Welcome to Gaia! ::

Who's your favorite?

Yellow 0.16666666666667 16.7% [ 2 ]
Red 0 0.0% [ 0 ]
Blue 0 0.0% [ 0 ]
Green 0.083333333333333 8.3% [ 1 ]
Silver 0.16666666666667 16.7% [ 2 ]
Crystal 0.16666666666667 16.7% [ 2 ]
Diamond 0.083333333333333 8.3% [ 1 ]
Pearl 0.33333333333333 33.3% [ 4 ]
Total Votes:[ 12 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 >

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Artist Samples:
My Deviant Art


Deviant Art Gallery
DA Gallery
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Welcome to the Joint xSickx thread!
This is a Freebie/Request/ Art Trade thread!
The following are characters being used in a comic and on a rp web site.
We'd like art of those!
We realize though that that's not as easy.
So some artists will be giving freebies, and some will be giving trades!
We still would love free art for those who aren't artists such as Green, Diamond, and Silver.


Pick a color:

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Now pick a type:
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Please design one of these characters and play them on our site. : D

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Don't steal any of the characters or their stories! They are all © their respected owner.
--Don't steal any art! Be it one of the trainers art or someone elses.
--Give credit where credit is due
(ex. If you have a DA, give credit to the one that created the OC and put their Gaia name).
--Don't be mean! Be nice to all trainers, visitors and other artists.
--Stay and chat! Help keep the place alive.
--Be Creative! Think outside the box and have fun with the characters.
--Don't Quote or stretch the First Page!
--No Bashing the idea of the site, the thread, or Pokemon in general
--Follow Gaia TOS! We don't care what you draw but try to follow the TOS.
--Respect art trade agreements
--No spamming!

--We have the right to decline any offer.
--We must get your half first before we start ours.
--We go by Equivelent exchange (A fullbody for fullbody, bust for bust ect)
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Artists open to Trades are Red
Artists closed to Trades are Green


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Artists giving freebies are Red
Artists NOT giving freebies are Green

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Name: Yellow Okinawa
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthdate: August 12th
Status: Human antibody
Rank: Deviant (student)
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
City/Town of Birth: Vermillion City

Yellow is outgoing and energetic. She loves hanging out with her friends and joking around with them. She has a habit of invading personal space, especially when she's bored. Yellow has a strong work ethnic when it's something she is interested in, otherwise, she tends to procrastinate and blow off projects once she's started. Yellow always says what is on her mind regardless if it's mean or hurtful. She doesn't mean to be this way, but she can't help it- her mouth typically blurts out words before her brain can process it. That doesn't mean she's a bad person. She tries to be polite and respectful- the way she'd want to be treated. Because of her "go, go, go" attitude, she doesn't stay in one place too long and can sometimes annoy others. The only time she really slows down is when her pokemon or random pokemon is hurt. Her heart bleeds for these wounded creatures, which she feels she must take care of. This could be because she doesn't want to bare the pain of death anymore. Whenever she see's a strong trainer she MUST fight them, no matter what the cost. This is due to her over self confidence and her will to get better. She believes that her term is the best and that there is no one she can't beat. Of course, when this happens she gets into a extreme funk, looking down on herself, but never her team. This funk doesn't last for long, as her pokemon typically get her back on her feet to her normal non-nonchalant attitude. Yellow values the opinions of others and will hear everyone out before coming to a decision of what is right and what is wrong.

Pokemon team:
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None at the moment

-- Yellow Gallery--

Owner/ Artist: AdonisxRhea
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Name: Red Houka
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthdate: March 25
Status: Human Antibody
Rank: Deviant (student)
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
City/Town of Birth: Goldenrod City

