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Persuasive Cultist

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                                Name: Izanami Yamauchi
                                Age: 416
                                Role: The Escort Mistress
                                Race: Jorōgumo
                                Gender: Female
                                Orientation: Undecided
                                Significant Items: Blood red eyeshadow and coloured nails. Raw Crystal Ring which draws away her toxic aura. When clear it is safe to be in her presence but even the stone has its limits. If ever the stone were to turn in colour and become a deep green it would be highly recommended to escape... unless Izanami desires your demise.
                                Abilities: After her 400th birthday Izanami began developing magical powers past the traits she already possessed as a Jorōgumo. Along with her shapeshifting (human disguise), appendage generation and web generation, Izanami began developing incredibly toxic abilities. Like other darling spiders Izanami now possessed her own venom. A toxin which can bewitch or kill- in her short sixteen years with these powers she has not learned how to master them but contains them... for the time being.
                                Skills: Excellent trapper, seducer, lover and marksman.
                                Likes: Flirting, lying, company, indulging herself, being pampered, being desired, sour treats and savory foods.
                                Dislikes: Prudes, being ignored, sweet treats and boredom.
                                Personality: Flirtatious, bold, unpredictable, fun and loud.
                                History: Izanami's mother was a dirty pond dweller. Who would snatch up the sleepy travelers who crossed her path and lived an utterly-predictable life... Izanami snagged herself onto the first traveling spirit she found and moved on to greater things. Never to see her mother again who likely still hid in the dirt by the smelly pond...

                                However, Izanami knew nothing of the world outside her mothers dwelling and was in for a swift education. The young, impressionable and lovely creature that she was became the play thing of the spirit she traveled with... and loved it. Her mother lived without care for their natural gifts! Old and lacking the desire she once possessed-- well Izanami realized then why she wanted to leave so badly. This, pleasure and enjoyment of another's company, it was what called out to her for all those years... and now she had it. Her traveling companion took her many places and for a time she was truly happy... until that deep call of her demon urged her elsewhere. She tricked her companion, a man who had been lover and friend to her. Betraying him and wounding his pride by having him lose her in a fixed game of cards. Useless, but he tried, with every ounce of his wit... to any other creature this ought to have been heartening, but to Izanami it was a waste of time. Had it not been for her invisible webs ensuring the deck was always fixed in her new intendeds favor her old lover might have actually won...

                                Her second lover lasted not even a quarter of the time she had spent with the first. A restlessness began to grow inside her... She couldn't determine then what it was, but now she has found a word for it-- Izanami wanted to conquer. She wanted as many conquests as her flighty heart desired, and it was then that she found herself the occupation she was destined for in Reikai. An escort. How simple a concept but how endless her possibilities! She need not actually make love with her conquest, but could make them love her. Be desired, wanted, pampered but with no commitment or predictability a single lover meant. It did not take her long to excel and rise within her ranks to the most favoured, most desired in all of Reikai. A title she has retired since becoming manager, but just because she isn't on the list doesn't mean she isn't any less wanted.

Persuasive Cultist

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                                                                        User Image

                                                                        XXX▬▬ I, Escort Mistress. XX "Izanami."

                                                                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lobortis augue turpis, vitae blandit libero hendrerit sit amet. Aliquam ultrices, quam vitae posuere suscipit, erat nibh ullamcorper enim, in vestibulum nulla purus at eros. Aliquam euismod orci erat, vitae fringilla augue tempus et. Morbi tempor, erat in sodales luctus, tortor massa sodales nisl, et bibendum erat orci et magna. Integer et nunc diam. Vestibulum tristique pulvinar libero, ornare lacinia augue interdum tempus. In at orci at mi ullamcorper sagittis. Donec ut nibh vel lacus elementum consequat. Nam tempus augue sed velit semper vehicula. Cras accumsan eleifend dolor, in consectetur nisl congue a. Sed consequat est vitae nunc interdum, a tincidunt eros bibendum. Donec facilisis odio ligula, quis vestibulum lacus sagittis ut. Phasellus eget feugiat urna. Curabitur vehicula metus at est euismod mollis.

                                                                        Integer vitae mi purus. Fusce adipiscing arcu vel ligula feugiat, bibendum gravida sapien sollicitudin. Morbi fringilla, tellus vel placerat fermentum, arcu neque tristique sapien, ac vestibulum sapien nisi quis dolor. Praesent vitae urna feugiat, volutpat metus quis, vestibulum nunc. Vestibulum varius odio eu nisi lobortis, sed laoreet massa viverra. Proin eget eros eget enim mattis dignissim. Ut massa arcu, commodo id eros sit amet, ultricies tristique lorem.Aliquam ultrices, quam vitae posuere suscipit, erat nibh ullamcorper enim, in vestibulum nulla purus at eros. Aliquam euismod orci erat, vitae fringilla augue tempus et. Morbi tempor, erat in sodales luctus, tortor massa sodales nisl, et bibendum erat orci et magna. Integer et nunc diam. Vestibulum tristique pulvinar libero, ornare lacinia augue interdum tempus. In at orci at mi ullamcorper sagittis. Donec ut nibh vel lacus elementum consequat. Nam tempus augue sed velit semper vehicula. Cras accumsan eleifend dolor, in consectetur nisl congue a. Sed consequat est vitae nunc interdum, a tincidunt eros bibendum. Donec facilisis odio ligula, quis vestibulum lacus sagittis ut. Phasellus eget feugiat urna. Curabitur vehicula metus at est euismod mollis.

                                                                        Fusce adipiscing arcu vel ligula feugiat, bibendum gravida sapien sollicitudin. Morbi fringilla, tellus vel placerat fermentum, arcu neque tristique sapien, ac vestibulum sapien nisi quis dolor. Praesent vitae urna feugiat, volutpat metus quis, vestibulum nunc. Vestibulum varius odio eu nisi lobortis, sed laoreet massa viverra. Proin eget eros eget enim mattis dignissim. Ut massa arcu, commodo id eros sit amet, ultricies tristique lorem. Aliquam ultrices, quam vitae posuere suscipit, erat nibh ullamcorper enim, in vestibulum nulla purus at eros. Aliquam euismod orci erat, vitae fringilla augue tempus et. Morbi tempor, erat in sodales luctus, tortor massa sodales nisl, et bibendum erat orci et magna. Integer et nunc diam. Vestibulum tristique pulvinar libero, ornare lacinia augue interdum tempus. In at orci at mi ullamcorper sagittis. Donec ut nibh vel lacus elementum consequat. Nam tempus augue sed velit semper vehicula. Cras accumsan eleifend dolor, in consectetur nisl congue a. Sed consequat est vitae nunc interdum, a tincidunt eros bibendum. Donec facilisis odio ligula, quis vestibulum lacus sagittis ut. Phasellus eget feugiat urna. Curabitur vehicula metus at est euismod mollis.

