!? But she knew she felt....safe with Eli; and there was no way she was leaving him. Thinking of what to talk about she rubbed her neck slighty. "So...do you like tea and cake? I'm sorry I am not so good at the talking part, I wasn't meant to have choices...and there is so little I can tell you about myself..." She admitted but still continued to smile at the male. Either way it was fun when they just spoke. She hoped she could eat human food; he made it sound really nice. Hm...well if she couldn't think of anything to say about herself she smiled lightly. "So mast- I mean Eli. What kind of things do you like? Certain human food you mentioned? Any colors? Or music?" She asked curiously, looking out of the window she smiled at the....blue thing; up there...no idea what it was. How odd. Noticing Eli had his hair tied back she tilted her head. "Wonder what you look like with your hair down.~ You know for a human your very cute.~" She chimed happily, regaining her normal self. She brushed her larger clothes, and played with her hair. Still getting use to being a full sized human...well she was only 5'1, but she had always been a short A.I too; even for an A.I so it only made sense...she supposed....?

                                                  ▃▃▃▃▃ ▃▃▃▃▃ ▃▃▃▃▃ ▃▃▃▃▃

                                                  M o o d → Calming down and curious.
                                                  L o c a t i o n → Eli's living room.
                                                  C o m p a n y → Eli.
                                                  B a t t e r y → 85%

                                            OOC: I'm listening to numa numa faster version while posting this.....alright then. O.o

4,850 Points
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  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Forum Sophomore 300
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Looking at Leo put the ball right on the central circle, Kyle glanced at Vi for a moment, she didn't seem very confident about her soccer skills. It shouldn't be a problem, since she was on his team, so there were very low chances of her getting hurt or something. Still, Alexis could get mad at her if she missed an important chance of goal, she used to take the practices very seriously. On the other hand, the rest of the team was conformed by very calmed people; Victor was an non-always titular member of the team, he was a dark-skinned tall guy, he played occasionally, specially in training sessions, so he really didn't cared if Vi failed any chance. Steve was the goalkeeper, he was really good, and being the main goalkeeper, he played every match, he was a long blonde haired guy, with a very calmed attitude, and with great hand's skills. Turning at them, Vi asked: "So, who gets what?" "It's a practice game, so you just stay behind, and don't let them shoot" He answered quietly, looking at Leo, who was ready to start, he was really good, so they had to be careful with his attack tactics.

"Okay guys . . . Go!"

As in every practice match, Leo had a chronometer on his watch, and the game was supposed to last just twenty minutes. Kyle started running, trying to take control of the ball soon in the match. As time started passing, he couldn't help but remember when he started playing soccer, he had no clue, just like Vi right now. Wandering around his high school one random afternoon, he found some guys playing soccer over the courtyard, he had read a little about soccer before, so when they asked him to play since they missed one player, he accepted, without knowing how much fun he was going to have. He didn't know much about the rules, so he just tried his best, and ended up scoring a crucial goal near the end of the match. Later, they asked him to fill a form and play for the high school's soccer team. "Haha Yeah! Got you!" Kyle's thoughts were interrupted by Leo's yelling , he just scored a goal, and they were winning 1 - 0 now. Leo was very fast once he got the ball, so it was no surprise, Kyle couldn't do a thing to stop him, he was paying attention to the match, even when he was a little lost on his own thoughts.

Half of the time had already lapsed, Kyle started changing his positions a little closer to the rival's goal. He glanced at Vi, she was running around, trying to stop Jay, one of the foe attackers, she was trying her best. Victor seemed tired, it was being hard for him to get a ball to shoot to goal, so he had to run a lot. Kyle kept remembering how his first official match was, they were playing a nearby high school in an important tournament qualifier match, he did his best, but they lost, just because he wasn't self confident enough to go near the rival's goal , even when he had the chance. Since that day he always went up for it when he had the chance, and this wasn't going to be different.