Red is, generally, a happy person. Often there's a relaxed smile on his face that denotes contentment and interest. He has the kind of personality that wants to take charge of a situation and feels restrained when he's not made the leader. His leadership skills are decent for a boy his age, but could use a bit of grooming. He's fairly friendly and has decent social skills. As a first impression, one might find Red pleasant and agreeable. He has a certain charm that makes you feel like you can trust him.
Not that he isn't those things - the boy just isn't perfect, after all. Red is very pigheaded and not one to accept change. He follows his own intuition and isn't afraid to disobey orders if he thinks they're somehow inappropriate or unjust. He's opinionated and won't hesitate to defend his point of view. Although not usually one for confrontation, he takes attacks on his beliefs as personal attacks, and attacks back. Red fails to censor his thoughts when he's angry, so the occasional mean or hurtful comment will slip out. These occur in his normal speech as well, because Red hates to beat around the bush. He thinks the only way to be understood is to come right out and say what's on your mind. Some appreciate his honesty, and others take offense to his curt statements. Although straightforward, Red maintains a high degree of politeness in all of his conversations. There's even a wavering air of politeness when he talks to his family members.
Although his personality is, on occasion, hard to get along with, you'll never met a more faithful companion. There's nothing more important to him than his friends. He's loyal to a fault, and this undying devotion has gotten him into thorny situations before. Red will take the word of a friend above other opinions, and this makes it rather easy to jerk him around. It's easy to earn his trust because he believes there's good in all people. Red has an optimistic view on life.
In spite of all this, there appears to be something about estrogen that makes him shut down. Maybe it's some unresolved issues with his mother, or his Aunt Peach... but whatever it is, it has turned Red into a gynophobe. Whenever he's the only male in the vicinity, he gets really shy and quiet and refuses to make eye contact with anyone. It gets especially bad when he's alone with a female. It's not just the attractive girls - he feels uneasy around all women.

Pokemon team:
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Crystal: Crush / Starting to get to know
Diamond: Friendship / Rivalry
Blue: Acquaintances / Getting to know

-- Red Gallery--

Owner/Artist: Cybercat009
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Name: Blue Arashi
Pronunciation: Blew Ah-ra-shee
Nicknames: None currently
Gender: Female
Age: 17 years
Status:Human Antibody
Rank: Deviant (student)
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
City/Town of Birth:

Blue has a very laid back nature when it comes to life, seemingly calm and content as the ocean she favors. Though just as the ocean is prone to, she can do a complete 180 switch and become fiery and tough, usually when she is fighting or when extremely upset. She likes happiness and tranquility around her, liking to make jokes and engaging in sarcastic banter whenever possible. Blue is not a genius nor is she what one would call stupid. she has an average intelligence, but is highly perceptive, catching onto things quickly and observing things other would overlook. Blue exudes the ocean through everything she does, her fluid mannerisms, to her steady walk. Blue is at home most in the water with her Pokemon or on the beach training them. Though she enjoys banter and jokes, she is not one to engage a fight, but readily rises to the challenge when approached.

Blue cares deeply about all of her Pokemon, always comforting, loving, and gentle with them, and when in battle encouraging and faithful in their abilities. Blue would readily give her life for her own or any one Pokemon. Loving them as deeply as she does. It's simply in her compassionate, calm nature. Blue is often called a feminist since she oftentimes takes jabs at the male race and all her Pokemon save one are female.

Pokemon team:
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Red:Starting to get to know each other

-- Blue Gallery--

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Name: Green Kamitsu
Pronunciation: Green Ka-mee-tsu
Nicknames: None
Gender: Male
Age: 13 years
Birthdate: March 7th
Status:Human Antibody
Rank: Deviant (student)
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
City/Town of Birth: Floraroma Town.

There are two sides to Greens personality. Green is primarily a serious person, who does not think that anything is worth doing unless it is something that requires hard work and determination. Green works hard at everything he does and lets no one deter him from his chosen path and he levelly stares down anyone who tries to change his mind. Setting his sights on an almost impossible dream he strives forth to accomplish it. However, he is not all stubbornness and drive, for he has a deep appreciation for all thing beautiful and natural. He has a deep kindness and gentleness for all living things and puts forth the effort to care for them 110%. His dream is to grow a mangrove of every berry ever discovered and to fill that grove with flowers of all kinds. Thanks to his grandfathers guidance he is a master of making things grow, whether it be berries, plants, and even pokemon. His attitude towards people vary greatly, and usually depends on first impressions. He also has a habit off calling everyone older then him Nii-san or Nee-san, and attaches the tough sounding Aniki to anyone he greatly respects. He never looks down on people, no matter who they be, and he cares little for what people think of him, and as a result, he is partly non-confrontational.