                                                                        Morbi fringilla, tellus vel placerat fermentum, arcu neque tristique sapien, ac vestibulum sapien nisi quis dolor. Praesent vitae urna feugiat, volutpat metus quis, vestibulum nunc. Vestibulum varius odio eu nisi lobortis, sed laoreet massa viverra. Proin eget eros eget enim mattis dignissim. Ut massa arcu, commodo id eros sit amet, ultricies tristique lorem.Aliquam ultrices, quam vitae posuere suscipit, erat nibh ullamcorper enim, in vestibulum nulla purus at eros. Aliquam euismod orci erat, vitae fringilla augue tempus et. Morbi tempor, erat in sodales luctus, tortor massa sodales nisl, et bibendum erat orci et magna. Integer et nunc diam.

Persuasive Cultist

User Image

                                                                        User Image

                                                                        XXX▬▬ I, Escort Mistress. XX "Izanami."

                                                                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lobortis augue turpis, vitae blandit libero hendrerit sit amet. Aliquam ultrices, quam vitae posuere suscipit, erat nibh ullamcorper enim, in vestibulum nulla purus at eros. Aliquam euismod orci erat, vitae fringilla augue tempus et. Morbi tempor, erat in sodales luctus, tortor massa sodales nisl, et bibendum erat orci et magna. Integer et nunc diam. Vestibulum tristique pulvinar libero, ornare lacinia augue interdum tempus. In at orci at mi ullamcorper sagittis. Donec ut nibh vel lacus elementum consequat. Nam tempus augue sed velit semper vehicula. Cras accumsan eleifend dolor, in consectetur nisl congue a. Sed consequat est vitae nunc interdum, a tincidunt eros bibendum. Donec facilisis odio ligula, quis vestibulum lacus sagittis ut. Phasellus eget feugiat urna. Curabitur vehicula metus at est euismod mollis.

                                                                        Integer vitae mi purus. Fusce adipiscing arcu vel ligula feugiat, bibendum gravida sapien sollicitudin. Morbi fringilla, tellus vel placerat fermentum, arcu neque tristique sapien, ac vestibulum sapien nisi quis dolor. Praesent vitae urna feugiat, volutpat metus quis, vestibulum nunc. Vestibulum varius odio eu nisi lobortis, sed laoreet massa viverra. Proin eget eros eget enim mattis dignissim. Ut massa arcu, commodo id eros sit amet, ultricies tristique lorem.Aliquam ultrices, quam vitae posuere suscipit, erat nibh ullamcorper enim, in vestibulum nulla purus at eros. Aliquam euismod orci erat, vitae fringilla augue tempus et. Morbi tempor, erat in sodales luctus, tortor massa sodales nisl, et bibendum erat orci et magna. Integer et nunc diam. Vestibulum tristique pulvinar libero, ornare lacinia augue interdum tempus. In at orci at mi ullamcorper sagittis. Donec ut nibh vel lacus elementum consequat. Nam tempus augue sed velit semper vehicula. Cras accumsan eleifend dolor, in consectetur nisl congue a. Sed consequat est vitae nunc interdum, a tincidunt eros bibendum. Donec facilisis odio ligula, quis vestibulum lacus sagittis ut. Phasellus eget feugiat urna. Curabitur vehicula metus at est euismod mollis.

                                                                        Fusce adipiscing arcu vel ligula feugiat, bibendum gravida sapien sollicitudin. Morbi fringilla, tellus vel placerat fermentum, arcu neque tristique sapien, ac vestibulum sapien nisi quis dolor. Praesent vitae urna feugiat, volutpat metus quis, vestibulum nunc. Vestibulum varius odio eu nisi lobortis, sed laoreet massa viverra. Proin eget eros eget enim mattis dignissim. Ut massa arcu, commodo id eros sit amet, ultricies tristique lorem. Aliquam ultrices, quam vitae posuere suscipit, erat nibh ullamcorper enim, in vestibulum nulla purus at eros. Aliquam euismod orci erat, vitae fringilla augue tempus et. Morbi tempor, erat in sodales luctus, tortor massa sodales nisl, et bibendum erat orci et magna. Integer et nunc diam. Vestibulum tristique pulvinar libero, ornare lacinia augue interdum tempus. In at orci at mi ullamcorper sagittis. Donec ut nibh vel lacus elementum consequat. Nam tempus augue sed velit semper vehicula. Cras accumsan eleifend dolor, in consectetur nisl congue a. Sed consequat est vitae nunc interdum, a tincidunt eros bibendum. Donec facilisis odio ligula, quis vestibulum lacus sagittis ut. Phasellus eget feugiat urna. Curabitur vehicula metus at est euismod mollis.

                                                                        Morbi fringilla, tellus vel placerat fermentum, arcu neque tristique sapien, ac vestibulum sapien nisi quis dolor. Praesent vitae urna feugiat, volutpat metus quis, vestibulum nunc. Vestibulum varius odio eu nisi lobortis, sed laoreet massa viverra. Proin eget eros eget enim mattis dignissim. Ut massa arcu, commodo id eros sit amet, ultricies tristique lorem.Aliquam ultrices, quam vitae posuere suscipit, erat nibh ullamcorper enim, in vestibulum nulla purus at eros. Aliquam euismod orci erat, vitae fringilla augue tempus et. Morbi tempor, erat in sodales luctus, tortor massa sodales nisl, et bibendum erat orci et magna. Integer et nunc diam.

