Hello everyone!

Please keep in mind that Art Discussion is not the appropriate forum for buying and selling art. All art sales are handled in the Mini Shops forum and subforums. Please check there before making a thread to be sure you are in the right place!

  • If you are looking to buy or sell custom-created original artwork please use the Art Shops and Requests subforum.

  • If you need help with how much to charge for artwork, or are in need of other art shop help, please use the Pricing, Assistance, and Suggestions subforum.

  • If you want free art or to draw others for no charge, please use the Art Freebies subforum.

Due to the high volume of threads that need to be relocated on a daily basis, we ask that everyone please remember to report threads that need to be moved without replying in them. The Art Discussion mods will then place them in the appropriate forum as quickly as possible.

Thanks for your help!