• Have I ever truly loved before now?
    Perhaps I was before too young for my heart to allow.
    This new feeling is racing through my veins.
    Fear of you leaving me a pile of sharp remains.
    Though you could never, could you?
    For that would only shatter you too.
    I fell victim to your charisma and charms,
    So I plead you say I may take shelter in your arms.
    Tell me you will love me all your life,
    And continue to promise by the end I'll be made your wife.
    I know with age becomes great change,
    But I do not believe from me you will estrange.
    You must sincerely love me.
    That is what I see.
    As well I view you no monster or threat.
    For saving my heart I owe you a debt.
    Unfortunately there is nothing I can give.
    You already have my love for all the days I live.
    You already hold my loyalty forever more.
    Is there anything I can offer more?
    gaia_angelleft emotion_bigheart gaia_angelright