"One minute left guys!" The match was almost ending, and they were losing 1 - 0 , Kyle glanced at Victor, he seemed really tired, he probably couldn't represent any danger in an attack, then he looked at Vi, she was still running, doing her best. Maybe, they could have a chance, if he could make the foe's defense go for Vi, and then, when he was cleared, shoot. He wasn't sure if it would work, but one thing was true: They only had one more chance. Leo had the ball, running to their goal, they had to stop him first. "Alexis, get that!" He yelled. Alexis started to run, straight to Leo. Kyle turned at Vi again. "Vi! Go deep! Now!" It seemed she got him, she was running really fast to the foe's goal. He glanced at Alexis again, she had the ball now, perfect, she kicked the ball, making a straight pass to Kyle, he received, and started running up. This could be easy, defenders were marking Vi, so he had the chance to shoot. "It's a trap! Don't let him shoot!!" Damn it. Leo knew him a little to well, after all, they were always playing together, so he knew how he thought, he couldn't trick him so easily. Before he noticed, he was already being marked by Jay! now shooting was out of the question, he needed to pass. But Victor was way too far behind, Alexis was up, but marked, the only one who seemed with any chance of scoring was... Yeah, Vi. No one was marking her now, she could shoot easily, if she knew how. "Jay could take it away for me in any minute, come on, do something Kyle!" . Leo started running towards him, he couldn't go through Jay and Leo, it was impossible, he needed to pass now. "Here Kyle! Come on! Give it to me!." Alexis yelled from the center of the foe's zone, but she was marked too, it would probably be a waste, or would it be a worse waste to pass it to Vi?. Leo was almost there, he had to make a decision. "Agh! Here goes nothing!"

Kyle made a high pass, going over Jay's head, and straight to Vi. "Let's see if you can do what I didn't do in my first match."


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☒ Location: Yorkshire's Park - Soccer court.
☒ Company:
Vi, Alexis, Leo and the rest of the guys.

☒ Thinking:

☒ Chapter:
"Chapter 1: "A life about to change!"

☒ Now Playing:
Home Sweet Home - Home Made Kazoku

☒ OOC:
Score that goal! Or not? ~

Celebrating Streaker

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✖✖ G R I N O R G R I M ✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖ [ User Image ] ✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖
There's a big smile on my face, and it never feels out of place!
xUhoh ! xI can't play anymore...
✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖ ! ✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖

                                        LET`S GOxxxx"うまくいけば日本語が"

    Maybe it was her who is getting the profit out of this whole thing, the constant laughing and uncontrollable tears. It's embarrassing in a way, but totally worth it. His uproar could just block out everything in front of him, his own amusement would come first in his book. Adding to her profit, the crimson male's sides began to attack him, a sharp pain would lunge deeper into his skin with every passing laugh. He only found salvation within the seconds he would gasp for air and end up exhale coughing, irritating his throat, cradling his neck into desperate hands. In hope that would ease the pain by a little. He wishes this suffering would just end, but this is the first time he's laughed like this for the longest time. It's been so many years, so distant. Where have those years gone off to? He doesn't know. What's going on? These tears, their not also from laughing my a** so hard. This texture feels...familiar, yet unrecognizable. Just put a steel knife in his windpipe. He's in misery, in more than one way.

    Soon his true laughter began to die down enough for him to get words through his lips, he wanted to make some quick remarks to Lollie before she would totally be fed up with him. That's exactly what he wanted anyway. And that is just a step in the right direction. Letting out a few sudden laughs before speaking again. He wiped a single tear still stuck in his eye and flicked it in a random direction. "You're not fooling anyone, Lollie. You're a better liar than you are in IQ! Ha! So don't lie to me, you would've loved it~! I saw your face, you were a good little girl listening to Big Daddy~ Oh s***t, that face!!!" Apollo made his best face to mimic Lollie's obedient face, he ended up making some sort of kissy face with his lips puckered out from his face, resembling somewhat of how a duck's bill is. "Hold on, let me speak your language before I communicate with you any further. Ahem, QUACK!!!" That handful of mean entertained himself, returning his laughter once again. At times like these, laughing with them is just a big lie. He's totally laughing at her.

    He followed her a bit, only when he is able to lean back onto a wall and observe her tantrum from a good distance. He stood out in the living room, onto the white dry walls, in no way it'll be pink. His laughter degraded into chuckling. She surely puts on a great show. For a flat-chest. Apollo watched her carefully, with a smug look and relaxed stance. Just chilling. Her eyes scanned for a possible exit. He'd be more than happy to point the way towards the front door, but she already found it. If she really wanted to leave out...why should he restrict her from doing what she wants? He doesn't need to hold her hand, it'll teach her to stay close and not get lost next time. Ya gotta learn this the hard way, thought it's not tough love. Just tough learning, and I'm the teacher. She's probably capable of a built-in GPS system anyway.

