• Buddha said " If love is a rose then compassion is it's fragrance."
    Buddha said it so it must be so. There are too many things that dead men know.
    In my wildest dreams I hold this nectar to your lips and drinking deep you return my kiss.
    Old hands know better . They take the time to map out the terrain ,the divides narrow valley, laugh lines . That's the total gift, not the giving , but wanting to give . It is often taken for granted making tired eyes gaze to willow trees feeling hopelessness , empathy , and sympathy. My eyes still sparkle. There is always hope . Pirate ships sailing through the desert and four leaf clovers growing in pairs. When I say I love what I mean is I will care. I will care about your failures and triumphs, I will look at you as you stand before me and not as I would see you. I will look at you when you older and fatter and feeling less like you and I will forgive. I will forgive time for becoming our master and not being our tool . I will move time and space to see you as you were , are and will be and I will love all of these parts of you forever.