Welcome to Gaia! ::

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Welcome to Couture Creations - the place for all your Original Character fashion needs!

Our Services:
Outfit Reference - A 3/4 view of your character's outfit on one of our mannequins.
Alterations - Have a tektek or old reference sheet but it just isn't quite right now? We can make some alterations to the cut and colour and have it looking spot on!
Fashion Update - Been wearing the same outfit for just a bit too long and need a completely new look? As long as you have some ideas for what you want, our fashionista's are on hand to help make that dream outfit a reality!
Single Article Design - Only need one article of clothing drawn up? This is the option for you! This can be designed from scratch or altered from an existing design you've found.

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If you are uncertain about anything, you are welcome to talk to the fashionista's directly - there is no charge if they discuss an idea and some options with you. You are only charged once you place an official order and it is accepted.

This is a shop focused on bringing fashion to your OC's - so unfortunately avatar art is not done here, unless your avatar IS your OC. In which case we encourage you to come in as your character and interact with the staff here. That way you can think about what your character actually would feel comfortable wearing as opposed to what you think you want them to wear just because it would look cool.

Simply put: This is a role play encouraged thread. You don't need to make an account for them, you can simply put Character Name at the start of your post to indicate you are in character. You also don't have to RP unless you want to. I think it's fun, but if you'd rather just come in and talk as yourself that's cool too.

Outfit Reference 10 Billion
Choose the fashionista closest to your style.
Give them your references.
No alterations or consultation will take place as they will work off the references directly.
You will get a 3/4 view render of your outfit on a mannequin.

Alterations 15 Billion
Choose the fashionista closest to your style.
Give them your references and advise them of what changes need to be made.
You will then get a 3/4 image of the outfit on a mannequin.

Fashion Update 50 Billion
Choose the fashionista closest to your style.
They will create a minimum of three mock ups (sketches) for you to look at to see what you like.
Once you select a mock up you like, the artist will then refine the idea based on the feedback you give from the sketch stage.
You will then get a 3/4 image of your dream outfit on a mannequin.

Single Article Design - 5 Billion - 10 Billion
Price varies depending on how complicated the item is, and how big it is - the fashionista can provide a quote if you discuss the idea with them prior to ordering.
Choose the fashionista closest to your style.
Let them know what article of clothing you would like designed.
Provide them with references, written or picture, of what you would like done.
They will then create some mock ups to see what you like.
Once you've chosen a mock up and provided any changes you would like made to it, the fashionista will start creating the final garment.
You will then get a 3/4 image of your singular item on a mannequin.

Optional Front/Back/Left/Right Views 10 Billion for each view added
In addition to the above services you can also request additional views of your outfit on the mannequin for an extra fee for
each extra view requested.

Optional Layered Views 10 Billion each layer removed
If you want a view of the outfit as a whole but minus an article of clothing that might obscure the layers below it (like a jacket or cloak) you can request a Layered View minus the offending piece of clothing. If you have want views with say first one layer then two layers removed, just multiply the cost by the amount of layers.

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- You may be added to a fashionista wait list once you have all the details of your order sorted and need no consulting to work out ideas (basically you are ready to fill in the order form once you are given the go ahead by the fashionista that they are ready to work on yours next)
- You may only be on one fashionista wait list at a time
- If you are already working with one fashionista you cannot be on someone else's waitlist

Ordering Policy

- Please only order one service at a time (Single Article / Fashion Update)
- If, during the design process you like some of the concepts the fashionista has come up with, you can then ask for them to be added to your order, either as another full outfit or as a single article on it's own


1 ) Follow Gaia's Rules
2 ) An artist can refuse an offer at their own descretion
3 ) Artists will only have one slot each (because technically, I'm all the artists - except Guest Artists - and there's only so much I can do)
4 ) Slots will not automatically re-open once a job is done, so please wait to see that they say OPEN before putting through an offer
5 ) You are more than welcome to RP in this thread so long as you don't cause damage/start fights in the shop - if you do you will be asked to leave
6 ) Even if an artist's slots are closed, you can still RP and interact with them and ask questions
7 ) The above rules are subject to change as the shop runs
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Sebastien Del Ishos

Salutations! If you are looking for designs of a fantastical nature then look no further! While my fellow workmates take a more modern take on things I enjoy pushing the limitions of fabric and the imagination to craft things you have only dreamed of. Be it clothing from a long lost era to outfits that might need to take in additional extremeties into account, I will be the one to design it for you. Ah, there is one thing I can't do and that is metal work. I can worth with fabric and leather but I cannot craft armour - you will need a blacksmith for that.

