Moo? *chews cud*

*looks at the sign she stands next to and Moos loudly*

5th Annual Ball Guidelines!
    When using Gaia Online, all members should be kind to their fellow Gaians!
    Please keep the following things in mind when posting in this Forum!
    • Discussion is good, stay on topic!
      Be sure to keep all conversation in threads posted here relevant to the original post- be sure to read through all the Stickys as well!

    • Follow Terms of Service!
      Our Moderators are always around to give you a hand if you need some help, but please be sure to do your best to follow the Gaia Terms of service. Keep in mind that you are not allowed to post messages that are spam, abusive, explicit(sexual content) or graphic(gore/violence) in this forum or in other areas of the site.

    • When in doubt - Report!
      If you find a thread that doesn't seem to belong here, please use the
      User Image button and leave a brief message about why the thread doesn't belong.
      If you read a post that you believe is a Terms of Service violation (remember, swearing or attitude should not be reported!), please click on User Image button and leave a brief message about why the post is not appropriate.

Thanks for reading! Have fun and be safe!