Persuasive Cultist

                        User Image
                        ALEXANDRA APOLONIA ZIRIMUS
        User Image

                        tab Alex & Lexi
                        tab Twenty-Six
                        tab August 9th
                        tab Female
                        tab Bisexual
                        tab Leo

                        tab 5"8
                        tab 130lbs
                        tab Hourglass
                        tab Red (dyed so it varies between applications)
                        tab Warm Brown
                        tab Lion face tattoo on her upper right thigh.

        User Image

                        tab tab Generous
                        tab tab Overbearing
                        tab tab Loyal
                        tab tab Easily Offended
                        tab tab Confident
                        tab tab Prideful

        User Image

                        tab tab Alexandra's conception is an utter lie, but one she will take to her grave.
                        tab tab Her mother and father looked like a perfect couple from the outside... but her Zirimus mother was a great deceiver.
                        tab tab The family was shocked when her mother divorced her husband, no one understood why and her now ex-husband used this against the woman.
                        tab tab Alexandra was nearly taken from her mother, no more then a bundled up babe due to the mans attempts to discredit his ex-wife.
                        tab tab He's hopes were to get full custody of everything- however he didn't realize everything also meant Alexandra.
                        tab tab When his lawyer explained if they continued down this road they would indeed succeed in deeming the woman insane...
                        tab tab But would mean he would become caretaker of their child, since in the eyes of the court she was his.
                        tab tab The man backed off then. He indeed wanted to destroy his ex-wife but would not take the child.
                        tab tab And why was that?
                        tab tab Alexandra was raised without a father figure. She knew the story but remained mute to the very thing she desperately wanted to know.
                        tab tab No one but Alexandra's mother understood the girls suffering.
                        tab tab She however was as great a deceiver as her mother and remained very much the same person she is now.
                        tab tab Bold and courageous. Daring to challenge and do as she pleased...
                        tab tab But under all this was an ache. Why would her father not want her?
                        tab tab Finally the girl who had courage in all things but one, found the strength... and asked her mother what had happened.
                        tab tab "I want to know. I want the truth."
                        tab tab How funny it would have been to hear such a thing from a seven year old, but it was just so Alexandra her mother simply sighed at first.
                        tab tab Alexandra's heart leaped into her throat, she had done it, and she could tell her mother was going to answer her.
                        tab tab Except the answer was more horrifying than Alexandra's young mind could comprehend and her mother censored as much as she could without damaging the tale...
                        tab tab Alexandra, this proud creature wanted to tear her flesh from her bones.
                        tab tab This man, this monster she had always known as father--
                        tab tab The offense he made against her mother was an disgustingly unforgivable... and she the was the product of it.

        User Image

                        tab Alexandra's last name was actually "Ramore" after her mothers husband, and her supposed father.
                        tab Once of legal age she changed her name to her great family name and held her head a little higher for it.
                        tab Alexandra dyes her hair to look more like her mother- its natural colour is actually dark brown.
                        tab Her dark brown hair always raised brows when she was young... since her mother has red hair and the man all believe to be her father is blonde.
                        tab Alexandra co-owned a jewelry store with her mother in America but now until she can purchase a store of her own has taken up a teaching position at the local high school.
                        tab She also managed to swing a part-time teachers assistant job helping a weekend night school college class.

Persuasive Cultist

User ImageUser Image

                                                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lobortis augue turpis, vitae blandit libero hendrerit sit amet. Aliquam ultrices, quam vitae posuere suscipit, erat nibh ullamcorper enim, in vestibulum nulla purus at eros. Aliquam euismod orci erat, vitae fringilla augue tempus et. Morbi tempor, erat in sodales luctus, tortor massa sodales nisl, et bibendum erat orci et magna. Integer et nunc diam. Vestibulum tristique pulvinar libero, ornare lacinia augue interdum tempus. In at orci at mi ullamcorper sagittis. Donec ut nibh vel lacus elementum consequat. Nam tempus augue sed velit semper vehicula. Cras accumsan eleifend dolor, in consectetur nisl congue a. Sed consequat est vitae nunc interdum, a tincidunt eros bibendum. Donec facilisis odio ligula, quis vestibulum lacus sagittis ut. Phasellus eget feugiat urna. Curabitur vehicula metus at est euismod mollis.

                                                    Integer vitae mi purus. Fusce adipiscing arcu vel ligula feugiat, bibendum gravida sapien sollicitudin. Morbi fringilla, tellus vel placerat fermentum, arcu neque tristique sapien, ac vestibulum sapien nisi quis dolor. Praesent vitae urna feugiat, volutpat metus quis, vestibulum nunc. Vestibulum varius odio eu nisi lobortis, sed laoreet massa viverra. Proin eget eros eget enim mattis dignissim. Ut massa arcu, commodo id eros sit amet, ultricies tristique lorem.Aliquam ultrices, quam vitae posuere suscipit, erat nibh ullamcorper enim, in vestibulum nulla purus at eros. Aliquam euismod orci erat, vitae fringilla augue tempus et. Morbi tempor, erat in sodales luctus, tortor massa sodales nisl, et bibendum erat orci et magna. Integer et nunc diam. Vestibulum tristique pulvinar libero, ornare lacinia augue interdum tempus. In at orci at mi ullamcorper sagittis. Donec ut nibh vel lacus elementum consequat. Nam tempus augue sed velit semper vehicula. Cras accumsan eleifend dolor, in consectetur nisl congue a. Sed consequat est vitae nunc interdum, a tincidunt eros bibendum. Donec facilisis odio ligula, quis vestibulum lacus sagittis ut. Phasellus eget feugiat urna. Curabitur vehicula metus at est euismod mollis.

                                                    Fusce adipiscing arcu vel ligula feugiat, bibendum gravida sapien sollicitudin. Morbi fringilla, tellus vel placerat fermentum, arcu neque tristique sapien, ac vestibulum sapien nisi quis dolor. Praesent vitae urna feugiat, volutpat metus quis, vestibulum nunc. Vestibulum varius odio eu nisi lobortis, sed laoreet massa viverra. Proin eget eros eget enim mattis dignissim. Ut massa arcu, commodo id eros sit amet, ultricies tristique lorem. Aliquam ultrices, quam vitae posuere suscipit, erat nibh ullamcorper enim, in vestibulum nulla purus at eros. Aliquam euismod orci erat, vitae fringilla augue tempus et. Morbi tempor, erat in sodales luctus, tortor massa sodales nisl, et bibendum erat orci et magna. Integer et nunc diam. Vestibulum tristique pulvinar libero, ornare lacinia augue interdum tempus. In at orci at mi ullamcorper sagittis. Donec ut nibh vel lacus elementum consequat. Nam tempus augue sed velit semper vehicula. Cras accumsan eleifend dolor, in consectetur nisl congue a. Sed consequat est vitae nunc interdum, a tincidunt eros bibendum. Donec facilisis odio ligula, quis vestibulum lacus sagittis ut. Phasellus eget feugiat urna. Curabitur vehicula metus at est euismod mollis.

