• The annoyance of Dots,
    Always formulating annoying plots,
    Destroying a mans thoughts,
    There when a battle has been fought.

    The single Dot,
    The signal of the end,
    Where words can no longer bend
    Put right before you push send.

    The second Dot,
    The uncertain okay,
    Where words start to decay,
    Put when you dont know what to say.

    The third Dot,
    Where the secret is held,
    The one your scared to tell,
    This one is hell.

    The extra Dots,
    There to fill the Spots,
    Put there like the continuous creation of evil Robots
    Where there abilities are taught.

    The annoyance of Dots,
    Made for when you need spaces,
    Tired of putting those silly smiley faces,
    Curled up surrounded by empty Fireplaces.