    She had troubles with the door knob, pulling and twisting it in all the wrong ways. Don't think about that too much. His laughter finally died, but he could recall the whole thing and use it against her in the near future. As a story or a lesson. The crimson male cringed slightly. "It's a knob, try giving it a huge jerk. Maybe it'll be satisfied and open for you. You'll be surprised." Calling out to her. She managed to get the door open, the stale sunlight leaked in through the rectangular frame. Suspicions should have died down by now, walking out shouldn't be too much trouble for himself, but he'll still have to avoid his own crime scene and populated areas. "Wow~ You actually did it. Here's a tip for your victory, it's much easier to open door when you're on your knees." That's just a lie from his sick mind. Nonetheless, he sarcastically applauded for her, keeping his smug stare.

    With set mind for her to follow, to leave and return when she's much more superior than him in every way, and then mock him. Just one thing, he doesn't care. She can go make that a fact, but that won't change his outlook and attitude on his view about the world. Nothing can. If she's doing this just to prove something to a single person or whether it's the whole world, that just proves his cynical outlook on the world even more. Lollie is only doing this for her own selfish reasons. It won't make anything better, and hopefully she'll realize that along the way. The least that would happen is nothing would change.

    Apollo peeked out his upper body through the open door, only semi outdoors. No police sirens, the tired sun, outdoors. How much did he hate? You can guess on that. Cupping his hands around his mouth, to direct his voice mostly toward Lollie. "I guess I might as well start growing a beard. Be careful out there on your own, I heard monsters and shadows still exist and prey upon pinkies. Just don't expect a knight in shining armor this time. You fight your own dragon." Just before he could reenter into his own home, he stared at Lollie, who is now hovering off the ground. In public. Apollo drops his head and arms, lowering his back forward, slightly depressed from her stupidity. I'll give her half a century. Mustering himself. "You idiot! Get down on the ground before someone sees you and gets the FBI for extraterrestrial activity! You'll be confiscated. I would expect by now that you figured out that flying isn't normal, us humans...can't fly. It's just way out of ordinary, ya freak'a nature." With an irritated tone, he wouldn't wait to see Lollie obey this time, keeping an on eye her is tiring. The crimson male just stepped back onto the white carpeting inside his home and closed the door.

    Apollo has been spending his alone and quiet time down memory lane, in his small backyard there placed a portable basketball hoop. It stood tall, similar to the professional height of the hoop distance from the ground. He dribbled, tricked, and jumped from what he taught himself and learn from his former coaches. It brought him back to much more pleasant times of his life. When he had something going. But the only shots he made was layups from the left side of the makeshift court. And he continued doing that, any other shots he tried to make wouldn't go into the basket. Or more accurately, barely made it into the basket. The crimson male hasn't lost his edge, everything just seems like yesterday. The distance isn't too great, three-pointers are his specialty. Damn it...Go up! Commanding would get him nowhere into what he couldn't stop. The majority of sweat he noticed dropped from his hair, sliding down his tainted face and falling from his chin. Other spots on his body got sweaty as well. He huffed and puffed, exhausted, catching his breath. A shower is needed. A cool down.

    Exiting out from the bathroom, the hot steam from the shower poured out into his room. His house has two bathrooms, the other is located into the living room, it's a guest's bathroom. Apollo is half naked from the top, such an exposed body revealed his own bulk. For his height and weight, he is considered very healthy and athletic, a medium frame of his own. Two is too less, six is too desperate, that's why he kept himself stable on 4-pack abs. That's actually the same amount he's had ever since he dropped out of school. Biceps and triceps? No problem there, each arm mirrored the other, keeping a bulky balance. Now don't go asking him to pop his pecs, he isn't that muscular to do that. Plus, it's just weird. He doesn't have pecs, but it's not like body builder material. The crimson male is no lame wimpy ectomorph, he's a mesomorph!

    The house seemed too quiet, without Lollie around. A tumbleweed could pass by with the help of a breeze and he would notice it. Apollo threw on a black dress shirt on, but didn't bother to button up himself. It's his house, don't tell him what to do or he'll go full-on naked and dance around in a weird manner just to emotionally scar the audience. He dried off any wet spots he may have missed on himself with a small red towel. Slowly scanning the living room for any signs of life or any clues that someone has been here. "Lollie?" Calling out her name, there is no response. The invisible air is his only company. "Lollie!" He called once more, louder this time. Just in case she didn't hear him the first time, even though this is a relatively small house. Apollo huffed out a little. Continuing to dry himself as he looked around one last time. "I guess she hasn't come back yet." A hint of concern creeping upon his shoulder. His own actions of neglect and nonchalantly brought this onto him, but he tried to find another reason for this troubling emotion. That didn't work, so he tried to block it out, to assure himself that everything will be alright.