Leather armour

Request Form

[quote="Sebastien Del Ishos"][/quote]
[b][color=#ccac00]You know my name, but I don't know yours. What might I call you?[/color][/b] (Character Name)
[b][color=#ccac00]Now, what did you have in mind? [/color][/b] (Outfit Reference Sheet, Alteration, New Wardrobe)
[b][color=#ccac00]Interesting, interesting. Happen to have any references or ideas for that?[/color][/b] (Reference images. Please be sure to indicate what part of the reference image you want used, for instance, the style of the top and then the colour will be in a different reference)
[b][color=#ccac00]Any extra appendages I need to be aware of?[/color][/b]

Current Slot Holder

Waiting List

[quote="Buxom Bandit"][/quote]
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Marguerite La Creme
Hello and welcome. Please, make yourself comfortable. I can assist you with creating outfits of a more sweet nature. For the ladies I can put together cute ensembles for afternoon dates or craft a gown to make you the belle of the ball. For the gentlemen, I can make you look sharp and neat during the day or perhaps if you are accompanying said belle of the ball you will need your own tailored suit.

Pastel shades
Bold accent colours

Request Form

[quote="Marguerite La Creme"]
[b][color=#4ca6ff]So nice to meet you ...?[/color][/b] (Character Name)
[b][color=#4ca6ff]What may I assist you with? [/color][/b] (Outfit Reference Sheet, Alteration, New Wardrobe)
[b][color=#4ca6ff]Did you have any ideas or references that might assist me? [/color][/b] (Reference images. Please be sure to indicate what part of the reference image you want used, for instance, the style of the top and then the colour will be in a different reference)
[b][color=#4ca6ff]Any special requirements I should know of?[/color][/b]

Current Slot Holder

Waiting List
Ayame Clyne
[quote="Duchess Giselle"][/quote]

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Savina Piquant

So hi and - wait, what are you wearing?! Ah! Okay, okay, chill, that's why you're here after all, to get some better clothes. Right. Okay just... I'll turn around. You want something modern with a bit of spice, right? Not afraid to show some skin, either? Good. We'll get you walking out of here like smoking dynamite by the time I'm done with you. Check in with me if you
want more rough casual wear ideas or if you want a sensual outfit done up for a special night out - or in. I don't judge.

Dark colours
Torn/Distressed clothes

Request Form

[quote="Savina Piquant"][/quote]
[b][color=#53198c]Hi - Wait, who are you?[/color][/b] (Character Name)
[b][color=#53198c]What'd you need? [/color][/b](Outfit Reference Sheet, Alteration, New Wardrobe)
[b][color=#53198c]Okay, cool. Have you done any research into this and what you would like? [/color][/b](Reference images. Please be sure to indicate what part of the reference image you want used, for instance, the style of the top and then the colour will be in a different reference)
[b][color=#53198c]Anything, uh, extra I need to know of?[/color][/b]

Current Slot Holder

Waiting List
sachi desu
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Tia Sorcellerie

Hi! I'm Tia, hair and make up artist. I'm generally out on the road with Vicki helping prep her models for photoshoots which is why I'm not always here. Come chat with me if you're looking for a new make up look or hair style.

Price List
Make Up: 5 Billion
Short Hair Cut and/or Style (Chin Length): 8 Billion
Medium Hair Cut and/or Style (Just past the shoulders): 10 Billion
Long Hair Cut and/or Style(To the waist): 15 Billion
Super Long Hair Cut/or and Style: (Hips to the floor): 50 Billion
For make up and hair cut/style, just add the prices together

Request Form

[quote="Tia Sorcellerie"][/quote]
[b][color=#00CDCD]Sorry, blow dryer was on. What was your name?[/color][/b] (Character Name)
[b][color=#00CDCD]What were you after? [/color][/b] (Make Up, Short/Medium/Long Hair Cut and or Style/ Make up and Hair)
[b][color=#00CDCD]Oh nice! Did you want me to model it after anything in particular?[/color][/b] (Reference images for hair or make up looks)
[b][color=#00CDCD]Got anything aside from hair on that head of yours?[/color][/b] (horns, animal ears, head wings etc)

Current Slot Holder

Currently Not Taking Orders
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Vicki Greffier
Vicki. Vicki Greffier. I'm the Fashion Editor for On Trend. Every now and then I'm on the lookout for the most trendy of characters to feature in the magazine. When I am, I'll make the announcement here and normal shop activities will go on hold while the contest is running as we allow people to submit their characters to be judged by Vicki and then the prizes arranged.

What happens if you win?

My partner Tia performs her hair and make-up sorcery and the winner gets to be in an amazing photoshoot resulting in a two page magazine feature!
The first page will have the winner strutting their stuff down the catwalk to the accompanying flashes of photographers vying to take home the best photo.
The second page will either be a detail feature, focusing on the minute accessories and details of the winning outfit or will be another photo of the winner, this time in a more natural setting with a few snippets of interview and profile details so the masses can learn more about them.
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Alteration Process for i am 420 / Greed

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Single Garment Design for Sins of an Angel / Iris

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Wardrobe Revamp + Single Garment for z3lyn / Twelve

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Fujihara Yukio

Hello, I'm Yukio, Fujihara Yukio. Although, Yukio is just fine. Please excuse me for I am just an apprentice but I promise I will try to produce the best quality money can buy. Since I'm an understudy and love to explore the world of fashion, I can very well fill in most of my teachers categorizes. From head to toe, white to black, traditional to modern, you name it. I believe that clothing, make up, and hair defines one's inner self and brings out the best in a person when they are perfectly comfortable in their attire. I know my Onii-chan is.