                                                    Morbi fringilla, tellus vel placerat fermentum, arcu neque tristique sapien, ac vestibulum sapien nisi quis dolor. Praesent vitae urna feugiat, volutpat metus quis, vestibulum nunc. Vestibulum varius odio eu nisi lobortis, sed laoreet massa viverra. Proin eget eros eget enim mattis dignissim. Ut massa arcu, commodo id eros sit amet, ultricies tristique lorem.Aliquam ultrices, quam vitae posuere suscipit, erat nibh ullamcorper enim, in vestibulum nulla purus at eros. Aliquam euismod orci erat, vitae fringilla augue tempus et. Morbi tempor, erat in sodales luctus, tortor massa sodales nisl, et bibendum erat orci et magna. Integer et nunc diam.

Persuasive Cultist



Persuasive Cultist

User ImageUser Image

                                                    Come on, how else could she have gotten this job? End of the school year and somehow she-- some American gets a magical position opening! Something doesn't smell right ladies.

                                                    Despite being a week in to her new life Alexandra was still mulling over a conversation from her first day. High School must really never end for some people, Alexandra raised her mug of tea to hide her smirk from her students. Bah. She laughed internally as she took a longer sip than normal to suppress any giggles. She, the high school prom queen-- complaining that high school never ends for some people. It's only okay when I'M THE DRAMA QUEEN. Lowering her mug Alexandra then wiped her lips to ensure she wasn't grinning foolishly before her students. Luckily enough they had their heads down as they ferociously wrote to complete their pop quiz she had sprung on them.

                                                    Tick-Tock, Alexandra clicked her tongue in time with the second hand of the clock that rested above the door. Her students were in full panic now! Morning class was ending and-- and-- well clearly no one had heeded her warning apart from a select few who were waiting with their pencils down! It was alright though, just a small scare tactic she learned in her early years of teaching. The quiz in the end would amount to nothing since firstly, she would choose the top three quiz results per student and grade them accordingly, and secondly, ITS THE END OF THE YEAR. KA MON.

                                                    Bet you won't forget me next year~ Alexandra thought with an internal giggle as she alarm bell chimed and her students stared up at her in horror, or at least those who hadn't studied.

                                                    "Ah-ah," Alexandra tsked as she rose up from her desk as one of her students tried to dart out the door. "Back of the room is a novel-- everyone must take one and read it. Books correspond with your student IDs so if you lose it, you pay for it."

                                                    "Haaa... Herrr-oon... and..."

                                                    "Haroun and the Sea of Stories." Alexandra spoke the title loud and clearly for all her students. She would expect them to learn the pronunciation quickly and speak it properly in her class. "It is a personal favourite of mine so best know it inside and out. I will have a great deal of questions for you about the first three chapters~" Alexandra smirked to herself at the huffs and groans a few of her students boldly expressed. She took no offense to these gestures from her students. They didn't mean harm in these things... unlike some she had encountered.

                                                    Alexandra took her seat once again and sighed at the new silence of the room. Her morning students were gone now and a stack of books still remained for her next class... All she had left to do now wait. At least after this class she would be going home. Her schedule was still in the works between the School Board and her colleagues... but hopefully in the coming weeks things would settle into routine.

                                                    Weeks? Alexandra this isn't some semester abroad. You, and everyone else is... here. This thought shouldn't have hung over her head like a dark cloud, but the uncertainty of her families future hung heavy on this Leo's mind... That and this supposed other cursed family. Her sharp eyes turned then to the empty student desks before her. A family like theirs? Meaning members who would be young enough to be her students-- to be friends with her young relations.... Alexandra's chin raised with the direction of her thoughts. Let them show themselves. She had no fear in her abilities to protect her kin, and a great amount of doubt that this other cursed family was no more than a rumor.

                                                    They, the Zirimus family were the reality... and the other family would be proven the pretenders.

                                                    location : classroom company : students >> no one attire : work fancy dancy hair : up in a bun

Persuasive Cultist

User Image

                                █▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌▐░ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂

                                      ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Blanchette, Claire

                                              file . . . OPEN !! ◁ ◁ ◁

                      essentials▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            name ◁ ◁
                            tab Claire Blanchette
                            nickname ◁ ◁
                            tab Darling
                            age ◁ ◁
                            tab Fifteen
                            birthday ◁ ◁
                            tab May 14th
                            gender ◁ ◁
                            tab Female
                            role ◁ ◁
                            tab Gentle Spirit
                            sexuality ◁ ◁
                            tab Heterosexual

                      exterior▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            eye colour ◁ ◁
                            tab Pale Blue
                            hair colour ◁ ◁
                            tab Brownish Blond
                            height ◁ ◁
                            tab 5'5"
                            weight ◁ ◁
                            tab 115lbs
                            markings ◁ ◁
                            tab At moments of extreme emotion the bruises she bore at the time of her death will reappear. A dark circle of hands around her neck, split lip and various other marks scattered upon her body.

                      exclusive▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            soul type ◁ ◁
                            tab ghost
                            dead or alive? ◁ ◁
                            tab dead
                            true name ◁ ◁
                            tab none
                            memories ◁ ◁
                            tab no

                      experiences▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            hometown ◁ ◁
                            tab Spectre
                            current home ◁ ◁
                            tab The coastal road
                            job ◁ ◁
                            tab None.

                            biography ◁ ◁
                              Every town has a story of a beautiful child taken too soon. Claire was the leading heroine of such a story. Her life was full of darkness, pain and sorrow. When she proved to be easily broken in both body and mind, her oppresses simply continued to break her. Day after day, week after week and year after year. A stranger needed to only glance at her and know all that happened behind the walls of her home. She bore the truth on her face... despite her attempts to hide it. The mask of smiles she wore were fraying at the edges. Tears always brimming in her eyes... and an unimaginable amount of bruises covered her little frame.

