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Ahhh. Breathe that fresh air, Gaians. I've never been so refreshed in my entire life! Why, it's almost as if Mr. Bibbles and I slept for a whole month! But now, back to business. Let's see here, it's surely November 7th. Perhaps the 8th? flip flip flip, ah, yes, now I see it. Today is the second of...DECEMBER?

This is an outrage! Whoever made my alarm clock--I am suing you! I would like a lawyer! No, three lawyers! I want three lawyers who are so blasted good at their job that they collectively amount to the worth of seven and one half lawyers! Oh, Mr. Bibbles...what'll we do? We're really quite behind. Let's handle the matter at hand:

    User ImageWhat will the next Chance Item be? Nobody is quite sure, but you’ll get the first crack at it with December's Advance Chance. On the day of the next CI release, you’ll be able to open your bundle and start reaping the rewards of your CIs hours before they’re released to the general public, so you can start listing items on the Marketplace when hardly anyone has their hands on them yet.

Stop by La Victoire to purchase just one, or perhaps even a convenient twenty-five pack of the December 2014 Advance Chance! Meanwhile, I need to go file some paperwork. A lot of paperwork.

Visit La Victoire!

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