Oh, I can also make little things like jewelry. Well, I don't make them but I draw them out and a friend makes them.

Male > Female
Visual Kei
Oshare Kei
Street wear
Knee-high shoes
Mini dresses
Wedding dresses

For such things as pricing, I will be following the same price that applies to the whole shop, for both hair, makeup, and clothes.
But I have little new things to add.

Season Bundle - 220bil
Includes four season outfits with 3/4ths and back view, drawn from scratch and/or alternations with two hairstyles and make up.
Recommended to keep you warm and cool on those bipolar days.

Kiss and Tell Bundle - 70bil
Includes three lingerie with 3/4ths view and back view drawn from scratch and/or alternations.
It looks nice even if you aren't wearing it to sleep!

Personal Bundle - 260bil
Includes 5 outfits; everyday, formal, party, and two free choices with 3/4th views and 3 back views of choice.
Five hair styles for each different outfit with make up.
It's like a walk in closet.

Request Forms:
[quote="Fujihara Yukio"][/quote]
[b][color=SlateGray]Oh- Apologies! I was concentrating on a new design, and you are...?[/color][/b] (Character Name)
[b][color=SlateGray]Anything you are looking for? [/color][/b](Outfit Reference Sheet, Alteration, New Wardrobe)
[b][color=SlateGray]Piece of cake. What in particular you would like? [/color][/b](Reference images. Please be sure to indicate what part of the reference image you want used, for instance, the style of the top and then the colour will be in a different reference)
[b][color=SlateGray] Is there anything I need to add or of utmost importance?[/color][/b](Details, details. Personality. Family crest or heirlooms. Holes for tails, Etc.)

Make up & Hair
[quote="Fujihara Yukio"][/quote]
[b][color=SlateGray]Hello there... Um?[/color][/b] (Character Name)
[b][color=SlateGray]What would you like? [/color][/b] (Make Up, Short/Medium/Long Hair Cut and or Style/ Make up and Hair)
[b][color=SlateGray]Great! Do you have an idea of how you want it to look like?[/color][/b] (Reference images for hair or make up looks)
[b][color=SlateGray]Are those real?[/color][/b] (horns, animal ears, head wings etc)

1. pg
2. pg


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[b]Are you willing to RP?[/b]
[b]If yes, are you going to create a mule or just RP as 'yourself'?[/b]
[b]If making a mule, what's the name?[/b]
[b]What services in the shop would you feel comfortable doing?[/b]
[b]Is there a particular style of fashion you'd like to focus on?[/b]
[b]What do you think your average turn around of art will be?[/b]
[b]Anything else you'd like to add?[/b]

Please remember that we do not draw the characters themselves here, just the clothes on a mannequin base - this can be a dress mannequin or the sort of mannequin you see in shop fronts which have all the limbs. You can make your own mannequin bases or use ones I've made, it's up to you smile

Smitten Hoarder

17,275 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Friendly 100
  • Love Machine 150

Nyebe notices a new shop on the side of the bautiful walkway she loves to take strolls in, it seems to have only just been opened!
She shyly knocks on the door
((OMG I CANT BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY DID THIS THIS IS AMAZING OMG YOUVE EVEN GOT THE MULES FOR EACH FASHIONISTA!!!))Nyebe notices a new shop on the side of the bautiful walkway she loves to take strolls in, it seems to have only just been opened!
She shyly knocks on the door

Marguerite turns around and smiles warmly at Nyebe.

"Why hello there! Do come in and feel free to take a look around," she greets, walking gracefully towards the door to usher Nyebe inside.

"I must say, I love your current ensemble. So grand and elegant. A lovely look that suits you quite well," she adds, eyeing the voluminous skirts gracing Nyebe's figure.

It was tough getting all the items for them, lolz. I think it's worth it though :3

Nostalgic Otaku

Analiese bit her lip as she stood in front of the new shop, looking at the beautiful outfits on display. With a sigh, she rubbed her arms through her oversized jacket. Yeah, she probably needed new clothes but....

After a moment, she gathered her courage and entered. "G-good evening!" she squeaked, feeling awkward in her comfy clothes.

Smitten Hoarder

17,275 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Friendly 100
  • Love Machine 150

It was tough getting all the items for them, lolz. I think it's worth it though :3

im just for srsly amazed at the amount of work that went here :0
your babies are so pretty <3

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