    Returning to his room with a bottle of water from the fridge, now dry, he threw the towel onto his bed. Taking the seat in front of his computer, it's operating well. Slightly glad it didn't turn out broken. But then he stared down at the pink iPod, this is where his little iGIRL came into his life, and now she left out through the front door as full human body. Just like everyone and everything else. "I'm sure she's fine, she's not entirely stupid. Lollie will come back. And when she does...I'll laugh at her." Comforting himself, like he always has been, it still didn't change the fact that Lollie is out there in the real world. That is what she wanted after all. Who is he to stop someone's aim and see them miss from realization? Shaking off the meditation, he snapped open the water bottle and brought it to his mouth, chugging down the cool refreshing liquid. A mislead drop slid down his throat and began it's journey further down. The crimson male didn't really bother with it, it's just a single drop of water, it won't kill him.

    Parting his lips from the water bottle suddenly, Apollo released a refreshed sigh. Best taste of water, ever! "Now that's refreshing~! Cold water is always best after a hot shower. I could drink this all day!" Bringing the cold water bottle back to his lips, his chugging continued, until the contents inside would be consumed by something much more hotter. No worries, just chilling, like always. He left the door unlocked anyway, she could come back by her choice. The iPod is still plugged into the computer, charging it's battery, even though it's already up to full.

Accompanied ⇛ Alone
Location ⇛ Apollo's Residence, His room
Emotions ⇛ Refreshed, Worried
Clothing ⇛ Slept in these~
OOC ⇛ Wow, got two tips from the post, must've been somethng O_O Sorry for the mean Apollo, it's just how he is.

Can't QUIT until you TRY
Can't LIVE until you DIE
Can't learn to tell the TRUTH
Until you learn to LIE
Can't BREATHE until you CHOKE
Gotta LAUGH when you're the JOKE
It took a FUNERAL
To make me F E E L A L I V E
Just OPEN your eyes
PLEASE open your EYES
And see that L I F E I S B E A U T I F U L
Do you Swear on your LIFE
That NO ONE will CRY

Generous Bloodsucker

ʙᴏᴅʏ;#661C35ᗰᴇ ɪ ɴ ᴇᴍᴏᴜᴛʜ;#318E8Eᴍɪɴᴅ;#F57FA5

                                                    Meine frowned when Syl outright denied to go with him ─ after some nervous moments of fidgeting ─ as if his smart thought about her having a backbone decided to abruptly materialize to mock him. For a moment he thought she had changed her mind about wanting to go out or had something else in mind.

                                                    He knew something was up when she approached with the hinted expectant notion of bracing for a hit, and he almost gave a bitter smile at the fact that it reminded him of his self ─ past self. He slightly raised an eyebrow when she asked what he had been doing and momentarily looked amused at the mention of jump rope. "It's called Free Running," he lightly explained, not minding the question. That's it? All that for a simple question about how we got here? he thought when she smiled at him. As he watched her face turn pale and blank, his gut told him that he wasn't going to like what was about to tumble from her mouth next.

                                                    And it was right.

                                                    The male kept quiet as she tested another question, then steadied herself and continued on before he could respond. He blinked at her when he realized what she was getting at. Mein Gott. He forced his exterior to stay calm as he internally rolled like a sea in turmoil. His body couldn't help but become rigid as a small burst of adrenaline was released into his veins in defense. Because of his attempt to multitask and block out the memories that tried to bombard him, thanks to practiced ease, her ramble of inquiries seemed endless. They had only met hours ago, thanks to his earlier mishap with that stupid mis-jump, and here she was, unnecessarily stirring things up; out of the blue and in a public place. The ruffled up male momentarily thought her genuine concern for him and his existence was real, until he remembered that she was an A.I., thanks to Apple Inc., and damn, they did a good job with this one.

                                                    Ein ached to hush her, change the subject. Anything. She might not be human, but he honestly didn't want to talk about any of that ─ not now, not here. Hopefully never. He just wanted to bury it all and move on. A blank slate of sorts. Why else was he living here in Yorkshire by himself? What's past is past and that's where I want it to stay, he mentally growled at himself. He needed it to.

