• .Incarceration.
    "She sits in a cell while her daughter sits in hell,the pain and running from the crossfire of hate,agony rips her apart inside,she wonders if she will ever see her mom again,running the streets,do that drop make some cash but dont get caught,this pain she feels sitting in that room,knots in her stomach,the knots so painful she wants to cry when she see's her its more pain that she
    will hide,she loves her mom so much that she cries with out a sound at night,now its on the line,to make or break this bond,so built over time she hurts so bad its killing her inside,but she stays strong for her mom,step by step they walk,one in chains and one in pain.
    another day has come and gone,and its time to move on to the next Visit,in that room she looks around the pain she feels as the others see the ones they love just like her, she see's her from across the glass,that long hall walk she see's her smiling face,masking that pain so well,the black and white catches her eye,she feels that pain knotting up deep inside and when she see's her she starts to cry..
    life's so cruel,so cold and unforgiving it hurts,the 20 minute visits,the walks that feel so short,she see's the need to comfort her daughter in her mothers eyes..
    but the glass between them keeps getting thicker and thicker and thicker.. the calls get shorter and the pain gets number each time.
    after the visits,one goes back to a cell,the other into hell..
    doing the drops,getting the cash don't get caught..
    her mothers pain can be heard through the phone calls so short and painful,but its time to make or break to stay strong and move along to each day,the hells and cells await us each second of every day...

    welcome to incarceration..."