                              She had never truly known her body to be anything but battered. In death she was graced with the relief that she did not have to bare the reminders of her daily abuse... in fact much of those times have been lost to her with death...

                              For a long while she had even forgotten her name...

                            personality ◁ ◁
                              personality here; you are free to do with it what you will as long as it still ties into the character blurb. Can either be in paragraph form or bullet form, no limitations on length or minimum amount length

                      extra▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            weapon ◁ ◁
                            tab nearly everyone carries a weapon, it's dangerous. You can make your own weapon or find types of weapons under the "vocabulary" section in the IC thread.
                            likes ◁ ◁
                            tab likes here
                            dislikes ◁ ◁
                            tab dislikes here
                            hobbies ◁ ◁
                            tab hobbies here
                            secrets ◁ ◁
                            tab secrets, could be anything (some are already listed in blurbs, you can add to that as you please but make sure those are included)

Persuasive Cultist

                                                          User Image
                                                                  Claire Blanchette
                                                                darling :: female :: forever fifteen :: gentle spirit :: ghost :: madame sono megami :: taken

                                              xxxxNaive Quiet Caring Sad

                                              xx▬▬xx JUST HOW FAR WILL I BE ABLE TO GO?

                                                      The GENTLE SPIRIT is a young girl who, in life, had been abused and neglected by her parents and eventually drowned in Spectre's western district, where the ocean had risen the highest. Ever since, she had been sitting on the wall of the coastal road, just watching as people drive by and watching as the city changed, little by little getting eaten and swallowed by the rising seas. She saw many people die, just like she did, but was never given company and was always alone. Almost. At least once a week, the TORMENTED SOUL would come to say hello. They were scary, apparently having been murdered in a particularly nasty robbery, but the TORMENTED SOUL seemed to find some sort of odd kinship with the GENTLE SPIRIT and wanted her company, telling her it was a "brief respite" from what they went through every single day. But one day, she saw the SEEKER OF SPIRITS stand right beside where she sat, leaning over to look at the ocean before a power gust of wind caused him to lose his balance and he tumbled right over. The SEEKER OF SPIRITS then looked her straight in the eyes and shouted for help. Ever since she saved him, he's been able to see her. She no longer sits on the coastal road, and instead spends her time bugging the SEEKER OF SPIRITS and his friend, the PRINCE OF VULGARITY, because it's the most fun she's had in both her life and afterlife.

Persuasive Cultist

User ImageUser Image
                                                          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lobortis augue turpis, vitae blandit libero hendrerit sit amet. Aliquam ultrices, quam vitae posuere suscipit, erat nibh ullamcorper enim, in vestibulum nulla purus at eros. Aliquam euismod orci erat, vitae fringilla augue tempus et. Morbi tempor, erat in sodales luctus, tortor massa sodales nisl, et bibendum erat orci et magna. Integer et nunc diam. Vestibulum tristique pulvinar libero, ornare lacinia augue interdum tempus. In at orci at mi ullamcorper sagittis. Donec ut nibh vel lacus elementum consequat. Nam tempus augue sed velit semper vehicula. Cras accumsan eleifend dolor, in consectetur nisl congue a. Sed consequat est vitae nunc interdum, a tincidunt eros bibendum. Donec facilisis odio ligula, quis vestibulum lacus sagittis ut. Phasellus eget feugiat urna. Curabitur vehicula metus at est euismod mollis.

                                                          Integer vitae mi purus. Fusce adipiscing arcu vel ligula feugiat, bibendum gravida sapien sollicitudin. Morbi fringilla, tellus vel placerat fermentum, arcu neque tristique sapien, ac vestibulum sapien nisi quis dolor. Praesent vitae urna feugiat, volutpat metus quis, vestibulum nunc. Vestibulum varius odio eu nisi lobortis, sed laoreet massa viverra. Proin eget eros eget enim mattis dignissim. Ut massa arcu, commodo id eros sit amet, ultricies tristique lorem.

                                                          In in augue accumsan, consectetur felis at, egestas dolor. Vivamus porta, nisi sed feugiat auctor, ipsum lacus varius est, sagittis bibendum magna diam a massa. Nunc consequat ligula vitae risus tincidunt venenatis. Sed in leo rutrum, dignissim eros sit amet, accumsan purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam eleifend sapien id sem convallis faucibus sit amet non mauris. Nunc accumsan vestibulum purus lacinia volutpat. Sed nec dolor lectus. Suspendisse eget molestie nibh, ut tristique enim. Morbi tincidunt est a pretium dictum. Sed volutpat nisl ut enim accumsan sollicitudin. Curabitur et pulvinar odio, at faucibus orci. Sed rutrum mi mauris, vitae vehicula magna tincidunt et.

                                                          Donec a nulla at dolor placerat malesuada. Nullam ornare ut velit quis egestas. Praesent dapibus suscipit neque, ut varius justo fringilla quis. Quisque eu velit sodales, condimentum augue ac, sagittis augue. Nulla sed velit vel ipsum eleifend sollicitudin vel et leo. Mauris tempor mi sed orci ullamcorper, sed dapibus sem sagittis. Vivamus ac ante dictum, tempus odio nec, porttitor nisl. Ut mattis lobortis nisl, sed egestas justo euismod sed. Nulla quam neque, fermentum vel sollicitudin ac, mattis nec erat. Mauris bibendum nunc vel tellus tempor, nec vestibulum nibh consectetur.

                                                          Nam pretium pretium blandit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent eu diam mattis, convallis diam at, imperdiet neque. Sed aliquet, tortor sit amet feugiat ornare, metus sapien vestibulum est, lacinia sollicitudin velit diam malesuada nisl. Donec luctus id magna vel molestie. In vestibulum odio sit amet dui dapibus convallis. Fusce vel faucibus sem. Maecenas vitae turpis a elit commodo iaculis.

Persuasive Cultist

                                                          User Image
                                                                naomi :: female :: twenty-four :: prince of rebellion :: demon :: madame sono megami :: taken

                                              xxxx Feisty Confident Bold Unpredictable

                                              xx▬▬xx JUST HOW FAR WILL I BE ABLE TO GO?

