... oh yeah.

Damn. Shame. I was hoping the legion of personal ninjas might actually stop some of this madness, but I guess I was wrong. And I'm getting used to ignoring the things, but all the same... it wouldn't bother me so mkuch if these shows or characters could actually be compared to one another in any way at all. But they can't. Which makes them utterly pointless.

And I have my own personal views on characters who are nice, cute, extremely violent and the like, but I wouldn't want to put them (him... sigh, anyone who knows me knows which chara I'm talking about here) against a character from a completely different series whom they has nothing at all in common with. Largely because it would irritate absolutely everyone else and I'm way too biased for things to be at all equal anyway.

Right on the popularity contest thing. Even a serious question involving such notables as 'Sesshomaru', 'Naruto' or 'Sephiroth' would degenerate into a flame war, fangirl squealing and 'OMG NARUTOE ROXORZ!!!11!1' within five posts anyway... sigh.

(Oh, and logically any human vs. mobile suit battle would be over in five seconds, because the MS wouldn't necessarily see their opponent and it would tread on them, the end. Besides, that's two - MS and pilot - on one - other guy - and not exactly a balanced fight anyway, and why am I thinking so hard about something so stupid? eek )