• ~Enter stage left.

    My eye caught her walking in. The dazzling glimmer of her inescapable beauty as it hit the sun light just right. The smooth velvet lipstick on moistened lips, the subtle touch of skin toned blush and those eyes. Like fire to a match, i burned for those eyes.

    ~Enter stage right.

    The man that would be, is her boy. A toy of a school boy. I would light the cigarette and burn his idea of a man. This impediment of a joke, strutting around the school like a spoiled quail feeding off her light. The only thing that made him was her and the only thing that made her... We'll, I couldn't tell you what made her her but I knew what was meant to be was meant to be.

    ~Curtain falls only to rise again.

    A sad face among the moon shine. A boy realizing she was too good for him or in this case a boy is just a boy. I would reach for her...

    She see's me. No words spoken... Just a hand to help the moon rise above the earth. A gust of wind sweeps her hair and as I look into those eyes, my hand wipes away the loneliness of one and with gravity we fly.

    We fly to the moon.

    ~Enter stage... Moon

    She can see everything now but I only see her. I hold my moon close and her lips interlock mine and I see now. What my moon see's... my moon sees that I, am her world.

    ~End Scene