                                                      The PRINCE OF REBELLION was abandoned as a baby, but was found by a group of bandits. She grew up as one of them, misfits and miscreants who had no place to call home in the city of Moral, if it could even be called a city anymore. She was a loner up until they found a boy that was close to her age, the PRINCE OF GREED. Since then, she’s stuck by him and made sure that he wasn’t alone like she was. The PRINCE OF REBELLION is the only one who can really read his expressions and knows how he feels so she prides herself on that; she’s also extremely good at telling whether he’s lying or not, so she sticks close to him and makes sure that he’s not lonely.

Persuasive Cultist

      User Image

                                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lobortis augue turpis, vitae blandit libero hendrerit sit amet. Aliquam ultrices, quam vitae posuere suscipit, erat nibh ullamcorper enim, in vestibulum nulla purus at eros. Aliquam euismod orci erat, vitae fringilla augue tempus et. Morbi tempor, erat in sodales luctus, tortor massa sodales nisl, et bibendum erat orci et magna. Integer et nunc diam. Vestibulum tristique pulvinar libero, ornare lacinia augue interdum tempus. In at orci at mi ullamcorper sagittis. Donec ut nibh vel lacus elementum consequat. Nam tempus augue sed velit semper vehicula. Cras accumsan eleifend dolor, in consectetur nisl congue a. Sed consequat est vitae nunc interdum, a tincidunt eros bibendum. Donec facilisis odio ligula, quis vestibulum lacus sagittis ut. Phasellus eget feugiat urna. Curabitur vehicula metus at est euismod mollis.

                                        Integer vitae mi purus. Fusce adipiscing arcu vel ligula feugiat, bibendum gravida sapien sollicitudin. Morbi fringilla, tellus vel placerat fermentum, arcu neque tristique sapien, ac vestibulum sapien nisi quis dolor. Praesent vitae urna feugiat, volutpat metus quis, vestibulum nunc. Vestibulum varius odio eu nisi lobortis, sed laoreet massa viverra. Proin eget eros eget enim mattis dignissim. Ut massa arcu, commodo id eros sit amet, ultricies tristique lorem.

                                        In in augue accumsan, consectetur felis at, egestas dolor. Vivamus porta, nisi sed feugiat auctor, ipsum lacus varius est, sagittis bibendum magna diam a massa. Nunc consequat ligula vitae risus tincidunt venenatis. Sed in leo rutrum, dignissim eros sit amet, accumsan purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam eleifend sapien id sem convallis faucibus sit amet non mauris. Nunc accumsan vestibulum purus lacinia volutpat. Sed nec dolor lectus. Suspendisse eget molestie nibh, ut tristique enim. Morbi tincidunt est a pretium dictum. Sed volutpat nisl ut enim accumsan sollicitudin. Curabitur et pulvinar odio, at faucibus orci. Sed rutrum mi mauris, vitae vehicula magna tincidunt et.

                                        Donec a nulla at dolor placerat malesuada. Nullam ornare ut velit quis egestas. Praesent dapibus suscipit neque, ut varius justo fringilla quis. Quisque eu velit sodales, condimentum augue ac, sagittis augue. Nulla sed velit vel ipsum eleifend sollicitudin vel et leo. Mauris tempor mi sed orci ullamcorper, sed dapibus sem sagittis. Vivamus ac ante dictum, tempus odio nec, porttitor nisl. Ut mattis lobortis nisl, sed egestas justo euismod sed. Nulla quam neque, fermentum vel sollicitudin ac, mattis nec erat. Mauris bibendum nunc vel tellus tempor, nec vestibulum nibh consectetur.

                                        Nam pretium pretium blandit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent eu diam mattis, convallis diam at, imperdiet neque. Sed aliquet, tortor sit amet feugiat ornare, metus sapien vestibulum est, lacinia sollicitudin velit diam malesuada nisl. Donec luctus id magna vel molestie. In vestibulum odio sit amet dui dapibus convallis. Fusce vel faucibus sem. Maecenas vitae turpis a elit commodo iaculis.

                                        User Image

Persuasive Cultist

User Image

                                █▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌▐░ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂

                                      ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ RAMORE, NAOMI

                                              file . . . OPEN !! ◁ ◁ ◁

                      essentials▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            name ◁ ◁
                            tab Naomi Ramore
                            nickname ◁ ◁
                            tab Trouble, Nini, Ramore
                            age ◁ ◁
                            tab Twenty-four
                            birthday ◁ ◁
                            tab Exact date is unknown so she celebrates her 'found day,' August 9th
                            gender ◁ ◁
                            tab Female
                            role ◁ ◁
                            tab Prince of Rebellion
                            sexuality ◁ ◁
                            tab Heterosexual, for the moment.

                      exterior▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            eye colour ◁ ◁
                            tab Grey
                            hair colour ◁ ◁
                            tab Black but dyes her bangs purple.
                            height ◁ ◁
                            tab 5'8"
                            weight ◁ ◁
                            tab 130lbs
                            markings ◁ ◁
                            tab Aside form her signature purple bangs Naomi has a a matching tattoo which sits on the crest of each of her shoulders.

                      exclusive▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            soul type ◁ ◁
                            tab demon
                            dead or alive? ◁ ◁
                            tab alive
                            true name ◁ ◁
                            tab unknown
                            memories ◁ ◁
                            tab Glimpses of strange things, but she has yet to understand them. For now she chalks it up to her wild imagination.

                      experiences▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            hometown ◁ ◁
                            tab Moral
                            current home ◁ ◁
                            tab Abandoned surveillance station... Easy to find because of its still intact but weather beaten sign which reads 'CFS Ramore.' Which is where she came up with her last name; Ramore.
                            job ◁ ◁
                            tab Everywhere and anywhere the mighty eon leads her.
                            As a Bandit she typically tries not to stay in one place too long.
                            When thieving can't get her anywhere she often takes up odd jobs where she can.

