• Days seem like years,
    Years don't seem to pass.
    So i just continue to lay down
    In This Field of Grass

    I keep all time,
    on my sliver necklace ,
    closed with a clasp....
    So every-things just out....
    of grasp.

    I start each day
    with sarcasm,
    And each day
    im a little
    less classy
    And a little
    more sassy.

    I've been this way since
    you've left
    with everything you took with you,
    you've also took up thief.

    You took the sunshine,
    Left a danger sign,
    a warning sign,
    You took yourself out of,
    the storyline.
    Made sure we weren't

    You took all the time,
    gone is the passing moments.
    Gone is everything,
    Now even the numbness
    is barely there.
    Barely is there any awareness....

    Time passes im sure,
    everywhere, but here....

    Days seem like years,
    Years don't seem to pass.
    So i just continue to lay down
    In This Field of Grass

    In This Field of Grass....
    Where watching the hour~glass go by,
    is a such a horrid crime.
    Where there is no such
    thing as time....

    In this, lonely, empty,
    field of grass......