                                                    When she trailed off and seemed as though she was done, out of steam, finally, he gave a relieved sigh and slightly relaxed, not caring if she noticed. When her small form stepped into his path as if to block his way and challenge him, he frowned and raised his eyebrow once more, questioningly. Though her mood abruptly changed and she apologized for such an outburst with a cute salute, she seemed to want answers he would fight to not give. "There's a time and place for everything, and I believe such personal things shouldn't be discussed here." It was an honest answer and he hoped such a response would be enough to deter her. At least for now. Sleep isn't going to be on my side tonight, is it?

                                                    He gave another sigh ─ this one sounded more relaxed than the previous one ─ and his body language followed suit to reflect his nerves, which showed that he was more approachable now than when the questions started. He shifted his weight to his right leg. It was going to take his body a few extra minutes to completely recover from both Syl's bombardment and the rush of adrenaline that still occupied his veins. He glanced around to make sure they were still alone and realized that his appetite was gone.

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I'm so sorry if this is awful. D:

Hilarious Seeker

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Let’s ⓇⓄⒸⓀ!
    Just take it to the txoxp

      Ain’t never gonna stop

        Now all I wanna do is

          Make you ⓇⓄⒸⓀ

              Just take it to the txoxp

                Ain’t never gonna stop

                  Now make em say NA-NA-NA-NA

Actions Thoughts Speech


The purple-haired girl smiled, taking her place near Kyle, but far enough to allow him space. Leo's voice rang loudly, and as soon as he called "Go!", Kyle went right towards the ball. Vi stumbled a few times when the ball was passed to her, and it was snatched away from her by Jay. "Dammit!" It was at that moment that Alexis looked very upset. She was probably thinking, "Why did Kyle bring this girl into practice?", or something along those lines. She looked like a competitive person. Vi couldn't help but feel just the littlest amount of intimidation. As the game went on, that "feeling" disappeared.

The game was going by so fast. She was slow at first, missing the ball a few times, but thankfully, Leo and Alexis picked it up when she couldn't get to it. "Oh gosh, this is horrible...I'm not going to lose. I got to step up my game!" She told herself, continuously getting blocked and marked, but that didn't stop her one bit. Her evasiveness made up a bit of her slack as she ran the ball down the field, passing it to Kyle. He was running, and running. "You got this!"

And then the ball was stolen. "Damn!" A small look of unhappiness came on, but it was replaced by a blank look as she went after Jay. She kept trying to get the ball, but he was fast! Nothing that she did got him to stop. It only made him go faster, it seemed. How could this be?! And then, another hit to her ego. Soccer ball hitting the net wasn't the one sound she wanted to hear. Her sight went over to Kyle, to see him in disbelief. The girl wasn't to change that. She felt like she had to.

Now it was time to regroup and start again. It didn't take long for the A.I. to understand what she had to do, for them to get a point. As the game went on, she kept moving, trying to get the ball from the other team, and evading most of the players without causing any penalties. The ball was taken again, and was heading towards their goal.

"Vi! Go deep! Now!" She heard Kyle yell out, and she turned right around. They were strangely synced up! How odd. The time to think about that wasn't now; that would be for later. She wouldn't allow them to score this time. Alexis grabbed the ball and passed it to her, allowing the machine to run. And run she did. She managed to evade a few members, in which she passed it over to Kyle. Victor, the other player that was running around, looked worn out. He wouldn't be as much help now, would he? Vi took this moment to "shine". Kyle was stuck in a predicament. "Over here!" She yelled. No one was marking her at the moment. Her owner was a step ahead of her. "Agh! Here goes nothing!"

The ball flew up into the air, missing Jay's head by a foot. Vi used her knee to lower it to the ground. It was then she really showed -- mostly herself -- that she could get them a goal to match the game. Time began to slow down, movements seemed to blur around her as she ran towards the goal, moving the ball in between her feet. One of the players tried to take it from her. Nope! Taking the ball, she kicked it in front of her by a foot, running up to catch up to it. The player wasn't able to get it. She began to zig-zag on the court, making it harder for the players to get the ball. She was so close to the net. Almost there.....

Suddenly, WAM! The ball flew into the air, and....

The ball hit against the net, past the goalie's hands. "SCORE!" Happiness filled her face and body. She did it! She did it! She tied the game! Wanting to jump up and down, she instead grinned widely, attempting to hold back all of her excitement.

Where am I? :: Yorkshire's Soccer Court! || Who am I with? :: The soccer team! || Battery? :: 50% || Mode? :: Full-Mode! || I feel :: Competitive, warm, and happy! || OOC: SCORE! xD Also this post suuucked. ||

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