                            biography ◁ ◁
                              Naomi doesn't know who she is. Like even her name- the most basic knowledge a person ought to have... she doesn't know. The name 'Naomi' was just something that evolved as her would-be family of bandits realized they just couldn't call her 'hey you' for the rest of her life... So the boys flipped through a nudie-mag, voted on the best looking girl and decided the little babies name that way. She doesn't mind the name though, having seen that old nudie-mag herself. Naomi is just very thankful not to have been named Candi... or worse Tammy Salami... ugh. She never would have heard the end of it.

                              Then again there are worse things in the world than being named after some long dead porn star... like being left behind.

                              You can't even say Naomi grew up in the streets, because the flood waters would only rise and rise. Pushing them further north as Moral began to sink before their eyes... And life in these flooded streets weren't easy. Naomi's early years were spent being left behind to watch whatever shelter they were now calling 'home.' The Bandits were happy to take her in but weren't interested in the risk of dragging her along. She of course would protest that they used to take her all the time, which was true, but dangerous. Even if they left her behind there was no guarantee she would stay. She would often sneak off and do some thieving of her own, and after some time her bandit family came to accept that the little girl was just a gosh darn adorable ball of pure trouble. Finally her bandit family took her under their dark wings and taught her everything... But eventually even that had to come to an end. Once she reached 'womanhood' at the tender age of twelve suddenly her lessons were disturbed monthly. The other women couldn't even be of any help, they had long since stopped having their monthly disturbance. Malnutrition and the constant physical stress they were under halted this process... their bodies believing them to be in too dangerous a state to carry a child. Which was one of the reasons Naomi had been taken in... It was the chance for them to actually have a family.

                              Naomi had never thought much on why she was taken, being raised on old stories of characters like Robin Hood. People just did good, and even if they did bad... they were essentially still good... right? But now she understood they took her out of wants. Just as they would steal out of wants. Now, dealing with periods are shitty to begin with but add having minimum access to toilets or proper feminine products...? Well her days of adventuring became fewer and fewer, as once again out of want her family was pulled further and further from her...

                              Her family often had to go on 'jobs' which often took them to far off places... but she had always been able to go with them. But now, with the unpredictability of her.. 'womanly situation' she was forced to stay behind. Sometimes they would be gone weeks or months at a time, leaving her to fend for herself or call upon friends to check in on their big girl.

                              Little did they know how hard it was for Naomi to be left behind, over and over... To wonder if she had been forgotten completely or not... Making her retract deeper into herself. Allowing her imagination to dream up lives upon lives for her... but none of these dreams could distract her form her reality. As the years went by their family became fewer and fewer. Being claimed by death or the state... and so their time away only lengthened.

                              As Naomi grew older these things mattered less, or at least she pretended they did. Instead of moping like she had for a good two years she began to work her own jobs, or more brewing her own trouble! Fearless, shameless and bold Naomi became an unpredictable force that rampaged the near by towns. Caught or not, it didn't matter as long as she managed to run away! So maybe at first she wasn't so good at the solo gigs, but it gave her something to do during her twenty-eight days of freedom! However even this terrible thing was not to last forever. Like the other women, her life in Moral began to take its tole on her body... and the one certain thing in her life disappeared...

                              Stupid. So stupid to miss something once it's gone but that's exactly what Naomi did. She might not have often imagined what her future would be, but when she did she imagined it with a child. A child whom she wanted to ensure would know her as she had never known her own mother... but now... well it was another dusty dream to push to the back of her mind.

                              At least life brought her a new grace in the form of a friend- well she was going to be his friend whether he liked it or not! Someone her own age! At last! Someone her own age who wouldn't look at her like some urchin. She could steal on the eons she wanted, dress herself all fancy... and yet people would still look at her like... well.. like she was nobody... But with her companion came a new found confidence. He was hilariously weak, at first at least, which made the girl feel impossibly happy. She had been made strong from her lonely years. Made smart by the lessons heard and the hard lessons learned...

                              And now she had someone to share it all with. Her new friend was grateful for the knowledge and together they became a powerful duo. Together they go anywhere, do anything and be anyone--

                            personality ◁ ◁
                              Naomi had always been rather spunky, but her years alone made all of her traits more extreme. For a long time it had just been a 'me, myself and i' show... but now she has an audience and all the world is her stage.

                      extra▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            weapon ◁ ◁
                            tab Two Esperion Hand Guns, and a gnarly old hunting knife she found in her abandon surveillance building of a home.
                            likes ◁ ◁
                            tab Dry places, Savory foods, Prince of Greed, Trouble
                            dislikes ◁ ◁
                            tab Being alone, Bland food, Rich people
                            hobbies ◁ ◁
                            tab Making False Identification Cards, stealing, reading old surveillance guide books in her house
                            secrets ◁ ◁
                            tab Before the Prince of Greed came along and before Naomi stopped having her cycles she did have a companion for a short while... A fellow Moral citizen but when with few actual morals... Didn't seem to care how young she was and educated her a great deal on 'couple-activities'... She grew pregnant while her family was away although she didn't know it, it was the man who noticed it first. He began discretely feeding her substances that would make the baby go away... and it did. With her miscarriage Naomi was utterly horrified by what came out of her. The man took the remains away and buried them. When she asked where he took the baby he explained that be buried it by the old surveillance building.

                            She has since not only called that place home but adopted its name as well. The man left Moral long before her family returned... and to this day no one knows what happened or the tiny body which remains lost in the earth.

Persuasive Cultist

User Image

                                █▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌█▌▐░ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂

                                      ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ RAMORE, NAOMI

                                              file . . . OPEN !! ◁ ◁ ◁

                      essentials▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            name ◁ ◁
                            tab Naomi Ramore
                            nickname ◁ ◁
                            tab Trouble, Nini, Ramore
                            age ◁ ◁
                            tab Twenty-four
                            birthday ◁ ◁
                            tab Exact date is unknown so she celebrates her 'found day,' August 9th
                            gender ◁ ◁
                            tab Female
                            role ◁ ◁
                            tab Prince of Rebellion
                            sexuality ◁ ◁
                            tab Heterosexual, for the moment.

                      exterior▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            eye colour ◁ ◁
                            tab Grey
                            hair colour ◁ ◁
                            tab Black but dyes her bangs purple.
                            height ◁ ◁
                            tab 5'8"
                            weight ◁ ◁
                            tab 130lbs
                            markings ◁ ◁
                            tab Aside form her signature purple bangs Naomi has a a matching tattoo which sits on the crest of each of her shoulders.

                      exclusive▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            soul type ◁ ◁
                            tab demon
                            dead or alive? ◁ ◁
                            tab alive
                            true name ◁ ◁
                            tab unknown
                            memories ◁ ◁
                            tab Glimpses of strange things, but she has yet to understand them. For now she chalks it up to her wild imagination.

                      experiences▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            hometown ◁ ◁
                            tab Moral
                            current home ◁ ◁
                            tab Abandoned surveillance station... Easy to find because of its still intact but weather beaten sign which reads 'CFS Ramore.' Which is where she came up with her last name; Ramore.
                            job ◁ ◁
                            tab Everywhere and anywhere the mighty eon leads her.
                            As a Bandit she typically tries not to stay in one place too long.
                            When thieving can't get her anywhere she often takes up odd jobs where she can.