Pokemon team:
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Gets along great with Yellow

--Green Gallery--

Owner: Adamu Shiro
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Name: Silver Koutei
Gender: Male
Age: 19 years
Birthdate: November 21
Status: Human Antibody
Rank: Deviant (Student)
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
City/Town of Birth: Violet Town

Cynical and cocky, but generally well-meaning
In other words, The Loveable Douchebag.

Pokemon team:
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--None Yet

--Silver Gallery--

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Name: Crystal Ame
Pronunciation: KRIS-təl
Nicknames: Chryssie-chan
Gender: Female
Age: 17 years
Birthdate: December 7
Status: NON-Human Antibody
Rank: Deviant (student)
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
City/Town of Birth: Lavender Town

Having grown up in a rather dark, yet loving environment, Crystal ended up developing a personality that's best described as delightfully morbid. An example of this outlook on life is displayed in her belief that death is never a sad occasion when it is natural, but rather a movement to a new and exciting plane of existence. She also has an awkward sense of humor, making tons of death-related puns and often thinking scary or dangerous things are "cute". Simply put, Crystal is an almost complete inverse of what is considered a "normal" cheery outlook. However, she does it in such a pleasant manner, no one can fault her.

Pokemon team:
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Red: Crush / Starting to get to know each other
Diamond: Crush / Starting to get to know each other
Blue: Starting to get to know each other

-- Crystal Gallery--

Owner / Artist: Nightmare_in_Wonderland
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Name: Diamond Tsuki
Pronunciation: Die-Mund Sue-key
Nicknames: D, Dia
Gender: Male
Age: 16 3/4 years
Birthdate: October 10
Status: Human Antibody
Rank: Deviant (student)
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
City/Town of Birth:

Diamond is one the most social people you will ever meet. He’s in it for the laugh and for the girl. If he had a life’s motto, it would be “If life ain’t just a joke, then why are we laughing?” He absolutely loves to make people laugh and he lives on the high of making people happy. He truly is fairly promiscuous person and is, in the true sense, a player. However, his more than keen interest in girls has often made many boyfriends jealous and pissy. But he could truly care less. He has that kind of personality where he can just go with the flow and doesn’t truly care if people get mad at him… except for if girls get mad at him; then he does his best to make amends as quickly as possible. He tries to be as courteous and charming to ladies as possible, while being as perverted and funny as possible. He lives for the thrill of the battle and loves to outwit his opponent. He’s a very competitive person and can be a very sore loser at times when he’s been outmatched. However, he does his best not to let his bitterness show and tends to laugh it off.

Pokemon team:

Red: Friendship/Rivalry
Crystal: Crush / Starting to get to know each other

--Diamond Gallery--

Owner:Not on Gaia
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Name: Pearl Tokumine
Gender: Female
Age: 17 years
Birthdate: January 3rd
Status: Human Antibody
Rank: Deviant (student)
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
City/Town of Birth: Snowpoint City

Pearl usually comes off as really shy, which she is for the most part. She tends to be soft spoken normally, but around strangers she is especially quiet. Even her body language, how she stands and holds herself conveys her inner shyness. After awhile she will open up, but she will probably never be one of those extremely outgoing and bubbly people.

Anywhere but at home, it doesn’t take much to embarrass this girl, not much at all. She’s so self conscious that pretty much anything you say will get her to doubt her self. Not only is she embarrassed when she makes a mistake, or is made fun of, but when she does things right as well. Too modest for her own good, Pearl can’t handle compliments very well.

Pearl likes to take things slow and steady, and never gets overzealous or rash. She is much more the victim of hesitation than too much action. When she does act, it is usually out of concern, or kindness. Pearl fights to protect the people she cares about. She tries to be there for those in need. Unfortunately sometimes her fears get the better of her and she can't be as strong as she'd like to be. She is absolutely terrified of her pokemon or friends or family getting hurt. She is scared of the morphiles. She's also afraid of rejection or isolation.

Pokemon team:
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None so far

--Pearl Gallery--

Owner / Artist: xZillar
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