• To love and to have lost is not the end of the world.
    It is not the end of your life, your breath, your being.
    But it is the great begining to discovering who you are.
    It is the journey to realize just how strong you are.
    It is the path that all will take.
    Some may fall along the way, but all will reach the end.
    The reward.

    The Knowing that they have succeded.
    That they are worthy.
    That they are great.
    That they are beautiful.
    That they have courage.
    That they have passion.
    Man or women,
    both will fall.
    Both will get up.
    And both may just fall again.
    But that is part of life,
    And the process of growing.
    It will never end,
    until the day we are placed six feet under.
    We will always lose at some point.
    But in the end,
    We Will Win.