                            biography ◁ ◁
                              Naomi doesn't know who she is. Like even her name- the most basic knowledge a person ought to have... she doesn't know. The name 'Naomi' was just something that evolved as her would-be family of bandits realized they just couldn't call her 'hey you' for the rest of her life... So the boys flipped through a nudie-mag, voted on the best looking girl and decided the little babies name that way. She doesn't mind the name though, having seen that old nudie-mag herself. Naomi is just very thankful not to have been named Candi... or worse Tammy Salami... ugh. She never would have heard the end of it.

                              Then again there are worse things in the world than being named after some long dead porn star... like being left behind.

                              You can't even say Naomi grew up in the streets, because the flood waters would only rise and rise. Pushing them further north as Moral began to sink before their eyes... And life in these flooded streets weren't easy. Naomi's early years were spent being left behind to watch whatever shelter they were now calling 'home.' The Bandits were happy to take her in but weren't interested in the risk of dragging her along. She of course would protest that they used to take her all the time, which was true, but dangerous. Even if they left her behind there was no guarantee she would stay. She would often sneak off and do some thieving of her own, and after some time her bandit family came to accept that the little girl was just a gosh darn adorable ball of pure trouble. Finally her bandit family took her under their dark wings and taught her everything... But eventually even that had to come to an end. Once she reached 'womanhood' at the tender age of eight suddenly her lessons were disturbed monthly. The other women couldn't even be of any help, they had long since stopped having their monthly disturbance. Malnutrition and the constant physical stress they were under halted this process... their bodies believing them to be in too dangerous a state to carry a child. Which was one of the reasons Naomi had been taken in... It was the chance for them to actually have a family.

                              Naomi had never thought much on why she was taken, being raised on old stories of characters like Robin Hood. People just did good, and even if they did bad... they were essentially still good... right? But now she understood they took her out of wants. Just as they would steal out of wants. Now, dealing with periods are shitty to begin with but add having minimum access to toilets or proper feminine products...? Well her days of adventuring became fewer and fewer, as once again out of want her family was pulled further and further from her...

                              Her family often had to go on 'jobs' which often took them to far off places... but she had always been able to go with them. But now, with the unpredictability of her.. 'womanly situation' she was forced to stay behind. Sometimes they would be gone weeks or months at a time, leaving her to fend for herself or call upon friends to check in on their big girl.

                              Little did they know how hard it was for Naomi to be left behind, over and over... To wonder if she had been forgotten completely or not... Making her retract deeper into herself. Allowing her imagination to dream up lives upon lives for her... but none of these dreams could distract her form her reality. As the years went by their family became fewer and fewer. Being claimed by death or the state... and so their time away only lengthened.

                              As Naomi grew older these things mattered less, or at least she pretended they did. Instead of moping like she had for a good two years she began to work her own jobs, or more brewing her own trouble! Fearless, shameless and bold Naomi became an unpredictable force that rampaged the near by towns. Caught or not, it didn't matter as long as she managed to run away! So maybe at first she wasn't so good at the solo gigs, but it gave her something to do during her twenty-eight days of freedom! However even this terrible thing was not to last forever. Like the other women, her life in Moral began to take its tole on her body... and the one certain thing in her life disappeared...

                              Stupid. So stupid to miss something once it's gone but that's exactly what Naomi did. She might not have often imagined what her future would be, but when she did she imagined it with a child. A child whom she wanted to ensure would know her as she had never known her own mother... but now... well it was another dusty dream to push to the back of her mind.

                              At least life brought her a new grace in the form of a friend- well she was going to be his friend whether he liked it or not! Someone her own age! At last! Someone her own age who wouldn't look at her like some urchin. She could steal on the eons she wanted, dress herself all fancy... and yet people would still look at her like... well.. like she was nobody... But with her companion came a new found confidence. He was hilariously weak, at first at least, which made the girl feel impossibly happy. She had been made strong from her lonely years. Made smart by the lessons heard and the hard lessons learned...

                              And now she had someone to share it all with. Her new friend was grateful for the knowledge and together they became a powerful duo. Together they go anywhere, do anything and be anyone--

                            personality ◁ ◁
                              Naomi had always been rather spunky, but her years alone made all of her traits more extreme. For a long time it had just been a 'me, myself and i' show... but now she has an audience and all the world is her stage.

                      extra▁▁▁▁▁ !!

                            weapon ◁ ◁
                            tab Two Esperion Hand Guns, and a gnarly old hunting knife she found in her abandon surveillance building of a home.
                            likes ◁ ◁
                            tab Dry places, Savory foods, Prince of Greed, Trouble
                            dislikes ◁ ◁
                            tab Being alone, Bland food, Rich people
                            hobbies ◁ ◁
                            tab Making False Identification Cards, stealing, reading old surveillance guide books in her house
                            secrets ◁ ◁
                            tab Naomi has never outwardly expressed her interest in discovering who here parents were... but through conversations with other Moral citizens she discovered that there was a couple living in the abandoned surveillance building around the time she had been born. No one ever knew what happened to them and the matter was simply shrugged off. Moral was a hard place to live so it wasn't surprising when people just up and left...

                            Since learning this information Naomi became obsessed with the building and quickly claimed it for herself. Exploring as much of the corridors as she can since much of the lower levels have already flooded... she hopes to maybe discover if the couple who once lived here were her real parents.

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